Breaker's Point Bad Boy Billionaires Boxset (31 page)

BOOK: Breaker's Point Bad Boy Billionaires Boxset
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Holly ground her body down on his hand, his fingers sliding and pressing against the fabric of her panties as he played with her but it wasn’t enough. She wanted more, needed to feel skin on skin, the press of his body against hers…

“Take them off…” Holly hissed, her words escaping from between her teeth as Riley drove her to the edge of pleasure.

Riley continued to play with her and colourful lights danced in her vision as she dug her fingers into the bedspread.

“Please, Riley, off! Take them off!” she gasped, her breaths coming in small heaving sobs.

He pulled away from her, jerking his own shirt off over his head and quickly unbuckling his jeans before gripping hers and jerking them down over her hips.

The cool air tingled across her feverish skin and Holly wriggled free of her clothes as Riley stripped her. He paused over her and Holly could feel him taking in every inch of her body.

Without thinking, she crossed her arms across her stomach, hiding the soft plump roundness of her belly from him.

With a growl Riley gripped her arms and pinned them above her head.

“Don’t hide from me, Holly, don’t ever cover yourself. You’re far too beautiful for that.”

Holly closed her eyes and shook her head. It had been so long since anyone had called her beautiful that to hear Riley say it now was overwhelming.

“You think I’m lying?” he said, his voice filled with surprise.

“No, it’s just I don’t see myself in quite the same way that you do… I know all of my flaws, Riley, and while I’m happy enough with who I am, I know it could be better…”

Her words fell into the silence between them and she found herself shifting uncomfortably as he stared down at her.

“You think I don’t see every inch of you? That I don’t know about the curve of your stomach, the way it shifts when you move?”

Holly cringed and swallowed hard. It was one thing to know your own flaws and quite another to have them listed out.

“Don’t! I know what I am—I’ve seen it, I’m not blind.”

“And neither am I, Holly, but where you see flaws I see beauty.”

He released her arms and splayed his hands across her stomach.

“Every inch of your softness, I adore it. I love every single part of you, Holly. Your body is perfection and I could spend hours tasting and touching, worshiping you from your luscious lips to your cute toes.”

Colour flushed up over Holly’s neck and spread onto her face.

“You’re stunning,” he said, sliding his hands up over her stomach to the curve of her breasts.

Propping her body up on her elbows, Holly pressed a feather-light kiss against Riley’s lips, a kiss that quickly grew as his hands wandered over her bare skin.

Holly cried out, a soft mewling sound as Riley slipped a finger into her body, his thumb stroking against the little bud of her clit.

His mouth found her nipples once more and Holly threw her head back and bucked and heaved on the bed. To her it felt as though every pleasure point in her body was connected by a web of fine threads and Riley was playing them all expertly.

She fought for air as he continued to push her body further and further and without warning her body exploded in a rush of pleasure.

The orgasm washed over her so suddenly that it left her soundless as she clawed at the bed covers beneath her. So intense were the waves of sensation rippling through her body that Holly was certain if she didn’t somehow anchor herself to the bed, she’d wash away, leaving only a shell behind.

Sound rushed in Holly’s ears and she only realised Riley had shifted over her once more when his body lay across hers.

He wrapped his arms around her and thrust up into her body, drawing a gasping cry from Holly. Her body still tingled with the afterglow of orgasm and feeling him fill her up was a pleasure verging on pain.

Riley started to rock, drawing his length up and out of her body before thrusting back into her core once more. His rhythm created a warmth that slowly built deep within her, spreading slowly upwards through every cell inside her until she pulsed with each stroke of his body into hers.

Holly wrapped her arms up around Riley’s back as his lips found hers, his mouth feasting on hers as he drank down each whimpered sob of pleasure that fell from her lips.

The sensation of him thickening inside her had Holly’s eyes rolling back in her head.

She tightened around him, trying to hold him inside as his rhythm increased and he pumped himself into her again and again.

Another orgasm built, but this was different from the first. Where the first had crept up on her and stolen the air from her lungs, this one built slowly, deliberately. Each stroke of Riley’s shaft inside her body, each thrust that opened her up to him, his length reaching that sensitive place inside her core had her writhing beneath him and begging for more.

He pushed into her one final time and Holly’s skin ran hot and cold with pleasure. She clenched down around him, holding him deep within her as he groaned against her mouth and came.

Riley’s warmth spread through her belly and Holly clutched at him as the waves of pleasure swept any real thoughts from her mind.

The spasms of her orgasm had her bucking beneath him and Holly dug her nails into Riley’s strong shoulders as she poured her passion into the hungry kiss they shared.

Closing her eyes, Holly found herself gasping for breath, the last tingles of pleasure making her body hyper sensitive as Riley rolled off her and drew her into his arms.

“So much for letting you rest…” Riley said, his voice hoarse.

Holly smiled and let her fingers play against the strength of his chest.

“It was intense. I don’t remember it being so feverish when we were first together.”

Riley laughed, the sound rumbling against her face as Holly tucked her head beneath his chin.

“I’m not sure if I should take that as a compliment or an insult.”

“Compliment…” Holly muttered, listening to the steady beat of his heart.

It was strange to lie in his arms in the warm afterglow of their lovemaking. It was something Holly had thought she’d never get to experience again. And now that she was here, she couldn’t stop the flood of emotions that washed over her.

Sucking in a deep breath, she tried to turn in his arms before her scalding tears dripped onto Riley’s skin. He caught her, pinning her beneath him before she could escape.

“Holly, what’s wrong? Did I do something wrong?”

His voice was filled with such genuine concern and love that Holly only cried harder. How could she explain her feelings to him when she didn’t fully understand them herself?

“You didn’t do anything, Riley.”

“I’ve done something or you wouldn’t be crying.”

Holly sniffed hard and brushed her hands over her eyes.

“It’s just a lot to take in. I didn’t think I’d ever be here like this with you again… And now, I don’t know where we go from here. We can’t undo the past and I don’t know what to do about Marcus.”

“You’re not dealing with Marcus alone, I’ll do whatever it takes to stop him from ever hurting you again, Holly.”

“I know you really believe that, Riley, and I know you’d do anything to protect me but Marcus is
problem. He’s already killed my father, he’s proven himself to be beyond ruthless, and tomorrow he’ll have my mother. I can’t let you fall into his hands, too.”

“Holly, I love you, and Marcus is just as much my problem as he is yours. If I’d intervened sooner, then none of this would be happening. I let you down and I plan on rectifying it. There’s nothing else to discuss on the matter.”

“And how are we supposed to stop him when we don’t even know where he is or what he’s doing?”

Riley cradled her against him and pressed his lips to the top of her head.

“I think I have an idea of where he’s planning on flying your mother in and if I’m right, he’s going to have a nasty surprise waiting for him.”

“How do you know this, Riley?”

“The special agent who helped us out the last time took a particular interest in Marcus and his connections to Grey Mattheson. They wanted any other information I could get on him and I was happy to oblige. When I was talking to them, they mentioned some unusual activity going on up at Marshall’s airfield so I went up there earlier today with Stuart and found some of Marcus’ men busy setting up for an incoming shipment…”

“Mom…” Holly said.

“Maybe…” Riley said, vaguely trailing off. Holly could tell he was holding something back from her.

“What aren’t you telling me, Riley?”

“You don’t need to hear this.”

“I think I do. I already know how bad Marcus is.”

Riley sighed and scrubbed his hand over his face as he pushed up in the bed.

“Fine. They were disposing of bodies. Marcus has been trafficking people and these ones obviously didn’t survive the journey…”

“The girls he’s had up at the house, he…” Holly trailed off, suddenly not fit to finish the sentence. Her mind was suddenly filled with the image of Nessie on the floor, her neck at an odd angle, the lifeless look in her eyes.

“I think I’m going to be sick!” Holly pushed out of the bed and ran for the bathroom but as she hung her head over the toilet, her stomach had nothing to reject.

“Holly, I want you to stay here while I go up to Marshall’s airstrip. You don’t need to see any of this and I’ll bring your mother back safe, I promise.” Riley’s voice drifted to her through the bathroom door and Holly felt her anger rising.

Jerking the door open, she practically ran into Riley as he stood leaning against the doorjamb.

Jabbing her finger into his naked chest, she watched him wince, a small smile curling the corners of his mouth.

“Forget it, I’m not staying here while you run off and play the hero only to get yourself killed in the process…”

Grabbing her hand he swung her effortlessly around and pinned her back to the wall, his body holding her in place.

“Nothing is going to happen to me…”

“And I’m going with you to make sure nothing happens.”

Riley smiled and released a sigh. “Fine, if it’ll make you happy…”


“Good, now can I take you back to bed? You’re not rested enough…”

There was a wicked glint in Riley’s eyes as he lowered his head to drop butterfly kisses along the top of her shoulder.

Holly nodded and wrapped her arms up around his neck. She couldn’t shake the feeling that this might be their last chance together. Holly knew Marcus wouldn’t give up on her as easily as Riley suggested. She’d seen him in action. And if it was to be her last chance, she intended on making the most of her final night in his arms.

Chapter 27

iley’s cell
phone buzzed on the bedside locker, jerking him awake. He grabbed it before the buzzing had a chance to wake Holly and lifted it to his ear as he crept from the bed.

“Yeah?” he said, making his way into the bathroom.

“I contacted Anderson but he can’t spare any of his guys; he’s got some sort of situation going on down at the docks. Two of his men are dead and he’s trying to get to the bottom of it,” Stuart said.

“Shit, what about SWAT? Are they going to be there?” Riley said, keeping his voice low.

“Yeah, they’ll be there… Agent Felder didn’t seem too pleased with you, though. He went to the hospital to speak to Holly last night only to learn she’d discharged herself into the care of one ‘Riley Reynolds’.”

Riley laughed. “Yeah, I can’t imagine he was too thrilled about that.”

“I’m pulling into the drive, are you ready to go?” Stuart said, catching Riley off guard.

“Wait—what time is it?”

“Ten to five. You asked me to get here at five. Don’t tell me you forgot?”

“I didn’t forget, I just lost track of time…”

“Yeah, that tends to happen when you’ve got a gorgeous woman in your bed,” Stuart teased.

“Mind your own business, Stuart…” Riley’s voice was tinged with warning as his brother’s laughter filled his ear before the phone went dead.

Riley snuck out of the bathroom and scooped his jeans up from the floor as silently as he could and began pulling them on. It wasn’t quietly enough, though, and Holly stirred in the bed.

“What’s going on? Why are you getting dressed?”

“Stuart is here, we’re going to head up to Marshall’s airfield and meet SWAT there. I know you said…” Riley didn’t even have time to finish his sentence as he watched Holly’s expression turn serious and she flipped back the covers.

“I’m going with you.”

“Holly…” he warned as she hopped out of the bed.

She stumbled and Riley raced to her side, catching her before she had the chance to drop to the floor. The feeling of her warm luscious body against his chest reminded him of the pleasures they’d shared just a few hours previous and his body instantly responded.

“Wow, head rush…” she said, blinking rapidly as though that would help clear the dizziness.

“You should stay here, you’re not recovered after yesterday.”

“I was well enough for everything we did last night, Riley. I let my father down, I’m not going to let my mother down, too…”

The look of stubborn determination in her eyes told Riley she meant every word. And deep down he knew if he forced her to remain at the house she’d simply find another way to get up to Marshall’s airfield without him. Considering the situation they were walking into, Riley wasn’t willing to let her out of his sight.

“Fine, get dressed. I’ll meet you downstairs.”

“Promise you won’t just leave without me,” she said, suddenly sounding very vulnerable.

“I promise,” Riley said, leaning over and sealing the promise with a tender kiss.

Pushing to his feet, he grabbed his shirt and headed out of the room and down the stairs. He gritted his teeth as the little voice in the back of his head tried to persuade him to go back and wrap his body around hers in the bed.

Stuart stood in the hall and Riley watched as he pulled his weapon from the shoulder holster and checked the clip before replacing it.

Riley knew it was something he did as a compulsive ritual when he was excited about the uncertainty that lay ahead. His brother didn’t have many tells but his constant checking of his gun was one of them.

“Wow, not even time for a change of clothes?” Stuart said, a smirk crossing his face.

Riley shot his brother a look that told him he wasn't amused by his stupid comments.

"So, have you got a plan for when we get to the airfield?" Stuart said, folding his arms across his chest.

"Other than ensuring Holly's mother is safe, no."

"And what happens if she's not?" Holly's voice filtered from the top of the staircase and Riley turned to watch her descend.

"We'll save her, Holly, you have my word on that. I will do whatever it takes to make sure Marcus doesn't succeed." Holly nodded but Riley could tell by the expression in her eyes that she wasn't entirely convinced and it made him curious. He knew Marcus was bad news and watching some of Marcus' men bury the bodies out in the airfield only compounded his opinion, but he couldn't help but wonder what Holly had witnessed to make her so pessimistic.

Riley waited until she took the final step that put her on a level with him before he reached out and drew her into his arms.

She didn't fight him but as she stared up into his eyes, he could see a deep sadness welling within and it worried him.

"Holly, what's wrong? What aren't you telling me?"

She smiled but the edges were tinged with the same sadness he could see in her eyes.

"Nothing, I'm just worried, that's all... We should go."

Riley squeezed her tight and brushed his lips softly against hers before reluctantly releasing her from his grip.

He watched as she made her way out the door to the car ahead of him and he couldn't shake the feeling of unease that washed over him. He knew she was concerned about what lay ahead but that didn't entirely explain the look in her eyes. It was the look of loss, and Riley knew it only too well.

Forcing the thoughts to the back of his mind, he climbed into the car as Stuart gunned the engine. Whatever had made Holly look at him like that, he needed to get to the bottom of it but it wasn't something he could think about just yet, at least not until he kept his promise.

tuart pulled
the car to a halt and Riley stared out the window at the scene surrounding them. Cop cars covered the area, their flashing blue and red lights casting strange shadows across the ground in the early morning light.

Pushing the car door open, Riley cast a glance back over his shoulder at Holly. He watched as she chewed her lips nervously and stepped out onto the asphalt, her eyes darting back and forth as she took in the scene around them.

"You can't be here!"

A voice called out to them, the commanding tone of Agent Felder instantly grating on Riley's nerves. Turning towards him, Riley took in the generic charcoal suit Felder wore, his salt and pepper hair slicked back from a face that could only be described as pointed.

"Without the information I passed to you, you'd have known nothing about Marcus' plans," Riley said, striding forward to meet Felder as he sauntered across the grass verge.

"And that would be true if you'd managed to give us any sort of useful information, Mr Reynolds." Felder's dark eyes flickered over the car Riley had stepped out of and came to rest on Holly, the expression in his intelligent eyes as he watched her making Riley uneasy.

"And what the hell does that mean?" Riley said, the press of Holly's hand against his arm the only thing that stopped him from losing his temper completely.

"It means the information you passed to us wasn't useful, at least not useful in apprehending Marcus Stark."

"You don't have him?" Riley couldn't keep the incredulity from his voice.

"He wasn't here and we don't have any significant proof that he was ever here."

"What about my mother?"

"Ah, Miss McCombe, I presume?" he said, extending his hand to Holly.

Riley fought the urge to slap his hand away and knock him to the ground. It wouldn't help anyone if he ended up under arrest and it certainly wouldn't help him to keep the promise he'd made to Holly.

"If Marcus wasn't here to meet the plane, then you must have my mother, she has to be safe?" Riley couldn't help but note the fine edge of hysteria that Holly fought to mask in her voice, but he knew her and she couldn't hide from him.

Felder seemed to contemplate Holly's words for a few seconds and Riley found it hard to stop himself from grabbing him by the shoulders and shaking the words out of him.

"Perhaps you should follow me so you can see for yourself. It might help you both to jog any other information you conveniently forgot to share with me."

Holly didn't say a word, her face turning pale enough that Riley couldn't help but worry she'd pass out.

A sense of pride welled up within him as he watched her roll her shoulders back and tilt her head defiantly. Felder was trying to unnerve her—Riley could see it clearly as if it were written all over his face. The only thing Riley couldn't quite wrap his head around was the reason behind it. What would he gain from frightening Holly?

Felder turned on his heel and started back towards the aircraft hangar. Riley watched as Holly started after him, her movements rigid and he knew if he touched her now the tension would sing down along his arm.

"You don't have to do anything he says," Riley said, falling into step alongside her.

"And what should I do? I have to find my mother, Riley. I won't let that monster hurt her, I can't... He's already taken far too much from me."

Her words lodged like chips of ice in his chest and Riley couldn't help but reach out to her, his hand closing around her arm as he pulled her around to face him. He cupped her face, her skin cold beneath his fingers.

"Holly, what does that mean? What did he do to you?"

She shook her head and shrugged out of his grip. "This isn't the time or the place, Riley. I can't talk about it right now. I need to focus on the now."

He released her and she continued after Felder but Riley had no intention of giving up on the conversation completely. There was something she wasn't telling him, something she was holding back, he'd seen it in her eyes.

iley caught
up to Holly and Agent Felder as they stepped through the doors into the hangar. The space was crowded; cops in uniform huddled in small groups shot them curious glances as Felder moved towards the small aircraft in the centre of the concrete floor.

Holly's hand found Riley's, her nails digging into the skin of his palm as she clutched at him suddenly. Riley's eyes followed the direction she was fixated on but the jumbled mess of items strewn across the floor didn't really mean anything to him.

"Holly, what's wrong?" Riley said, catching the look of panic that constricted her face.

"He has her, Riley, she's not here and those are her things on the ground. She wouldn't let anything happen to them if she was alright."

"How can you be so sure that those items belong to your mother, Miss McCombe?"

"Because before they split, my father bought her that luggage as a peace offering after a particularly bad weekend. He had her initials monogrammed onto them: V.M.C."

"And that stands for?"

"Victoria McCombe..." Holly said, her voice dropping to a whisper. "Divorcing him was the hardest thing she was ever forced to do but he didn't leave her with a choice. He drank so much and when he did he was a different man, cruel, twisted. But she still loved him and he loved her..."

Her voice cracked and Riley stepped closer, wrapping her into his arms and for a moment she let him before she pulled out of his grip and gave him a watery smile.

"I'll be fine," she said, still holding onto his arm as she turned to face Felder once more. "Where is my mother? You knew about Marcus' plans, why couldn't you stop him?"

"That's unclear at the moment."

The look on Felder's face told Riley everything he needed to know and anger bubbled to the surface of his veins.

"You screwed up—you let him go!"

"This isn't the time for recriminations. Mistakes have been made on both sides, and perhaps if we had been able to speak to Miss McCombe yesterday the way we intended, we could have found a more satisfactory resolution to this particular issue." Felder's voice had an edge to it that wasn't lost on Riley; he had screwed up and he knew it, but there was so much red tape involved he would never admit to such a crucial mistake.

"Issue? That sick bastard taking my mother is simply an issue?" Holly said, her voice getting higher with each word.

"I understand you're upset, Miss McCombe, but rest assured we're doing everything we can to resolve the matter."

"You're not doing enough! You had the information, you knew where he was going to be and what his plans were, and still..." Holly trailed off and started towards Agent Felder.

Riley followed her, wrapping his arms around her before she had the chance to land her blows on the stiff-backed agent who watched her approach with barely-concealed disdain.

"Holly, leave him. We're not going to get your mother back if you're arrested for assault."

"I'd listen to him, Miss McCombe, I won't hesitate to have you taken into custody."

His words had Riley wishing he could wrap his own hands around Felder's neck so he could choke the arrogance out of him.

“Holly, let’s go,” Riley whispered against her ear. “We're not going to get anywhere hanging around here; he doesn't know what he's doing."

"I take exception to that statement, Mr Reynold's..." Felder started to speak but Riley ignored him as he turned Holly away from the scene and they started for the door.

Stepping out into the early morning sunshine, Riley caught sight of Stuart as he waved frantically at them from behind the crime-scene tape.

“Maybe we should stay? They have to know something—Marcus can't have disappeared."

"Holly, we'll get him but you heard Felder, he doesn't know anything."

"I don't understand how that's possible..."

"Anderson called, he wants you to get down to the docks," Stuart said, cutting across Holly's words as they stepped under the tape.

"Stuart, I don't think that's such a good idea, we..."

"He knows where Marcus is," Stuart whispered, his expression unreadable.

Riley paused. He knew that he was supposed to tell Felder, share the information. But the thought of getting down to the docks first and settling the score with Marcus was almost too good to pass up.

Holly pushed past him and started for the car, leaving Riley with no choice but to follow her.

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