Breaking Shaun (4 page)

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Authors: E.M. Abel

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Breaking Shaun
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What the fuck?
“Um…sorry. Am I interrupting something?” I asked, suspiciously eyeing my dad.

He smirked. “Samantha, this is my youngest son, Shaun. Shaun, this is Samantha.”

I was shocked. I knew my dad had his fair share of ladies, but this was the first time he’d ever introduced me to one. As a matter of fact, this was the first time I’d ever seen one up close.

“Hi, Shaun. Nice to meet you.” Samantha turned in her chair and reached out her hand to shake mine.

I hesitated for a second before taking it. “Uh…hey. What’s up?”

“You’ll have to excuse Shaun. He’s not the most polite one of the bunch,” my dad muttered before taking a sip of his coffee.

I wasn’t sure what the fuck was going on.
Is this dad’s girlfriend? He doesn’t have girlfriends.

“So, what brings you out this way, son?” my dad asked.

I snapped out of my daze and looked at him. I suddenly forgot why I was there. Usually, I didn’t need a reason to stop by, but now, this felt totally awkward.

“Shit. I don’t know. I was just coming by to see what you were up to, but I see you’re busy, so I’ll just—”

I began to turn out of the room when Samantha stopped me. “No, don’t go. I’ll just go upstairs to change. I need to get going anyway.”

She smiled at my dad before getting out of her chair and making her way toward the stairs. I watched her as she walked out of the room. She had long blonde hair, and from what I could see, she had a hot little body to go with it.


When I turned back to face my dad, he had an eyebrow raised. He’d caught me checking out his girl.

“Is that your girlfriend?” I whispered. I approached the table and took Samantha’s seat.

My dad chuckled. “I guess you could say that.”

“Since when do you have girlfriends?”

My dad didn’t respond. He just looked at me as he continued drinking his coffee.

This shit was throwing me off. My dad didn’t date. Our casual sexual relationships were one of the few things we had in common. Now, here he was, having coffee with some woman named Samantha.

I answered my phone, “Hello?”

“Hey, man. What are you doing?” Marcus asked.

“Just about to leave the shop. Why? What’s up?”

“Why are you there on a Sunday?”

“Just making sure the inventory shit got done right. Don’t wanna piss off the boss.”

He chuckled. “Wow, I’m impressed. Maybe you need a raise.”

“Of course I need a fuckin’ raise. Every day, I gotta deal with a bunch of teenagers askin’ when Marcus Avery will be coming into the shop.”

“Yeah, I guess I should make an appearance every now and then. I’ve just been too busy with my fiancée, if you know what I’m sayin’.”

Rolling my eyes toward the ceiling. I got my keys out of my pocket and then started locking up my office. “Shut the fuck up before I drive out there and kick your ass,” I grumbled.

Marcus laughed before telling me, “We’re having some people over for a barbecue. You should come out and bring your board.”

“Yeah? Who’s comin’?”

“Just some of the guys and whoever they bring. You know how word spreads around here. I think Asia is inviting some of her friends—Hailey and probably Nick. Why? You want me to invite someone specific?” Marcus asked with amusement in his voice.

I automatically thought of the woman I’d seen at the store, but there was no way I was going to ask about her. The last thing I needed was Asia and Marcus trying to get involved in my sex life. I had already revealed too much as it was.

“Nah. Just curious. I’ll be there. You want me to bring anything?”

“No, we’re good. I stocked up this morning.”

“All right then. Later.”


When Nick pulled up in Marcus and Asia’s driveway, my jaw dropped. I leaned forward to peer up through the windshield at their beautiful three-story beach house.

Under the house was a large two-car garage with the doors pulled open. There were two shiny antique cars that looked like they had some serious muscle under their hoods and a motorcycle. The back wall was lined with six or seven surfboards, and wet suits were hanging on coat hooks. I could hear and see the ocean behind their beautiful house, and I was taken aback by the peaceful surroundings. Just by looking at Marcus and Asia, I would never have imagined they lived somewhere like this. From what I’d seen at the gallery, they had seemed so down-to-earth, and they’d acted so casually that I would never have suspected for a second that they were rich.

Finally drawing my mouth closed, I turned to look at Nick, and he was smiling at me with amusement in his eyes.

“They live here?” I asked although I already knew the answer.

Nick grinned. “Marcus is a pro skater, sponsored by Nike. He also started his own brand, and Asia’s paintings have been sellin’ like hotcakes. Let’s just say, they don’t worry about money.”

I nodded as I continued to scan the outside of their house.
Asia is one lucky woman.

I suddenly felt nervous. This would be my first time actually meeting my cousin’s friends since I had bailed early that night at the gallery. I hoped they liked me. I didn’t want to stick out like a sore thumb. According to Nick, most of them had known each other since high school. Of course, with his boisterous personality and amazing looks, Nick had no problem fitting in. I, on the other hand, usually received one reaction from other females—they hated me. I was a private person. I wasn’t big on socializing, and that was often perceived as being bitchy. I also enjoyed having casual sex, and that, of course, put me in the slutty category as well.

Looking down at my turquoise tunic, black shorts, and matching turquoise wedges, I worried that I had overdone it. I didn’t want people to think I was trying too hard.

When I had expressed this concern to Nick at his apartment, he’d simply told me,
Don’t worry about it, Nat. These girls don’t give a shit about the clothes you wear. Just be yourself, and they’ll love you.
Then, he’d kissed me on the cheek and forced me out the front door.

That had been good for me because I was pretty sure that in order to have a fun, adventurous new life, I would also need fun, adventurous new friends.

As we walked toward the steps leading to the front door, I made myself relax.
Just have a good time

A dozen different voices either talking or laughing were coming from the back deck as a Lil Wayne song played in the background. I could smell burgers grilling, and I could hear a woman’s squeal right before I heard a loud splash. Now, I knew why Nick had insisted I wear my bikini under my clothes.

When we reached the top step, Nick opened the front door and walked right inside. I took a deep breath before following him. The interior of the house was breathtaking. Floor-to-ceiling windows made up the entire wall closest to the ocean, and all the other walls were decorated with beautiful paintings. Immediately upon seeing them, I knew they were Asia’s creations. She had a unique style, and each piece of art evoked a different emotion in me as I looked at them.

“Nick!” a woman shouted from near the pool on the other side of the glass wall.

It was Hailey. I remembered her from the night at the gallery. She was a beautiful blonde with bright blue eyes and a warm smile. Opening the glass door, she walked inside. She didn’t bother to close it behind her, causing the volume of the music and voices to amplify in the house.

Nick strolled over to her, and then he gave her a big hug before turning to introduce me. “Hailey, you remember my cousin Natalie. Natalie, Hailey.”

Hailey smiled at me, and when I extended my hand toward her, she moved in to give me a hug, too.

“It’s so nice to see you!” she exclaimed as she pulled away from me. She cocked an eyebrow and turned to look at Nick again. “Damn, she’s hot.”

Nick put a hand on his narrow hip. “Of course she’s hot. She’s related to me, isn’t she?”

Hailey giggled, and I rolled my eyes.

“Where’s John?” Nick looked outside to where Hailey had been.

She pouted. “He had a work thing in Chicago. He’ll be home in a few days.”

Another female voice called from the deck, “Nick, get your ass out here!”

We all turned to see Asia standing on the deck in her bathing suit. Her long black hair was wet and draping down her back. She was wrapped in Marcus’s tattooed arms as she smiled at us.

I bit the inside of my cheek as I admired her fiancé. He was standing there, dripping wet, in a pair of black boardshorts that hung low on his waist, revealing his tan line. His body, which was covered in ink, was amazing, to say the least. His dark brown hair was a mess on his head, but he definitely pulled it off flawlessly. I quickly moved my focus to his face, afraid I might get caught ogling his body, when his eyes came to mine. They were gorgeous. I swore that my stomach dropped. I wasn’t sure what to do since obviously looking at any part of him felt like a violation to Asia.

He gave me a warm smile, and I instantly felt myself blush. I turned my gaze back to Asia. It was no wonder why they were together. She was just as beautiful as he was.

Nick and Hailey started walking toward them, and I followed behind, reminding myself that I was supposed to be relaxed. When we walked out onto the deck, a punk song started playing, and I recognized the band as Pennywise. I liked that we had similar taste in music.

People were standing around the deck with different drinks in their hands, laughing and talking, while a few were in the water, splashing around.

“Hi, I’m Asia,” Asia greeted me, putting out her hand to shake mine.

I smiled at her as I took it. “Natalie. Nice to finally meet you. Your house is beautiful. Thanks for inviting me.”

“Of course. Any friend of Nick’s is a friend of mine.” She turned toward Marcus. “And this is my fiancé, Marcus,” she said, giving him a coy smile.

He extended his hand toward me, and I shook it.

“Hey, how’s it goin’?” he asked.

I tried to keep my blushing to a minimum, but it was hard to do while hearing his deep voice as his big hand held mine.

“I’m good, thanks,” I muttered. I withdrew my hand from his and tucked my hair behind my ear.

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