Breaking The Biker (The Biker Series) - An MC Gold Vipers Motorcycle Club Biker Romance Novel (17 page)

BOOK: Breaking The Biker (The Biker Series) - An MC Gold Vipers Motorcycle Club Biker Romance Novel
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Chapter 36







I could tell by the look on his face that he hadn’t been expecting me to blow him off. 

“It’s nothing to do with you,” I went on. “Not personally.”

Still, he said nothing.

“I mean, this was amazing and you seem like a really great guy. It’s just that… I can’t got out with anyone belonging to a motorcycle club. Your world is just too dangerous. It’s obviously been proven, especially in the last few weeks.”

“I feel you,” he said. “You’re worried about your son. I say we skip the dates and just sleep together.”

I laughed. “Right.”

“I’m serious,” he said. “You’re a single parent. You have a job and other priorities. I’m sure you work your ass off to raise that kid. I’m busy running both my club and Griffin’s shit can be pretty stressful at times. Truth is… we both need an outlet to let off some steam.”

“So, I’d be an outlet,” I replied, amused.

“Not just you. We’d both be.”

I stared at him in disbelief. “So, you’re talking strictly sex? I’m pretty sure you can get that from half a dozen women at any given time. Especially being a club president.”

He walked over to me. “Yeah, I can. But, here’s the thing – they’re not you.”

I looked up at him. Damn, he was handsome. “And what’s so special about me?”

“More than you realize, it looks like.” He pulled me into his arms and kissed me hard. When he let me go, I was breathless and dizzy. “Now, tell me you’re willing to give that up?”

“It’s not that I want to. Your world is dangerous. You have a lot of enemies. I can’t take any chances. Not when I have a young son to raise.”

“If that’s what you’re worried about, my club would protect you and Billy.”

Like his club protected Slammer from me?

“Let me think about it.” I could tell Justin was ready to argue this with me until I eventually caved in. I decided it would be easier to just ignore his calls.

His face relaxed. “Okay.”

“I’m going back to my room. I’ll see you around eleven, in the lobby?”

Justin grabbed my ass. “Definitely. Unless you’d like to slip back here earlier and go for round two?”

I forced a laugh. “I think I need time to heal. I’m a little sore.”

“Sorry,” he said, with a pleased look on his face.

“I’m not. I wasn’t lying when I said it was amazing,” I said staring up at him.

He smiled arrogantly. “I know.”

We kissed again and then I went back to my room. Fortunately, Billy and Joanna were still asleep and didn’t wake up when I entered the room. Yawning, I got in bed, next to my son, and for the first time in quite a while, fell asleep without needing a drink.

Chapter 37




I woke up, several hours later to the sound of my phone ringing. 

“What’s up, Raptor?” I mumbled, looking over at the clock. It was almost ten a.m.

“You sleeping?”

“Not anymore.”

“Sorry, man. I’ve been up for hours. Had to bring Sammy to daycare this morning.”

I sat up and rubbed my face. “Explains why you’re so fucking perky.”

because I got an early morning piece of Adriana. That doesn’t happen too often.”

“Lucky you.”

“You sound like you could use a mid-morning piece yourself, grump-ass.”

I stared down at my morning wood. “No kidding. Had me something very nice last night,” I said, smiling to myself.

“Really? Who?”

“None of your business.”

“Since when, brother? You’re always bragging about who you’ve been banging.”

“Yeah, I know. This one doesn’t want anyone to know.”

“And you’re agreeing to keep your mouth shut? What are you, in love?”

I laughed coldly. “I’m in love with fucking her again and it won’t happen if I start telling the world.”

“You don’t have to tell the world. Just your best friend.”

“Why the fuck you care so much?”

“Because this isn’t like you.”

“Maybe I’m turning over a new leaf,” I said, getting up. “Anyway, what’s up?”

“I’ve got some news. Guess who showed up at the clubhouse?”

“I don’t know. Who?”

“Cole Davis.”

That woke me up. “What did he want?”

“He said he had some intel to give us on the Devil’s Rangers.”

“Now, why in the fuck would he do that?”

“Because he’s pissed off that they set up his sister for the death of Slammer. Guess he spoke to Raina earlier this morning. She told him how we helped rescue her son and now he wants to help us in any way he can.”

It sounded legit, but I didn’t know Cole. I knew the Devil’s Rangers, however, and those guys would do anything to take us down. This could be a set-up. “What’s your take on the guy?”

“Honestly, I think he’s telling the truth. When I met him, he looked like he’d been in a fight.”

“Huh. What kind of information did he give you?”

“Said that his V.P., Ronnie Jenkins, was the one who told him that we were responsible for the drive-by that almost killed Billy. He learned from another source that Ronnie had no idea who was really responsible, but decided to use it to their club’s advantage. So he blamed us, which started a domino-effect. Apparently, when Cole confronted the V.P. about it last night, they got into a fist-fight.”

“Did Ronnie admit to anything?”

“Not in so many words, but check this out – Cole said that Ronnie was related to Reaper. They were cousins.”

“No shit? I guess that shouldn’t surprise anyone.”

“So, what do you think we should do?”

“I don’t know. Let’s hold a meeting later this afternoon, and we’ll discuss it.”

“Sounds good. What do you want to do about Cole?”

“He still at the clubhouse?”

“Yeah. He believes Ronnie has put a ‘hit’ out on him.”


“He told him he was going to us with the information and that’s when things got physical.”

“Sounds like Cole is fucked unless we help him.”

“Probably. He’s worried about his sister, too.”

My eye twitched. “Did they threaten her?”

“He was given the impression that both of their lives were in danger.”

“Jesus,” I said, closing my eyes. I rubbed my forehead. “Looks like we’ve got some more shit to clean up.”

“Yeah. We owe the bastards anyway.”

“What did Cole say about his role in killing Slammer?” I asked, curious.

“Said he drove Raina and even told her it was a bad idea. She wasn’t in her right mind, he admitted.”

“Her killing him wasn’t personal,” I said. “We’ve talked about it and she feels like shit about the entire deal. Was even going to turn herself in for his murder.”

“Maybe she should.”

“She’s got a son to take care of and her going to prison isn’t going to solve anything.”

“It sounds like you’re not blaming her.”

“Just like I said before, I blame the Devil’s Rangers. They set him up and she killed my old man because she thought he was responsible for Billy’s death. I think we’d all do the same, especially in that state of mind.”

He sighed. “Yeah.”

“Okay, I’ll be back in town by three. Let everyone know we’re holding church at four.”

“You’re not in Jensen? Where the fuck you at?”

“I’m still in Waterloo.”


“I decided to stay the night and enjoy the sights,” I joked.

“You met a woman out there, didn’t you?”

I didn’t reply.

He laughed. “Yes, you did. Is she from the hospital? You’ve always wanted to bang a woman in white.”

“I gotta go and take a piss.”

“Fine. Keep it to yourself. You’ll spill the beans later. You just can’t help yourself.”

“Don’t hold your breath waiting,” I said, smiling.

“Whatever. I’ll see you when you get here.”

“Tell Cole to stick around. If he’s telling us the truth, we’ll offer him protection.”

“If he’s not telling us the truth?”

“You already know, brother.”

“Yeah, I figured.”


Chapter 38





Justin showed up at the door around eleven, with coffee and a large bag of food. I’d just gotten dressed and Joanna was using the bathroom.

“I thought you wanted to go somewhere and eat?” I said, letting him into the room. The food smelled delicious, however. So, I was glad we didn’t have to wait.

“Sorry. No time for that,” he replied, setting everything onto the dresser. “I have some things to take care of back in Jensen, so I brought breakfast to you.” He turned to my son. “Billy, do you like pancakes?”

He stared up at him shyly. “Yes.”

“I was hoping you’d say that. Here you go, bud,” Justin said, holding up a plastic container. “There’s syrup and butter inside, too.”

“Fank you,” Billy replied.

“Good manners. I like that,” said Justin.

“Fanks,” Billy said.

I grabbed the pancakes from Justin. “I’ll take that. Thanks for doing this.”

“You bet. I wasn’t sure what you and Joanna wanted. I just picked up some egg and bacon breakfast croissants and a couple containers of fruit and yogurt.”

“That sounds wonderful,” I replied, my stomach growling.

Joanna walked out of the bathroom. “I thought I heard you out here,” she said. “Oh, you brought food and coffee. I could just kiss you! In fact, I will.”

“I figured you might want something to get you going for the ride ahead,” he said, looking at me as Joanna leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

“Yes and this will hit the spot,” she said, grabbing one of the hot Styrofoam cups.

“There are cream and sugar packets in the bag,” he said. “There’s also orange juice for Billy. I wasn’t sure what to get him.”

“You did great,” I replied, grabbing the orange juice out of drink-carrier.

“What about you?” asked Joanna, grabbing a sandwich out of the bag.

“I already ate,” he said.

“Oh. Okay,” she replied.

“Have you heard anything new about…” his voice trailed off as he looked over at Billy. “You know.”

“No,” she replied. “All I know is that as of nine o’clock this morning, he’s still missing.”

“Do you have any other homes besides the two?” Justin asked her.

“No, and I have no idea where he might have taken off to. For all I know, he has a fake ID and is already on a plane heading to some tropical paradise. If we’re lucky, it will crash.”

Smirking, Justin took a sip of coffee. “Is there anyone else on his side of the family who might hide him?”

“From what I know, Betty was the last living relative,” she replied. “Right, Raina?”

“Yes. At least from what we know.”

“I’m sure they’ll find him, eventually. If not, my club knows of someone that’s really good at tracking people.”

“Who’s that? A bounty hunter?”

He smiled. “Basically. He hasn’t failed us yet in finding someone.”

“Is he expensive?” I asked.

“Who cares,” said Joanna, quickly. “To be honest, I’m a little frightened of going home and sleeping in my house. I can only stay with my mother for so long, you know?”

“Why you scaywed?” asked Billy.

“I’m not, honey,” she said, now regretting the comment.

He looked confused. “But, you said…”

“Aunt Joanna has nothing to be scared about,” I said. “She was just joking around.”

“Yes,” Joanna said. “In fact… the only person around here that should be scared is you… if you don’t eat those delicious looking pancakes. I’m going to steal them from you if they don’t disappear soon.”

Billy giggled. “Leave dem alone.”

“What if I don’t leave you alone?” She reached over and tickled his tummy.

He burst out laughing. “Stop!”

Their banter continued as I grabbed a yogurt cup out of the bag.  Just listening to the sound of Billy laughing was enough to put a smile on my face.

Justin moved closer to me. “Can I talk to you alone?” he murmured.

“Sure,” I said, setting the yogurt onto the dresser.

“We’ll be right back,” said Justin, grabbing my hand.

Joanna looked at us curiously. “Where you going?”

He nodded toward Billy. “I have some stuff to talk to her about that doesn’t involve little ears.”

“Gotcha,” she replied, her eyes twinkling. “I’d keep it down, though. You two were talking pretty loudly last night.”

I stared at her in surprise.

She grinned. “These walls are much thinner than they should be.”

Blushing, I turned to Billy, who was thankfully clueless to our conversation. “I’ll be right back, honey.”

“Okay,” he said, chewing on a pancake.

We left the room and went back to Justin’s.

“What’s up?” I asked, when he closed the door behind us.

Justin pulled me into his arms and kissed me deeply. When he was finished, he stared down at me. “Damn, woman. Even kissing you gets me hard.”

Feeling horny myself, I touched his zipper, which was bulging. “You’re not lying.”

“If you’re going to touch me there, you’re going to have to face the consequences,” he said, pulling me over to the bed.

I stopped abruptly. “Number one – there’s no time. Number two – I thought I told you this couldn’t happen again.”

“You said you’d think about it,” he replied.

“I haven’t had time to think. I slept like a rock and have only been up long enough to have a shower.”

Justin pulled me to him again. “Did you think about me when you were in there?” he asked, nuzzling my neck. “When your body was all wet and sudsy.”

Closing my eyes, I felt my womanhood tingle. “Maybe.”

“Come on now. Be honest. Did you touch yourself?” he whispered, nibbling on my earlobe.

“Yes,” I admitted.

He groaned. “I’m not letting you out of here until I get another taste of that sweet pussy of yours,” he said, pulling my dress up and over my hips. “Fuck me, you’re not wearing panties.” He ran his finger along my slit, which was already wet.

“Oh, God. Justin,” I breathed, as he slid a finger inside of my slick hole.

“You still sore?” he asked huskily, moving it around.

“I… don’t… know,” I said and then moaned.

Grabbing the television remote with his other hand, he turned on the television. “Darlin, I’m not letting you out of here until we find out,” he said, turning up the volume.

I knew that I should protest, but I couldn’t find the words. Especially when he got to his knees, grabbed my hips, and pulled my lower lips to his. Sliding his tongue between my slit, he worked me until I was gasping in pleasure and grinding against his face.

“That’s it, come for me,” he growled against my crotch.

Staring down at the sexy man burying his face between my legs sent me over the edge. This time I clamped my mouth shut, emitting a high-pitched squeak instead of last night’s wail of delight.

Justin chuckled and stood up. “What in the hell was that?”

I giggled. “I don’t know.”

He unbuttoned his jeans. “This time, I want to hear you scream my name,” he said, pushing me over to the bed. “Get on your knees.”

Aching to feel him inside of me, I did what he asked and looked over my shoulder.

“That’s it,” he said, coming up behind me, completely naked now with his angry, red cock bobbing up and down. “You ready for me, darlin’?”

“Yes,” I said, spreading my legs wider. Sore or not, I couldn’t wait for him to fill me up.

“I don’t think you are.” He leaned down and licked my opening again.

“Yes, I am. Please, just do it already,” I begged.

He ran his hands over my ass and squeezed. “I thought you didn’t want me to fuck you anymore.”

I laughed coldly. “Don’t even go there right now.”

“You sure you want it?” he asked, shoving a finger into my hole. He added a second one.

“Yes,” I said, pushing against his hand.

“Tell me you want it.”

“I want it.”

“Tell me you want

“Yes. I want you, Justin,” I moaned as he fucked me with his two fingers.

He rubbed my clit with the other hand. “You still need to think about it some more?”

“No,” I whimpered, feeling another orgasm begin to build.

Breathing hard himself, he pulled his fingers out and pressed the tip of his cock against my opening. Grabbing my hips, he plunged inside of me.

“You are so fucking tight,” he said, clenching his teeth. He pulled out slightly and then thrust into me again. “Does this hurt?”

“Yes, but… it’s so good.”

“That’s all I needed to hear,” he said, going faster.

I closed my eyes and gasped with each movement of his hips, his mammoth cock filling and stretching me. A tingling from somewhere deep inside began to grow as he angled his penis, hitting what I could only decipher as being my G-spot. He leaned over me and began rubbing my clit.

“That feel good, too?”

“Yes,” I moaned

“You want me to stop?”


“You don’t need to think about it for a while?”

Knowing that he was going to keep torturing me for what I’d said, earlier, I told
to stop.

He stiffened up. “What?”

I crawled out from under Justin and then turned to face him. “Lie down,” I ordered, snapping my fingers.

He gave me a funny smile and then got on his back.

I crawled on top of him and slid down onto his cock slowly. “So… you like to be in charge?” I asked, moving my hips in a circular motion.

“Most of the time,” he said, staring up at me with red-hot lust.

Not taking my eyes off of him, I pulled my dress off and flung it to the floor. Then I removed my bra slowly.

Licking his lips, he grabbed my breasts and squeezed.

I slapped his hands away. “No.”

“No?” he pouted.

“I’m in charge this time,” I said, smiling down at him wickedly. I ran my hands over his muscular chest. “Whether you like it or not.”

“I… like it.”

“Good.” I moved my hips slowly, taking pleasure in the way he was staring up at me. Like I owned him. Right now, I knew that I did. “Do you want me to go faster, Mr. President?”

He grinned. “Fuck yes.”

“You do huh? Tell me – how does it feel to want, Tank?” I teased, leaning over him so that my breasts hung inches from his face. “That’s what they call you, right?”

“Yes and it makes me want to come all over your tits. That’s what it makes me want,” he said, reaching for them again.

I sat up and knocked his palms away again. “No touching unless I allow you to.” I shook them playfully.

“You are an evil bitch, you know that?” he said, smiling coldly.

I clenched my kegel muscles.

Justin sucked in a breath and then chuckled.

“You’re lucky we don’t have a lot of time or I’d show you just how evil I can be. Now, I want
to fuck me like you mean it. If you think you can handle it.”

“Darlin’, let’s see if you can handle
Justin grabbed the side of my hips and began fucking me hard, our movements shaking the bed so much, I thought it was going to collapse.

“Yes,” I gasped, rubbing my clit. The sensation of him plunging into me while I masturbated was indescribable.

Watching, he reached up and captured one of my breasts. “That turns me on like fuck. Rub that pussy.”

I stared down at him, moaning as my fingers moved. Everything about him excited me. From those penetrating green eyes, to his muscles and tats.

Clenching his jaw, he grabbed both my hips again. “I’m going to come.”

I threw my head back as my own orgasm began to unfold. Grabbing his hand, I placed it over my mouth to stifle my cries as it shuddered through me. “Justin….”

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