Brendon (27 page)

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Authors: Nicole Edwards

BOOK: Brendon
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“Told you,” Beau said to Ethan, laughing.

“Great. I’ll never hear the end of this one,” Ethan replied, his shoulder bumping Beau’s affectionately.

“And you,” Curtis said, turning to Braydon. “Runnin’ away wasn’t the answer, but you already know how I feel about that. Regardless, you figured it out and you went after what you wanted. That took guts, especially since it made so many waves. I’m glad to see things have settled, and we’re countin’ down the days until that weddin’.”

“Me too,” Braydon said, kissing Jessie on the top of the head.

Curtis swallowed hard before looking at Sawyer. “And you, boy. Well, you’ve got more self-control than any one man I know. I’ve told you before that I’m proud of you. That’ll never change. I knew it would take a woman as headstrong as Kennedy to make you happy, and I was right.” Kennedy’s eyes met his briefly. “We’ve all depended on you and you’ve been there for each of us. Thanks will never be enough, but I speak for all of us when I say that if it weren’t for you, we’d be in an entirely different place today.

“And last but not least.” Curtis grinned when he looked at Brendon. “We can all breathe easier these days. I knew the day you were introduced to that woman that she was gonna be somethin’ special to you. We’ll never know if your paths crossed on accident, or if it was some grand design, but whatever the reason, it happened. I’m not the only one who wishes you’d have realized it at the time.” Laughter erupted at the table as Cheyenne kissed Brendon’s frowning mouth. “But you got there, and that’s all that matters to any of us.

“All in all, we’re a family, we stick together, we have each other’s backs. That’s what we do. We celebrate the good times and we work together to get through the bad. And I want every single person at this table to do me a favor . . .”

Curtis scanned all the faces in front of him. “I want every one of you to be grateful for what you have. Like I always say, things may not always be easy, but when it comes to love, it’s always worth it. Always.”

“So that’s it?” Travis questioned, a wide grin splitting his face. “That’s all she wrote?”

Curtis looked at his wife, wrapped his arm around her shoulders, and pulled her to him. “Of course not. There’re many more chapters to go, I truly believe that. Coyote Ridge is brimmin’ with life, and if I had to guess, there’s a handful of you right here who’ll get your happily ever after.” Curtis looked at his nieces and nephews who’d joined them today. “And I damn sure plan to be around to see how that plays out.”


have to thank my family first, for putting up with my craziness. From my sudden outbursts when I think of something that needs to be added or when I question why one of the characters did what they did, to the strange hours that I keep and the days on end when I’m MIA because I’m under deadline or just engrossed in a story . . . Y’all are incredibly tolerant of me, and for that, I am forever grateful. I love you with all that I am.

My street team—The Naughty & Nice Posse. Ladies, your daily pimping and support fills my heart with so much love. You are a blessing to me, each and every one of you.

My beta readers, Chancy and Denise. Ladies, I’m not sure thanks will ever be enough. However, not only are you the ones who catch the weird things and ask the bigger questions, you’ve both become my friends and you keep me going.

Nicole Nation 2.0, for the constant support and love. This group of ladies has kept me going for so long, I’m not sure I’d know what to do without them.

And, of course, YOU, the reader. Your emails, messages, posts, comments, tweets . . . They mean more to me than you can imagine. I thrive on hearing from you, and knowing that my characters and my stories have touched you in some way keeps me going. I’ve been known to shed a tear or two when reading an email because you simply bring so much joy to my life with your support. I thank you for that.


Nicole Edwards
lives in Texas with her husband, three amazing kids, and four beloved dogs. Writing is her passion, something she’s done since she was a teenager. If she isn’t writing or chasing the dogs around, she’s usually reading.




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This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and events are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2015 by Nicole Edwards

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First Pocket Star Books ebook edition May 2015

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ISBN 978-1-4767-9087-9

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