Breach of Trust: How Americans Failed Their Soldiers and Their Country (30 page)

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Authors: Andrew J. Bacevich

Tags: #Political Science, #American Government, #General, #History, #Military, #United States, #21st Century

BOOK: Breach of Trust: How Americans Failed Their Soldiers and Their Country
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. In 1941, Marshall actually threatened to resign as army chief of staff over what he viewed as inappropriate intrusion into matters that rightly belonged to the military. The specific issue was the organization of Officer Candidate Schools. Intent on increasing the output of these schools, Secretary of War Henry Stimson and other civilians were willing to sacrifice quality for quantity. Marshall was opposed and later recalled, “If they were going to do it—and I considered it a colossal mistake—they would do it without me.” “Interview with General George C. Marshall,” January 22, 1957,
 … /Marshall_Interview_Tape10.pdf, accessed October 23, 2012.

. War Department Circular 347,
Military Establishment
, August 25, 1944.

Biennial Report of the Chief of Staff of the United States Army July 1, 1943 to June 30, 1945, to the Secretary of War
(New York, 1945), p. 117.



I began this book intending to write a conventional narrative history of U.S. civil-military relations since World War II, an important and understudied topic. I ended up somewhere else, steered onto a different course by my growing conviction that civil-military dysfunction offers merely one symptom of a larger problem: an approach to national security at odds with democratic values that actually undermines the country’s well-being. Riddled with contradictions and hypocrisy that no amount of patriotic sentimentality can disguise, our military system is broken. It produces results other than advertised. Worse, it is deeply wrong. What most Americans mistake for that system’s greatest strength is actually its abiding flaw: its reliance on a force of military professionals who exist at a considerable remove from the rest of society.

So I am grateful for the forbearance displayed by my friends Sara Bershtel, Tom Engelhardt, and John Wright as I changed course, and more grateful still for their encouragement, gentle coaching, and wise counsel. Rita Quintas and Victoria Haire demonstrated admirable professionalism and efficiency in transforming manuscript into book.

Friends and acquaintances who weighed in with ideas, insights, documents, and data (but who will by no means agree with all my conclusions) include Tami Biddle, Robert Bryce, Mike Few, Doug Fitzgerald, Gian Gentile, Chris Gray, John Hall, Lawrence Kaplan, Dick Kohn, Brian Linn, Mat Moten, Barrye Price, Bill Reffett, Tom Ricks, and Paul Yingling. Thanks to one and all.

In an unexpected and unmerited gift, my colleague Andrea Berlin called my attention to the quote from Edward Gibbon that serves as the epigraph to this book.

I finished this book during a leave of absence from Boston University. I’m grateful to Dean Gina Sapiro and to my department chairs, Bill Grimes and Bruce Schulman, for letting me have the time away and for their many other kindnesses.

I spent that semester as a visiting fellow at the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies at the University of Notre Dame. The opportunity to spend some months at that great university, which values both the Catholic tradition and intellectual excellence, was a rare privilege. I thank Scott Appleby and Mike Desch for making my stay possible. I thank Anne Riordan and members of the Kroc staff for helping to make my visit enjoyable and productive. And in a special way, I also thank the Reverend Martin Nguyen, CSC. A gifted artist and teacher, Father Martin permitted my wife, Nancy, to sit in on his undergraduate painting class. She learned a lot and had great fun. That experience made our sojourn at Notre Dame special for her as well.



The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.

Aberdeen Scandal

Abrams, Creighton “Abe”

Abu Ghraib scandal

Academi (
Xe, Blackwater USA)


government of

Soviet invasion of

targeted assassinations in

Afghanistan War (2001-)

contractors and

intellectuals and

McChrystal on

no definitive end of

African Americans

After Virtue

all-volunteer army.
See also
U.S. army; warrior;
and specific individuals; policies; and wars

African Americans and

armed intervention enabled by

benefits of

burden of protracted war on

challenges of shift to

contractors and

cost of

democracy and

discipline and

gays and

GWOT outsourced to

lack of shared sacrifice and

McChrystal on

military ethics and

9/11 attacks and

Nixon establishes

policy elite and

public indifference to well-being of

unrealistic expectations for

warrior image and

women and

Al Qaeda

American Civil Liberties Union

American Revolutionary War

American West

An Khe

anticipatory defense


anti-Islam sentiment

antinuclear movement

antiwar movement

Iraq and

Vietnam and

Apple computer

Arabic language speakers

arms manufacturers

Armstrong, Lance

Aspen Ideas Festival of 2012

Aspin, Les

Assad, Bashar al-

Bachmann, Michele


fall of

Bailey, Beth


Beard, Charles

Benton, Thomas Hart

Berlin War, fall of

Berman, Paul

Bezos, Jeff

Blackhawk Down

Black Military Resistance League

Black Power


Boot, Max


Boston Globe

Boston Red Sox

Bourne, Randolph

Boxer Rebellion

Boykin, William G. “Jerry”

Brady, Tom

brain injuries

Brezhnev, Leonid


British army

British empire

Brooks, David

Bryan, William Jennings

Buchanan, Patrick


Bündchen, Gisele

Bush, George H.W.

Bush, George W.

Afghanistan and

federal deficits and

GWOT and

intellectuals on

Iran and

Iraq and

“Mission Accomplished” and

9/11 and

preventive war and

State of the Union Address of 2002

Butler, Lee

Butler, Smedley

Byrd, Robert

Califano, Joseph


Calley, William

campaign contributions

Cantor, Eric

Capra, Frank


Carter, Jimmy

Carter Doctrine

Castro, Fidel


Census Bureau

Center for Servicemen’s Rights

Center for the Study of Sexual Minorities in the Military.
Palm Center

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

Cheney, Dick




army as reflection of

rights and responsibilities of

See also
military conscription; US army;
and specific individuals; policies; and wars

contractors and

covenant between citizens and state and

end of, post-Vietnam

geography and

globalism and

limits on war and

Marshall on

McChrystal on

mobilization of, in emergency

need to revert to

reservists as

victories won by

warrior-professional vs.

Civil War

Clinton, Hillary

Clinton, William Jefferson “Bill”

Clinton Doctrine

Cohen, Richard

Cold War

end of

lessons of

colleges and universities



recurring tours

women and

Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan


Competitive and Cooperative Aretai within the American Warfighting Ethos, The


containment policy


Contractors on the Battlefield
(Field Manual 100–21)

Copland, Aaron

corporate profits

corporate taxes


counterinsurgency (COIN)


covert operations

Cozzens, James Gould

Crusader artillery program


Curry, John Steuart

Daddis, Gregory A.

Davis, Benjamin O., Jr.

Davis, Benjamin O., Sr.

Declaration of Independence

Delta Force


Afghanistan and

Iraq and

shared rights and obligations and

Democratic Party

Dempsey, Martin

Desert Storm, Operation


DiMaggio, Joe

“don’t ask, don’t tell” (DADT)

drone strikes

Dulles, John Foster

Duncan, David Douglas

Durand Line


East Asia

Eaton, Paul

economic well-being


Eisenhower, Dwight D.

El Salvador


Engiligy (

England, Lynndie

enlistment, two-year term


Equal Rights Amendment


European Union

Evans, Walker

Failed States Index

Fairbanks, Douglas, Jr.

Family Research Council (FRC)

Faust, Drew

federal deficits


FighT bAck

Fil, Joseph

flexible response

Fonda, Henry

Force XXI

Ford, Gerald

Ford, John

Foreign Affairs

Fort Bragg GI Union

Fort Sill, Oklahoma



Franks, Tommy


Friedman, Milton

Fulda Gap

full spectrum dominance

Fussell, Paul

Future Combat Systems (FCS)

Gable, Clark

Gates, Bill

Gates, Robert

Gates Doctrine

gays in military



General Motors (GM)



reunification of

US forces in

WW I and

WW II and

Gerson, Michael

Gettysburg, Battle of

Gettysburg Address

global power projection

burden of, on warrior class

Greater Middle East and

ideology and

Iraq and

Israelification of operational purpose

lack of coherent purpose and

warrior vs. citizen-soldier and

Global War on Terrorism (GWOT).
See also
Afghanistan War; Iraq War; September 11, 2001

DADT and

economic and social consequences of

funding of

ideology and

intellectuals and

sacrifices and

three no’s of

transformation project and

government, trust in

Grapes of Wrath, The

Great Depression

Greater Middle East (GME)

Great Recession

Green Berets

Greenberg, Hank

Grenada intervention

Griffith, Robert

Ground Zero Mosque

Groupement Mobile 100



Hale, David

Ham, Carter

Hammerstein, Oscar

Harvard University

Law School



Hitchens, Christopher

Hitler, Adolf


humanitarian intervention

human rights


Hussein, Saddam

Huston, John



Ignatius, David


Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs)

Indochina War, First

influence peddling

information technology


International Burn a Koran Day



coup of 1953

dual containment and

Israel and

Iran Air flight 655

See also
Desert Storm, Operation

IDF attack of 1981

invasion of Kuwait and Desert Storm (1990–91)

Iraqi Freedom, Operation

Iraqi Kurds

Iraqi police officers


Iraq War (2003–11)


Clinton and

contractors and

end of

forgotten soldiers of

funding of

goals of

Gulf War as opening phase of

initial invasion of

insurgency in

intellectuals and

as policy failure

surge and

veterans of

warrior image and

women soldiers and



Six Day War of 1967

Israel Defense Forces (IDF)



WW II and

Japanese Americans, internment of

Jim Crow

Jobs, Steve

Johnson, Lyndon B.

Joint Chiefs of Staff

Joint War Plans Committee

Judeo-Christian culture

Just, Ward

Kagan, Elena

Karpinski, Janis

Kayyem, Juliette

Kazin, Alfred


Keegan, John

Kennedy, Claudia

Kennedy, John F.

assassination of

Kennedy, Joseph P.

Kennedy, Ted

Khmer Rouge

Killer Angels, The

Kimmel, Husband

King, Ernest

Kipling, Rudyard



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