Bringing Home Danny (49 page)

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Authors: M.A. Blisher

BOOK: Bringing Home Danny
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Yes, my answer's yes,” his words busted through from a cloud of self-doubt.

Yes!" shouted TJ


Chapter Three

Sweet Climax

It was decided that Danny would officially partner with the men on his eighteenth birthday. Although the date was quickly approaching, the hours seemed to be crawling by at a snail's pace. Danny tried to explain that at seventeen it was legal for him to consent to sex. None of that mattered.
The men needed the extra time to separate the boy in their minds from the man he was becoming

TJ was in charge of throwing his party, and Mitch and Antonio agreed that he could have a few drinks under their supervision. Danny didn't care about any of that. All he could think about was the promise of what was to follow later that evening. He said goodnight to his friends early, and waited anxiously for everyone to leave. He could not believe his luck. He had finally gotten what he wanted - all four of the hottest men he had ever known. The only people he had ever truly loved were finally seeing him as an adult, and wanted him in return. He gazed up at their expectant faces, and for the first time saw them differently. They were his peers now. Danny thought turning eighteen would somehow magically make him feel different, more sure of himself, more mature. Now, after waiting so long, he almost wished he had more time.

Well, sweetheart, what do you think?” Antonio asked, once the last of the guests said their good-byes.

Danny opened his mouth to speak, and suddenly felt his stomach drop. By sixteen, he was living with his girlfriend and having regular sex. Two years later, he was staring at these men and didn't know what to do. He felt like a scared little boy.

Antonio saw his face turn ash as his blood drained from his body. “Hey, it's okay, sweetheart. We realize this is new for you.”

Danny listened bashfully with his eyes to his feet.

We are going to take this nice and slow.” Antonio pulled Danny under his arm and walked him to their room.

Danny was noticing the change in the pattern of the floor when he stepped into the master bedroom.
This is my room
, he thought in amazement.

The rest followed behind grasping each other’s hands to restrain nerves and excitement. Antonio brought him to the foot of the bed. Danny stood awkwardly in front of him glancing up from his lowered head. Antonio lifted his chin under his hand and smiled.

Danny blushed and admitted, “I don't know what I'm doing.”

The only thing you need to know is that we love you.”

Danny's heart pounded and he bit his lip to keep from crying. Seeing him visibly struggling to contain his emotions, Antonio picked him up, and sat down, placing Danny on his lap. “Remember, no one is pressuring you, baby. If it doesn't feel right, we stop.”

Even though Antonio has had his arms around him numerous times, Danny felt strange sitting on his lap. For a group of men they were very affectionate, but the only time he was ever on any of their laps was for a spanking.

Danny nodded his understanding.

Antonio lifted Danny's chin again to kiss him for the first time on the lips, and stopped himself. He didn't want to rush things. Once he kissed him on the lips like a man, he would no longer be the same young teen who had been in their loving care. Antonio smiled again at his sweet baby, and kissed him on the forehead.

Danny sighed.

Antonio laughed at his impatience. Wanting to savor this moment in time, he caressed the young man's face, and ran a feathery thumb over his bottom lip.

Danny parted his lips slightly, waiting for Antonio to place his lips over his. A shiver went down his spine.

Antonio wrapped his arms around Danny's shoulders, and cupped the back of his head in his big hands for support. The kiss was confident, yet laidback, as Antonio allowed Danny a chance to become acquainted with the feel of him.

Danny closed his eyes, and took in the feel and smell of Antonio. It felt – like home.     Antonio's mouth was succulent, his lips were big, and his long tongue tickled the roof of Danny’s mouth making him sneeze.

Antonio pulled away to observe his response.

Danny ducked his head and said, “Sorry.”

Antonio chuckled and hugged him in tight.

Danny placed a hand to Antonio's chest and thought about all the things he had fantasized about, but no longer had the nerve to do. He peeked out from Antonio's protective hug to see TJ winking at him. Danny offered a shy smile in return.

Mitch sat down next to them, and rubbed the back of Danny's head. “Do you want to come to Daddy?” he asked.

Danny flushed with excitement, and nodded yes.

Mitch lifted him off Antonio, and straddled him on his lap so they were facing each other. Running his large hand through Danny's hair, he remarked, “You are a beautiful young man. Thank you for choosing us.”

Danny had never heard Mitch speak so softly, and was completely captivated by his smooth, sexy voice. He wanted to hear more of it. The thought made Danny's heart beat faster while his sex organ jumped with enthusiasm. He could feel Mitch respond in kind as his larger member proudly pressed up to meet him between his butt cheeks.

Danny squeaked in surprise, and then turned bright red as everyone laughed supportively.

Is it hard having everyone here at the same time?”

Good question, Mitch. Is it?” TJ laughed and lifted an eyebrow in indication of their obvious

Shush, TJ. I wasn't speaking to you,” Mitch teasingly scolded. Keeping his eyes on Danny, he continued, “I know we talked about you wanting our first time together to be with all of us. Nonetheless, having five in a bed can be tricky. If you feel differently about it now, it's okay.”

Danny shook his head no. “It's just...”

We'll take it slow.”

Mitch gradually unbuttoned Danny's shirt and opened it.

Danny watched with anxious anticipation as Mitch ran his hands up his chest, and slowly slipped his shirt from his shoulders. Antonio came behind him to pull Danny's sleeves off his arms.

Mitch smiled at the sight.

Danny beamed back.

You didn't tell me you've been working out,” Mitch said, stroking his large hands around the small, defined muscles of Danny's biceps.

I've been going to the gym with TJ,” he said proudly.

Mitch nodded his approval. “Let's see if you've been working on your pecs.”

He pulled Danny's tee shirt from his pants, and slid his hand underneath to caress his chest. His hands felt like they were electrically charged. Danny tingled and squirmed. Mitch stopped moving. He placed his left hand firm against Danny's back and his right gently over his heart to still him. The heat of his hand warmed Danny's entire body. His heart pulsed loudly as if it wanted to jump into the protection of Mitch's large palm.

Mitch slid his hand back down, and lifted the hem of Danny's tee right above his navel. He leaned down to kiss Danny's flat tummy. Danny giggled when his Daddy's tongue dipped into his belly button. Mitch lifted his head from under the shirt as if playing peek-a-boo. Danny stopped giggling to stare expectantly at Mitch's glistening, grey eyes that seemed to pierce through his soul. He licked his bottom lip, and bit it.

Mitch palmed his boy's chin, and coaxed his lip from his mouth by tickling it with his fingertip. Danny opened his mouth allowing Mitch to insert his finger. Closing his mouth around Mitch's large index finger, he began to suck it in. Mitch slid his finger out slowly, and then traced it around the outside of Danny's bowed lips. The sensation caused Danny to open his mouth wider, and Mitch cupped his chin up so their mouths could meet. He tipped his head to one side and tasted Danny for the first time. The boy tasted fresh and sweet. The expression sweet young thing took on a whole new meaning for him. He could not get enough of it. Mitch ran his hand up the back of Danny's shirt, and rested him back against his arm.

Danny threw his arms around Mitch's neck to stop the sensation of falling, and pressed against his kiss. Feeling completely overpowered by the force of the kiss, he relinquished all control of his body. Mitch was also becoming heated. He pulled himself away before he devoured the boy. Danny sat up and rubbed the back of his arm against his wet mouth.

Good?” Mitch asked, with a raised eyebrow.

Danny nodded enthusiastically.

Good. Now let's see about getting this tee shirt off.” Once again, he lifted the hem of the shirt, and Danny raised his arms for Mitch to pull it off. Running his fingers around Danny's sensitive nipples, Mitch said, “You've also been working on your pecs, I see.”

Danny puffed up his chest.

Mitch couldn't help steal a nibble at each little nipple. It tickled. Danny wanted to laugh, but was able to contain it. Concerned that Danny was biting his lip again, Mitch sat up straight to give him a moment to breath, and caught him staring at his chest.

Do you want to see mine?” he asked.

Danny grinned impishly.

Mitch tore off his shirt, stretching wide. Danny was in awe. Somehow, being so close to Mitch with his shirt off made him appear even larger. Mitch refrained from chuckling at the expression on Danny's face. Instead, he took Danny's small hand in his pressing it against his chest. Danny could feel his powerful heartbeat, and was compelled to place his ear against his chest. He reached a tentative hand up in search of a nipple under Mitch's chest hair. Mitch moaned out his pleasure causing Danny's heart to pound harder. He kissed the top of Danny's head, as his boy located and played with his nipple. Danny turned his head and licked the other nipple that was pressed against his face. Emboldened by Mitch's reaction, Danny sucked in the nub between his teeth.

Mitch swung his arms around Danny and laughed. “You little tease.”

Danny blushed profusely.

TJ couldn't stand it anymore. “Enough already! You're driving me crazy. Give someone else a turn.” He grabbed Danny, stealing him from Mitch, and threw him to the bed.

What the hell, Jay!” Danny laughed, as he bounced on the mattress.

You're all a bunch of teases,” TJ accused. “Isn't that right, Ricky?”

Ricky glanced coyly up at Mitch, and Mitch winked at him in TJ fashion.

All right, let's see what the youngsters have up their sleeves,” Mitch said, giving TJ his long awaited chance with Danny.

It's not my sleeve you should be concerned about,” TJ bragged. He turned back to Danny and said, “How about we get your pants off little boy?”

TJ pushed Danny flat on his back and straddled him. He kissed the tip of Danny’s nose eliciting the same giggle and blush he earned the first time they met. Bending down further, TJ pecked his lips as he reached for the button on Danny’s pants.

Danny wiggled and scooted up grabbing at his zipper. “You first,” he demanded.

Horny little thing, aren't ya?” TJ smirked and shook his head before peeling off his shirt. He then stood up on the bed and wasted no time yanking down his pants and boxers in one swift motion. Danny gazed up, realizing it was the first time he ever saw TJ naked.

What are you staring at you cheeky little monkey?” TJ teased, as he swung his hips and jiggled his junk.

Mitch spanked TJ's backside, causing him to yelp and everyone else to laugh.

TJ was built well in all aspects. Danny suddenly felt even more insecure. It occurred to him that he was probably the smallest one there in more ways than one.

Don't get shy now,” TJ said, when Danny's hesitated. “You made a bargain.”

Danny sat up and said, “I know, I...I just...”

Lay down, I want to undress you,” TJ insisted.

Danny nodded nervously, and rested back on his elbows.

Don't rush him if he's not ready,” Antonio said, coming to Danny's defense.

Oh, I think he's ready.” TJ motioned to the straining bulge in Danny's pants. “You remember what teenagers are like, don't you? They're ready every twenty seconds.” He licked Danny's ear and whispered silkily into it, "Aren't ya?"

Danny squirmed and found himself getting more aroused by his words. TJ reached down, and unbuttoned Danny's pants with one hand. Danny sucked in air as TJ followed up by unzipping his pants with his teeth. Pressing his naked groin against Danny's leg he began gyrating up and down causing Danny to turn to see what he was doing.

Are you humping my leg?”

What can I say? I'm a horny dog.” TJ broke the tension by making Danny laugh. “Lift up,” he ordered.

Danny did as he was told, leaving TJ to rip off his jeans and throw them to the floor. TJ proceeded to spread Danny legs for easier access, and kissed the top of his brief covered bulge. Danny bit the side of his hand and whimpered.

Mmm...” TJ hummed. He cupped Danny's balls, and sucked in the tip of his penis through the cotton of his underpants.

Stop!” Danny cried, afraid he'd cum in his briefs.

TJ laughed, and reached up to kiss his blush covered face. Kissing him down his neck, TJ purred, “God, I could eat you up.”

May I kiss you?” Ricky asked shyly, no longer willing to be left out.

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