Broken Ground: (Broken Series Book 1) (40 page)

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Authors: Anna Paige

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Broken Ground: (Broken Series Book 1)
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The sky was barely lit by the sun, which still hadn't crested the peaks of the mountains in the distance. It was early, apparently too early for Ali.

She groused and pulled the pillow over her head, muttering incoherently.

"I'll make you coffee..." I kept my pitch quiet as I crawled into bed beside her, pushing my head under the pillow with hers. "I'll cook you breakfast..." More groaning and a sweeping motion with her arm that was meant to shoo me away. "Okay, I'll buy you the good coffee and a big breakfast on the way, but you have to get up..."

Finally, a muffled reply. "On the way where?"

"It's a surprise."

That got her attention.

She tossed the pillow away, her hair covering her sleepy face like cotton candy. "You have to tell me where we're going so I know what to wear."

I slipped my hand over her abdomen, smiling inwardly at the fluttering flesh under my fingers. "Well, for the next few minutes, you're attire is suitable."

"I'm naked."

I pulled the sheet over my head as I descended her body. "As you should be."

my breakfast, courtesy of my delicious lady, I instructed her to dress in cool, comfortable clothes with her swimsuit underneath.

She'd looked at me strangely at the request but didn't push for more information. I liked to think the mind-blowing orgasm had left her too relaxed for a stand-off.

After half an hour in the truck, she realized we were pointed away from the coast and asked again where we were headed. I brushed off the question and couldn't help smiling at the pouty face that greeted me every time I glanced her way.

We stopped off for coffee and a quick bite to eat; Ali still annoyed at my secrecy but not annoyed enough to keep her from tucking into my side at every opportunity. She knew I was keeping something from her but this time she trusted me enough to know I'd tell her when I was ready.

I found that thought comforting.

When we were a few miles away from our destination, I asked, "Do you remember me telling you I was offered a contract to build some pieces for an amusement park?"

She perked up a bit and smiled. "Yeah. A post-apocalyptic rise of the machines type of thing, right?"

"Exactly. Well, the time to make a decision is fast approaching, and I haven't even seen the park..." I trailed off, taking a page from Spencer's book to prolong the suspense.

"And?" She urged, dragging the word out.

"And I thought you and I could take a look around, maybe ride a few rides, hit the water park. Just to get a feel for the place." I turned to her and found her grinning. "I'll still have to take a little time to meet with the art director and check out the layout of the location, but I thought that part might interest you, as well."

"Absolutely. I'd love to see things from an artistic point of view." She was bubbling with child-like energy, fidgeting in her seat.

And it was contagious.

I found myself getting more excited the closer we got.

This was going to be fun.

When we got there, she looked at the Closed sign by the entrance and her face fell. "Are we too early?"

I smiled at her and drove up to the entrance, pulling up to the single attended booth. I greeted the attendant, an older woman with a bright smile and thick glasses, as I retrieved what I needed from the console. I passed her a sheet of paper and, after making a quick call to confirm, she handed me two VIP passes and a parking placard before wishing us a good day.

I pulled forward, getting just through the gate's arm before stopping and hanging the parking pass from my rear-view mirror.

Ali shook her head at me. "You're just full of surprises, aren't you, Mr. McGavran?"

I pulled her in for a kiss so deep my toes curled before continuing toward the parking area. "You ain't seen nothin yet, Miss Walker."

We exited the truck, meeting at the front bumper and instinctively clasping our hands together. It was the way we walked everywhere, a habit we each greatly enjoyed. Just the feel of her hand in mine somehow managed to feel familiar, comforting, and erotic all at the same time. I lifted our joined hands to my lips and kissed her fingertips as we walked. "The park doesn't open officially for another two hours. We have the place all to ourselves."

"For business or pleasure?"

I nibbled her fingertip and smiled. "Didn't you know? With us, it's always both. Everything, every moment with you — whether at work or play — is pure pleasure, Alison."

She stilled under my gaze. "You called me Alison. That's the third time you've used my full name without erotic intent. What gives?" She teased.

"When were the other times?"

"When I was about to fall into that mud hole." She chuckled at the memory before sobering. "And when I was about to hit Lauren in that parking lot."

It took me a moment to puzzle it out, going over each situation in my mind, lingering on a few favorites before the answer occurred to me. "Ah. Now I understand. It's not just when I'm turned on. It's when you've got my blood pumping, whether in the bedroom, at the edge of a mud pit, or in the middle of a fight; it's about adrenaline."

She shook her head. "None of that applies right now. No Lauren." She gestured to the parking lot. "No mud pits." She dipped a pointed glance at my crotch. "And I'd know if you were turned on. So, what's the adrenaline factor this time?"

"Possibility." I lifted her hand and placed it palm down over my racing heart, covering it with my own. "Feel that?" She nodded. "That's what you do to me. That's what the idea of a future with you does to me."

"You were thinking about our future?" She pressed her hand firmly over my heart, smiling. "What about it?"

I tipped my head in the direction of the park's large entrance, filled with turnstiles and ticket scanners, all standing empty before us. "I was thinking that today might just be the springboard that launches us into something great. Together."

She followed my gaze, thoughtful for a moment as she pieced together what I was considering. Then her eyes widened, and she turned back to me. "Wait, do you think...?"

I pressed my lips to hers, the kiss not enough to chase away her grin. "If I have anything to do with it, absolutely."

She giggled happily and pulled her hand away, eagerly rubbing her palms together.

She was coming up with possibilities already.

We spent the day laughing, screaming, and making out in every darkened corner we could find. Our two hour window allowed us time to make it to each and every roller coaster in the park — all manned by bored looking operators — in addition to a very encouraging meeting with both the park director and art director. After the crowds started filing in, a sea of sun visors and strollers, we decided to take a break for an early lunch.

We sat in one of the Italian themed sections of the park, listening to the chatter and noise of the passing throng over the melodic sounds of old world music streaming through the artfully disguised speakers. We talked little over our meal, each of us mentally replaying the morning and its significance as we moved forward.

The meetings had gone well for both of us.

There wasn't a damn thing that could have wiped the grins off our faces that afternoon. We were free, in every possible way. The only thing binding either of us was our entwined fingers.

I drove back to Denson with her head on my shoulder and her hand in mine. Occasionally she would breathe a contented sigh and squeeze my fingers, perfectly happy in the silence as we pondered the future stretching out before us.


finally upon us, and Ali's nerves were getting the best of her. It was charming. She'd talked to Gran on the phone, met her in person on more than one occasion, but I think the idea of Gran having the home-field advantage was a bit intimidating. We planned to drive up early that evening and stay the night, spending all of the following day with Gran, Vanessa, and Daniel. I was hoping to see Nicholas, Vanessa's husband, there as well.

I watched Ali sort through her clothes for the fifth time, not sure what to wear for a family dinner with an eighty-year-old hell-raiser. She held up a thin-strapped summer dress, and I gave a nod of approval. She tossed it aside and rummaged through the closet while I watched from my position propped against the headboard of the bed. When she muttered a curse and another garment came sailing out, I laughed out loud.

Her unsmiling face appeared in the doorway, and she smirked. "Keep laughing, McGavran. You just wait until we go to visit my dad in a couple weeks, see how funny this shit is to you then." With a huff, she ducked back into the closet and rummaged some more.

I sat up with a start and frowned at the empty doorway. "What do you mean 'a couple weeks'? I don't remember you saying anything about us going to Asheville any time soon. I thought it was more of a long-range plan." I tried not to sound as panicked as I felt, but Ali's triumphant chuckle told me I'd failed.

"His birthday is in two weeks, and I haven't seen him in months. I'm going no matter what, and I assumed you would be escorting me since we are visiting
family as a couple this weekend."

There was a thinly veiled threat behind her words. Basically, I was fucking going home to meet Daddy, or I was going to suffer the consequences.

There was no need for her to be intimidated by Gran. Given the way she'd just handled me, dinner with the family was going to be evenly matched.

Once Ali settled on an outfit, she went for a shower while I checked in with Spencer, who was staying at the cabin with us. He had come into town the day before to go over some changes with the electrician. Brant wasn't working on the project, but he was still sending ideas via email and one of them had taken hold, necessitating a few adjustments. Spencer could have handled the situation from the office or, gasp, left it for me to take care of myself, but he insisted on coming out to meet with the electrician personally.

I was pretty sure the fucker just missed me.

Rather than have him go all the way back to Richmond, I suggested we all go to Gran's together. He'd hesitated at first, but Ali stepped in and told him we wanted him along. She ended up convincing him to stay until Monday, making me suspicious of her motives. Talia was back to staying in D.C. most of the time since Teach was getting back in the swing of things but she still came to Denson on Sundays for our customary dinners. Ali had been very specific when she convinced Spencer to stay the weekend, making sure he knew he was expected for Sunday dinner.

It looked like our girl had plans for Talia and Spencer. As I joked with him about Ali's behavior that afternoon, I thought she might be onto something. Not that I'd ever let her know that. She and Gran could meddle all they wanted, but they were on their own.

Guys don't play matchmaker.

the bedroom looking good enough to eat and told me, "Shower's all yours." She smiled at the heat in my gaze and shook her head.

"We could have saved water if you would have just let me shower with you."

She glanced at Spencer, cheeks flaming. "No way, buster, you are not going to make us late today." She pointed back to our room. "You get ready, I have a quick errand to run, and we can leave as soon as I get back."

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