BREAKAWAY (The Dartmouth Cobras) (34 page)

BOOK: BREAKAWAY (The Dartmouth Cobras)
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Ford shook his head and laughed. With
watching over her, Jami would be safe. He followed
to the door, locked up, then pulled out his cell. Held it in his fist as he made his way to his car. Oriana had come to him for help with Sloan. Worse thing was, Sloan's injury was probably what his father planned to extort. If he hadn't done so already. Ford had heard some things from the trainers—things that would make his sister more than just a little worried.

He could fix this. But did he want to? It would mean folding his last hand—the one he'd held on to because he actually felt a little guilty. Because of Oriana.

Fuck. This was easier when I could say I didn't give a shit and mean it.

Rubbing his lips with his fist, he shook his head. And dialed.

"Yeah. Clear Mason. No. Today. I want him on the next plane. He's playing tomorrow."

Chapter Sixteen

Soaked with sweat, refreshed from the early morning skate, Luke strolled into the locker room, whistling as he made his way around the noisy crowd of players to his stall. He quickly stripped off his equipment and tossed it inside, wrinkling his nose at the stench—worse than the insides of his rank old running shoes.

Mischlue braced his hands behind him on the bench in front of his stall, fine lines forming around his curved lips as he glanced over to Bower, who slouched beside him, shirtless, but still wearing his goalie pads. He said something in French and Bower laughed.

Luke rolled his shoulders and cocked his head. "What's so funny?"

"He said you should get laid more often." Bower grinned. "And he's right. Nice to see you're not moping around anymore."

His face heated slightly, but he shrugged. "Some of us can't go months without. When's Silver
pop anyway?"

"August 5
." Bower's whole face lit up—like it always did when he got to thinking about his kid. He started
his goalie pads as a blotchy red blush spread out over his darkly
cheeks. "But if you're under the impression that I
getting any, you couldn't be more wrong."

"Really?" Demyan's brow shot up. He leaned forward to see around Pearce, who was pulling on his leather jacket. "I always wondered what it would be like to fuck a pregnant chick."

Bower narrowed his eyes at Demyan, but Perron stepped between them and distracted him. Demyan rolled his eyes, then shouted "Hey!" when Pearce
cracked him in the head with his motorcycle helmet.

Chuckling, Luke went to grab a towel and moved towards the showers, lost in thought. He'd thought waking up in bed with Seb would be weird, but it wasn't much different than waking up with Bower sleeping in the next bed. Except . . . well, Bower didn't hold him down and kiss him until his brain went numb and his morning hard-on throbbed before letting him up. He felt a stupid grin steal across his lips as he recalled the look Seb had given him when he grumbled about having his clothes picked out for him. His neck was still a little sore from Seb tightening the tie to the point that it almost cut off his air.

Seb had cupped his balls through his pants and pressed the heel of his palm against his dick. "Tell me you don't enjoy me taking control of you, even in this, and I'll stop."

"Damn it, Seb, I can't breathe."

"Tell me."

"No! I fucking love it, okay? You keep it up and I'm
come in the pants you just ironed so nice for me." Luke gasped and dropped onto the bed when Seb released him. "I need to—"

"You need to learn to restrain yourself." Seb turned away from him, tidying up the room as if nothing had happened, though his accent had thickened slightly. "Work on winning the faceoff today with the trainer. You’re sloppy."

"Like I can think about that now?" He groaned and heaved himself off the bed. "I'm going to take a shower. Gotta relieve some pressure."

Seb looked up from where he was clearing the plates from breakfast. "No."

"No?" Luke scratched his scruffy jaw. "Look, buddy. If I don't I won't be able to focus."

"The appropriate answer is 'Yes, Sir'."


"You promised to show me you can focus on the ice despite what we do when we are alone. You will prove it."

"And what if I do?"

"Sucking your dick is nothing compared to what I plan to do to you, niño." The edge of Seb's lips curved slightly. "But if you'd prefer to use your own hand . . . ."

Luke swallowed and shook his head. He didn't know what Seb was
do to him. But he couldn't wait to find out.

. You going in or what?"

Demyan's shove knocked Luke back into the present. He shook his head and backed up. "
, I'm
head to the training room.
spot me?"

"Sure." Demyan stepped up to his side as he headed down the hall. His brow creased as he shoved the door to the training room open. "You all right, man? You seem distracted."

I do?
Luke frowned. He thought he'd done pretty good on the ice. Coach and the trainers seemed happy with him. Seb hadn't said anything, but he was busy doing his own thing. "Just stoked about tomorrow night. Aren't you?"

"Yeah, but I don't got some sweet young thing on the brain. If I did, I'd have her on webcam every time I was alone—or maybe that's what you're doing already. You and Ramos sharing a room so you can watch her put on a show together?" Demyan blocked the door before he could pass and spoke quietly. "You taping that shit, pal? I've
hit a dry spell. Since you don't mind sharing—"

"You're too fucking much, Demyan." Luke rolled his eyes. "You really think she's that

yeah! But it's not a bad thing!" Demyan laughed. "I've heard she's all kinds of freaky. Doesn't hurt to let me look."

"And what would we get if we let you look." Seb's voice came loud and clear from inside the room. As Demyan pushed the door open wide, he rose from the weight bench and rubbed his hands on his tight black shorts. His black tank top stretched over his wide chest, snug enough that his muscles seemed carved in matte black stone. "Whether or not Luke and I share, I don’t see why we would share with you."

Demyan stepped into the room and propped himself against the wall by the door. "What do you want?"

Seb gave Demyan a slow, appraising look. "I haven’t decided yet. But I will let you know."

What the fuck?
Luke scowled as he strode up to the free weights, kicking the blue mat as he squared his feet. He hefted up the twenty pounds so quickly he almost cracked himself in the face.

"Your form is lacking, hombrecito." Seb came to his side and pried both weights from his hands. He glanced over at Demyan—who had stripped and climbed into the hot tub—and spoke low. "Nothing we do with Jami will be done without your consent."

"Sure. Whatever." Luke took a step away from Seb, ready to walk out and not quite sure why. The weights
on the thick mat behind him. He had to lock his arms to his sides when Seb latched onto his wrist to keep from cracking him a good one. "What the fuck do you want, man?"

"Speak to me, semental." Seb's brow furrowed. "What I said to Demyan—does it bother you?"

"Why should it?" Luke twisted his wrist from Seb's loose grip. He gritted his teeth and did his best not to shout. "Not like me and you are in a relationship or anything."

"I see. This isn’t about Jami, is it?" Seb nodded slowly, as if answering his own stupid question. "Perhaps you do not see this as a relationship, but I do. And I apologize for upsetting you. Your expectations weren’t clear, but I believe they are now."

"I'm not upset."

Seb didn't comment. Instead he turned away and picked up one of the weights. Sat on a bench and braced his elbow on his knee for some bicep curls. His muscles bulged, displaying strength that made Luke think of how easily the man overpowered him. And damn it, his blood instantly rushed down, causing his dick to swell. His shorts were too tight to hide it. He had to get the fuck out of there before Demyan noticed.

"I changed my mind. I'm
take a shower." He gulped when Seb gave him a hard look. "A quick one. I'll see you back at the hotel, S—Ramos." He glanced over his shoulder at Demyan. "Maybe we can hang out later, or tomorrow."

Demyan grunted his response as he sank deeper into the tub.

Luke got to the shower in record time, thanked God that no one else was in there, and stood under the cold spray, grateful for the temporary relief.

You're feeling this way because of a dude, man.

Rubbing a muscle in his thigh which stiffened in response to the cold, Luke laughed.

Yeah, I am. But I'm cool with it.

* * * *

'I got it'.

Sebastian drained the last of his second beer and smiled when the text came in. Per his instructions, Jami had gone to an adult shop to purchase her first toy. The first time they'd spoken, she'd begged him not to 'make her go', but he could tell by her tone the idea of being forced to do something she perceived as naughty thrilled her. So he calmly persuaded her to go through with it. After hanging up, he'd come to the bar to wait. Rather than call him, she'd sent texts, several while she was in the store which included pictures. Someone in the shop had finally come to offer assistance, which only embarrassed her more.

She had no idea how much more humiliating he could—and would—make this for her. He'd read her well. Not many women would enjoy being put in such a position, but she did. He could picture her, clenching her thighs as she stood in the center of an aisle, cheeks hot and pink, bottom lip between her teeth as she struggled against the arousal which had her moist, eager for the night he'd planned.

He hated being away from her, but he had ways to make her forget the distance between them.

Shortly after, Sebastian stood in the room he now shared with Luke, eyes on the younger man as he hung the 'Do not disturb' sign, then closed and locked the door. Teammates had a habit of strolling in and out of one another's rooms. He wanted Luke to feel comfortable in the fact that no one would bother them tonight.

"Have you set up the webcam, niño?" His tone took on an edge as Luke's lips parted and not a sound came out. "A simple 'Yes' or 'No' will suffice. Adding 'Sir' would please me."

Wetting his lips with his tongue, Luke nodded. "Yeah—I mean, yes, Sir. It's just . . . ."

The edge of Sebastian's lip twitched. His niño wasn't often at a loss for words. "You mustn't be afraid to speak to me, Luke. I have not asked for your silence. Yet."

Luke scowled. "I'm not afraid—quit saying that, it pisses me off."

"Does it?" Sebastian closed the distance between them in one long stride and trapped Luke between the bed and the wall. "So noted. But in the future, if you have anything to say to me during a scene, you will do so respectfully."

Luke's throat worked as he swallowed. "Are we in a scene?"

"Oh yes, semental." Sebastian framed Luke's jaw with his hand, his grip firm as he spoke against his lips. "Voice any concerns you have now. You have my full attention."

Beads of sweat broke out under Luke's bottom lip, making the short stubble glisten. Sebastian could not stop himself from tasting it with the tip of his tongue. Loosening Luke's tie, Sebastian lowered to taste his throat. To tease the racing pulse along the length with his teeth.

"Jami." Luke gasped. His words came out gruff and breathless. "You sure she's okay with this?"

"I am sure she is as eager as you are." Sebastian brushed his lips up to Luke's earlobe. Sucked it gently. "Are you ready?"

Again, words seemed to escape him, because Luke simply inhaled and nodded. When Sebastian stepped back and put his hand out, Luke laid his wrist in his palm. He drew him to the bathroom. Luke's laptop was set up on the wide, marble counter by the sink. The bathroom fan made a soft, whirring sound and would hopefully be enough to keep the steam from building up. The webcam was attached to the top of the screen and could be rotated to follow the action. Sebastian had left his supplies in the drawer under the counter earlier that day. He left Luke standing by the closed door and pulled out the wrist cuffs.

Luke's eyes widened as Sebastian wet the suction cups attached to the cuffs under the tap, then stuck them to the tiled wall above the foot of the bath. His lips parted once Sebastian had them secure enough that they wouldn't come loose with a sharp tug.

Sebastian smiled and gestured to the laptop. "Please connect us to Jami, niño."

Gulping hard, Luke nodded and clicked on the mouse several times. Jami appeared on screen, sitting on the edge of her bed, positioned almost exactly as he'd instructed, legs spread wide, eyes lowered. But one hand drifted down from where it should be resting above her knee, palm up.

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