Brianna (38 page)

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Authors: Judy Mays - Celestial Passions 01

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Fiction

BOOK: Brianna
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The orchestra Jamiros had hired began to play.

Ban grinned as he took Brianna’s hand and helped her down the last two steps. “It’s supposed to be a night for her to remember, and she’ll certainly remember flying through the air.”

“You’re lucky someone thought quickly enough to catch her,” Char growled.

“Marl and I had everything planned. I knew exactly where to toss her.”

Descending the final steps behind Char and Brianna, Jenneta tried to lock gazes with her rakish grandson as she too placed her hand in his. “Exactly where to toss her, eh?” she said for Ban’s ears alone.

Ban’s refusal to meet her eyes verified for Jenneta what she had begun to suspect. “Walk with me, my Medirian grandson. It will do this old woman good to be seen in the company of such a notorious rake,” Jenneta said silkily, refusing to release his hand.

Knowing when to admit defeat, Ban bowed over Jenneta’s hand. “Old! Grandmother, you do not know what the word means.”

Soon, both had disappeared into the crowd.

Jamiros and Xdana, joined by Lorilana and Dadon, headed toward the main pavilion, where most of their friends had gathered.

“An interesting way to begin a birthday celebration,” Denieen said as she and Wendjas joined Brianna, Char, Fionilina, and Rodane.

Both Rodane and Char took their time admiring Denieen in her new finery.

“Stare at your own wives,” Wendjas snarled.

Both men grinned at Wendjas.

Brianna patted him on the arm.

“Deni is lovely tonight, Wendjas. Think how many men will envy you.”

“You’re not on Gattan, old friend,” Char added. “No one here will challenge you for her.”

“As if I’d allow it,” Denieen teased.

“I don’t think anyone would dare,” Rodane dryly. “I’d worry more about someone trying to make off with some of those diamonds you and Brianna are wearing. They’re worth a fortune.”

“Humph!” Wendjas snorted. He’d not worn the jacket Denieen had chosen for him. Instead, he’d donned an elaborately embroidered and bejeweled vest that left his arms and much of his chest bare, his white battle scars standing out plainly against his brown skin.

His wrist cuffs contained daggers topped with huge red diamonds.

Deni sniffed. “Judicious displays of claws every now and then will discourage any such thoughts.” Locking arms with Brianna and Fionilina, Denieen pulled the other two women towards the dance floor.

“They make quite a trio, don’t they?” said Rodane as the three women sauntered toward the festivities. All three wore red dresses and very expensive jewelry, though Fionilina’s jewels were not red diamonds. Instead, sapphires matched the blue matriarchal necklace Rodane had returned to her the night he refuted Crystas. “Alone, any one of them would demand attention. Together…I hope Sheala doesn’t feel slighted.”

Later that evening, comfortably ensconced on a cushioned divan, Brianna watched the continuing festivities. Sheala’s coming out party was an unqualified success. Though many people had presented themselves to Brianna to be introduced, most attention was lavished on Sheala. Nor had the Alalakans had any trouble monitoring her movements. All they had to do was look for the largest group, and Sheala was in the middle of it.

Denieen spent much of the evening with Brianna, Wendjas glowering behind them until Rodane and Char pointed out that many people were afraid to make Brianna’s acquaintance.

Wendjas watched as many men admired his wife, but not a single Drakian behaved in what he considered an improper manner. Eventually, he was able to relax and even began to enjoy himself.

As Meri had commented earlier, most of the guests did not know what to make of the three Gattan in their midst, so most tread warily around them. Brianna’s obvious closeness to the female Gattan amazed many in the crowd, and there was a great deal of conjecture about her planet being discovered by the Gattans. Noting how nearly identical Brianna’s and Demieen’s vibrant colorings were, some hypothesized that Brianna’s race could be closely related to the Gattan.

“Well, Coz, have you saved a dance for me?” Ban asked as he sat and stretched out next to Brianna.

Brianna had danced exactly twice that evening—once with Jamiros and once with Char—slow, sedate dances that did not require a great deal of movement.

“You’ve got to be crazy, Ban. The orchestra hasn’t played anything slow enough for me in at least two hours,” Brianna said with a laugh. “Dance with Deni.”

He shook his head emphatically. “And find myself facing blood challenge from another Gattan? No thank you!”

Deni’s laughter joined Brianna’s. “He wouldn’t challenge you, Ban. I wouldn’t allow it. However, I don’t know if I want to dance. My feet aren’t used to these Drakian shoes!”

Ban grinned in answer and glanced around. Wendjas was on the other side of the pavilion talking with Char and some of the Alalakan elders, no longer continually watching his wife.

He turned his attention back to Brianna. “The next selection will be much slower because I requested it. I’ll have few opportunities to hold you in my arms, lovely Coz. I must take advantage of them while I can.”

As Ban finished speaking, the orchestra finished its number and began a slower, more lyrical tune.

The soft melody rolled across the dance floor and embraced Brianna. “That’s a beautiful song. What is it?”

Grinning, Bandalardrac rose and pulled her to her feet. “It’s the Medirian Wedding March, of course.”

Laughing, Brianna allowed herself to be swept into Ban’s loose embrace.

From across the floor, Char answered Ban’s grin with his own and saluted his cousin. Bowing to his grandmother, Char led her onto the floor. Soon other couples joined them.

When the dance ended, Ban returned Brianna to her seat.

Winking, he raised her hand to his lips. “Good night, sweet Coz, a lonely widow awaits.”

Brianna tried to smother her laughter as Ban strode away, but she was unsuccessful.

“Something amuses you?” Denieen asked as she sat down beside her. She’d danced with Jamiros, and Wendjas had only glowered at her once.

“Ban,” Brianna answered when she regained control of herself. “I can’t wait for the day when he finds a woman he can’t charm.”

Char settled into the place beside Brianna that Ban had vacated. “Are you enjoying yourself?”

She smiled up into his face. “Hmmm, but I am getting tired.

Would anyone notice if we disappeared?”

Char leaned closer. “Probably. Do you have something in mind?”

Brianna chuckled at his suggestive leer. “Yes, sleep. I’m exhausted.”

“Has anyone seen Sheala?” Rodane asked as he joined them.

“Marljas just took her some punch,” Jamiros answered from behind Rodane, “and Ban is going to gather her up now. Says he hasn’t had his dance yet.”

“So much for lonely widows,” Brianna muttered.

Rodane rolled his shoulders. “Good. I’m glad the guests are finally starting to leave. Fionilina left half an hour ago. She said she was exhausted. I’m surprised you’re still here, Brianna.”

“I took a nap this afternoon.”

Char scooped Brianna into his arms. “As long as Ban has Sheala under control, I’ll take my wife to bed.”

Wendjas watched Char stride away. “He seems to carry her off to bed quite often.”

“How do you think she became pregnant so fast?” was Rodane’s wry answer. “But his idea sounds good to me. I think I’ll join my wife, too.”

“Well?” Wendjas whispered into his wife’s ear as Rodane followed Char and Brianna.

Deni laughed seductively as he led her away.

Jamiros chuckled as Xdana joined him.

“What amuses you, Jami?”

“I’m beginning to feel young again, Xda,” he answered putting his arm around her and pulling her close.

Xdana laughed quietly. “You may be feeling young again, my love, but we have guests to see to. Now come along.”

“Well, I hope they soon go home!”

Ban stood next to the bench under the Chotton bush.

Silently, he picked up the blue slippers that sat there. Marljas wouldn’t have left Sheala until he came for his dance. There could only be one reason for them not to be waiting for him.

“Well, Sheala, I hope you know what you’ve gotten yourself into,” Ban said lightly.

This was a very interesting development to report!

Much later, in the dim lighting of the captain’s quarters on his warbird, Marljas held a sleeping Sheala in his arms. He’d already made up his mind that he wasn’t going to give her up.


The next morning, Brianna woke to Char’s hands massaging her breasts. Smiling, she rolled awkwardly to face him. An especially strong kick caused her to gasp and she moved Char’s hand onto her stomach. Pressing down on his hand, she removed a small foot from where it pushed against her rib cage.

Her obvious discomfort cooled Char’s ardor quickly. Planting a chaste kiss on her mouth, he murmured, “I will be glad when this baby is finally born.”

“No more than I,” she answered as she struggled out of bed.

Since his mother’s rib cage had been denied him, her unborn child decided to wreak havoc on her bladder. “Will you call for breakfast?” she called from the bathroom. “I’m starved.”

“You’ll have to settle for lunch,” he answered. “It’s well into the afternoon.”

Brushing her hair, she waddled back into the bedroom.

“What I wouldn’t give for some Ben and Jerry’s Cherry Garcia ice cream.”

Char grunted. She’d been mentioning foods from her planet for the last three months, and he had no idea what she was talking about. Slipping into the lounging pants she insisted that he wear, he went out into the sitting room. “Put a robe on, Brianna,” he called to her. “Ban’s here.”

A few moments later, with her hair pulled back and wearing a softly draping blue robe, Brianna entered the sitting room to discover that Jamiros and Xdana had decided to join their son and his wife.

“Good morning, Brianna. How are you feeling?” Xdana asked.

“I’m fine, though I admit I’ll feel better after this baby is born.

I’m tired of being fat and running to the bathroom every thirty minutes.”

Char chuckled, and Brianna glared at him. “If men had the babies, there would be a lot fewer people in this universe.”

Before Char could do so, Ban rose and helped Brianna into his chair. “But, Coz, you women carry pregnancy off so well!”

Xdana’s scowl joined Brianna’s. “I hope your wife has twins when you finally find one, Ban, and she makes your life miserable the entire time she’s pregnant.”

Everyone laughed easily. However, before anyone could continue the conversation, Jamiros held up his hand.

“Brianna’s pregnancy is a fascinating topic of conversation, but we are here to finalize the plans for our appearance before the Council four days from now.”

Char watched as Brianna tried to make herself comfortable.

Then he turned to his father. “Rodane and I thought that leaving for Benishan tomorrow would be best. That will give us two full days in the city before the Council hearing. Findal has already had the Medirian ambassador petition the Federation ambassadors to meet with Brianna and recognize her ambassadorial status from a new human planet.”

“They’ve agreed?” Ban asked.

“All Findal had to do was mention Bakom’s name and the fact that Brianna is pregnant with a Drakian child, and they all agreed to the meeting,” Char answered. “Federation recognition is another thing Bakom cannot have anticipated.”

“You seem to have things well in hand, Son. Which shuttle will you use?”

Char grinned. “None of ours, Father. We will enter Benishan in a Gattan warbird.”

Jamiros began to laugh. “You never do anything halfway, my son. If it were possible, I think you’d have Marljas land the
in the middle of the council chamber.”

“On top of Bakom’s head if I could manage it.”

“I’ll fly the rest of the family in the
,” Ban said.

Char continued, “Having the entire immediate family there emphasizes the clan’s support. Brianna is the first widely known ‘alien’ to carry any clan heir. Bakom may try to convince the Council that ‘pure’ Alalakan blood would be best.”

Xdana’s fork stopped halfway to her mouth. “He wouldn’t dare!”

“Bakom would dare, Mother. I don’t intend to allow Brianna out of my sight again until after the Council meeting,” Char stated grimly. “He’ll do anything to get his hands on her.”

Placidly, Brianna shifted her weight as the conversation continued around her. She didn’t look forward to confronting Bakom, but knew she had no choice. Her fears had been eased a great deal last night at Sheala’s party. The deference with which she’d been treated because of her pregnancy, even by those whom Ban had identified as some of the worst rakes in the galaxy, had done a great deal to calm her. True, some had sought assignations, but all had accepted her gentle refusals with good grace. She was sure that the Ruling Council would not allow Bakom to touch her. Instead, the Alalakans had to concentrate on saving the rest of Earth from him.

A knock at the door announced the arrival of the meal Char had ordered. Conversation ceased as everyone enjoyed the fine lunch the kitchen staff had prepared.

Xdana and Jamiros left soon after finishing. Orders for readying the townhouse had to be sent and packing had to be supervised. Brianna was ordered to relax. Verna would see to packing whatever personal items she would need.

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