Broken Ground: (Broken Series Book 1) (24 page)

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Authors: Anna Paige

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Broken Ground: (Broken Series Book 1)
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I'd mark her as mine the second.

And third.

I watched her face as I slowly pressed inside her, looking for any indication of discomfort. All I saw there was desire, hunger, and contentment. This was exactly where she wanted to be, and it was the greatest compliment I'd ever received. She wanted this, wanted me as much as I wanted her. I pushed a little farther in and pulled back, working my way into her an inch at a time. She was unbelievably tight, causing little moans of pleasure to escape my throat with each thrust. When I was just over halfway in, her eyes widened, and I brushed her lips with mine. "Are you alright?"

She pulled my mouth back to hers and thrust her hips up, taking me all the way in. Jesus fucking Christ, she felt so good. Between searing kisses she sighed and muttered, "Never better."

I pushed into her grinding myself in as far as I could go and stopped. Though it was a good idea to allow her a moment to get accustomed to the invasion, my real motivation was for myself. I just wanted to feel her for a minute, commit this moment to memory. The feel of her chest against mine, her hands in my hair, her pussy squeezing me almost painfully tight, it was overwhelming. It wasn't just another hookup.

It was my first time with the woman I loved.

There was a hitch in my chest as I began to move inside her, I felt her everywhere. Only she and I existed. Her hands ran up and down my body as I thrust into her, increasing my pace a little each time. She panted and moaned, pulling my hips, my hair. Urged on by her responses, I plunged harder and harder into her, my orgasm building low in my stomach.

Ali lifted her legs and wrapped them around my waist, locking her ankles behind me. The angle of entry was so fucking good that way I knew I wouldn't last long. Jaw clenched, muscles rigid, cock throbbing I pounded into her over and over, fucking loving the sounds of pleasure she was making. Her legs tightened around me, and the walls of her pussy gripped me so hard I could barely move inside her as she came. Spasms rocked her entire body as she clenched around my cock, practically milking the orgasm from me. I pounded deep as I found my release, threading my arms under her, cupping her shoulders and pulling her body down onto my cock as she sank her teeth into my bare shoulder. The little stab of pain made my dick jerk even harder, and I moved a hand to the back of her head in encouragement.

Fuck yes. Mark me.

When the last tremor had gone, I tried to shift my weight off to the side to avoid crushing her but she locked her arms around me and held me in place. Her legs finally dropped from around my waist, a contented sigh escaping her as she traced my ribs with her fingertips. "You called me Alison."

I lifted my head and frowned, fighting off the post-coital haze. "What?"

She smiled as she ran her fingers through my hair. "You usually call me Ali but when we... um..." Her face reddened as she struggled for the right words. So damned attractive. "You only call me that when you're in the heat of the moment. You did it that night after the gala, too."

I honestly hadn't realized. "It isn't a conscious thing." I shrugged and shifted myself lower, slipping out of her and nuzzling her neck.

She chuckled, the sound vibrating her chest, making her breasts jiggle in an extremely pleasant way. I scooted lower so I could palm one while using the other as a pillow. Her fingers swept through my hair, pushing a few sweat-dampened strands back off my forehead. "At least now I'll be able to tell how turned on you are by how you say my name."

"Particularly if I'm moaning it and tearing off your clothes."

Her laughter, hearing it through the wall of her chest, echoed all the way through to my soul. It was my favorite sound in the whole damn world, aside from those moments when
was the one moaning.

As much as I hated to do it, and to Ali's great displeasure, I lifted myself off of the bed to head to the bathroom.

I reentered the bedroom just as Ali was shifting onto her side to face me, wincing as she did. I took a seat on the edge of the bed and reached for her hand. "Everything okay?"

She beamed at me, practically glowing. "Everything is absolutely perfect."

I cocked my head to one side and pointedly swept my gaze below her waist, my tone serious. "You looked like you were uncomfortable just now. If I hurt you, you need to tell me, so I know to be more careful." Despite my earlier promise, the idea of causing her pain actually made my stomach clench.

Pulling her hand from mine, she let it fall to my lap and began lazily stroking me. "You must be aware of your size, right? I just need to get used to you, that's all." Her hand gripped more firmly, and she watched with rapt attention as I stiffened in her palm. "I like that I can still feel where you've been. I like that I can still taste you on my tongue and the way my skin tingles everywhere your kisses have been."

I rubbed a hand over my jaw, noticing the stubble there for the first time. I grinned down at her. "Guess I need a shave."

She kept her pace, long slow strokes up and down my shaft. "Not at all. I like the stubble." A pause. "Particularly between my thighs." When I reminded her that my stubble hadn't had the pleasure of being between her legs yet, she seductively quirked a brow, surprising me with her bravery. "Sounds like it's time for round two."

"It's not good form to make a lady ask twice," I told her as I bounded back onto the bed, grinning lasciviously and wiggling my brows as I openly appraised her magnificent body.

She giggled happily at my antics, folding me into her arms. It wasn't long before her laughter was replaced by soft moans and the sound of my name. First as a whisper, then as a growl, and finally as an invocation.

Ali beside me felt like the most natural thing in the world. I'd fallen asleep with her draped across my body, and neither of us had moved all night. I lay there for long minutes just listening to the sound of her breathing, feeling her breath dance across my chest with every exhale. I wanted to touch her, hug her closer to me, run my hands over her smooth curves, but I didn't have the heart to wake her. She'd been sated but exhausted after our second encounter, which had lasted hours as I'd licked, sucked, and fingered her to orgasm several more times before allowing myself inside her again.

I couldn't speak for her, but it was the single most erotic experience of my life. I'd never be able to look at her again without getting an erection, assuming the goddamn thing ever went down in the first place. Even now it was straining against the thin sheet that covered us, and it had nothing to do with morning wood. It was her, being near her, the feel of her next to me.

Making up my mind, I slowly shifted from under her and froze when she muttered my name in her sleep before turning to snuggle into the pillow I'd just vacated. Even in her slumber, she was with me. It was a small thing that made me immensely happy. I tiptoed around the room gathering some clothes and my wallet, careful not to wake her.

I dressed quickly in the living room and snapped up my keys, heading for the door and praying I found a store open this early. On a whim, I scrawled out a quick note and left it on the counter for Ali to find if she woke before I got back. A goofy 'I-just-got-laid' grin on my face, I headed into town for provisions.

Thankfully, I was able to find what I needed in short order and returned within the hour. The cabin was quiet when I entered, and I was pleased that Ali was still resting. I shuffled through the kitchen cabinets, remembering that I'd seen a serving tray somewhere. With a minimum amount of noise, I managed to find it.

I arranged the breakfast I'd picked up on the tray and carried it to the bedroom, sitting it precariously on the small nightstand. I smiled as Ali shifted in the bed, turning toward me in her sleep. Even when unconscious, she was drawn to me.

Leaning across the bed, I placed a kiss at the corner of her mouth and whispered her name. She stirred, but her eyes remained closed. I tried again, kissing her forehead this time. "Ali?"

She peeked at me and smiled, snaking her arm around my neck and pulling me down next to her with a contented sigh. "What are you doing out of bed so early?" She snuggled against me, throwing one leg over mine. "I thought you'd sleep all day after all that exertion."

I laughed and pulled her hand to my chest, covering it with my own. "What kind of man would I be if I wore you out like that and didn't feed you?"

She lifted her eyes to mine and inhaled deeply, groaning in pleasure. "Do I smell coffee?" I nodded. "And bacon?" I nodded again, smiling as she frowned a bit. "How did I manage to sleep through you cooking bacon? That stuff usually works better than an alarm clock."

I chuckled. "I never said I cooked it." I hugged her to me. "I'm far too exhausted to cook so I ran out and picked something up."

She sat up, giggling and rubbing her hands together. "Good call, Mr. McGavran. I'm starved, but I really don't want to get out of this bed."

I placed the tray on the bed between us. We sat cross-legged and devoured our breakfast like neither of us had eaten in a week. I couldn't help smiling at the way she moaned with pleasure when she bit into the crispy strips of bacon. Noticing my attention, she shrugged. "Got to keep my strength up, you know."

Yes, you do.

I nodded and reached across the tray to lightly brush her nipple through the thin sheet.

Her gaze traveled the length of my body, and she grinned. "I think I've had enough food for now. I'm going to jump in the shower while you finish up." She leaned across the tray on her hands and knees, placing a searing kiss on my lips.

Seeing her in that position gave me all sorts of ideas for later. "Go ahead, I'll be done in a minute. I'll clear all this out and meet you in there." I told her with a wink.

Judging by her mischievous smile and the sway of her hips as she made her way to my shower, she was more than willing to share the hot water.

I stepped into the steamy bathroom. Ali's silhouette was visible through the frosted glass door and I just stood there for a while admiring her. She had her head thrown back, letting the water run down her body. When she noticed me there she cracked open the door, and held out her hand in welcome. Before I knew it, my clothes were littered all over the bathroom, and I was stepping into the shower, my hand in hers as she pulled me in.

Her hair was slicked back and dripping, her body glistening under the spray. She held my shoulders and turned us so that the water cascaded down my back. "Don't want you catching a chill." She smiled, running her hands over my chest and watching the water trail down my skin.

I reached over and lifted the bar of soap. Looking at her for permission, I smiled when she nodded, and I began running the bar over her slick body. When I had enough lather to work with, I abandoned the soap and used my hands to wash her, careful not to be too rough with the tender flesh between her legs. Then I rinsed her body, spinning her back under the showerhead and watching the bubbles sluice off her skin.

She gasped and braced herself with one hand on the wall when I knelt down and threw one of her legs over my shoulder, opening her to me. I looked up and grinned at the look of shock on her face. She hadn't been expecting that. "I've washed you and rinsed you, now it's time to lick you dry."

She glanced at the still-running shower head over her shoulder. "But the water is still on."

I placed a kiss on her smooth mound and met her eye. "Exactly."

We stayed in the shower until the hot water ran out then ran half-shivering to the bedroom and dove back under the covers where, despite knowing we would be late for work, we went through two more condoms. Good thing I always kept plenty on hand.

Knowing she must be sore, I slipped on my boxers and went into the bathroom, returning with a small cloth I'd soaked in cool water. Ali sighed softly when I placed it against her tender folds. I trailed light kisses across her abdomen and pulled the covers with me as I took my place beside her on the pillows. "Does that feel better?" I asked, leaning over to kiss the crook of her neck.

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