Briannas Prophecy (15 page)

Read Briannas Prophecy Online

Authors: Tianna Xander

Tags: #Paranormal, #Romance, #Fantasy

BOOK: Briannas Prophecy
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There goes Hurricane Brianna. Watch out! Don’t get too close! I’d rather be dead, than date the girl who’s red on the head.
The old childhood taunts haunted her. Hurricane Brianna was what all of the boys in school had called her. Something had gone wrong on every date she’d ever had. Why should today be any different? She looked down at her lap, watching her hands twist the napkin under the table.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have brought you here.”

Brianna bit her lip and tried to smile. “Don’t be silly, Niklas. It’s not your fault those things happened.”

“I should have picked a better restaurant.” He was adamant. “If I had chosen better, perhaps your beautiful suit wouldn’t have been ruined.” He smiled ruefully. “I would offer to pay for the cleaning. But I don’t think any amount of cleaning is going to help it.”

“It’s not your fault or the restaurant’s fault that old man was in such a hurry. I’m sure he didn’t mean to knock that bowl of soup out of the waitress’s hand and onto my shoulder. Or that the waiter tripped over that woman’s purse and dumped my salad in my lap.” She raised a trembling hand and brushed her hair back from her face. So, her hair was working its way free from the French twist? Big deal! Her bottom lip trembled.

Niklas looked so dejected. She almost felt sorry for him, even though
was the walking menu. Brianna took a deep steadying breath, determined not to lose control in front of him. “I really have to run, Niklas, if you’ll excuse me.” She stood and ran from the restaurant. Who could blame her?


* * * *


When Niklas tried to follow, an irate employee yelled, “Hey! Who’s gonna pay this check?”

Scowling, Niklas almost asked who was going to pay for Brianna’s suit and lost dignity after having soup and salad dumped on her, but decided to pay the check instead so he could go after her. Still not used to the currency, he fumbled in his pocket for the correct amount. “Sorry, I was just trying to catch her.” He gestured toward the door. Not waiting for his change, Niklas ran outside. He needed to find her.

Looking up and down the crowded street, he threw his arms out, disgusted. “Well, what did you expect in the middle of the day?” he asked himself, looking up and down the street, hoping he would see her retreating figure. It was no use. She was gone, and she knew this town a lot better than he did. The only thing left to do was to go back to her house and hope he could talk with her there.

“Blast that restaurant, blast that old man and waiter, and blast my accursed luck!” He fumed as he drove, knowing he needed to calm down a bit before he reached her house. After parking the truck on the street in front of her home, he strode to the door and knocked several times. When what he really wanted to do was break down the door. “I see you made it home all right,” he said when the door opened.

“You must be Niklas. I’m Amber, Brianna’s friend.” The beautiful blonde woman holding the door didn’t appear happy to see him. “What in the world did you do to her anyway? She came home absolutely devastated.” She scowled at him as though everything was his fault.

Niklas recovered from his surprise quickly. “It is very good to meet you, Amber,” he said warily. He wasn’t sure he cared for her attitude. She at least should establish his guilt before she punished him.

“Ooh, great accent. No wonder she’s so upset.” She grinned.

The woman with the strange sense of humor clearly wasn’t going to make this easy for him. “I take it, by your attitude, she is home?” Niklas asked, looking past her, trying to get a glimpse of Brianna. He’d worried about her after she left the restaurant. With the danger following him, he feared for her safety. Any interest he showed in her would put her at risk.

“She’s home, but chances are, she’s not going to want to talk to you.”

Sighing, he stared down at his feet and and wondered what he could do to make it right. “It wasn’t my fault, you know. What happened I mean.” He raked his hand through his hair. “I wish I could have stopped it, but…” He shrugged, his arms raised in the universal sign for
shit happens

Amber nodded and opened the door wider and gestured for him to enter. “She tends to overreact about these things.”

“This has happened before?” Niklas was stunned.

She tilted her head and gave him a wry smile. “Well, not this exactly. But things like this happen to her all of the time. Every time she has a date, something embarrassing happens to her. It’s almost as if there is some bizarre cosmic rule that Brianna can’t date, and every time she does, she’s punished.”

Niklas sighed, rubbed the back of his neck and wondered if he should ask. He didn’t have to. Amber volunteered the information.

“She usually ends up wearing what she ordered, or a waiter will drop spaghetti on her, or if she’s at a zoo, a bird will poop on her head. There
the time that—”

He held up his hand, “I think I get the picture.” Boy did he get the picture. It seemed that bad luck followed Brianna wherever she went.

Amber grinned. “Too much information, huh?”

“Definitely, more information than I needed.” He looked around. “Where is she now?”

“To tell you the truth…you
want the truth, don’t you?” she asked, giving him a shrewd look. At his quick nod, she continued. “She’s in her room crying. She couldn’t bear to answer the door. Said you most likely wouldn’t come over when you got home, but if you did, she didn’t want to see you.” Then she grinned. “I’m of the mind that if your date didn’t scare you off like all of the others, you must be Mr. Right.” She tilted her head. “I just might start calling you that.”

Amber at least had the grace to look a little guilty when she imparted that last bit of information. She may have even felt a little guilty, but an observant person could see that the wheels were turning in her matchmaker’s mind. She smiled, tongue in cheek.

“Voortag, my name is Niklas Voortag.” Niklas said as he ran his fingers through his already abused hair. Now what was he supposed to do? He had absolutely no experience when it came to women and emotional issues.

Amber giggled. “You look like Mr. Right to me.” She raised her hand. “Do you know what I would do if I were you, and I gave a damn what she thought about me?” she asked, looking at him shrewdly.

He shook his head slowly, deliberately pasting a blank expression on his face. It seemed the Goddess was going to make things a little easier for him. At least he could hope.

“I would march right into her room, take her in my arms, and tell her that I couldn’t care less what she’s wearing because she would look beautiful in anything, or nothing.” Amber grinned and leaned her hip against the back of the sofa.

Niklas eyed her a bit suspiciously, wondering if he should take the advice. The woman seemed sincere, but she also seemed to be enjoying this a little too much. She patted his arm. Her eyes widened when she realized that the size of it had nothing to do with a baggy shirt and everything to do with his physical strength.

“Aw, come on, big guy. What do you have to lose?”

The woman had no idea what he could lose. But she had a point. What was the worst that could happen? Brianna could kick him out. At least he would have tried to make her see reason. She was going home with him one way or another. It would be easier for them both if she wanted to go, but not impossible for him if she didn’t.

Taking a deep breath, he walked toward the door Amber indicated. Knocking, he waited as Amber asked, “Are you decent?” She opened the door when Brianna answered in the affirmative, then gave Niklas a push into the room.

His heart nearly stopped. If he’d had any doubt in his mind that she was The One, it was gone now. The emotion he felt when he first saw her lying across her bed, her head buried in her pillow as deep sobs wracked her was immense. He knew now, that his mother had been right. Brianna had already touched his heart. She’d probably stolen it the first night they’d met.

Niklas crossed the room, hoping the advice her friend gave him was sound. He sat on the edge of the bed and gathered her in his arms. At first, she cried harder as he rocked her back and forth.


* * * *


Brianna stiffened when she realized it wasn’t Amber holding her. The arms that surrounded her were too large to belong to her friend and too strong. “What are you doing in here?” she cried, trying to pull away.

What was she to do now? Not only had this man seen her at her worst on a date, he was here in her bedroom watching her bawl with her eyes rimmed by red and her nose running. How romantic! Brianna wanted nothing more than to curl up under a rock somewhere and die of embarrassment.

Instead of letting her go as she requested, Niklas held fast, keeping his arms wrapped tightly around her. “I’m here under advisement.” He chuckled and smoothed her hair.

“What?” What in the world was he talking about? “Under whose advisement?” It had better not have be Amber’s. It didn’t matter that she liked the feel of his arms around her, or the heat of his body pressed against her as he rocked her gently. If he said Amber told him to come in here, she was going to kill her best friend. Twice!

He chuckled again and gave her a gentle squeeze. “I was informed on good authority that you needed a shoulder to cry on. Mine seems to be just the right size. Although, in all fairness, I must admit that those were not her exact words.”

She reached for a tissue to wipe her swollen eyes. Gods, she must look a mess! “I swear, one of these days, I’m going to kill Amber.” Even though she could be embarrassing sometimes, Brianna had often wished she had half of Amber’s
joie de vivre

Niklas gave her another squeeze and held her gently against his solid frame. “I think it was good advice. You did need my shoulder, and I needed to talk to you.”

“I’m sorry I ran out on you.” She swallowed hard and wiped away fresh tears. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t look up at him. She just couldn’t bring herself to meet his gaze, she was so embarrassed. She should have known that a date with this man wouldn’t be any different than the others. It was almost as though she were cursed to never find a man with whom she could spend her life.

Niklas put a hand under her chin, tilted her head back and gazed into her eyes. “You don’t have to apologize, Brianna.”

She closed her eyes for a moment, savoring the way he said her name. He rolled the R and it sounded so foreign, so sexy. “I can never have a normal dinner with someone. Something bad always happens.” She pulled from his embrace, not able to think when he held her with his hands doing magical things to her back and shoulders.

“Yet it is never your fault.” It wasn’t a question, merely a statement of fact as if he already knew it to be true.

“No. Not that it makes a difference.” She shrugged. “It doesn’t stop it from happening. Strange things happen to me all of the time, Niklas. Not necessarily bad things, just strange.” Brianna twisted the tissue she held for a moment before she continued, “It scares most people off. I’ve had premonitions, or wild animals walk up to me and let me pet them. I get food dumped all over me. Lightning even struck one of my dates. Things like that put a real damper on an evening. No pun intended. They also tend to scare most guys off.”

She turned her head toward the wall. She couldn’t look at him because she didn’t want him to see her fresh tears. She shrugged, hopping to make it look as though it didn’t bother her or she didn’t care. “I don’t know why I thought it would be different with you. I guess…I just wanted it to be different. I should have known better.

“You got what you wanted, Brianna. It
different.” Niklas reached out, took her chin in his hand and gently turned her face toward his. He gazed deep into her eyes. “I
still here.”

Brianna closed her eyes as fresh tears streamed down her face. She didn’t know if she should laugh or cry. Part of her wanted to jump for joy. Another, more cowardly part, wanted to run screaming from the room. Niklas was right. This was a unique situation for her. He didn’t run from her. He ran to her. It was the most exhilarating and frightening thing she’d ever experienced in her life. That said an awful lot for someone who rode with Amber behind the wheel on a regular basis. “
is this different, Niklas?” she asked, searching his eyes. “Why did you come looking for me?” She had to know.

Niklas cleared his throat. “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever met.” He placed his fingers over her lips when he saw that she was going to protest. “Hear me out before you say anything.”

“Since I was a child, my mother would tell my sister and I stories about what it would be like to find our
. Translated, it means life-mate.” At her curious look, he added, “You would say soul mate.” He took her hand in his larger one and nervously drew small circles in her palm while he talked.

“She told us we would know our
the moment we met. On my—” He cleared his throat again and kept his gaze on her hand. “Where I am from, we have seers, people who see far into the future. One of these seers predicted my future wife would have hair and eyes of a certain color.” He watched her, as though waiting to see disbelief or censure.

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