Breakfast with Mia (6 page)

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Authors: Jordan Bell

BOOK: Breakfast with Mia
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“Stay still Mia, but you can make all the noise you want. I’ll
make you come harder than you ever have in your life. Are you ready?”

I squeezed my eyes shut and made a quiet, gasping

He wrapped his arm under me, across my belly, and bent over
my back so his chest hair tickled my spine. With his other hand he rubbed the
head of his cock along my slit and found my cunt after a little gentle probing.

“Scream for me, Mia,” he whispered against my back and in
one hard, mind shattering thrust he split me open and buried his cock balls
deep and I screamed. God I screamed. My thighs seized and my pussy squeezed,
and he cried out my name like a curse and a prayer and a spiritual mantra that
dug right down into his soul. I wanted to sob because it hurt so much, but at
the same time I’d never felt as full, so completely taken and possessed as I
did with Damian Vaughn’s cock enshrined inside me.

He didn’t let me get used to it before pulling back, but he
didn’t shove all the way in again, not right away. He worked only the head back
and forth in little, short bursts, each one making me cry out his name. I
begged him to stop, to keep going, to do it again, and my indecision only made
him work me over harder.

The second hard thrust didn’t cause the same explosion of
pain as the first, and the third came easier still, and each time I was overwhelmed
with the feeling of him inside of me, of being part of my soul. Once I was
loosened up enough to take him, he straightened and started assaulting me with
his cock, humping like an animal, groaning and grunting and assailing me with
dirty words that only made me beg harder for more. He loved hearing me moan and
I rewarded him by pushing back into his thrusts.

“Salacious slut. Did he touch you when I left the table?
Tell me!”

I groaned and hung my head between my elbows, my arms
shaking with the effort of holding me up. “He slid his hand up my thigh. He
liked my stockings as much as you did.”

“Wicked girl. You turn me into a mad man, Mia. I should have
bent you over my desk months ago.”

Damian reached for my hair, tugged it out of his restraints
so that it fell in red waves across my shoulders. He grabbed a handful of it
and pulled, tugged, forced my head up and my back to sway. Then he released and
stroked my spine, working himself into a rhythm, pounding a few times before
thrusting again all the way. And it was too much, all of it too much. I
collapsed to my elbows and buried my face into the carpet, knelt before him in

My submission was his undoing. He went up on one knee and
drove me down into the floor. He took a handful of my breasts and began humping
my pussy, pushing deep, deep inside of me and staying there, quacking and
jerking until he was nearly there and when I came, when I came
screaming his name, he whipped out and pumped his come all over my ass and it
felt so fucking filthy and gorgeous.

I collapsed fully onto the carpet, gasping at air and
shaking in the after bursts flaring from my pussy. He fell over me, hands on
either side of my body, and held himself like my protection from the world
while I rode them out.

When I stilled he scooped me up as if I weighed nothing at
all and carried me into the bedroom, into the master bath which was still
bigger than my apartment and set me perched on the edge of the sunken tub big
enough for four. He started the shower, let the steam heat the room, and
reverently began undoing my garter and unrolling my stockings. I smiled
watching him because the savage man fucking me was gone, replaced with someone
very gentle, expertly loving. When I was well and truly naked, he picked me up
and carried me into the shower and we washed each other as lovers. And we
kissed. We kissed like teenagers, me pressed against the wall, clumsy because
we both trembled every time we touched each other, leaving lingering, chaste
kisses all over each other’s faces.

He dried me off and put me in a terry cloth robe and left to
change in the bedroom. I brushed and dried my hair and wondered – wondered for
the first time how far this would go. How far it could go.

Damian wasn’t in the bedroom so I ran out into the living
room like a little girl, loving the feel of the robe against my naked body and
the carpet against my toes and slid to a halt before Todd McKinley and his
friend Henry. They both froze seeing me and for a moment we just stared in

“Mr. McKinley,” I murmured and still, still his eyes went
down my body, lingering on my robe tie.

“Mia,” he moaned softly.

“Are you talking to someone…” Damian appeared from a doorway
and slowed, his whole body going tense because this, this could be very bad. We
both knew it, we all knew it. If Todd thought he’d been played by pushing me on
him only to end up in Damian’s room, it could all be destroyed.

“Todd,” he said smoothly. He didn’t have a shirt on and I
didn’t think he had any underwear on beneath his slightly too-big sweat pants.
“What can I do for you?”

“The door was open,” he explained, but he didn’t take his
eyes off my body. “I came to discuss the contract. I…am not sure, what to…it’s
just this isn’t my area of expertise.” He swallowed and I didn’t know what came
over me, later I wouldn’t be able to explain what came over me, when I took a
hesitant step forward.

“Is there anything I can do to help cement your decision,
Mr. McKinley?”

There was such silence that when I took another step you
could hear my naked skin sigh against the robe’s soft fabric. Todd’s breath
hitched and his chest betrayed his heartbeat.

Damian appeared close to my side and reached down, slid his
hand beneath the belt of my robe and loosened the knot so that the ties fell
apart and my robe opened enough for all of them to see up my thigh, over my
bare hip to the swell of one breast. My nipple was still red and sore from
Damian’s mouth.

Todd’s confidence over took him and he approached, his hand
steady as he took my thigh and stroked the soft, newly scrubbed skin up to my
ass. He gazed down into my face and tentatively, leisurely stole a kiss, lips
slightly parted.

“I’ll give
anything you asked for.”

I closed my eyes and inhaled the scent of his lust, of his
cologne. I slid the robe off my shoulders and let him see all of me and I
thought, he looked like he might want to bury his face in my body and die a

I took his hand and pulled him after me toward the bedroom,
the bedroom Damian and I hadn’t even been in yet. Damian caught the dimmer
switch, gave us haunting, desperate darkness and took a chair near the window
where he could see the length of the bed easily. Henry followed, more nervous
than Todd or I.

The two friends stripped and I sat primly on the edge of the
bed and watched. Todd was a modest size compared to Damian but then, everyone
was modest sized in comparison. Henry was long but not so thick. Both of them
were erect. Henry got on the bed first, moved behind me and grasped my wrists. Todd
very carefully unrolled a condom onto his erection and his soft expression
hardened when he shook his head.

“No, I don’t think so, Mia. I don’t want to fuck a good
girl. I want the slut who kissed another woman while I touched her thighs.
Spread your legs. Spread them nice and wide.”

Henry pulled me and it was so exciting, these men who wanted
me so very badly. Henry dragged me to the middle of the bed and spread open my
knees until my legs ached. He held them open for his friend, my wet pussy
inviting him, daring him to take it. Todd climbed between my knees and spent
several minutes running his palms up and down my thighs and hips.

“You are a very beautiful woman, Mia. I’ve been with many
beautiful women, but there’s something about you that’s so honestly sexual. I
can’t stop staring at you. If I thought I could, I’d carry you out of here and
never bring you back.” Todd climbed down on top of me and licked my belly up to
my breasts and Henry held them for him. Shit, he fed me to his friend and I
became a monster then. I closed my eyes and raged, the heat in my belly a
tumultuous storm that ached to be touched and filled and fucked shamelessly.

“Take me,” I begged and arched my body into Todd’s,
desperate for the feel of his skin on mine. Henry did his best to mostly hold
me still, but my writhing, storming body was no match. “Please, take me!”

“Incorrigible slut,” he hissed and held me into the bed with
the weight of his body. He took a nipple into his mouth and bit it, left a mark
of him on my soft skin and sucked and licked at his branding. I howled and
gasped for relief, but still he held off. Still they held me down and took
their sweet time.

“Shit, her tits are nice,” Henry muttered and Todd shifted
so his friend could lean over my face from behind me and take my other nipple
in his mouth and they both went to town bathing and lashing my breasts,
oblivious to my cries of passion. I felt overwhelmed by them, every inch of me
covered in gooseflesh and tingling with the power of the orgasm building
between my legs. They took and took and took. Todd liked to give Henry orders –
orders to bite my breasts or twist my nipple or hold me still. Henry, for his
part, was patient for the scraps of me after Todd was finished with one tender
body part after another.

They took turns kissing me, turning my chin one way and the
other, their tongues quickly indistinguishable but for Todd’s aggressive
control of my body and Henry’s attempt to keep up. I knew, knew I was going to
burn up from this, burn to ashes and blow away, leaving nothing behind. I was
beside myself and shameless.

“Fuck me, fuck me please, please! I can’t stand it, I need
someone inside me!”

“Filthy whore, fuck. You want it bad don’t you baby? I’ll
give it to you. I’ll fucking give it to you alright. Hold her knees Henry, I
want her held fucking still.” Foul-mouthed boys! Todd released my body and I
sucked in a full breath I hadn’t been able to have with his weight crushing me.
Henry obeyed and took a hold of my knees and pulled them back and apart so that
my asshole pointed into the air and I couldn’t move, had no control over my
exposed pussy.

Todd entered me in one hard thrust, ground down into me and
started fucking without pretense. I was already so wet that I offered no
resistance, held open like I was and it felt amazing. Better than amazing. I’d
never felt this alive and desired in my life.

This wasn’t a marathon; it was a sprint to see who could get
off faster. Todd stabbed me into the bed over and over again and when Todd
wanted to see Henry play with my tits, Todd took over holding my legs back and
Henry started working my breasts in his hands, pinching and pulling with Todd
egging him on like a dirty frat boy.

“Take it, take all of it, Mia. Fuck me. Show me how badly
you want me,” Todd growled and dug down inside me with his cock and pounded out
his pent up desires and I think, maybe, just a little revenge for being second
in line after Damian. It made him a little rougher, a little less interested in
getting me off and a little more interested in his own pleasure, which was
fine. My head was gone, lost under the hands of two capable men who couldn’t
get enough of me. When Todd dropped my legs, I came unglued.

I gasped and grabbed handfuls of the bed and fucked my hips
up against Todd like a rabid girl who couldn’t get enough and I couldn’t, I
just couldn’t. And when I turned my head to look at Damian, to find his
approval, I found oh so much more. He was still, but tense, his muscles flexed and
his legs spread the width of the chair. His cock had swelled back up, the head
pressing just past his waist band and shiny with drops of pre-cum he didn’t
bother wiping away. And his eyes were savage, blue fire and turbulent. My
wanton display had reinvigorated his lust and I loved it. The intensity of his
gaze released my building orgasm and I cried out and punched my hips into
Todd’s cock and came and came and came, never closing my eyes to Damian’s

When Todd realized what had set me off, he grabbed my chin
and turned it toward Henry who took the side of my face and pressed his cock
against my lips. I opened up and sucked him in like I was starving for it.
Henry pumped my mouth a few times but by the amount of pre-cum oozing out of
his cock head, I doubted he’d last long.

“Suck him, suck Henry and make him come. Look at you,” Todd
growled and his hips picked up speed, sacrificing depth for something more
feral. “You fucking love to be fucked. You’re so fucking beautiful, fuck, oh,
God I am going to come all over you.
,” he gasped and pulled out,
whipped off the condom, and shot his load all over my belly, groaning and
stabbing the air between my thighs.

I pulled my mouth off Henry’s cock when I felt it starting
to throb and jerk and he fell over my body and came humping the air over my
tits, coating them in his load.

The silence that fell across us was profound and comforting.
The three of us collapsed on the bed, Todd’s sweaty, shaking body trembling in
time with mine. He seemed oblivious of my come and sweat slick skin, maybe even
reveled in it. Henry sat back against the pillows and panted quietly and we
waited out the aftermath of the storm in silent darkness.

Henry got up first and disappeared into the bathroom, ran
water and while he was gone, Todd kissed my mouth chastely and whispered a
thank you that almost broke my heart. He got up and left me laying there and I
curled up on myself, exhausted and fulfilled as I never had been before.

I heard Damian get up and walk the men out, heard Todd tell
him the contract was his and he’d call him Monday morning to set up a meeting.
The front door shut and locked and I dosed, lost on a quieting sea.




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