Breath of Life (10 page)

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Authors: Sara Marion

BOOK: Breath of Life
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Dr. Keeler said that she would like to see her once a week and then Paxton stood up to walk out. Her mind filled with thoughts of Ella. She was thankful that Duke was waiting out to drive her home. She knew she may be a little lost in thought after this appointment.

Duke was smiling as she exited the building. He was waiting on the tailgate of his truck making up new plays for the football team. “Ready?” he said as she approached.

“Take me home please,” she said climbing into the truck.

Her house was outside of the Manhattan city limits, nestled in the woods. She couldn’t believe how much the town grew. She remembered when the college students were the majority of the population, now you almost didn’t see a difference. She remembered when she started medical school that Mercy hospital was adding on to the surgical center and was becoming state of the art.

“You okay?”

“Yeah, I was just thinking about how much has changed around here,” Paxton said as she took in the surroundings as they waited at the stop light.

“Would you mind if we stop by the bank?”

“That’s actually a great idea. I need to check my account see what kind of money I have. I need to start making plans of getting a car, job and a new place to stay. Somewhere without memories.” Paxton smiled.

They walked into the bank. It hadn’t changed at all in the past year. Paxton went to the ATM to check her balance as Duke went to the teller station. She didn’t even know how much money she had in there. She didn’t want to take any of Jack’s money so she didn’t bother checking her joint account with him. She remembered Jack protesting when she wanted to keep a personal account to herself. She put half of her money in the shared account and half in her personal.  She sighed seeing the total. She only had $10,000 in her account. That wasn’t going to last too long after getting a car, a new place and anything she needs to get for her new place. She needed to get a job.

“Mrs. Mercier?”

She turned to find the bank manager behind her. “Hey Mr. John, how are you?”

“I’m doing great. May I see you in my office?” Paxton noticed that he seemed nervous about something.

“Sure,” she said as she followed him to the office. She caught sight of Duke. She held up one finger for him to wait.

“What’s going on Mr. John?” She asked as he closed the door.

“Mr. Mercier stated he was closing all the joint accounts. He wants all the money put into your personal account.” He paused. Paxton stared at him in shock.

“What do you mean?”

“I just need you to sign the paperwork now for closing the accounts.”

“Did he open new account for himself?”

Mr. John shifted in his seat. She looked up after signing the paper work and stared at him.

“No, maybe you should talk to him regarding this matter ma’am.” Again he was shifting. Paxton stared at him as he reached in his drawer. “Here are your new cards, already activated. All the money has been transferred to your new accounts.” He slid the cards to her. She had a small stack of cards. She knew all of them were probably held to the maximum covered by the government.

She grabbed the cards and stood. “Thank you Mr. John.”

Paxton all but ran out of his office. She passed Duke who was sitting in the waiting area and went out to the truck. She sat waiting for Duke to catch up.

“Get me to the cabin please.” She was frantic and nervous.
What game is Jack playing?
She thought to herself.

She arrived at the cabin. Something was off. “Can you wait here?” She asked Duke as he shut off the ignition.

“What’s wrong?”

“I don’t know. Just please wait here,” she said climbing out of the truck.

Paxton walked silently up to the house. She put her key in the door and took a deep breath before opening it. She didn’t see anything out of place. She walked around and nothing was amiss. She was confused.

She headed up to the second floor where her bedroom was.  Someone made the bed. She didn’t make it this morning before her appointment. She crept over to the bathroom. Jack’s stuff was gone. Jack had been here. He must have been released.  She walked to the closet. It was half empty. There was a note though on the shelf where he kept his shoes. She reached for it slowly as if she were waiting for it to jump out and bite her. She grabbed it and opened it slowly.


I can’t express to you the sadness I feel right now writing this note to you. It was not my intention to come back only to leave so soon. I came back because I realized how much I still love you and that I can’t live without you. I know how that sounds but it is the truth. Since the moment I met you, I knew you were the one for me. You carved your way into my life and I was happy to share it. I often can’t believe that you chose me out of all the male population to spend the rest of your life with. I hate myself for failing you. I hate that you cannot forgive me for what has happened. I know that I should have been there for you, I should have held you and I should have tried harder to make things better for you.
After waking up in the hospital and receiving the divorce papers, I saw that there may not be a possibility of an ‘us’ again. I understand that what I did may not deserve forgiveness, but I hoped we could have worked through this together. I am willing to sacrifice everything for you. I love you with all my heart whether you believe me or not. I want you to have everything that we built together. I want you to want for nothing in your life now. You have had a hard year and you deserve nothing more than the best of everything.  If Mr. John from the bank hasn’t called you yet, there are new checking accounts waiting for you. I am leaving you all our money. I do not need it. I want you to take it and start fresh. I want you to not have to worry about anything. I want you happy.
As you may have noticed, all my things are gone. I am going back to New York because staying around here and watching you rebuild your life without me would be too much. If you change your mind, you have my number and I will be waiting for that moment. No one on this Earth has made me happier than you and I only hope that one day I get the chance to make this up to you. You still own my heart. I love you, Paxton Mercier, I love you with every fiber of my being.

                                                Forever yours- Jack


Paxton fell to the floor in the closet, reading the letter over and over again. Jack left, not that she had given him any reason to stay but her chest still tightened at the thought. She didn’t have tears threatening to spill this time. He left her everything. He left her all the money. He left the cars. He left the cabin. He left her. She stared at the note and laid there in the closet staring at his empty side. She wasn’t angry or sad but she didn’t know what it was she was feeling.

“Paxton?!” Duke called out.

It had been over fifteen minutes since she went inside. He didn’t know what was going on but he knew something was wrong when Paxton didn’t come out to let him know what was going on. He rushed up the stairs after searching the main floor.

“Pax?”  He turned and saw her lying in the closet. “Pax, what’s wrong?”

He rushed over to her and sat down beside her. He pulled her into his arms. He saw the note that she was gripping in her hand.

“He left. He just left and gave me everything. He’s going back to New York.” She said.

There was no life in her voice. Duke cursed Jack silently. He couldn’t believe that Jack was stupid enough to walk away from this girl…again.

“I signed the papers Duke,” she said as if she read his thoughts. “I can’t accept what he has given me in the divorce though. I have to give back what is rightfully his.”

Duke didn’t say anything. He wasn’t sure if she was just shocked by it all or actually hurting inside. He waited for her to say something else.  “Do you think he will take it back though?”

“He’ll fight it.” Paxton looked at the note she still gripped in her hands. “I don’t know what I am going to do.”

Duke felt his phone buzz in his pocket. He ignored it. It buzzed again. “You should get that.” Paxton said as she climbed out of his lap and stood up. Duke followed her lead and grabbed the phone from his pocket. He stepped out of the closet and went downstairs.

Paxton looked at the note and looked at the closet. This is what she wanted, sort of. She said she needed a fresh start. Jack just handed her the means to make whatever life she chose. She knew they were multi-millionaires, between his family money and their salaries, they had an extremely comfortable life. She remembered times when Jack begged her to quit her job. He had more than enough money to take care of them both. She refused knowing that she was keeping her promises she made the night her father died.

She walked out of the closet and back down to the main floor. She went to the kitchen. No food was stocked. She needed to go grocery shopping. She checked the garage. Her two cars were there, keys still hanging on the wall. She grabbed the set for the Audi Q5. She loved that SUV. It was her graduation present from Jack. She looked at the keychain and saw a picture of her and Jack at the park. They were so in love, she could still see it in the picture. She felt a small ache in her chest.

“Hey I have to go. I need to go help a player out of a mess he found himself in.” Duke said startling her.

“Okay, thank you for today.” She smiled back at him.

“Are you going to be alright?”

“I’ll be fine.”

“Call me if you need anything. I’m still in your corner,” he smiled. Paxton returned it then climbed into her own car. 

She sat there letting it run and warm up. It wasn’t cold outside but she didn’t know how long it’s been since the car was started. She was lost in thoughts again. She picked up her phone. She closed her eyes waiting for an answer on the other end.

“This is Jack. Leave a message and I’ll be in touch!” Paxton was thankful his voicemail picked up.

“It’s me. I got your note. I cannot accept what you left me. It’s too much and it belongs to you. I would just like to keep the Q5 and my portion of the money. I’m also going to try to stay in the cabin but if I end up selling it I will send you half of the money I get for it. I will send you all the money I get for the Spyder convertible you left here. It was your favorite car and one of my favorite places to be with you. I can’t look at it. I got to go. I’ll be in touch about the money transfer.”

She hung up. She knew that Jack will not like the message and try to call her back. She was only being reasonable. She shouldn’t take his money. She put the car in reverse and headed to the store.


Jack looked at his phone. He couldn’t bear talking to Paxton. He let it roll to voicemail. He just got through talking to his parents. They pulled him downstairs in the sitting room to talk about what happened. It was more like a lecture. He laid on the bed thinking about his conversation with his parents. They were highly disappointed that he didn’t bring back what was rightfully his. His parents said he would get nowhere in life if he kept helping the needy, gold-digging girls. They classified Paxton as one of those girls the day they found out she was from a low-middle class family.

His parents always wanted him to stay within a certain circle when it game to his love life. They didn’t care if Paxton broke Jack’s heart, they worried more about his bank account. Jack had plenty of money still in his accounts here in New York. He set new ones up not long ago so his parents had no control over him. They used to freeze his accounts to prove a point. They haven’t done it in a while but Jack had changed banks anyways. His parents still didn’t know about it. He transferred all his checking and savings account to another one. He didn’t have to worry about money for five lifetimes.  That’s not including what he left back in Manhattan with Paxton. She would not have to want for anything.

Jack pulled the picture of Paxton from his wallet that was lying on the nightstand. He missed her. It was a picture he captured when they were in the park. They were having a picnic and the sun started to set. Light surrounded her and she had a glow emanating from her. She was laughing in the picture. She looked so happy and carefree. He felt an ache in his chest. He regretted walking out on her all those months ago. His phone buzzed on the nightstand. He put the picture down and grabbed his phone.

One new voicemail. He dialed to listen to it. His chest slightly ached when he heard Paxton’s strained voice on the other end. Apparently she was refusing some of the things he left her. She was selling his favorite car and wants to give him over half of the money that was left there. She could be so stubborn sometimes.  Jack deleted the message and texted her.

Jack: I don’t want the money.  If you don’t want it, donate it, burn it. Do whatever you want. I will not take it from you.

Jack set his phone by him. He put the picture back in his wallet. He needed to figure out what he was going to do. For now he would stay in New York until he was out of the cast. He decided tomorrow he would go around and look for a place. It had been less than twelve hours since he arrived at his parents’ house and he already knew it was a mistake coming back. He needed to get out as soon as possible. His phone buzzed again.

Paxton: Please just take it.

He sighed.  

Jack: No.

He had no need for it. He even stopped working in the last year and a half. Mostly to help out Paxton but then he walked out and now he just travels, trying to keep himself busy. He didn’t have anything to throw himself into. He went everywhere he could think of the first two months. Every time he went back to the cabin after Paxton moved to her mother’s, he felt empty and alone. He didn’t know who he could lean on because everyone seemed to be more worried about Paxton, not about him and how she betrayed him. His phone buzzed pulling him away from his thoughts.

Paxton: Why are you being so difficult?

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