Breaking Point

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Authors: Pamela Clare

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“Pamela Clare is a fabulous storyteller whose beautifully written, fast-paced tales will leave you breathless with anticipation.”
—Leigh Greenwood,
USA Today
bestselling author
Praise for
“Romantic suspense at its best! I was drawn into the story with the prologue, and each chapter that followed kept me enthralled by the suspense, action, developing romance, and the great characters . . . The sexual tension built steadily and added to the heart-pounding suspense of the investigation. The story moves along at a fast pace. There was so much action and adventure written into the plot that I didn’t want to stop reading . . . This author has definitely been put on my keeper list and I hope to go back and read the previous I-Team stories.”

The Romance Studio
(5 hearts)
“A steamy romantic suspense that will keep you glued to the pages . . . This highly sensual novel will curl your hair from the sexual activity while keeping you totally in suspense throughout. A very good read.”

Fresh Fiction
“An entertaining investigative romance starring two likable protagonists . . . Exciting romantic suspense.”

Midwest Book Review
“I must say that from start to finish I was completely enthralled with this one! . . . If you haven’t tried this series, you are MAJORLY missing out on some very good reading; not only is it hot but it’s riveting! Pamela Clare is amazing . . . Absolutely a page-turner . . . I’m a huge fan of Pamela Clare’s and have been since I picked up the first book by her; trust me, if you see Pamela Clare’s name on the cover, I guarantee you are in for a great read!”

Night Owl Reviews
(Top Pick, 5 stars)
“Will grip your senses . . . You’ll love this series and enjoy an afternoon immersing yourself in a culture that is fascinating.”

Romance Reviews Today
“Powerful, sexy, and unforgettable,
Unlawful Contact
is the kind of story I love to read. Pamela Clare is a dazzling talent.”
—Lori Foster,
New York Times
bestselling author
“A spellbinding, gut-wrenching page-turner with a gripping plot. This story is unique and creative with an imperfect hero you can’t help getting sweaty palms over . . . Pamela Clare is a remarkable storyteller.”

Fresh Fiction
“This is an exciting fast-paced romantic suspense thriller . . . Action packed.”

Midwest Book Review
“A romantic suspense that has it all: gritty realism, edge-of-your-seat action, dynamic characterizations, surprising plot twists, and a scorching romance between two leads you won’t soon forget.”

“A gripping and emotional story . . . An engaging tale that will have readers on the edge of their seats.”

Romance Reviews Today
“A thrilling, captivating suspense novel . . . It has great characters, a wonderful story line with different connecting plots, and a happy ending for a couple that has many obstacles that they must surmount together.”

Romance Reader at Heart
“Clare’s impressive novel is rife with gripping suspense, secrets masterfully revealed, and characters in whom readers can become emotionally invested. The sexual tension between the protagonists is deliciously steamy, and the skillful plotting makes this thrilling book one readers won’t be able to close until the final page.”

Romantic Times
(4 ½ stars)
“A page-turner, a pulse-pounding thriller . . . Whether she is writing her incredible historicals or these great contemporaries, Ms. Clare proves, once again, she is one of the best storytellers today . . . It is a thriller, it is a treasure, and it is tremendous.”

Fresh Fiction
“Superb romantic suspense . . . Fans will appreciate this strong thriller.”

Midwest Book Review
“I cannot recommend this book highly enough. Pamela Clare’s
Hard Evidence
is a powerful and, dare I say, flawless book, in my opinion. For those who love a good suspense or even just a good, satisfying read, it’s a ‘don’t miss.’ ”

Romance Reader at Heart
“This was a hard-to-put-down book with an exciting story line.”
“Clare adds a realistic edge to her suspenseful writing . . . [A] tight, gritty thriller . . . Clare definitely seems to have found her niche.”

Romantic Times
“Investigative reporter turned author Clare brings a gritty realism to this intense and intricate romantic thriller.
Extreme Exposure
is the launch book for a sizzling new suspense series that promises to generate lots of intrigue, action, and romance. An author to keep an eye on!”

Romantic Times
“A gem,
Extreme Exposure
has all the elements of great romance and is an entertaining summer read.”

Romance Reviews Today
(Perfect 10)
“I really loved this book because it was so realistic. The characters were people I would love to know. Obviously, Ms. Clare knows this world and the nuances of investigative reporting. She communicates this in a terrific love story that grabs you and will not let you go. Believe me, I lost some sleep reading this book. I predict that Ms. Clare is an author to watch for the future and readers of romantic suspense are sure to love this excellent, well-written novel, one of the best I’ve read this year.”

The Romance Readers Connection
Berkley Sensation Books by Pamela Clare
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A Berkley Sensation Book / published by arrangement with the author
Berkley Sensation mass-market edition / May 2011
Copyright © 2011 by Pamela Clare.
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This book is dedicated to the memory of the hundreds of murdered and missing women of Ciudad Juárez, Mexico. You were brutalized and discarded like you didn’t matter. But the earth received your tears, your blood, your bones and, like a bereaved mother, the earth itself cries out for justice. May the violence end and those who stole your bodies and your lives be held to account.
Special thanks to Tina Lewis Rowe, former U.S. Marshal for the District of Colorado, for her sense of humor, her insight, and her willingness to answer a thousand questions about the work of U.S. Marshals and DUSMs. You are one classy, smart, and impressive lady. I wish we could just hang out sometime.
Thanks, too, to retired Chief Deputy U.S. Marshal Larry Homenick for sharing his stories about catching fugitives in Mexico and working at EPIC. I’d love to have lunch with you and Tina again. And, yes, it’s on me.
Much gratitude to Christine Bruce, whose life was changed by Hurricane Katrina and who graciously agreed to read the manuscript and help me get cultural aspects of Natalie’s New Orleans background right.
Heartfelt gratitude to my mother, Mary White, an RN in cardiac rehab, who has kept many hearts beating, for her help with certain medical aspects of this story.
Many thanks to Natasha Kern, my friend and agent, for her encouragement, humor and support, and to Cindy Hwang, my editor, for her continued faith in my stories—and for getting Jed Hill, my mental image of Zach McBride, for the cover of this book.
Personal thanks and much love to my sister, Michelle, and to my son Benjamin, who’ve gone above and beyond to support my writing through the years.
Hugs and kisses to Sue, Kristi, and Libby for being such amazing bitchez and to Ronlyn, Jenn, Stef, Ruth, and Bo for their feedback on this story and support while I wrote it.

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