Bride By Mistake

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Authors: Anne Gracie

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“I loved
Bride By Mistake
. Gracie creates two great characters, a high tension relationship, and a
wonderfully satisfying ending. Not to be missed!”
—Mary Jo Putney,
New York Times
author of
Nowhere Near Respectable

“I never miss an Anne Gracie book.”
—Julia Quinn

Praise for Anne Gracie’s novels
The Accidental Wedding

“Anne Gracie’s writing dances that thin line between always familiar and always fresh. She is able to take a Cinderella story with all the inherent—and comfortable—tradition, mix in a few recognizable elements, add a dash of the unexpected and a sprinkling of the unpredictable, and come up with a luscious indulgence of a novel…
The Accidental Wedding
is warm and sweet, tempered with bursts of piquancy and a dash or three of spice. Like chocolate and chilli, this novel is your favorite comfort food, with an unexpected—delicious—twist.”

New York Journal of Books

“Gracie takes conventions of the romance novel that have been done to death—amnesia, injured hero, heroine who does too much—and turns them into a story that is fresh and new and interesting. That takes talent. And this, plus two charming main characters, a suspenseful subplot, and some delightful love scenes, makes for a near-perfect read.”

All About Romance

“Gracie paints an affecting portrait of a woman surviving parental neglect to manage a home via her wits and a diplomat who’s not so diplomatic when it comes to the woman he wants but won’t admit he loves. A finely crafted tale, with just the right amount of sexuality.”

Library Journal

“Gracie writes a traditional amnesia plot with charm and grace. Appealing characters allow readers to experience their emotions and smile with happiness.”

RT Book Reviews (4 stars)

“Sure to please the fussiest of historical romance readers.”

Romance Reviews Today

“Anne Gracie does it again:
The Accidental Wedding
is funny, charming, and completely endearing… There are some authors I pick up when I just want some comfort at the end of a long day. Anne Gracie is one of them. Although the stories have their share of excitement, ultimately it’s the love between the characters and the remarkably well-drawn relationships that pull me in and keep me in the story.”

Night Owl Reviews

“A fairy tale any girl would love. Two people, likely to never know love, find each other to make the perfect match in this extraordinary love story. Anne Gracie’s writing is historical romance at its best… Anne Gracie has created a story of Cinderella finding her prince and doing her best to give them the most perfect happily ever after… [It’s] a delightful and fanciful novel that is charmingly romantic and sure to mesmerize you long after you’ve read it!”

The Season

“Gracie has created some of the best heroines in romance fiction… Nobody is better than Anne Gracie at evoking tears and laughter within a single story.”

The Romance Dish

Praise for
To Catch a Bride

“Anne Gracie at her best, with a dark and irresistible hero, a rare and winsome heroine, and a ravishing romance. Catch a copy now! One of the best historical romances I’ve read in ages.”

—Mary Jo Putney,
New York Times
bestselling author

“Swiftly moving… Appealing and unconventional… Will captivate readers.”

RT Book Reviews
(4 stars)

“Threaded with charm and humor… [An] action-rich, emotionally compelling story… It is sure to entice readers.”

Library Journal (starred review)

“There is so much I liked about this one, it’s hard to find a place to start.”

All About Romance

“It was loveable and laugh-out-loud, full of heart and of memorable and interesting characters.”

Errant Dreams Reviews

“A fascinating twist on the girl-in-disguise plot… With its wildly romantic last chapter, this novel is a great antidote to the end of the summer.”

—Eloisa James,
New York Times
bestselling author

“One of the difficulties of reviewing a favorite author is running out of superlatives. An Anne Gracie novel is guaranteed to have heart and soul, passion, action, and sprinkles of humor and fun.”

Romance Reviews Today

Praise for
His Captive Lady

“With tenderness, compassion, and a deep understanding of the era, Gracie touches readers on many levels with her remarkable characters and intense exploration of their deepest human needs. Gracie is a great storyteller.”

RT Book Reviews
(4½ stars, Top Pick)

“Once again, author Anne Gracie has proven what an exceptionally gifted author is all about… She gives life to unforgettable characters and brings her readers along for the ride in what has proven to be an exciting, fun, and heartfelt emotional journey. Absolutely one of the best romances I’ve read this year!”

S Kwips and Kritiques

“Anne Gracie has created a deeply emotional, at times heart-wrenching, journey for these two people who must learn to trust one another with their deepest feelings and darkest fears.”

Romance Novel TV

“A winner… A charming, witty, and magical romance… Anne Gracie is a treasure.”

Fresh Fiction

Praise for
The Stolen Princess

“Gracie begins the Devil Riders series with a fast-paced and enticing tale… Captures both the inherent tension of the story and the era with her hallmark charm and graceful prose.”

RT Book Reviews (4 stars)

“Anne Gracie’s talent is as consistent as it is huge. I highly recommend
The Stolen Princess
and look forward to the rest of the series.”

Romance Reviews Today

“Anne Gracie always delivers a charming, feel-good story with enchanting characters. I love all of Ms. Gracie’s stories and
The Stolen Princess
is no exception. It stole my heart, as it will yours.”

Fresh Fiction

Berkley Sensation Titles by Anne Gracie



By Mistake

Anne Gracie

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A Berkley Sensation Book / published by arrangement with the author

Printing History
Berkley Sensation mass-market edition / January 2012

Copyright © 2012 by Anne Gracie.
Cover art by Judy York.
Cover design by George Long.
Cover hand lettering by Ron Zinn.
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ISBN: 978-0-425-24579-8

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In memory of my beloved dog, Chloe,
who kept me company through
the writing of the last ten books.
A loving companion,
she found joy in the simplest of things.

Table of Contents





















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