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Authors: Mari Madison

Break of Day (15 page)

BOOK: Break of Day
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“So that was . . . interesting,” I said after we'd cleared the place. Then I forced a grin to my face, hoping to lighten the mood. “Where to next, Red?”

She was silent for a moment. Then, “Please just take me home.”


o his credit, Asher didn't argue. He just put the bus in gear and screeched out of the country club parking lot, leaving a cloud of exhaust behind. It would have been funny if I weren't already so unnerved by what had happened in the bathroom. By the entire night for that matter.

Once again I had allowed myself to lose control. Even after all the promises I'd made to myself about standing strong—walking away. It was like Asher had cast some kind of spell over me. And I was powerless to resist him.

“Look, I am really sorry about that,” he said, glancing over at me. “Trust me, I had no idea they would react like that or I never would have brought you.” He paused then added, “Though I have to admit, it was pretty satisfying to see all the shocked faces. It's been a while since I've been able to piss them off this badly. And that many—all at once. Might be a personal record. Achievement unlocked.”

“Is there
you take seriously?” I snapped before I could help myself. I knew I should just keep my mouth shut. Let him take me home. But I was so raw and on edge
and frustrated at this point. I needed someone to lash out at and unfortunately he was the only person around.

What was I doing? All my life I'd played by the rules. Worked hard, kept under the radar, tried not to piss anyone off—in a vain attempt to get somewhere someday. But Asher—he was like this big ball of destruction, crashing through life like a bull in a china shop, not caring at all about the mess he left behind.

Except he does care
, a little voice inside me interjected.
He may try to pretend he doesn't, but he clearly does.

My mind flashed back to his words in the bathroom. How troubled he'd looked when he'd explained how his mother had forced Sarah on him in an effort to win more advertising revenue. As if he were an asset, a commodity to be bought and sold—rather than a member of the family. Her own son.

On the surface Asher's life seemed so easy. So carefree. But I was fast realizing there was so much more to his existence than he liked to admit. A darkness, a lurking shadow behind those happy-go-lucky green eyes.

But he could always walk away
, I reminded myself.
If he were willing to cut the purse strings. If he were truly unhappy, he could give up the cash in exchange for freedom.

I realized we had stopped at a red light. Asher was staring at me, his eyes brimming with concern. “I take you seriously,” he said quietly.

My heart squeezed in my chest. At his words, at the expression on his face. Too earnest, too honest to be a lie. To be some long game of seduction. While I still had no idea why he'd focused his attentions on me, I could no longer deny that he had. He liked me. Asher Anderson, the guy everyone wanted. He wanted me.

I squirmed in my seat, heat throbbing between my legs as I thought back to the scene in the bathroom again. The way his mouth had come down on mine. The way his tongue had swirled into my mouth, the way his hands had gripped my hips. My breasts ached at the memory of his touch, the way he circled my nipples with deft fingers, the tips hardening to sharp peaks under his caress.

Looking back now it seemed almost a dream. Me, grinding up against him, praying somehow our clothes would magically disappear and we could connect for real. Thank God someone had chosen that moment to knock on the door. I had been completely without common sense and ready to incur a lifetime of regrets.

But, oh, they would have been delicious regrets.

I shifted, frowning. “This has to stop,” I said. “This whole thing—whatever it is. I mean, don't get me wrong,” I added quickly, catching his face, “I like you. I like being with you. But I can't keep putting my future on the line.”

He frowned. “What are you talking about?”

“Do you really not see it?” I asked, frustration building. It was so obvious. But evidently not to someone like him. “You got me this job. I'm working for you. If we continued this and something were to happen, who would be out on the streets? Some random girl who scored a job she didn't really deserve? Or News 9's golden son?”

He was silent for a moment, and the look on his face told me I'd insulted him. But what else could I say to make him see? The truth hurt, yes. But that didn't make it untrue.

“Wow,” he said at last. And I could see his knuckles whitening as he gripped the steering wheel tight in his hands. “You really think I'm an asshole, don't you?”

“No!” I protested. “It's just—”

“You really think I got you this job just so I could sleep with you?” he interrupted in a cold, hard voice. “Like some kind of casting couch or something? Do you actually think I can't get enough girls to sleep with me that I have to fucking pay them?”

My face burned at the fury I heard in his voice. Oh God. This was going completely wrong. “I didn't mean—”

“Is that why you agreed to go out with me last night and tonight?” he asked in a quiet voice. “Because you felt you owed me for the job? That if you refused me I was going to throw you out on the streets?”

I hung my head, feeling tears brim at the corners of my eyes. He sounded so angry. But there was also this hurt
threading through his voice that was nearly unbearable for me to hear.

“I don't think it was that calculated,” I managed to say in a hoarse voice. “I believe that you actually like me. But, Asher, you must be aware of your reputation. Of using girls and then ditching them to move on to the next. And that's totally your right,” I added. “I'm not asking you to change. I'm just asking you to understand how fucking scary that is for someone like me. You have nothing to lose. And I have everything.”

He raked a hand through his hair, suddenly looking much older than his twenty-nine years. “Your job is not in my hands, Piper,” he said slowly. “I may have suggested you as a producer candidate, but you are a News 9 employee with all the legal rights and privileges that go along with that. If I wanted to fire you, I would have to give just cause, like any other employee. And that cause cannot be because you didn't want to sleep with me.”

I swallowed hard, my stomach buzzing. “But—”

He held up a hand. “Look, I'm not a monster, despite what you seem to think. I am completely aware of how hard you worked to get where you are and how much this job means to you. I would never in a million years jeopardize that—even if I did have that power. No matter what ends up happening between the two of us, I can promise you one thing now. It will never affect your job at News 9.”

“Even if I tell you I want this to end now?” I asked, my heart pounding in my chest. “Even if I tell you I want nothing more to happen between us?”

He sighed. “Yes. A thousand times yes. It's not what I want, Piper. In fact, it's the last thing I want. I haven't felt this way about a girl in a long time and I want more than anything to see where this could lead. But if you're not ready or willing to go on this journey with me? I'm not going to force you along. We can be coworkers. Maybe friends—if you're okay with that. But that will be where it ends.”

I drew in a breath, my stomach twisting in knots. It was exactly what I needed to hear. So why was there suddenly an aching emptiness inside me? At the idea that this could
be it. I could just speak the words and it would all be over. All this drama, this frustration. It could end in an instant.

But did I want it to?

All my life I'd gone after what I wanted. Even if it wasn't easy. Even if it took a long time. Even if it seemed an impossible dream—I had chased it and never once looked back.

And now, here was the most impossible dream of all. Bringing Asher Anderson to shore. I wasn't ready to risk my career. But was I ready to risk my heart?


ey! Wake up! Wake up!”

Rough hands grabbed my shoulders, shaking me awake. I groaned, pulling a pillow over my head, trying to swat them away. But the hands only moved lower, setting about to tickle my ribs instead. I rolled over in bed, my eyes catching the alarm clock on the nightstand beside me. Four
? What the hell?

“Come on, lazy bones! Surf's up!”

Rubbing my eyes, I managed to sit up in bed to find Jess standing over me, a wicked grin on her face. “Finally!” she said. “Did anyone ever tell you that you sleep like the dead? I've been calling you all morning.”

“You clearly need a refresher on the definition of morning.”

“Yeah, well,
clearly need a refresher on the definition of awesome break out on Black's Beach,” she shot back. “And thanks to your bestie here, your sorry ass is going to get one. Now get up and get that wet suit on, big boy.”

She yanked the covers off my bed, evidently not trusting me not to crawl back under them as soon as she turned her
back. As she did, her eyes zeroed in on my boxer briefs. She made a face and laughed. “At least one part of you is up,” she said with a snort.

I rolled my eyes, grabbing a pillow and placing it over my privates. “What?” I growled. “It's a common condition amongst us poor males. Or haven't you heard?”

Of course that wasn't exactly why I was rock hard this particular morning, but she didn't need to know that.

I lay back down on my pillow, staring up at the ceiling, my mind flashing back to the dream I'd been having. Of being back at the country club with Piper. Back on that bathroom couch. But this time there was no one knocking on the door. And Piper did not seem interested in retreat.

Instead she was under me, completely naked, miles of soft curves and supple flesh. Moaning in pleasure as I trailed kisses down her flat stomach, taking a moment to explore the dip of her navel. She reached down, digging her fingers into my hair, and I grinned, dropping down to nip her inner thigh, my hands gripping her hips, keeping her locked in place. A cry escaped her lips and her nails dug into my scalp so hard I winced in pain. But I didn't stop. If anything her reaction was only an invitation to press further. To start licking and sucking where I really wanted to be licking and sucking. To see if she tasted as good as she looked.

“Asher. Oh, Asher . . .”

Her words were a prayer. Begging me to take her to a place she'd never gone before. My mouth traveled higher, my breath whispering across her core . . .

“Earth to Asher. Did you fall back asleep?”

My eyes popped open and I scowled. Jess was standing above my bed again, now holding my wet suit in her hands. I raked a hand through my hair, reality smacking me across the face. A hard reminder that the real-life Piper did not want me to take her to a place she'd never been before. In fact, she barely wanted to get in the car.

I sighed heavily, remembering our talk the night before. I still couldn't believe she actually thought I'd hired her in order to hook up. Did she really think me that much of a creep? I
mean, sure, I wasn't a saint by any stretch of the imagination. But I'd never force a woman into a position like that. That was just disgusting.

Maybe I should have never taken her on as my producer in the first place. Then we wouldn't have this little work conflict we had going on. I could feel free to ravish her anytime I wanted to. And she would not have a leg to stand on.

Despite what she'd said last night, I was still pretty confident I could get her in bed. Her desire for me might have gone against everything she believed in, but that didn't mean it wasn't there. But if she did allow herself to go down that road, I knew she would hate herself in the morning. And I wouldn't be able to bear the look of regret in her eyes.

Besides, I had to admit, I really did like working with her. Having someone else on my team for once, instead of always me against the newsroom. Piper was smart; she was resourceful. She was a hell of a scriptwriter, too. And, best of all, she made it fun. In fact, for the first time in a long time I was actually enjoying going to work. Maybe that was worth the price of celibacy in the end.

I shook my head. It was for the best anyway. After all, a girl like Piper could do a hell of a lot better than a guy like me. She needed someone who would treat her like the goddess she was. Someone she could trust who would never let her down. Someone who could live up to her high expectations. Her work ethic. Her drive.

“Asher!” I realized Jess was waving her hands in front of my face. “Come on. I've got the Jeep running. Grab your shit and let's go!”

I rose to my feet, then paused. “I don't know if I can this morning,” I said, hedging.

Jess stopped in her tracks, turning to me, an incredulous look on her face. “I'm sorry? Maybe you didn't hear me. There is a major swell from the storm last night and it's breaking perfectly over at Black's Beach. Everyone who is anyone will be there and we need to get there first if we're going to find a parking spot.”

“I know,” I said. “But I have work.”

“Uh, sure. Eventually. But not right now.”

“Seriously, I need to be there on time.”

Jess crossed her arms over her chest. “Okay, who are you and what did you do to my best friend?” She punched me lightly in the arm and laughed. “Come on. You know you want to.”

I sighed. She was right. I did want to. I really did. After all, there wasn't anything better than catching a perfect wave, on a perfect beach day. Losing myself in the thunder of the sea, tasting the salt on my lips. The warm sun, baking my shoulders. The rest of the world far away.

But then I thought of Piper's face. The disappointment I knew I'd see in her eyes as I walked into the newsroom late again, proving everyone right. Making her look bad.

“I'm sorry,” I said. “I made a promise.”

“Please. You make promises all the time. It's not like you ever keep them.”

I winced; her words were a punch to the gut. Was that what people really thought of me? What Piper saw when she looked at me? Asher Anderson: rich fuckup. Happy-go-lucky loser. A guy who waltzed through life, making and breaking promises without a care. A guy you couldn't count on to follow through.

A guy who didn't deserve a girl like Piper.

“Well, there's always a first time,” I declared. “And I guess this is it. But you go on—I don't want you to miss this on my account. You can even use my board if you want.”

Her eyes widened greedily. “Really?” she asked. “Your Damien Hurst SAS board?” When I nodded, she gave a low whistle. “Wow. I think I might grow to appreciate this new and improved Asher Anderson.”

I snorted. “Just have the board back by the end of the day.”

She grinned, her eyes sparkling. “Oh, I

*   *   *

fter she left I tried to go back to sleep, back to my delicious dreams. But after tossing and turning for twenty minutes I finally gave up, deciding to shower and dress and
head to work instead. Three coffees and a massive breakfast burrito later, I was wandering through the newsroom, which was hustling and bustling with people getting ready for the six
newscast. I yawned, trying to imagine what it would have been like if Piper had gotten this job instead. Would she have been happier in the end? The hours would have sucked, of course. But she wouldn't have had to deal with me.

“Well, well, now there's a sight I didn't expect to see at this hour.”

I looked up, stifling a groan as my eyes met none other than my mother herself, standing in the doorway of Richard's office. Her own office was a few flights upstairs, but whenever she wanted to feel “at one” with the station she'd commandeer the news director's space as her own. Something I'm sure Richard wasn't super thrilled with, by any stretch of the imagination. He was a good guy. Fair, honest, just trying to stay under the radar and run his ship. The last thing he needed was interference from the ship's micromanaging owner.

“Hey, Mom,” I said, changing course to head in her direction. Because what else could I do? “You're here awfully early yourself.”

She shrugged. “The place isn't going to run itself.” Then her eyes locked on me. “We need to talk.”

She stepped aside, nodding her head to the entrance of Richard's office. I sighed, realizing I had no choice but to step inside. After surveying the room, I chose the chair behind Richard's desk—the power seat—and plopped down onto it, propping my feet up on his desk. It was a small act of defiance, but it did make me feel a little better to watch my mother relegated to the visitor's seat, a crinkle of annoyance creasing her brow.

“What's up, Mom?” I asked innocently, though I had a pretty good idea what she was about to say. My mother was nothing if not predictable.

Mom reached for Richard's desk, prying a newspaper out from under my feet. I watched as she flipped to the society page then handed it over to me. Glancing down I realized it was an article from the Inside Track, the local gossip column
that I had been featured in far too many times over the years, thanks to my exploits. And sure enough, once again, my mug was smirking back at me from the page.

Who is the mysterious woman who emerged from the women's bathroom with a certain weatherman on her arm? Is there a new storm brewing in San Diego? Or maybe a heat wave?

I groaned. “Don't they have any real news to cover?” I asked, tossing the paper back on the desk.

My mother scowled. “This is real news, Asher. You caused an absolute scene in front of everyone. Including Sarah's father! Do you know how embarrassing it was for me to have him come up and demand to know what's going on?”

“What business is it of his?”

“Sarah was in tears when her friends texted her a photo of you and that . . . girl.”

I groaned. “Mom, Sarah and I are just friends.”

“Sarah doesn't seem to think that. And this is beyond embarrassing for her. Her father called me this morning and threatened to pull all his advertising if you don't apologize to her today.”

“That's bullshit.”

“No. That's reality, Asher. A place you obviously choose not to live. But someone has to pay the bills around here. And I'm not about to lose my key advertiser over some piece of white trash you decided to screw in the bathroom.”

I winced. My first inclination was to defend Piper. But I knew it would only make things worse in the end. Instead, I rose to my feet. “I don't need to listen to this.”

“I suppose you don't,” my mother agreed stiffly. “You can just go about doing whatever it is you do. No big deal.” She paused, then added, “I do worry about your little girlfriend though.”

My eyes darted back to her. “What's that supposed to mean?”

My mother shrugged innocently. “Oh, nothing, really. I
was just looking at her resume this morning,” she said. “I had no idea how young she was when I agreed to let you hire her as your producer. It seems to me we may need someone a little more . . . experienced . . . for this position. We are running a major news station here, Asher. Not a daycare.”

My heart jammed. She wouldn't. She couldn't! My mind flashed back to Piper's words in the car the night before.

You have nothing to lose. And I have everything.

If my mother fired her now—because of me. If she lost her job—because of me.

“No.” I shook my head, panic rioting through me. “You can't do that.”

“I can do whatever I want to,” she replied, rising to her feet. Her cold eyes locked on me. “Just like you, sweetheart.”

She turned to walk out of the office. I ran around the desk, grabbing her by the shoulder before she could leave.

“Stop,” I said.

She turned, raising a perfectly arched eyebrow.

“I'll apologize to Sarah,” I said. “Whatever you want. Just . . . leave Piper out of this. She's a good employee. She doesn't deserve to be punished for my mistakes.”

A twisted smile cut across my mother's face. “Of course, sweetheart,” she said, reaching up to place a cold, dry hand on my cheek. It was all I could do not to recoil at her touch. But I stood there, stock-still, letting her do it.

For Piper. Who deserved so much better than me.

BOOK: Break of Day
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