Bridal Jitters

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Authors: Jayne Castle

BOOK: Bridal Jitters
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Titles by Jayne Ann Krentz writing as Jayne Castle

Deception Cove

The Lost Night

Canyons of Night

Midnight Crystal

Obsidian Prey

Dark Light

Silver Master

Ghost Hunter

After Glow


After Dark




The Guinevere Jones Novels

The Desperate Game

The Chilling Deception

The Sinister Touch

The Fatal Fortune

Titles by Jayne Ann Krentz writing as Amanda Quick

The Mystery Woman

Crystal Gardens


Burning Lamp

The Perfect Poison

The Third Circle

The River Knows

Second Sight

Lie By Moonlight

The Paid Companion

Wait Until Midnight

Late for the Wedding

Don’t Look Back

Slightly Shady

Wicked Widow

I Thee Wed

With This Ring














Other titles by Jayne Ann Krentz

Dream Eyes

Copper Beach

In Too Deep

Fired Up

Running Hot

Sizzle and Burn

White Lies

All Night Long

Falling Awake

Truth or Dare

Light in Shadow

Summer in Eclipse Bay

Together in Eclipse Bay

Smoke in Mirrors

Lost & Found

Dawn in Eclipse Bay

Soft Focus

Eclipse Bay

Eye of the Beholder


Sharp Edges

Deep Waters

Absolutely, Positively

Trust Me

Grand Passion

Hidden Talents

Wildest Hearts

Family Man

Perfect Partners

Sweet Fortune

Silver Linings

The Golden Chance


The Scargill Cove Case Files

Bridal Jitters



(with Julie Beard, Lori Foster, and Eileen Wilks)

Titles written by Jayne Ann Krentz and Jayne Castle

No Going Back

Bridal Jitters

Jayne Ann Krentz

writing as Jayne Castle


, N


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A Jove Special / published by arrangement with the author

Copyright © 1999 by Jayne Ann Krentz.

Excerpt from
Deception Cove
by Jayne Castle copyright © 2013 by Jayne Ann Krentz.

Excerpt from
The Desperate Game
by Jayne Castle copyright © 1986 by Jayne Krentz, Inc.

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ISBN: 978-0-698-15316-5


Jove Special / August 2013

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their content.

Table of Contents







Special Excerpt from
Deception Cove

Special Excerpt from
The Desperate Game



Harmony: Cadence City, two hundred years after the closing of the Curtain

“So, is it true what they say about ghost-hunters?” Adeline Delmore leaned close and lowered her voice as she helped herself to another orange-frosted cookie. “Are they really
in bed after they’ve zapped a ghost? I’ve heard the sex is unbelievable right after a burn.”

The question caught Virginia Burch just as she took a sip of the sparkling wine punch. She coughed and sputtered. Heat infused her cheeks. Unfortunately, she reflected glumly, bright pink was not her best color, especially on her face. She glanced wildly around to make sure no one else had overheard Adeline’s outrageous question.

The offices of Gage & Burch were crowded with friends and colleagues, some of whom she could not recognize because, even though they were here to celebrate her engagement, most wore masks and costumes. It was Halloween week, after all; otherwise known here in Cadence as party-till-you-drop week. She wondered if the fact that her friends had chosen
to throw a surprise engagement party with a Halloween theme was a bad omen. Not that she needed any more to warn her that her forthcoming marriage was probably a huge mistake.

Luckily someone had cranked up the volume of the music. The throbbing beat of a rez-rock song created a blanket of white noise that effectively shrouded conversations. As far as she could tell, no one had overheard Adeline’s question about the sexual habits of ghost-hunters.

“Uh,” Virginia said. To buy herself some time, she groped for a napkin decorated with a cartoon picture of a woman in a pointy black hat and a cape, riding a broomstick. “Uh, well—”

“I’ve heard the stories,” Adeline continued, eyes gleaming. “And if you’ll recall, I dated that good-looking hunter for a while. The one with the blue eyes and the curly black hair. I can’t remember his name.”

“Brett.” It was hard to keep up with Adeline’s ever-changing list of boyfriends, Virginia thought. But Brett had been memorable mostly because he had been a swaggering braggart. Of course, a lot of ghost-hunters were swaggering braggarts.

But not Sam. Whatever else he was, he was not a typical hunter.

She glanced across the room to where her new combination fiancé/business partner stood talking with one of the guests. Sam Gage didn’t have to do any bragging, she thought wistfully. You knew just by looking at him that he could take care of himself and any ghost that happened along.

She was pretty sure he’d be terrific in bed, too, but she was beginning to think she might never find out the truth of that for herself.

“Oh, yeah, right,” Adeline said. “Brett. That was his name. At any rate, he made some very interesting claims and promises. Ghost-hunters are not exactly shy when it comes to
telling you about their sexual prowess. But our relationship didn’t last long enough for me to run an experiment. Anyhow, I’m curious. I realize it’s none of my business—”

“No, it’s not.”

“But I
your very best friend in the entire world,” Adeline reminded her. “If you can’t tell me, who can you tell?”

Virginia cleared her throat and decided to be honest. “Sorry, I’m not in a position to answer your question.”

Adeline looked dumbfounded. “You’re not? But you’re going to marry Sam Gage. He’s a hunter. This is your engagement party.”

“Oddly enough, it looks more like a Halloween party to me.”

“Okay, okay, so we decided to give it a theme. All the best parties have themes. I read it in last month’s issue of
Harmonic Home & Garden.

“I can’t believe
Harmonic Home & Garden
told you that Halloween is considered an appropriate theme for an engagement party.”

“Personally, I thought it was kind of original.” Adeline looked across the crowded room to where Sam stood. A speculative light glittered in her deceptively innocent eyes. “Are you telling me that you two haven’t done it yet? How weird.”

“Adeline, I explained that Sam and I intend to apply for a two-year marriage-of-convenience license, not a covenant license.”

“So what? That doesn’t mean you aren’t going to sleep together, does it?” Adeline broke off abruptly, eyes widening.
“Does it?”

“This is business.” Virginia swallowed. “I told you that.”

Adeline looked skeptical. “One hundred percent business?”


“No fooling around at all?”

Virginia fought to quell the panic that had been nibbling at
her for the past few days. “Like I said, it’s a business arrangement.”

Adeline groaned. “I don’t believe it. You and Sam are a perfect couple.”

Virginia paused, her plastic cup of punch halfway to her mouth. “What ever gave you that idea?”

“Are you kidding? You and Sam were made for each other. You’ve got so much in common.”

“Such as?”

Adeline’s brow climbed. “Well, for openers, you’re both repressed, obsessive workaholics. Neither one of you seems to know how to have fun.”

“Thanks a lot.”

Adeline chuckled. “Should have seen the looks on your faces when you walked into the office this evening.”

“We weren’t expecting a party, Adeline.”

“Yeah, I know.” Adeline smiled smugly. “It was a surprise party. And it worked, didn’t it?”

Virginia thought about the way her stomach had clenched when she had opened the door a short time earlier and been greeted with shrieks of

“It worked,” she mumbled into her punch. “I was definitely surprised.”

Adeline gave her an admonishing frown. “A lot of people went to a lot of effort to pull this off. Do me a favor: Try to look like you’re having a good time, okay? Sam is taking it in stride.”

Sam could take anything in stride, Virginia thought morosely, even an unanticipated engagement party. She caught a glimpse of him through the forest of black and orange balloons that dangled from the ceiling. He was still talking to the earnest-looking man in glasses.

Even surrounded by bobbing cardboard goblins, plastic jack-o’-lanterns and several yards of black and orange crepe
paper, he looked, as he invariably did, completely at ease, totally in control.

He was a powerful dissonance-energy para-resonator—a ghost-hunter—but, thankfully, he did not go in for the long-haired, supermacho, khaki-and-leather look favored by most hunters. Tonight he was dressed in a black T-shirt, black trousers, and a tan jacket that fit well across his broad shoulders. He wore his resonating amber in a simple, gold ring rather than set in a massive belt buckle or a flashy pendant.

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