Broken Road (Fate's Intent Book 7) (11 page)

BOOK: Broken Road (Fate's Intent Book 7)
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Ruby’s breaths were rapid and she shook her head while still being in my arms. “No. Take me right here.”

“That couldn’t possibly be comfortable for you.” I said, glancing down at the stone floor.

She hopped down off me and turned us around. “Then I’ll take you. You can handle it, right?”

“Of course I can.”

“Good.” She pushed me down to the floor and pulled off one of my shirts that she wore to bed the night before and it was the only thing she had on.

I smiled as I reached up to her and pulled her down, locking our lips. She ran her hands down my already bare chest and just barely tucked her fingers into the waist of my pants. I brought down my left hand while holding myself up with my right and helped as best I could to take them off with her. They were off enough and Ruby pushed me all the way down to my back, bouncing my head off the floor.

“Ah, shit!”

She laughed with a little sympathy. “Sorry.”

“It’s okay. What I said about the aggression was more towards you. I’m still allowed to take it.”

“Oh, you will.” She leaned down and brushed her lips against mine. “I’ll make sure of it.”

I smiled and made our lips touch and Ruby started rubbing her hands down my body. I was hanging on to her thighs tight and tried to stay focused not to do it too tight as she force me to penetrate her body with a guidance from her hand. That’s when I realized the concentration not to be too rough was much harder to do.

Ruby had her hands gripping my chest while she moved her hips over mine and held her head back, breathing loudly. I slid my hands up her thighs to her hips and helped her move them, insinuating I wanted it harder. She looked down with a smile and leaned down, moving her hips harder and forcing her tongue inside my mouth. She kept it like that until I slid one of my hands to her back and used the other to lift myself up, holding her to me.

“What happened to being able to handle it?”

“I still can. I just want more.”

Ruby smiled as she got off me and pulled me right up into her lips. I slowly moved us towards the windowsill and turned her around when we got there, rejoining our bodies from behind. Ruby let out a loud moan as she gripped the stone sill and I began pulling her into me hard.

I was in the moment so deeply that I was able to make it end before I noticed her behavior. “Ruby?” I was breathing heavily but she was more so as she was leaned over the window sill to hold herself up. “Are you okay?” She was shrinking lower to the floor as her knees were giving way. “Ruby?”

“Yeah. I’m fine.” She said in a low voice. “It’s just my stomach.”

I reached for my shirt she was wearing on the floor and handed it to her. “Did I hurt you?”

“No. Of course not. It just felt different.”

She started putting the shirt on as best she could but I was a little confused. “What does that mean?”

“Oh, it was a good different. Believe me. You think it’s possible that you’re still growing?”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “Well, if that’s the case, we definitely need to cut sex out for safety reasons.”

“Never mind!” Ruby jumped right up to her feet full of energy. “It wasn’t that bad. See? I’m completely fine.”

I got to my feet with her and she put her hand on her stomach, taking a slow breath.

“Were you just lying to me?”

“No. It was just the quick movement. I think I’m going to be sick.”

I stepped to her and picked her up in my arms. “I’ll get you inside.” I wanted to at least help in any way that I could and carried her all the way back in to our bathhouse on the fifth floor.

“Thanks. Now get out.”

“But I’m here to help you.”

“How are you going to help me? I don’t want you to see me like this. Now get out before I throw up all over you!”

I took a breath and backed towards the door. “Okay but meet up with me when you’re done and after you get dressed. I’ll be downstairs.”

Ruby nodded as she had her lips pressed together and led me out the door. It closed and I stood there for a moment. I didn’t want to leave her. I wanted her to know that I was here for her but I didn’t like seeing her sick either. I turned and walked down the stairs to the first floor where the others were gathered in the lounge as usual.

“How is she now?” Adele asked.

“Throwing up again.”

“Did she try eating something?” Zayden asked.

“Yeah, she ate and then I think I’m the one that made her throw up.”

Jaylyn laughed. “Do something disgusting?”

I sighed, a little annoyed that I had to explain it. “No. We fucked on her request. It surprises me that you weren’t watching. Shall I tell you about it?”

“That’s all right.” Troy said, glancing at Meg’s odd expression. “We’ll pass. Sounds like it ended badly.”

“No way. It ended perfect as always. It wasn’t immediately after that. She said she’d come down afterwards.”

“Think she’ll even be able to?” Jaylyn asked.

“She said she would. She seems to feel better after she throws up which makes me ask you, why haven’t you healed her?”

Adele and Jaylyn shared a look that made me very suspicious until the healer started to explain.

“I can’t. Disrupting the natural process of a pregnancy could cause problems with the baby unless you want that then which I could totally do.”

“Okay. Never mind. I just don’t like seeing her like that.”

“I know you don’t. It’s so sweet.”

“So what does that mean for you?”

“What do you mean?”

“You heal yourself. What do you think that’s going to do?”

Jaylyn’s eyes got wide and she looked over to Adele.

“No!” Adele said as she pointed at her. “Don’t read into that. Nothing will happened.”

“But what if it does?!” Jaylyn asked with worry as she started to sit up straighter. “I mean, I have no control over that! I could be killing him!”

“You’re not.” Troy tried assuring her while he put his arm around her.

“Well, how do you know that? You don’t. You can’t say that and know for sure.”

“Okay.” Meg got to her feet and went over to Jaylyn. “I think someone is in need of a nice long hot bath.”

“But how can I—”

“I think it’s a good idea.” Troy said as he brought Jaylyn to her feet. “You know better not to listen to Darius.”

Jaylyn was taking deep breaths still thinking about it and Meg started to take her by the arm and put her other on her back. “It’s okay, Troy. I’ll take her.”

“Thanks, Meg.”

Jaylyn didn’t say anything else while she walked off with Meg and they started up the stairs.

“Wow, I think we should keep Meg around longer.” I said. “Like nine months.”

“Why did you have to say that?” Troy asked. “Now it’s going to be all she thinks about.”

“Not necessarily. Your son is going to have that healing thing too. I mean, right? It could be possible that he’s healing her too which would be a solid case for why she’s not effected by anything.”

“Mmm. I love it when you just prove everyone wrong.” Ruby stepped off the last step, completely dressed for the day and came over to be seated in my welcoming lap.

Zayden laughed. “How often does that happen?”

“Well, you have to at least admit that he’s right. I actually chose for Jaylyn not to heal me not that she actually couldn’t.”

“Why?” I asked.

“Because I don’t want anything to go wrong. We’re not the first women ever to get pregnant you know? Many have had to let it run its course for centuries without having Jaylyn’s luxury and so will I. What happens, happens.”

I admired her. She was such a strong woman and I let it go. If she was going through this because she thought it was nature’s way then I would let her but I would always worry.







Chapter 20





Three days drifted away and Darius couldn’t help but want to do every single thing he could for me so I could just relax and give our baby a healthy environment to grow in. I guess I should be happy he was happy about this compared to what I had always feared but quite frankly, I was getting extremely bored. Staying in bed all day with only reading material or my sketch book wasn’t what I had in mind of fun. Darius was making it quite pointless for me to even have to get dressed in the morning if I was just going to stay in bed.

When he first started out behaving this way, I was savoring every moment to be spoiled by him and enjoyed it but after days of constant laziness, I felt like I needed to get out and keep my body in a healthy state of strength with a little workout. I got myself dressed for the first time in days and left the room to go out on the back balcony up on the seventh floor where I planned to do some light training while he was off probably thinking of another way he could help me.

I was glad to know I was the only one outside though. I would rather being doing this alone so he may never find out. The cool air was perfect on such a day and I was ready.

First, I started out stretching all the muscles I haven’t used in days then decided to take a trip around the obstacle course that wrapped around the outside of the training ring.

I stood ten feet back and took a breath. I started towards the first set, six wooden pillars set in heights like stairs. I stepped up on the first one only one foot high and leaped to the next ones all a foot higher than the one before it. I made it to the seven foot platform with ease and jumped up grabbing a bar over the twelve foot gap and shimmied across to another platform.

From there, I jumped over to a ten foot high wood stile and climbed up, hopping over to a pillar on the other side and then to another stile. I climbed up it and jumped over to another platform, climbing the ten foot notched wall in front of me. When I reached the top, I moved down to the ledge just two feet below it and jumped over to a metal pole. I swung from it to three more and flipped onto another ledge, hanging on to the top wall and climbing over. I climbed down that notched wall to another platform and ran along a six inch plank straight in front of me, taking a sharp left turn and back to the right to get onto the last platform.

Lastly, I jumped over to a pillar at platform height and flipped off of it down to the ground. I stood up straight with my eyes closed and a relaxing breath. I felt good. I needed that but when I opened my eyes however, Darius was standing in front of me with his arms folded across his chest, showing off his tense muscles. “What are you doing?”

“Darius!” I was a bit startled to see him because I didn’t want him to find me out here but I tried to play passed it like it wasn’t a problem. “What? I had to get out.”

“You know I don’t want you doing stuff like this.”

I huffed and walked passed him, turning back as he turned to me. “What’s the big deal? I can’t sit inside forever and just do nothing!”

“I’d prefer it if you did.”

“Why? Nothing is going to happen to me!”

“You don’t know that!”

I huffed again and lowered my head because I knew my eyes were going to turn red. I couldn’t stop it. “I know what you’re doing and it was sweet at first but now you’re really starting to piss me off.”


He tried taking a step closer but I started to back up. “No. I want you to stay away from me before I end up killing you.”

“You’re being—”

“Reasonable! Just back off. I don’t need you to smother me. I’m going to do this my way like I have been so just—leave me alone.”

Did I really mean it? I guess I did for now and my voice made it sound like it was all true too. I didn’t look at him again. I just took this anger with me and headed back inside to live in my mistakes.







Chapter 21





I had a dead stare at the door when Ruby walked away from me and the more I stood there, the angrier I got too. For once, I was going to listen. I was feeling too mad to want to see her and would live up to her request. I realized it was for the best. I cared about her but I didn’t want anything bad to happen to her either and being away from her right now would guarantee that nothing would.

I walked back inside with those thoughts and found it to be quite easy to keep distance between us in a place this big. I secluded myself to a room Ruby probably hasn’t even seen on the third floor and just let the day pass.

That night, everyone was around the table for dinner and it was the first time Ruby and I were together since that morning. We both sat quiet and didn’t even look at each other as Adele passed around the drinks. She, Ruby and Jaylyn just got water while she handed the rest of us a glass of wine.

She set mine down to the right of my plate where it belongs and I casually reached for it. “Thank you.”

I didn’t even take a sip. I put it down to the left of my plate and Ruby looked over with a sigh. “What are you doing?”

“What?” I met her eyes for the first time all day since I last saw them red.

“You moved your glass. Think I’m going to take it?”

“Just limiting temptations.” I looked away first and got back to eating. I didn’t want to openly fight or make it seem like I was but she noticed something.

“You’re doing it again.”

“What? I don’t want our child to have brain damage because you’ve been drinking more than you should have been.”

“Well, he’s going to be yours. He’s bound to have some mental issues.” She stood up with her plate and glass of water like she just wanted to get away from me.

“Oh, it wouldn’t be all from me. Believe me.”

“Real mature. You might want to think about finding somewhere else to sleep tonight.”

“Good. I already moved my stuff.”

“Good.” She left completely and I turned back to my plate. It was quite for a few moments but I knew someone was going to ask.

“What was that?” Zayden asked.

“What? Nothing.”

“Are you splitting up or something?” Jaylyn asked it with a little worry in her voice and I didn’t even like to think of the answer.

“If she keeps it up. Excuse me.” I took my plate and glass and left the dining room to be alone.

I spent that night in the room on the third floor, far from Ruby. After I finished dinner, I set the plate aside and stripped down to just my pants for bed. I laid there for a moment looking up at the ceiling and then turned my head to the left at the empty space beside me where Ruby would normally lay. I saw an image of her and had to turn away from it and face the edge.

“Stop thinking about her. She hates you. It’s pretty clear that means you lost her. Move on.”

I knew I couldn’t even after saying the words out loud. I just laid there and tried to fall asleep. I loved her and wanted to make things right again but every time we saw each other, things went in an entirely different direction. It was hopeless but I knew what I had to do. I had to stay out of her way completely until she decided to want me back and that meant I’d have to try and get my meals without being seen by her. I was going to make it as if I was never here at all and wait until Ruby showed signs of missing me, if she ever did.

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