Brick and Mortar (Student Bodies #4) (7 page)

BOOK: Brick and Mortar (Student Bodies #4)
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Cannon was humming
Save A Horse, Ride A Cowboy
while he did the dinner dishes. He had left Turner sitting in front of the roaring fire in the living room playing with Daisy. Every few minutes, the Rottweiler would roam into the kitchen to see him before heading back to Turner.

“Why does she keep doing that?” Turner asked from the kitchen door. Daisy was behind him proudly carrying her green and white rope toy.

“Rotties are very protective of their family. She’s patrolling the house. She leaves you to check on me and walks a lap through the downstairs before coming back to you.”

“She considers you family?” Turner raised an eyebrow.

“She will consider anyone you allow into the house family, but protecting you will be her first priority.”

“Then she’ll protect you?”

“Right. So if you plan to do something that will cause me pain, you may want to gag me.”

Turner laughed. “Because you’ll get off on that or so Daisy won’t try to come to your rescue?”

Grinning, Cannon laughed along. “Both.”

“I was thinking about showing you the impact tools you mentioned in the contract.”

“And by showing you mean using on my ass?” Cannon shivered, wrapping his arms around himself.

“Is that a problem, brat?” Turner smirked, cornering Cannon at the sink.

Cannon shook his head no.

“Are the dishes done and the leftovers put away?” Turner could see the dishes drip-drying in the washboard and no sign of the leftover pasta, but wanted Cannon to answer him. He couldn’t get enough of the way “sir” dripped off his lips.

“Yes, sir.” Cannon licked his lips.

“Are you sure you’re ready for this?” Turner palmed Cannon’s erection through his jeans.

Cannon nodded, reaching out to grab Turner’s hips, urging him closer.

“You’re a needy little thing, huh, brat?”

“I need you.” Cannon gripped Turner tighter.

He wasn’t going to say it out loud, but Turner needed him too. “Let’s go upstairs. Take your gag, you’ll need it.” Guiding Cannon to the stairs, he stopped to pet Daisy. “Stay, honey.”


Cannon followed a step behind Turner all the way up the stairs and into the master bedroom. Done in tan and forest green, it was warm and inviting. It was the perfect place to end a long day.  The king-sized bed was lined with dark green pillows and a green and silver comforter. Cannon closed his eyes and imagined himself falling asleep in Turner’s arms.

“Strip,” Turner commanded before opening the door to the walk-in closet.

Cannon did as Turner asked, taking off everything and folding it neatly.

“Very nice.” Turner grinned at his naked sub, while holding a paddle in his right hand.

“Thank you, sir. Where are the rest?”

“The rest of what?”

“The rest of the impact tools I mentioned like the cane and crop.” Cannon wanted to see and touch all of the tools he’d read about and seen online.

“Trust me, boy, you’ll want me to try them out one at a time.”

Cannon watched in fascination as Turner walked closer to him, tapping the top of the paddle against the palm of his hands. “I-I trust you, sir.” God help him, he did.


“Thank you, Cannon. Those are the most important words a Dom can ever hear from a sub.” Maybe not
most important words, but he wasn’t going to tell Cannon that.
Not yet
… Maybe not ever.

“May I touch it?”

“Sure.” Turner handed it to Cannon before hauling off his shirt and going for the button of his jeans.

Cannon ran his hand down the smooth wood and slapped it against his palm like he’d seen Turner do before setting it on the bed.

Picking up Cannon’s gag, Turner stalked toward his brat. “Ordinarily for a session like this, I’d chain you to the bed.”

Cannon’s eyes widened and his cock jerked against his stomach.

Turner grinned, wrapping his fingers around Cannon’s dick, stroking it lightly. “You’d like being chained to the bed? Hmm?”

“To your bed.” Cannon reached for Turner’s cock before stopping short. “May I touch you?”

“Good boy. Yes you may.” Turner brushed a kiss against Cannon’s lips. “With the dog being so protective and you never having been paddled before, I’d rather your arms be free if you’re gagged.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“No, thank you, Cannon. Now let’s gag you.” He meant it. Cannon was giving him an incredible gift. It had been so long since he held his paddle, longer still since he’d last used it. Cannon seemed just as excited to use it as he was. Cannon had made him a Dom again. Mere words didn’t seem enough to thank his totally annoying and wonderful brat who was coming perilously close to stealing his heart.

Cannon gave Turner’s dick one last long leisurely stroke before letting him go. He pressed one last kiss to Turner’s heart and turned around ready for the gag.

Turner fastened the gag, his cock gliding against the crack of Cannon’s sweet ass. “Up on the edge of the bed, on your hands and knees.” Turner tugged on Cannon’s earlobe with his teeth before giving him small push forward.

Cannon turned and tapped Turner’s heart three times before obeying his order.

Not wanting to think about what the three taps could possibly mean, Turner focused on his naked submissive arranging himself on the bed. Turner could come just from the sight of a naked Cannon in the proper position, but there would be time for that later. “The use of the paddle is two-fold.” Turner picked it up from where Cannon set it down on the bed. “One is to punish, the other is to pleasure.”

He moved closer to the bed, running his hand up Cannon’s right leg before dipping his middle finger against Cannon’s clenched pucker, biting his lip to keep from laughing when Cannon tried to moan around the gag and pushed back against his finger.

Gliding his finger away from Cannon’s eager hole, he continued, “Since we don’t know how you will react to the paddle, I’ll treat this like a pleasure session. I’ll start with soft strikes and work up to more if you can take it. Your safe signal is a raised fist. Make a fist and hold it up and I stop what I’m doing. Don’t be stupid. Use it if you need it. You don’t need permission to come, just go with it if it happens. Are you ready?”

Cannon gave a thumbs up.

“Good boy.” The butterflies in Turner’s stomach took wing all at once. Standing at the side of the bed, paddle in hand was more exciting than every Christmas morning, first day of baseball season and the last day of school all rolled into one. This was
Super Bowl. “I’m starting now.” Turner tapped the paddle against Cannon’s left and then right butt cheek.

Cannon moaned around the gag.

“My brat likes that, huh?” Turner smirked. He liked it too.

Cannon gave a thumbs up.

The next set of whacks was harder. The paddle striking his bare skin made a satisfying thump in the quiet room. Making Turner’s dick jump was the way Cannon moaned after each strike. Bryce hadn’t been into impact play and out of respect for him, Turner had shelved his treasured paddle, but now with Cannon, the sky was the limit.


Cannon hadn’t believed Turner when he said it was possible to come from being paddled, but he’d been right. With every paddle strike to his ass, the closer he felt to coming. He wished he could tell Turner how good it felt to obey him in this moment. How every crack of the paddle against his ass felt like Cannon was home.  He’d finally found the elusive something he’d been missing and it was Turner.

“You okay?” Turner called, sounding far away.

Cannon managed to give a thumbs up, but dropped his head to rest on the mattress. The next two swats were harder, sending him closer and closer to the edge. His cock was drooling pre-come and every strike with the paddle sent vibrations cascading through his whole body ending with his cock. He could feel the heat radiating from his ass but no pain, only pleasure.

Turner laid two more strikes, the hardest yet, against Cannon’s ass and rubbed his index finger against Cannon’s quivering hole, slipping inside and finding his prostate.

Seeing stars, Cannon screamed around the gag and started to come in hard, jerky bursts, his cock untouched. He screamed until his voice cracked, but his cock kept jerking, with Turner’s finger rubbing his prostate. His orgasm seemed to go on forever. His dick giving a feeble final twitch, Cannon sank forward onto his forearms. Unable to hold himself up anymore, he collapsed onto his side and reached out for Turner.


Turner had never seen anything like that before. Not in person, not at a BDSM convention, not even in porn. Sweet Jesus, his boy was a treasure. Releasing the gag, he lay behind Cannon on the bed, spooning around him gently from behind, careful not to touch his very rosy ass. “You okay, baby?”

“What’s happening?” Cannon was trembling uncontrollably. His body felt light as air, his cock twitching with after-shocks from his powerful orgasm.

“You’re in sub-space. I don’t want to touch your ass, so I need you to tell me how you want to be held.”

“On your chest.”

Turner moved out from behind Cannon and moved him to cuddle against his chest, Cannon’s head resting on his own wildly beating heart. “How’s that?” Turner wrapped his arms around Cannon’s back.

“Perfect,” Cannon mumbled, “you’re perfect.”

At this moment in time, his arms full of a happy sub, he had to admit it was perfect. Cannon was perfect.




The warm water felt good against Cannon’s tired muscles. He and Turner stayed cuddled together for almost an hour, until Turner got up to take Daisy out. He’d taken the opportunity to hop into the shower. Now that sub-space was over and he didn’t feel like he was walking on a cloud, his ass had started to sting a bit. He’d taken Turner’s advice and swallowed some Advil before he’d started the water in the tub.

Cannon was glad for the alone time. It gave him a chance to go over everything that happened today. Although truth be told it felt like several days had passed since Cannon saw Turner at the animal shelter this morning. It was still hard to believe Turner had adopted his Daisy. It was selfish of him not to have seen her off when Turner took her home, but his heart was shattered. It seemed an oxymoron. The thing he wanted
for Daisy hurt him more than he ever could have imagined. The bright side was he knew she’d be well-loved and he’d be able to see her so long as he and Turner remained what? Lovers? Is that what they were?

Never in his wildest dreams could he have imagined what a sweet man Turner was outside the classroom. He and Cannon had battled so much while class was in session, he half expected Turner to be argumentative when they were out of class. He’d have to guard his heart closely or before he knew it, his heart would totally belong to Turner. He was half-afraid it already did.

Shutting off the water, he grabbed for a fluffy blue towel, raking it over his short hair before wrapping it around his shoulders. Once he was dressed in sleep pants and UMass tee, he opened the bathroom door and nearly stumbled over Daisy.

“There’s my gorgeous girl.” Cannon sat on the floor with her and she started licking his face. “I just had a bath, pretty girl.” Cannon giggled, scratching her soft back.

Daisy groaned in delight.

“Belly rub, does Daisy want a belly rub?” He giggled, rubbing his face against her thick shoulder.

Giving a short woof, Daisy rolled onto her back, her feet high in the air.

“Belly rub,” Cannon giggled, rubbing and scratching Daisy’s tummy.

“What the hell is this?” Turner was standing in the door with a stunned look on his face.

“Rub the belly. Rub the belly.” Cannon laughed, using both hands on Daisy, who was groaning in delight and wiggling her back against the bedroom carpet.

Sighing, Turner joined him on the floor and started to rub Daisy’s belly.

“You can’t just rub her, you gotta say, ‘belly rub. ’”

“Fine. Belly rub, belly rub.” Turner laughed along with Cannon.

Groaning, Daisy rolled over and stood. She shook her whole body and headed out the door.

“Where is she going? We’re both here.”

“To patrol
house.” Cannon leaned forward to press a kiss to Turner’s collarbone before standing up and offering his hand.

“Thanks.” Turner climbed back to his feet. “I’m going to bed. See you in the morning.”

“Good night, sir.” Cannon hid his disappointment at not being asked to join Turner in bed behind a bright smile.


No matter which position he lay in, Turner couldn’t get comfortable. He figured he’d sleep like a baby after the head Cannon gave him and the successful paddling session, but every time he closed his eyes, they popped open again moments later, visions of Cannon’s blue-green eyes dancing in his head.

Not helping matters was Daisy. She’d spend twenty minutes sleeping on the floor next to Turner’s side of the bed before getting up and trotting into Cannon’s room across the hall.

He had to admit he’d gotten what he wanted. With Cannon and Daisy here, the house was no longer quiet or lonely. Alone in the dark, he could admit the house was never this lively when Bryce was here. He was a quiet man with quiet habits. He even made love quietly.

Comparing Bryce and Cannon was like comparing night to day. They were polar opposites in almost every way. The most important way being, Cannon fit him like a glove. He knew Cannon wasn’t playing at being submissive, they boy truly
submissive. There was never a dull moment with Cannon around. His brat was full of surprises, which made Turner want to learn more about him.

The jingle of Daisy’s dog tags caught his attention. He’d never get to sleep with her running back and forth between his room and Cannon’s. “For fuck’s sake, brat, get your ass in here so Daisy will settle down.”


Trying hard not to laugh, Cannon got out of bed and padded into Turner’s room. “You bellowed, Master?”

“Shut up and get into bed. Don’t make me gag you, boy.” His smile was obvious, even in the dark.

Cannon walked around to the opposite side of the bed and climbed in, pillowing his head on his hands and staring up at the ceiling. He’d wanted nothing more than to be in bed with Turner and now that he was here, he had no idea what came next.

Daisy came back from patrol and padded over to Cannon’s side of the bed before going back to Turner and lying down with a huff.

“Good girl.” Turner reached out to rub her ears. “Get over here, brat.” His voice sounded resigned.

Cannon snorted and moved closer to Turner.

“Damn it, boy.” Turner reached out and pulled Cannon to lie across his bare chest, wrapping his arms around Cannon’s back.

Shifting around a bit, Cannon got comfortable against Turner and could hear his pounding heartbeat. It was nice being desired, but Cannon wanted more than that, he wanted to be loved. Turner still seemed bitter over his relationship with Bryce ending and didn’t appear interested in him beyond their sexual attraction.

“What do you want to do tomorrow?” Turner whispered, pressing a kiss to Cannon’s head.

Surprised by the question, Cannon thought about it for a moment. “We could have breakfast and then take Daisy to play in the snow at the dog park?”

Turner nodded against Cannon, pulling him even closer. “Good night, brat.”

Smiling against the hot skin at the base of Turner’s throat, he kissed his lover. “Good night, sir.”


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