Broken Spell (23 page)

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Authors: Fabio Bueno

BOOK: Broken Spell
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Some say that writers live solitary lives, but I believe it’s quite the opposite. The wonderful people listed here are responsible for helping BROKEN SPELL spring into existence—and for making its journey to publication 72 times more fun and rewarding.

A huge thank you and big hug to:

My beloved critique group, Writers in The Rain: Brenda Beem, Angela Orlowski-Peart, Suma Subramaniam, Martina Dalton, and Eileen Riccio. True friends and talented authors.

DMs, YA Ninjas, WANAs, and WG2E Street Team: you rock, and you know it.

The super-team: Pixel Artist Martina Dalton designed the cover; Queen Editress Alyssa Linn Palmer and Proofreader Goddess Amanda Shofner edited the novel.

My unofficial mentors: C. C. Mackenzie, Jillian Dodd, Rhonda Hopkins, and Diane Capri.

Beta-readers/alpha-friends: Julie, Claudio, Carlos, Flavia, Jose, and Lucio.

My kids: thank you for your patience and support. You are the light of my life.

Wonder Wife, who inspires me in every way.


Fabio resides in the Pacific Northwest with his wife and kids. When not writing or reading, he geeks out with family and friends, solidifies his reputation as the world’s slowest runner, and acts very snobbish about movies. He loves to hear from readers and hangs out here:



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