Broken (The Siren Series #1) (13 page)

Read Broken (The Siren Series #1) Online

Authors: L.A.Griffiths

Tags: #romance, #urban fantasy, #thriller, #adult, #fantasy, #paranormal, #young adult, #supernatural, #contemporary fiction

BOOK: Broken (The Siren Series #1)
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Crap he had a point. “Please Dad, plus I
wasn’t really suspended but I’ll be careful, please.” I waited for
an answer.

Fine,” he finally said. “But not out
late, see the film then back home”

Thank you, thank you” I kissed him on
his cheek and I was about to go upstairs and changed when my Dad
called me back.

How you getting there?” he

Well I think Lilly is driving.” I

Are you sure about that?” he said
hinting to me.

I paused for a second before answering. “Yeah
Dad I’ll be fine I promise.” To be honest I was dreading going back
in a car. I walked up the stairs and changed into a tight black
fitting top and my favorite dark jeans with my comfy flats. I put
some simple eye liner on and a bit of foundation to cover the
bruises. I grabbed my phone from my lazy trousers and texted

I can go so what time you picking me up

My phone buzzed again.

Getting in car now going to pick up Becky
first then head to yours so won’t be long X

I opened my wardrobe and rummaged through the
box of purses. I had quite a few. I picked a small black one with
white sequins on. I placed some money into the purse, along with my
phone and a few more essentials and clasped it shut. I walked back
down stairs and waited for the girls to arrive. Dad was still
engrossed in the TV, not taking his eyes off the screen. They were
showing a documentary with wild animals or something, I didn’t
catch the title. I sat down to watch it along with him. I was
relieved when my phone buzzed in my purse. I grabbed my phone and
read the text.

Nearly there be at yours in 5 X

I jumped up from the sofa and bent over to
kiss my Dad’s forehead. Then I remembered what Rhea had said about
the same blood. That’s why my powers don’t work, he’s family. Dad
didn’t take his eyes off the screen while I planted a kiss on his
forehead. I grabbed my thin black jacket from under the stairs.

I’m going now Dad.” I said.

Have fun and be safe.” he called from
the sofa, his eyes still fixed on the documentary.

I stepped outside closing the door behind me.
The fresh air whirled around me. It was nice to be outside. Being
cooped up in the house would have driven me mad.

I didn’t have to wait too long as the two
girls came around the corner in Lilly’s bright red car. Lilly
turned seventeen a few weeks back and her Dad bought her a car.
(Lucky her), I waved to them as I walked towards the car. My hand
went straight to the door handle, and for a second I felt like
running away from the metal death trap. I took a few deep breaths
and slid into the back see and strapped myself in tightly. Lilly
and Becky turned to me and both smiled like naughty school

What’s wrong, why you smiling like
that for?” I asked.

Well we’ve been talking, your getting
quite the reputation for being a bad girl Ellie.” said

What’re you talking about?”

Well fighting in school and sneaking
out to go see a film.” she laughed

No, I asked my Dad and he said it was
ok.” I said while blushing a deep scarlet.

Are you sure Ellie? I swore I just saw
you climbing down that drain pipe.” Lilly laughed.

Just drive will you and I didn’t climb
down anything.” I chucked.

Lilly pulled away from my house and turned
around the corner. We went at a slow pace. (More so for me), Lilly
looked in her rear view mirror to check on how I was doing.

So what do we wanna’ see then girls?”
Becky asked.

Before I could speak Lilly spoke up. “Please
Ellie no horror.”

I sighed. “Fine.”

Good,” Lilly smiled.

So what are we going to see then?”
Becky asked again.

Well there is that new romantic comedy
showing?” Lilly insisted.

Becky and I made a gagging noise which Lilly
was not happy with. “We will see when we get there ok.” said

Fine.” Becky and I said

As we approached the movie theater, I could
see the bright lights they projected into the air, slowly circling
around the building and up into the air. Lilly parked the car in
the provided car park. Lilly wasn’t a good parker, so Becky got out
of the car and guided her in.

I didn’t realize that my hand was tightly
gripped onto the door handle. Releasing my grip on the handle,
Lilly opened my door and waited for me to crawl out. I straightened
myself while she locked the car with a press of her keys. The
massive theater stood in front of us showing different posters
being displayed on the huge walls. The three of us walked towards
the building entrance.

I held back, looking at the high film posters
that were blowing in the wind. One of the posters had an attractive
woman with a short white dress, with a gun tucked tightly into her
garter. It looked like Rhea, getting a better look. It wasn’t her,
just too much Photoshop. Thinking about her made me remember of
what she said to me, about what I could do to people. The thought
of controlling people made my body tingle.

Ellie!” shouted Lilly.

I looked over and saw Becky and Lilly waiting
for me. “Sorry just looking at the posters,” I said.

Come on then.” said Becky. I broke
into a quick jog to catch up with them.

I pushed open the heavy entrance doors, and
one by one we entered into the theater. The entrance was decorated
in a deep blue with a tiny hint of purple thrown in. The cinema was
an old building that was converted recently. Before it was changed,
it used to produce plays and operas for the public. I wonder what I
would have been like back then. Inside there were hardly anyone
inside. I think we were early.

The girls were looking up at the screens and
pointing at what film they wanted to watch.

Ellie!” Becky called after me

I sludge over to them on the sticky carpet.
(Great hope my shoes aren’t wrecked.) I stood with them looking up
at the monitors, deciding what to watch.

Mm,” moaned Lilly.

What about this one?” asked

No way, too cutesy” I said. “What
about this?”

Too gory.” said Lilly.

What? No it’s not.” said

I’ve seen the trailer, it’s gory, so
it’s a no.” Lilly said.

In the end we decided on an action film with
known hot actors, but no gore. (Sadly) The film was going to start
in ten minutes so we stood in line to get tickets. In front, were
two people queuing. One of them was a girl who had no manners and
had long fake yellowish hair extensions running down her back. She
turned around one or twice to get a glace of us, the girl had very
heavy makeup on and clumpy mascara. It was like she shoveled it
onto her face. The guy next to her had to listen to her talk
nonsense while they lined up. He didn’t care; he just stood there
while she flapped her lips. They quickly bought their ticket and
the girl practically snatched them out of the server’s hands.

We were next in line and I decided to do
something dangerous. I looked around, we were the only ones lining
up and the woman was alone behind the counter. I had to see if Rhea
was right. We told the woman the name of the movie while Becky and
Lilly both handed over the money. I pulled out a note and reached
out, handing it to her. She took the money but I held firmly onto
it. With my other hand I slowly started to caress her skin. I could
hear Lilly and Becky gasp at the side of me. Once I touched the
woman’s skin every nerve inside my body exploded like fireworks.
Her pupils went wide and I could feel her desire growing
animalistic towards me. I tried to control her feelings, if I
didn’t get this right she would go out of control. I shut my eyes.
Then all of a sudden her thoughts burst into my mind, every desire,
every dream she had, I knew them all and right now she wanted me. I
trembled with Goosebumps, while I went deeper into her mind. The
woman and I were connected. Using that connection, I fought to
control her.

Ellie what are you doing?” whispered

I ignored her and continued. I opened my eyes
to see the woman was in a daze, her eyes stared into

I can see this movie for free?” I
asked softly.

Ellie!” Lilly whispered again. This
time she wasn’t happy.

The half dazed young woman turned to her
screen and printed off my ticket and handed it to me.

Ellie what did you do?” asked

That was such a rush.” I said to them
with excitement.

That was dangerous, you could’ve have
gotten hurt.” Said Becky

I ignored their worries while I walked away,
smiling with my free ticket.

I headed towards the food section and looked
around. I wasn’t that hungry since I had eaten earlier but I did
fancy some popcorn. Ellie and Becky browsed what they had to offer.
Again I looked around hardly anyone was around but this time there
were two people serving. Crap, I couldn’t get away with this again
could I?

Becky, Lilly,” I called them over.
“Can you distract that young guy serving over there for me?” I

Ellie you’re not are you?” asked

I’m going to try and get some
popcorn.” I said.

Ellie, that’s stealing.”

Get us a big fat bucket ok.” said

Becky dragged Lilly towards the young guy who
looked very bored. I was left with an older man in his late
twenties. Slowly walking up to the counter I caught his

Hi, yeah could I get a big bucket of
popcorn please, the sweet kind,” I said while I got the money out.
Like before I handed it over to him first and my other hand seized
the opportunity.

This guys hand was kinda’ rough, he really
needed some lotion. I ignored his hard skin and closed my eyes. I
concentrated again like I had with the woman. Again I could feel
all his desires and his thoughts flow freely. My Goosebumps
traveled down from the top of my head all the way down to my toes.
Slowly the connection I needed came into place. As we were one for
those moments, I could feel something struggling against my
control. It was slowly pushing me away. There was no way was I
going to give up. I pushed harder until my head began to pound.
Finally I found what was repelling me, his soul.

With my power I pushed forward, mentally
grabbing his soul. It felt warm and soft. Once I touched it he was
fully under my control. I opened my eyes and I saw he adopted the
same dazed look on his face like the woman before him. He grabbed
an empty bucket and scooped up the popcorn. He did this until it
overflowed and placed it onto the counter. I took the bucket and

I called the girls who were still talking to
the young guy and it looked like they were enjoying it,(especially
Becky) . Lilly looked over her shoulder and I showed her the
popcorn. Both of them quickly ended the conversation and joined

My god Ellie.” said Lilly.

I smiled at both of them while I took a
handful of popcorn.

Hey don’t eat it all, we all worked
for that.” said Becky.

Lilly gave a disapproving look.

What’s wrong Lilly?” I

Ellie it’s kind of freaky that’s all.”
Lilly replied.

My face dropped. I could not believe what she
just said. Lilly practically called me a freak. I stared at her
while clutching my stolen popcorn.

Lilly!” Becky yelled.

She then realized what she said.

I’m so sorry Ellie, it just came out.
Can you forgive me?” she pleaded.

It’s ok Lilly. I bet it can be scary.”
I said.

Now can we watch go and watch the
movie, I’m dying to see some hunkness’.” Becky asked.

The three of us walked down one of the
corridors, passing doors to the other films and glossy film
posters. At the end of the corridor we saw the rude girl and her
so-called boyfriend, they were waiting to go see the same film as

Oh god, I hope she doesn’t talk
through it.” I said.

That girl looks a right state,” said
Becky “Even I’ve worn less make-up.”

Ugh look.” Lilly said pointing to the

I looked down at the sticky carpet and saw a
thick strand of yellowish blonde hair. The girl was shedding her
fake extensions.

That’s just gross.” I said.

She’s bought a cheap weave, look at
the color. It looks more yellow then blonde” Becky said.

Just make sure you don’t get any on
your shoes, otherwise you won’t be coming in
car” said Lilly.

As we walked towards them, we had to stop
talking about her since we arrived at our screening door. The girl
turned to us and gave us a fake smile. Her boyfriend stood there
eyeing me up and down. He had thick brown hair that fell around his
face and had a thin pre-teen mustache forming around his thin lips.
For a moment I felt like a piece of meat. He made me shiver and not
in a good way. Before he could do any more ‘looking’ they both went
into the screening room.

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