Brie’s Mile High Club (Submissive in Love, #7) (5 page)

Read Brie’s Mile High Club (Submissive in Love, #7) Online

Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #Erotica, #erotic, #Romance, #Novella, #Brie

BOOK: Brie’s Mile High Club (Submissive in Love, #7)
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“We could tell.”

Brie giggled and looked back to ask him, “Should I head back?”

“No, your Master wants you to dance a little longer.”

She looked over the expanse and saw Sir nod. Brie started up again, but with less hip action, conscious of Master Anderson being so close to her.

The vibrator buzzed back to life, and she moaned in surprise.

Master Anderson bent down. “What was that?”

She shook her head as the buzzing increased. Sir gestured that she should continue dancing. As she began to sway, Master Anderson moved with her, the two becoming one unit as they responded to the deep, pulsing bass of the song.

It was erotic to be in the protective embrace of Master Anderson as she danced for Sir. Every now and then their bodies touched briefly and the slight contact sent shivers through her.

When the vibrations increased in power, Brie knew Sir was demanding an orgasm from her. Although Master Anderson was close, Brie licked her lips and let the delicious feeling take hold. She lost herself in it, letting her carnal desire take over her reservations, the music almost demanding it.

Brie whimpered when she started to come, then felt Master Anderson crush her against the railing, growling, “As per your Master’s orders.”

The rigidness of his erect cock pressed against her ass caused Brie to climax powerfully. He wrapped her in his arms until her trembling stopped, before pulling away and offering his hand to her.

“Shall we return to your Master?”

Brie was a little unsure on her feet, so Master Anderson held her tight, providing the extra support needed to walk.

“Lovely,” Sir complimented them as Master Anderson handed her over. “I enjoyed watching that little scene play out.”

“Fortunately, I got there in time,” Master Anderson stated huskily.

Sir smiled at Brie. “She can get a little distracted when she’s determined to please me.”

Master Anderson shifted his tight jeans, his impressive erection visibly straining against his pants. “Why don’t I order you another round while I search out a girl to…dance with,” he said with a cheeky grin.

“By all means, my friend,” Sir agreed.

When Sasha brought them another round of vodka, Sir raised his glass to Brie. “Here’s to our small attempt to get Brad back in the game.”

Brie clinked her glass against his in admiration. “You are a clever one, Sir.”

They didn’t return to the house until the wee hours of the morning. Master Anderson seemed unusually quiet and content on the drive home—a good sign, Brie thought.

When she finally made it to the bedroom, Brie felt an overwhelming need to jump on Sir. “Let me please you as much as you pleased me, Master.”

“Oh, you will,” he assured her. “I’ve just been priming you for the event. Two days of making you come while denying myself has made me a very ravenous man.”

She stood and watched as he undressed, starting with his tie. He was slow and deliberate in his movements. Brie literally shivered as she watched him slide off his tie and unbutton his shirt.

“What’s wrong, babygirl?”

“I want to please you so badly, Sir.”

He smiled. “Orgasming multiple times wasn’t enough for you?”

“Not when you couldn’t join in the fun.”

“Come, then, and show me the level of your desperation.”

Having his permission, Brie held nothing back as she pushed him against the wall, struggling to undo his pants. Sir lifted her chin and kissed her forcefully as she tugged on his boxers, releasing his cock from its confinement.

She fell to her knees and grasped his shaft in her hand, gratefully wrapping her lips around it as she began to bob up and down on his cock.

Sir was a bundle of tense muscles and she could feel him shuddering as she released her passion on his manhood.


She looked up at him, his shaft still in her mouth.


She smiled as she released his cock and nibbled and licked up the side of it and back down. She took his balls in her mouth one at a time and sucked lightly before grazing the length of his shaft with her teeth.

His growl of lust made her pussy even wetter. She opened her mouth and took the fullness of him down her throat, but he pulled her back. “No, we’re not going there tonight. On the bed, all fours.”

He pulled her up and pushed her towards the bed. She presented herself to him, knowing her pussy was wet and swollen with need. She didn’t look back, waiting for him to take her, wondering if Sir had forgotten his vow in his desire for satisfaction.

He grasped her ass with his powerful hands, bruising her flesh as he ripped the vibrator from her, but then he suddenly stopped, growling, “Fuck!”

She heard the frantic sound of Sir rummaging through his suitcase. “Where is it, damn it?” When she moved to get up to help, he commanded, “Stay there—don’t you dare move.”

Brie returned to her position, arching her back just a little more to entice him. He murmured his approval. “Very nice. Play with yourself while you wait for me.”

Soon she heard the slippery sound of lubricant and smiled to herself. He was not breaking his vow, but she was grateful he would be fucking her deeply. He played with her ass using his thumbs, spreading her cheeks apart to admire the pink rosette that would soon take the length of his shaft.

Sir sucked in his breath as he pressed the head of his shaft against the tight muscles of her sphincter. Her burning desire for him was sated as his cock slowly slipped inside. “I love watching your ass take my shaft.”

Brie closed her eyes as he pulled out only to push in again, purring, “Master, I love the feeling of possession it evokes.”

He thrust deeper. “Then feel the fullness of my possession.”

When Brie cried out, Sir covered her mouth. “We’re not at home, babygirl.”

He kept his hand on her mouth as he ramped up his thrusting. Brie’s muffled moans filled the bedroom as Sir made demands on her body. He fucked her hard, being completely selfish in his taking of her, and Brie savored it.

When he let out a low, guttural cry as he came, Brie felt him stiffen as he filled her ass with his seed. He collapsed on top of her afterwards, panting, “I needed that more than you know.”

She turned her head and smiled at him. “I did too, Sir, more than you know.”

He kissed her on the lips and lifted himself off, lying down beside her. “This separation may be harder than I anticipated.” He tenderly caressed her face. “Damn, I will miss you.”

A tear rolled down her cheek as she nodded in agreement.

“Only two more months,” he reminded her.

“Two months.”

“And then I’ll make my fucking count.”

Brie burst into giggles and hugged him.

The Donor

rie sighed heavily the next day when it came time to say goodbye at the security line.

“Keep in mind your purpose, Brie. You’re exactly what Mr. Wallace needs right now. Trust your instincts. Others have caved under the weight of his situation, but you know him better than most and you understand what he has to live for.”

“I won’t forget that, Sir, no matter how difficult it gets.”

“As for me, I hope for a quick resolution with Lilly concerning my mother, but that is probably wishful thinking on my part. It’ll be a shock when she sees the Beast, and there’s that whole process of letting go…”

“How long do you think you’ll be there?”

“I’m hoping not more than a week. However, if she decides to end her life, I’m afraid we’ll be there much longer while she comes to terms with that choice.”

“I don’t know which I should hope for, Sir.”

“I would prefer to end her life, no matter how long it takes. This holding on when she’s already gone has been torture for me. I don’t wish that on Lilly.” Sir looked at his watch. “I need to go.”

“I know,” Brie choked out, trying unsuccessfully to hold back the tears.

Sir wiped them away. “No crying, babygirl. Be strong. At night, when you are alone and your thoughts are with me,
you can cry freely into your pillow. Connect with me whenever you feel sorrow and I will be your comfort.”

She nodded, lowering her head so he wouldn’t see her tears. Sir lifted her chin and kissed the remaining ones away. “Enough,” he whispered. His gentle attention and feather-light kisses made her smile despite her sorrow. “That’s better, babygirl.”

More for herself than for him, she declared, “I will be brave, Sir.”

“I know you will. You have others here you can lean on, but remember I am your man, the rock you can count on. I don’t want anyone else playing that role for you.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“You will get something to eat before you pick up the donor. I noticed you didn’t touch your food this morning.”

She laughed sadly. “I never feel hungry the day you leave.”

“Nevertheless, you will eat now and I expect you to continue to eat three meals a day while I’m gone—whether you’re hungry or not. Agreed?” She nodded, loving him all the more for caring so much.

Brie watched Sir go, comforting herself with the thought that she could cry later that night. She waited until he’d disappeared down the escalator to the underground transport train before she made her way to the food court. Even though the thought of eating made her nauseous, she dutifully bought a salad and ate it with the plastic fork provided. She stared at the instrument afterwards, imagining Sir raking it down her back like a Wartenberg Wheel. It made her smile, so she stuffed the utensil in her purse.

She felt a renewed determination to succeed with Faelan, proving herself worthy of Sir’s faith in her, knowing that Faelan could not afford her to fail.

When the time came, Brie headed toward the exit area for the arriving passengers and waited nervously for the donor. Sir hadn’t told her what he looked like, so she was counting on the fact that he would recognize her. Every time a new group of people emerged from the underground station, she searched their faces, hoping to see a spark of recognition.

Two young children who were waiting for their father’s plane to come in started running in circles around Brie out of sheer boredom. The little boy accidentally bumped into her, causing Brie to stumble where she stood. He looked up at her in alarm and then ran behind his mother for protection.

“Tell the nice lady you’re sorry for running into her,” his mother demanded.

The little boy shook his head.

Pulling him from behind her, the mother said in a more threatening tone, “Do it,

Brie felt sorry for the boy and knelt down, saying, “It’s okay. I was getting bored too.”

The boy smiled, his ears turning a deep shade of pink before he darted behind his mother again.

Brie stood up and assured the woman that further apology was unnecessary, but stopped mid-sentence when she heard her name called.


Her heart skipped a beat as she turned and looked into those warm, chocolate-brown eyes she knew so well. She shook her head, not quite believing he was standing before her.

Tono Nosaka walked around the barrier and took her hand, shaking it formally. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Bennett.”

“Are you Faelan’s donor?”

He smiled with a glint in his eyes. “It seems fate has brought us together again.”

She couldn’t stop smiling as she led him to the baggage claim area. There was so much to ask, so much she needed to know, but she couldn’t satisfy her curiosity in such a public arena, so she was forced to wait.

To bide her time, she kept glancing at him, blushing whenever he caught her staring. The Asian Dom was still just as handsome as she remembered, with his long, dark bangs and gentle smile.

She couldn’t believe Tono was here in the flesh.
Sneaky Sir,
she giggled to herself, knowing he had purposely orchestrated this little surprise for her.

Once the luggage had been loaded into the rental car and they’d both buckled up, Brie turned to Tono and begged, “Please tell me everything!”

He chuckled. “Everything? Why don’t I condense it down for you?”

“As long as you don’t leave out any important parts, like what happened to your mother, and how did Chikako take the news of you leaving, and are you here to stay? Please say you are!”

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