Broken Souls (9 page)

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Authors: Azure Boone

BOOK: Broken Souls
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ofia pulled up a little. “Are you sure?”

remember he had issues with that. It was the worst position for him, but something told him it would be different with her. “I want to try.”

“Anything for you, you know that
.” She kissed him with the most tender affection and he hugged her tight to his body.

showered and returned to the room and his heart stuttered at seeing Sofia had found the wardrobe holding various outfits. “Holy shit,” he whispered, frozen to the floor. She grinned and struck the riding crop on the leather chair and then put her black thigh-high leather boot on it. Daniel slowly approached her, his gaze going from the dark half mask over her eyes, down to the matching bodice with the leather lace up front, only there was something off about it. As he got closer, he realized she had it upside down. In that second, her ankle gave way and she flailed her arms and Daniel hurried to catch her before she could hit the floor.

With a
gasp she latched onto his arms as he righted her. “Bet you never saw sexy like that, right?”

Her soft sweet words stole
Daniel’s breath. He stared at her lowered face, pink with humiliation and put his finger under her chin, tilting her face up. The pure innocence in her gaze nearly hurt him. There she stood, decked out in his perverted life, stripping herself of who she was all to enter scary unfamiliar waters. For him.

He reached down and took the riding crop from her hand and tossed it
on the chair.

“I look stupid
, I’m sure.”

The desire came out of left field like a rogue comet.
Daniel leaned and picked her up, cradling her in his arms. He carried his beautiful wife out of his dark life, down the stairs, and into a bedroom. His childhood bedroom. Laying her on the bed like the heavenly treasure she was, he silently stripped her of his past, caressing the pure delicate curves that were his future as he went. As though she sensed the turn of events, she didn’t say a word, she just let him have her how he needed. Pure. Angelic. Undefiled. Perfect.

And his.

He lowered his head to the swell of her delicate breasts and cherished them with his lips and tongue, stroking his fingers reverently along her body. He filled his mouth with her aroused nipple and she slid her fingers into his hair. An arch of her back pushed her breast into his mouth and she moaned, feeding Daniel what he had to have.

Just her.

His beautiful Sofia. Sweet and selfless. Eager to love him no matter how it hurt her.

moved until his body covered hers. He stared into her gaze, feeling the freedom she’d given him. When could he ever look anybody in the eyes during sex?


He reached down and stroked his cock softly over her folds, relishing in watching her, watching her gaze soften with desire. But it was the love that changed it all. She stroked her legs over his, her inner thighs eagerly against his sides, squeezing, silently begging him. Her love speared through him like a hot iron, undeniable, inescapable and Daniel answered it by driving his tongue into her mouth and his cock home inside her. Yes, she was home.

With his face pressed against hers, he stroked in and out of her
, feeling her everywhere and in every way, listening to her sweet cries in his ear, her songs to his heart. Daniel danced with her to its sacred tune, faster and harder until they both exploded into a million pieces of hot light. Then he kissed her as they floated down through the layers of heaven she took him to when they made love.

Made love.

Daniel never dreamed he would ever be capable of such a thing.

Chapter Eight

“Mmmmm, you were right to make me eat, I was starving.” Sofia licked butter from her fingers and winked at Daniel who sat on the stool next to her in only his gorgeous black tight BVD’s. Geeze what was he even doing with her? She suddenly felt like trailer-park trash in her tattered terrycloth robe.

He finished off the last of his bacon.
“I can’t have you passing out.”

Sofia downed her milk and
set it on the counter, and Daniel suddenly stopped chewing. He seemed in deep thought as he stared at her plate.


He looked at her, his eyes narrowed. “Oh my fucking


He stared at her like she were some kind of freak. “You’ve been eating like a

Sofia balked with wide eyes
at the unexpected harsh words.

He unzipped her robe and opened it, feeling her breasts
like he searched for some hidden object. He looked at her and Sofia’s heart raced with fear. “What? What’s wrong?”

That’s why you taste different.”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“You’re fucking pregnant,” he muttered.

“What? What are you talking about!”

He stared at her until Sofia was pretty sure it was suspicion that darkened his eyes.

That’s ridiculous…I’m on the pill, I…”

Exactly.” His tone stung. Like if that were true how could it be? “Not to mention, Sofia, I’ve had a vasectomy.”

The news of that threw her for
such a loop she had to blink through it. She was suddenly torn on what to be pissed at first. Clearing her own name was instinctual because she did it without thought. “No, no, I’m…” Sofia thought carefully, remembering that
time she thought she’d missed. No, she specifically remembered sorting out that she was wrong, she hadn’t missed. “I’ve had a period.”

Like that was lousy proof. “What kind?”

“What kind
, the bloody kind, what do you mean—”

“Was it heavy?”

“No, but none of them are it was…” she thought about it. “Was…”

“Light brown
, never got really red.”

She looked at him with wide eyes
, torn with the shock of it being possible and his accusing tone.

“Get dressed, we’re going get a test.”

Sofia watched as Daniel flew upstairs and finally followed on numb legs. Shit. It couldn’t be. And why was he acting so…not happy, so freaked, like she’d what, fucked around on him? And
She could hardly believe he hadn’t told her. Was she just never supposed to be a
He was so concerned with her knowing all his dark secrets and he didn’t have the decency to tell her something like that?

’s entire body trembled as she dressed. She felt like she walked in a surreal nightmare, one minute she was in heaven, the next, hell. On her way downstairs, a wave of nausea swooped down on her and she braced on the pine baluster. All in her head. Her nerves from…from Daniel being a dick, that’s all. The idea that she might be pregnant and Daniel hating it made her sick. She hurried downstairs in sneakers, faded jeans, and her sexy red conforming tank top that she suddenly felt way stupid in.

She sat on the couch
waiting then heard a horn. Hurrying to the door, she found Daniel already in the car. Geeze.

She flew down the steps and got in and he threw the car in gear before she could even get her seat belt on. Wow.
“Are you like a vampire and worried the baby will chew its way out of my body in a week?”


The derision in that single word felt like a slap. Like he wished it were that instead of the real horror which was…hmmm, who knew?

“Well, try and get us there in one piece.”

He flicked his gaze over her body. “Good you have your seatbelt on.”

“Yes, I’d say I need it.” Sofia couldn’t bring herself to ask what
his problem was, she was sure it would piss her the fuck off and yet not knowing was no better. Hopefully he’d explain his attitude any second.

But the seconds stretched into minutes while
Sofia pretended to focus on the wooded scenery. They drove in complete ridiculous silence, every
second grinding on her nerves until…shit. “Pull over!” She slapped her hand over her mouth so she didn’t vomit everywhere.

Daniel skidded to a stop on the shoulder and Sofia threw open the door and spilled her guts for several minutes, shoving Daniel’s
concerned hand off her back.

When she was finally done, he handed her a
napkin. “Fucking morning sickness,” he muttered.

stared at him with all the perturbed she could muster at hearing his
I knew it
doom tone. Daniel maneuvered the car back onto the road, his face furious.

Her chest hurt. She found it difficult to breathe
and opened the window. “Wow.”

Are you sick?”

Oh yeah, sick of your fucking attitude.” She looked at him and he didn’t dare meet her glare. “Vasectomy?”

The hum of pavem
ent was all that could be heard as she waited for an explanation. So she didn’t even deserve that much apparently.

She took a careful breath, drawing on her anger. “Did you ever think that maybe I might want to be a mother?”

He snorted. “It’s not like I could undo it, Sofia.”

“But you could’ve
me about it, I mean what if I wasn’t able to have children and didn’t—”

“I’d be thrilled.”

“Well I’m not fucking
Daniel, I happened to

“Then you can adopt one.”

“Oh, easy peasy lemon squeezy, well maybe I want one of my
you ever think of that?”

“Yes in fact I have thought of it, I’m thinking a lot of it right at this moment, and I’m wondering who the
is the father.”

Sofia gasped on fury. “Stop this fucking car.”

He glanced at her. “Don’t be ridiculous.”

“Oh my God, oh my God, I can’t believe this is happening to me.” She put her hand over her mouth.

“Are you sick?”

“Yes I’m fucking sick,” she screamed at him. “You
how can you do this to me!”

Daniel pulled off the road and Sofia suddenly felt like her entire world was in pieces at her feet and couldn’t stop the avalanche of sobs.

“Shit, I’m sorry…”

exploded in rage, swinging her fists at his face, only to encounter his forearms. She beat at him, fighting to get past the block, wanting to hurt him, she needed to hurt him. She clobbered him with screaming sobs until she couldn’t swing anymore all while his
I love you, I’m sorry
flowed out incessantly.

She finally gave up and he pulled her into his arms and she surrendered, wailing like a broken child.
“I didn’t

“I know baby, of course you didn’t, God I’m such a
ass, please forgive me, I’m just scared, I don’t want to bring another monster in this world.”

“What are you talking about?” She raised her head, searching his face.

“What if I give our kids my sickness, it can pass through the genes you know.”

Sofia’s heart jerked in her chest at hearing
the real terror in his voice. He was scared he’d hurt their kids. She grabbed his face and kissed him until he groaned. God she’d never heard anything so relieving. It wasn’t that he didn’t love her or want to have kids with her. He was scared to bear monster offspring.

“I love you Daniel, that could never happen, we wouldn’t let it, we’d love our baby and nothing could keep him or her from being an angel.”

He kissed her back then muttered between kisses. “With you this is possible. I just can’t help being scared shitless.”

“So if you could be positive that our kid would be okay you would want to have a baby with me?”

He held her face. “God, yes sweet heart of course I would, are you kidding me?” His voice cracked, reminding Sofia of the broken man that he was. “To have a real family with the woman of my dreams? I never dared hope for anything so ridiculously amazing.”

Those words ignited a terrible and immediate need in Sofia and
she gripped his cock. “Undo your pants.”

When he hesitated she begged,
kissing the edge of his mouth with hungry nips. “Please, I need you.”

He immediately complied and undid his pants
and pulled his hard cock out. The fire in Sofia’s blood made her feel light headed. She took hold of his length in one hand and swirled her middle finger over the swollen head, getting it wet with his pre-cum. Slipping her hand between his legs, she burrowed her finger, searching for what he seemed to really love.

Daniel groaned and laid his seat back, opening his legs. Sofia took his cock into her mouth deep as she could and tickled her finger at the opening of his cute ass.
She didn’t waste time, she worked her finger in him carefully while moving slowly and firmly up and down the length of his cock, swirling her tongue over the ridge and top before descending again until he hit the back of her throat.

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