Breaking Brent (9 page)

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Authors: Niki Green

BOOK: Breaking Brent
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“Fun, wasn’t it?” Jace pulled her closer so there was no space whatsoever between them. Peyton let him. As they danced, she couldn’t help but stare at Willa and Chase. “They look good together don’t they?”

“Yeah, they do,” Peyton whispered into Jason shoulder.

“I never thought I would see this day. It took them long enough.” And it had. A journey that had started almost six years ago ended today and another one began. Peyton had been at the beginning of the first journey and she was glad she was at the start of the second.


“Before long they’ll have a gaggle of kids running around tearing this place to hell and back. I can’t wait.”

“Speaking of kids. I need to talk to you about something.”

Jace had opened the lines of conversation as they applied to Jocelyn for all Peyton was concerned.

“Uh oh. There something you want to tell me, Peyton? You got a little one started in there or something? Good thing you and Carter will be married soon. Did you send me an invitation?” When he said “in there” Jason’s heavy hand slid around her waist to rest on the flat of her belly. She popped him on the back and made him move it.

“No. You have to be exposed for that to happen.” She hadn’t been
in a long time. Longer than she cared to mention or remember. Jason’s narrowed gaze told her that she had said too much and given him more information about her and Carter’s love life, or lack thereof, than she ever intended to. She changed the subject before he could wrangle any more information from her. “I want to talk to you about Jocelyn.”

“Jocelyn? What do you want to talk about Jocelyn for?” Never breaking his step, Jason twirled her out and then back in. When she landed solidly and gracefully against his front, he flashed her one of those famous smiles he had always possessed. Any other female would have melted at his feet, but Peyton wasn’t any other female.

“I want you to lay off her.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Don’t give me that. I don’t know what is the matter with you, but you need to stop with the entire Jocelyn…thing.” She didn’t know what else to call it.

“There is no Jocelyn

“There is. She came by this morning and was a little upset.” Close enough.

“Upset. Upset about what?”

“About whatever went on between the two of you this morning.”

“She was upset?” Jason’s expression changed for a split second, and then he caught it, but not before Peyton noticed the change. What the hell was going on?

“Mad as hell would be a better description. I don’t know what is going on with you, but it needs to stop. This isn’t you.”

“There’s nothing going on.” He ground out the words between his teeth. “When did you and Jocelyn get so buddy-buddy anyway?”

“I like Jocelyn. I think of her as a friend.”

Jason snorted and turned his attention to the women’s ass beside them. Never missing a beat, Peyton grabbed his chin and turned it back to her. “She is my friend and she is having a hard time right now and you are not making it any better.”

“She’s just a kid—”

“She’s not.” Her raised voice drew some attention. Embarrassed, she went on in a more discrete tone of voice. “She’s not a
. She is a young woman who is catching pure overprotective hell from her father right now and the last thing she needs is for you to add fuel to the fire.” Maybe some of what she said got through that thick head of his.

“What do you want me to do, Peyton?”

“I want you to try being nice to her.”

“I am nice to her!” This time it was Jason’s raised voice that brought the stares.

“You’re not. You called her a cock tease.” Peyton had never seen a face turn as many shades of red in such a short amount of time in her life.

“Would the two of you quit saying that. Look, what do you want from me? I can’t treat her like my sister, she’s not.”

“I know that. Why don’t you try treating her like a friend?”

“She’s got plenty of friends. She doesn’t need to add me to the list.”

“I don’t think she does.” And Peyton didn’t. For all of Jocelyn’s sweetness and sincerity and overall fun personality, friends were not one of her strong points. Peyton knew the feeling. That could be one reason why they got along so well. Peyton didn’t have many friends, well, many girl friends, and neither did Jocelyn.

“Sure she does. Why wouldn’t she?”

“Have you ever looked at her? Really looked at her?” At her insistence Jason found Jocelyn among the guests and looked at her for the briefest of seconds.

“What’s your point?”

“She’s gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous. A lot of girls have a hard time being friends with someone that pretty.”

“So you’re telling me being pretty is a curse?”

“Yeah, it can be.”

“You would know.”

“What are you talking about?” Peyton questioning eyes searched Jason’s face.

“Come on, Peyton. You know what you look like.”

“Yeah, so?” Whatever his meaning was she wasn’t catching it.

“Good God, Peyton. Since we have been dancing I can count at least five guys here who have given me the evil eye. Five guys. That’s not counting the ones who are most likely hiding their throbbers as we speak.”

“That’s gross. Even for you.”

“I’m telling the truth. I know one for sure,” he said smiling. Before she could catch herself Peyton pushed him away from her and growled.

“Jeez, Jason.”

Shaking his head and smiling to himself he took her in his arms once more. “Not me, darlin’. I already made that mistake years ago and nearly lost one of my balls for it. I don’t make the same mistake twice, thank you very much. Your loss.” His joking manner relieved the knot that was ever so slowly unwinding in her stomach. “I was talking about someone else.”

Her eyes asked who before her mouth could.

“You know who.” He lifted his chin and directed her gaze over his shoulder.

There he was. Staring at her. At her and Jason dancing. Brent didn’t look happy.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Lowering her eyes did nothing to stop the flames that heated her face.

“I think you do. Want to tell me about it?”

“No,” she whispered.

“I didn’t think so. Relax, sweetheart.” He leaned in and his breath tickled her ear and so did his next words, “Your secret is safe with me.”

“I don’t have a secret.”

“Sure you do. But I won’t tell.”

“Tell what, Jason Kiel? You don’t know anything.” She tried to play off her anxiety. It didn’t work.

“I know you can’t keep your eyes off my brother and he can’t keep his eyes off you. It’s just a matter of time before—”

“Before what?” Peyton broke in.

“Before the two of you decide to do something about it.”

“I’m an engaged woman, Jason. Nothing is going to happen between your brother and me.” No matter how bad her body and her heart wanted it to.

“Just because you wear the ring doesn’t make it so. If your heart’s somewhere else…what’s the point?” With that, Jason kissed her temple and led her off the dance floor. “Say hi to your dad and mom for me and your cousins too. Good to see you, Peyton.” With that he was gone.

Standing alone once more gave her the chance to rewind and review his words in her head. Just a matter of time…if your heart…what’s the point?

Laughing the whole episode off, she retrieved her cell phone from her purse. Prior to the ceremony she’d set the ringer to silent. She noticed five missed calls. Never a good sign.

A hollow place formed in her bones as she walked toward the seclusion of the large barn that sat a good distance away from the house. She didn’t want to draw attention. She didn’t want to be stopped. She didn’t want to call the number back. But, like her daddy always said, you can want in one hand and shit in the other. Peyton knew from experience which one filled up faster.

Chapter Eight

What was his brother doing?

Brent followed Peyton with his eyes the moment she took the hand his brother offered her, through her short conversation with Joss, up until the time she retrieved her cell phone from her purse. She didn’t look happy.

Watching her walk from her place under the old willow tree to the seclusion of the barn and not following her instantly was hard.

Why did she need the privacy the barn held? Was her fiancé calling to check on her? He doubted it. He knew Carter. Worrying and checking up was not one of the things he did.

He bided his time and waited for his patience to pay off. Dodging as many people as he could, he walked on quick steps to the barn. Not wanting to attract attention to his destination, he made the occasional stop to talk to folks here and there. Shaking hands, slapping backs and nodding every so often allowed him to slip into the barn without anyone being the wiser.

He didn’t know what compelled him to follow her. Maybe it was the look of concern and worry written across her face. Maybe it was out of pure nosiness on his part. It could be that he couldn’t
follow her. Whatever it was, it led him to the barn, searching the dim interior for her.

It didn’t take him long to find her.

She stood at the back of the barn, resting against the double doors that had been anchored open. Even through the darkness he could make out her figure. She was breathtaking in the shadowed hall.

She was great in any light, but Brent liked the moonlight the best.

Most of his visions of her over the years had her cast in moonlight. He had plenty of memories of her in the fading shadows the sun created and moonlight—he wouldn’t mind making another.

He struck the thought from his head, knowing that creating a memory with Peyton, a good one, was not on the agenda. He just wanted to check on her. She had looked upset. Or at least he thought she had. That was his reasoning for following her—to check on her. Nothing more.

Altering his stride, he moved toward her without any noise. There was a fraction of space between his chest and her back before she knew he was even there.

Spinning quickly, she turned and her wide eyes met his. He saw her breath hitch and then quicken. Was she frightened? Excited? Excited was good, but he figured mad as hell was a better gauge on her mood.

“What do you want?” She cast the words his way and then gave him her back once more. Brent stopped the smile from crossing his face. Yep, mad as hell was a pretty good description.

“You okay?” He saw her body tense as he spoke. He waited for her to reply and wasn’t surprised by what he got in return.

“What do you care?”

“I care.” His admission shocked him and the shock made his jaw set and his brow furrow. Brent wasn’t big on expressing his feelings—never had been. That was one of the problems they had always had between them. He couldn’t tell her how he felt and she needed to know.

“Yeah, right.” She turned on her heel and faced him. The added inches of her shoes made her and Brent almost the same height—almost. She was still a few good inches shorter than him, but the shoes made it so that she didn’t have to crane her neck to look up at him. He didn’t know if he liked that or not.

He could think of a million good reasons for her added height and the shoes she wore. All of them revolved around sex. Sex with her. Sex with her wearing those tall, strappy shoes and nothing else but his body.

“You know I have tried to be nice to you. I have tried to be friends. I have tried everything within my power to make it so that we could still be cordial to one another. But you and your stubborn far-too-oversized pride has prevented that. So tell me why, now, at this very minute, I should give a rat’s ass if you care if I’m upset or not? You didn’t care all those years ago. Why the hell do you care now?”

“Me and my stubborn pride?” Brent couldn’t believe it. They were picking up right where they’d left off. Fighting. They used to fight, every couple did, but those fights had usually ended in a much more desirable way—him on top of her, her on top of him, him behind her.

“Yeah, you and your stubborn pride. Funny, I never thought your pride could be bigger than your ego, but I guess I was wrong.”

“My ego?”

“Yes, your ego. Is there an echo in here? Did I stutter when I spoke?”

“Darlin’, I don’t think this conversation is on the path you want it to be. If I were you, I’d stop now before you get your tender feelings hurt.” He retreated just a step. He should have known better than to follow her. He should have stayed away. It would have been better for them both.

“What the hell is that supposed to mean? My
feelings?” With each step Brent took backwards, Peyton closed the distance. If she wanted a fight, he wasn’t in the mood to give her one.

“You know what I’m talking about. I hurt your feelings that night, that last night, and instead of waiting around until things cooled off, you ran as fast and as hard as you could in a different direction. That way just happened to be Carter’s.”

Brent could see her temper flaring. Her chest heaved, causing her breasts to do the same. Her nostrils flared as her breath became choppy and erratic. He wondered how long it would take her to retaliate. He didn’t have to wait long.

“I’m sorry I didn’t dig a hole and bury myself away from the world long enough for you decide that you wanted to
with me again. I waited for things to cool off and for you to realize what an ass you were being. Did you want me to wait forever? Was that what your pride needed, a little pick-me-up?” She advanced on him.

“You pushed me away,” she said as she planted her hands on his chest and pushed his body. It wasn’t a hard nudge, but he took a step back. “You pushed me out.” She shoved at his shoulders this time. “You shut me out.” She prodded again. “You shut me out of your life.” She pushed him again. “You shut me out of your mind.” She pushed and prodded him again and again. “And you shut me out of your heart.”

Brent had had enough. He jerked the door of the tack room open and backed her into the small dark room. It smelt of leather, hay and Peyton—sugary and sweet.

It was his turn to push. He pressed her against a wall and anchored her body there with his and gripped her wrists with one of his hands just in case she decided to sink her nails into any part of his body.

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