Boyfriend Season

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Authors: Kelli London

BOOK: Boyfriend Season
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Also by Kelli London
The Break-Up Diaries, Vol. 1
(with Ni-Ni Simone)
Published by Kensington Publishing Corp.
Dafina KTeen Books
All copyrighted material within is Attributor Protected.
For my life's greatest joys:
Ky Boogie
A special thanks to my princess and princes: T, CII, and K. Without your love, patience, guidance, and being my three-person cheering squad none of my works would make it to completion.
An adoring welcome and hugs to my newfound prince, JJH.
JLH, Majesty begets Majesty, and Majesty needs Majesty. Here's to majestic bliss and love, and the unwavering love of Your Royal Highness, CLP.
For my family and friends who so willingly overlook and forgive me being missing in action while I'm writing, and keep me stocked with chocolates as an incentive to get the work done, I thank you.
A huge kudos and many hugs to my dream-team consultants in New York, Atlanta, and Philadelphia: Rukiya “Kiki” Murray, Alakea Woods, Josh “UnconQUErable” Woods, Chris Ferreras, and Eligio “E.” (Zap) Bailey. You are all priceless!
Thanks to my fellow writers who offer wonderful teen readers an escape and entertainment, I am proud to be a part of the movement. Ni-Ni Simone, Kevin Elliott, and Shelia Goss, keep wielding your pens . . . okay, your computers!
Selena James, what can I say? A mere thanks is not enough. However, it'll have to do until the dictionary—or one of us writers—comes up with something more appropriate. So, thank you for the belief, the push, the encouragement, and the world introduction.
For my readers, I truly and humbly thank you with all of my heart. You're incredible, appreciated, and top of tops. Let's rock the world together!
From Kelli
When I sat down to write
Boyfriend Season,
three things quickly whirled through my mind besides the trio of characters I love, and hope you'll love as much. Those things are the selfs (self-everything that's positive, such as self-esteem, self-belief, self-confidence, etc.), power, and empowerment. The reasons for those propelling thoughts moving through my mind with the speed of my typing—and, trust your girl Kell on this, it sounds like popcorn popping when I'm on the computer, and my fingers appear blurry from a distance due to my lightning-quick keypad strokes—is because I believe all of us possess an inner greatness and beauty. However, our good qualities are oftentimes challenged, and if we're not careful, they're often dimmed.
So what do you do when your inner greatness and beauty are challenged, tested, and trialed? What do you do when your friends are doing something else, something you would rather not do or even approve of? What do you do when you choose not to go with the popular crowd because you are an individual with individual thoughts who faces individual circumstances? You rely on your positive selfs, that's what, because within you lies the power to make the right choices, to license yourself to be . . . well, you—the best you. And that, my dear reader, is total empowerment. Empowerment is your road.
So here's the deal—the real, down-low and dirty deal on how to win at life. Believe in yourself. Trust yourself. Educate yourself. Go after any and every positive thing that you want, then capture it. Most importantly, love yourself. Love yourself hard and pure and to your very core, and make sure you like yourself along the way. And though it sounds cliché because it seems overused, you
be whatever you want. Life will be hard; I won't lie to you about that. Boyfriends will break your heart. Parents will be parents, and will seem as if their only mission in life is to dull your shine—but that's not the case. And some friends, you'll discover, aren't really friends at all, and there's no such thing as frenemies. There will be a lot of bumps and ditches, but there will and can be more smooth lanes and a zenith that's reachable. Don't believe me? Learn from my girls in
Boyfriend Season.
Santana, Dynasty, and Patience are getting ready to go through a lot. And though their story is set in Atlanta, their issues are worldwide because, as you and I both know, every season is boyfriend season, and with boys oftentimes come problems and drama. Some we invite, some we're just presented with like that ugly piece of whatever we didn't ask for. Luckily, for us, problems usually have solutions.
If you ever have a problem that you can't fix, hit me up online. I'll help if I can.
Take care. Be strong. Love yourself.
Your girl,
“All I need in my life of sin is me and my
—Jay-Z, “Bonnie and Clyde”
(Revision, Santana Jackson)
Santana Jackson
One Guest
The invitation was in her hands. Between her fingers, and Santana couldn't believe it. Yes, she'd always been hot, one of the few who pulled everyone's attention, but now that her life had changed, she hadn't expected to be invited to the biggest rapper of all time's surprise birthday party.
She looked at her dress, and felt more than beautiful—she was exquisite. She scanned the crowd, and saw the people matched the feeling soaring through her. Yes, she was still on top. Then she looked to her right, and sized up the guy next to her. He was her date, and now everyone would know—everyone who expected her to be dangling on the arm of someone else. She hoped they'd all understand and celebrate her decision. It was summer, after all, and after spring bloomed change. Change of clothes, change of heart, change of mind—and especially change of boyfriends. If summer wasn't anything else, it was definitely boyfriend season.

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