Brawl (23 page)

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Authors: Kylie Hillman

Tags: #Australia, #Family, #Contemporary, #Romance, #New Adult, #MMA

BOOK: Brawl
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“Enough of the deep stuff tonight.” Initiating a subject change, I further distract her by throwing her onto her back on the bed. I stand before her while she’s still bouncing from my sudden move and pull my shorts off. A tiny gasp tells me that she’s caught on to what I’m up to.

Standing before her, dick in hand, I stroke myself. Gabbi rises to her knees and shuffles over to me. Wrapping her small hand as far as she can around my cock, she strokes me up and down before leaning down to take me into her mouth. A shiver breaks out, rippling over my body, my breath shuddering as I exhale roughly. Her hot mouth engulfs my entire shaft and I feel her swallowing when I hit the back of her throat, so she can take me that little bit further. 

Setting a blistering rhythm, she has me nearing the edge in minutes. Scraping her nails down my balls almost brings me to my knees; my hands seeking something to hold me upright. They come down on Gabbi’s shoulders.

I thought I’d feel bad when we got to this point, but I don’t. Not one iota of remorse is anywhere to be found. My conscience is suspiciously quiet when I begin to buck my hips, holding Gabbi in place with my fingers digging into her shoulders. The only thought on my mind when my balls draw up tight under my cock seconds before my orgasm is reached is whatever punishment I receive for committing this sin will be more than worth it.

Spending my entire afterlife in Hell or Gabbi’s hot mouth wrapped around my dick?

No contest.

Gabbi wins hands down.



One Week Later

opping from one foot to the other as I button my pants, I head for my front door. Furious knocking that’s getting louder by the second is interrupting my frantic preparations for my date with Hooligan tonight. My eighteenth birthday is finally here, and after a week of making out, sneaky touches, and a lot of teasing on his behalf, I’m ready for what tonight will bring.

He's refused to eat my pussy again and he’s walked away every time I’ve tried to blow him. He won’t even stay over because it’s too soon for Cooper. My frustration is at an all-time high; thoughts of his cock consuming my every moment—awake or asleep.

Hooligan may have a cast-iron will, but I don’t. Pressing my thighs together when I think about him pushing his hard cock into me for the first time, I take a quick peek through my peephole. A grin on my face, I assume that he’s early. Which is fine by me, because I’m more than ready for tonight to begin.

My heart leaps into my throat at the sight that greets me at the other side of my door. I pull it open, my mouth twisting into a grimace, eyes narrowed with displeasure.

“What the hell are you doing here?” I spit my question in my father’s direction. With my hands on my hips, I turn my attention to Zali, who’s half hidden behind him with a wary look on her face. “Where’s Cooper? You begged to look after him for me tonight. I knew I should’ve left him with Amy.”

“He’s with Maribelle.” Dad speaks for Zali. My blood turns sluggish as it thickens in my circulatory system at the mention of the bitch who started all of this. If she’d just kept her eyes off my dad; none of this would have happened. My father takes a step forward and I jerk away from him. Hurt clouds his face which pisses me off even more, giving me the strength to move toward him and fill the doorway with my body as well as I can.

“Can I come in, Gabbi? We need to speak.”

“Nope. I’m busy.” Shooting him a look of pure hatred, I let out the venom that’s bubbling in my veins. “Forever.”

Taking a giant step away from him, I move to slam the door in his face. It makes a horrible sound when he shoves his foot in the way.

“Fucking hell,” he curses with pain. “
. Let me in. I want to fix this, make it up to you.”

Like the good daughter I used to be, I obey him when he pulls out
that tone
. The door swings open when I stop trying to shut it on him. I wander back to my couch in a daze, taking a seat in one of the single chairs, wrapping my arms around my knees and watching them through glazed eyes as they look around my apartment as they follow me inside. Zali’s been here before, many times, so I don’t know what she’s searching for until she opens her traitorous mouth.

“Where’s Hooligan?”

“He’ll be here soon.”

Dad sits gingerly on the edge of the three-seater, perching as if he expects to be ejected at any moment. “Gabbi, I want to talk to you about your boyfriend as well, but first let me say how sorry I am about what’s been happening.”

I shrug. This is coming years too late and will fix a sum total of nothing. Words are cheap. He can come here and apologize all he likes. At the end of tonight, he’ll go back to his new home with Maribelle and I’ll still be left to deal with my parent’s mess by myself.

Not by yourself anymore, my logic reminds me. Hooligan will help you.

My silence makes Dad and Zali uncomfortable. She fidgets restlessly, her gaze on everything but me while our dad implores me with his pleading glances to meet his eyes.

“Your mom has checked into rehab. She’s going to be gone for at least three months, maybe as long as six.”

Shock skitters through me, my stranglehold on my knees loosening when I turn in my seat to face him.

“I... That’s...good,” I splutter, surprise rendering me speechless. My body begins to shake. With relief? With disbelief? A combination of both?

“I didn’t know what was happening until Zali told me today. When I went home and found the house empty except for Cathy and
her friends
, I was appalled. After meeting with Zali and her boyfriend, I learnt that I’ve dropped the ball completely.”

Dad points at my sister, who’s now sobbing next to him. With her hands over her face, her thin shoulders shake. “She’s coming home with me. I’m moving back home. Maribelle and I have separated for good. We both know that we made a mistake. We shouldn’t have married, let alone had our girls, but it is what it is. We’re going to share custody of them, so they don’t end up hurt like you guys.”

I was speechless before, however right at the moment, my throat is closed so tightly that I’m not sure if I’ll ever be able to speak again. I’ve waited for over three years for Dad to say these words. Now that he’s here saying them, it feels like a hollow victory. I went through all of this—survived everything they threw our way—only to have him swan back into our lives when the finish line is in sight and we don’t need him anymore.

“I want you to come back home with Zali and Cooper. Gabriella, you don’t need to rely on this man any more. I’m here to take care of you. From what Zali and your mother have told me, he sounds dangerous. I don’t want you anywhere near him.”

“No. I’m not coming back and neither’s Cooper.” Scrambling to my feet, I advance on Zali. “How dare you? After everything I’ve done, this is how you repay me? By trying to sabotage my relationship?”

When my sister recoils at my vehemence, fear on her face, Dad pushes to his feet and stops me from getting closer to her. “If this is the effect that he has on you, then she was right to tell me.”

Pushing my father in the chest, every ill-feeling that I’ve swallowed down about him erupts, spewing from me like a geyser. He grabs my arms when I strike out at him. I’m too strong for him, lost in my rage, pushing past him with ease.

“Did she tell you about her boyfriend?” I raise my fist at Zali when she shoots me an angry look. Turning back to Dad, I sneer at the dumbstruck expression covering his face. “I’m guessing not. He tries to fuck me every time her back’s turned. He deals drugs and he doesn’t have a job. Devon’s only with her because she puts up with his shit and comes back for more. I’ve told her a million times what he does, but she doesn’t care. This is just payback.”

My sister looks like she’s trying to make the back of the couch swallow her so she can escape me. Her fear registers with me but I’m too far gone to heed it.
Fuck her.

“Gabbi. Calm down.” The familiar voice should soothe me, instead it reminds me of what I have to lose. Zali smirks, gloating at the command I’ve been given.

Giving into the urge to hit my sister, the one that’s been building within me every time I’ve had to deal with one of her selfish demands or one of her patented hissy fits, I pull my arm back. My elbow is caught during its backward trajectory and I’m lifted off the ground by a strong arm around my waist. Hooligan drags me away from my infuriating family, into my bedroom. He kicks the door shut behind us and wrestles me to the bed.

“What the fuck was that?” He’s staring at me like I have two heads. “You were about to hit your own sister.”

“She deserves it. Lying bitch told Dad that you’re dangerous. He wants me to stay away from you.”

Hooligan sits next to me and slings a heavy arm over my shoulder. “That’s your Dad?”

“Yep. He’s back.” Shaking my head, I bite the inside of my cheek. “He wants to take Cooper away from me. He can disappear for three years without a problem, only to return when I’ve got everything sorted out and I’m finally happy, just so he can throw it all on its head again. I hate him. I really do.”

“Sweetheart,” A small glow fills me at his endearment, dulling my ire a tiny bit. “Punching Zali in the face isn’t going to prove to him that you’re mature enough to keep your brother and it’s definitely not going to show him that you’re ready for a relationship with a man old enough to be your father.”

He nudges me, a wry chuckle rumbling from him. “And we both know that I’m dangerous. She’s not lying.”

Putting my hand over my mouth so I don’t laugh, I shake my head again. “You’re not dangerous. You fight for a living, not for fun. Zali’s boyfriend
dangerous. He’s a drug-dealing sleazebag. You wouldn’t hurt a fly outside the ring unless you were trying to protect someone. He hurts people for the fun of it.”

Two knocks interrupt us. The door handle turns before either of us answer and Dad pokes his head inside. “Gabbi. We need to speak.
I’ve sent Zali to wait in the car since you appear incapable of controlling yourself.”

Rolling my eyes at his terse demand, I dig my fingernails into my palms so I don’t say anything cutting in return. I’m containing myself, until Dad sends a dismissive glance in Hooligan’s direction. “I’d prefer if you’d leave. I need to speak to my daughter alone. Without your influence.”

“He stays or you go.”

I meet my father’s gaze steadily, telling him with stony regard that I will not budge on my declaration. I’m eighteen at midnight, officially an adult, and well within my rights to tell him to get out of my life. I make my own money, put a roof over my own head, and have raised his forgotten son without his support. Why he thinks he can make any demands, I haven’t a clue, except that it proves my earlier suspicion that Zali’s trying to stir trouble.

My stomach begins to churn, making me feel nauseous. Foreboding casts a shadow over my mind.

“I’m staying for as long as Gabbi needs me. I’ve seen her struggle to keep hers and Cooper’s heads above water. I’ve rescued them from the pieces-of-shit that your ex-wife has subjected them to, and I’ve watched her trying to keep Zali on a good path. Remind me again where you were when all of this was happening?”

Dad flinches at Hooligan’s accusations. Pride at my man’s words kills the apprehension that was growing within me. Maybe, just maybe, I have someone in my corner for once.

“I, ah, wasn’t aware—”

“And, why’s that?” Hooligan doesn’t leave Dad any wriggle room with his pointed questions. My father shuffles on the spot, staring at the floor when he mumbles something. The words are impossible to make out.

“Gabbi and I have plans tonight. It’s her birthday at midnight and I’d like to make the most of it with her.” Hooligan turns to me. “Are you okay with Cooper staying with your Dad or would you prefer that we bring him here and stay in for the night?”

My mouth drops open at his question. How can it be that a man who I barely know, a man who barely knows me, can have such a grasp on what makes me tick when my own father obviously hasn’t even remembered that it’s the eve of my eighteenth?

Red-faced with obvious shame, Dad meets my eyes. “I’m so sorry. I forgot that it’s your birthday. I’ll keep Cooper tonight and we’ll discuss everything tomorrow when you come to pick him up.”

Hooligan clears his throat; the arm he has around my shoulder tightening at my father’s presumptuousness. The redness on Dad’s cheeks deepens and he hastens to speak again. “If you’re okay with that? Please Gabbi, I know this is hard on you, and I’m beginning to realize that I’ve underestimated the situation, but I want to fix this. Let’s sit down and talk about this tomorrow evening after you’ve celebrated your birthday. Adult to adult, we can come to an agreement that best suits everyone.”

The words are music to my ears. I’m not kowtowing to the man who left me to look after his family as a fifteen-year-old, and I refuse to send Cooper back into the chaos that will continue to reign around our family if I let it.

With a searching look in Hooligan’s direction, I find the strength to go against my initial instinct. Instead of giving into my desire to drive as fast as I can to my childhood home and bring Cooper back here, I nod my agreement with Dad’s proposal.

“I’ll be there at lunch-time.” Shrugging Hooligan’s arm off my shoulder, I walk to my bedroom door and stare at my father with one eyebrow lifted. “Make sure you give him Mr. Magoo.”

When he acknowledges me, I push past him and walk to Cooper’s room. Grabbing the Captain America figurine that he loves off of his bedside table, I quickly make my way back to my room, only to find Dad and Hooligan deep in discussion. Their mutual hostility is a sight to behold, causing me to pause within earshot but out of eyesight-range so I can hear what they’re discussing.

“If you hurt her, I’ll kill you. I can barely find my happy-go-lucky daughter under the angry person she is now, but I see that she’s in love with you and that worries me. You’re too old for her, what does a man your age want with a teenager?”

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