Broken Together (46 page)

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Authors: K. S. Ruff

Tags: #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Inspirational, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: Broken Together
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opened the door and started down the stairs. “You are welcome to use the sauna,
gym, and lap pool. The central command center is located here.” He pointed
toward two solid doors near the bottom of the stairs. There are a number of
escape routes… tunnels that lead to various locations on the property where
vehicles are hidden in case of an emergency. My security staff will lead you to
those should the need arise.”

luggage was sitting at the top of the stairs by the time we reached the second
floor. Maxim led us to the far end of the left wing.

touched the intricately carved door sealing the room on the end. “This is the
same door you had in your other house.”

eyes softened. “I’d like you and Rafael to stay here.” He opened the door to
the right of his room.

think we should sleep in the other wing,” Rafael stated flatly.

are welcome to stay in the other wing, but Kristine will remain in the room
next to me. You are not the only man who is concerned for her safety,” Maxim replied
dismissively. He briefly considered Jase. “You can sleep in the room directly
across from Kristine. I’d prefer Shae stay in this wing as well. The rest is

patted Kadyn on the back. “You can bunk with me.”

brought my hand to his lips. “I’ll ask the chef to serve dinner at nine o’clock
so you can get some rest.”

you.” I edged closer to Rafael.

kissed my forehead. “I’m going to speak with the security staff. Jase will sit
with you until I can join you.”

was too tired to object. I changed into a camisole and sleep shorts in the
adjoining bathroom before easing between the crisp, cool sheets.

settled into the armchair next to the window. “Try to get some rest.”

you for being here.” I yawned and promptly fell asleep.

was sleeping beside me by the time I woke. He stirred when I reached over to
retrieve my cell phone from the nightstand. “What time is it?”

o’clock,” I answered. “You can go back to sleep. I’m going to shower before

pulled me close so his body warmed mine. “Can I join you?”

sleep-roughened voice left me longing for more amorous activities. “Sure.”

like to speak with my son first.” He lifted my camisole so he could kiss my
tummy. “I’ve missed you. How are you doing? Is your mommy taking good care of

giggled softly. “I’m eating well and drinking lots of water if that’s what
you’re asking.”

rubbed his bristly cheek against my stomach. “I’ve missed this and you. How
many more days must we endure this separation?”

more weeks,” I answered. “We’re nearly there.”

picked me up and carried me to the shower. “I would prefer we were never parted

nodded. “Is this going to work? Maxim’s place, I mean. Would you prefer we stay
in a hotel?”

turned the jets on. He removed his clothes and mine while we waited for the
water to warm. “No. Maxim’s right. This place is a virtual fortress, and he has
it locked down tight. We’re safer here than we’d be at any other location in
Ukraine. It’s just… Maxim’s affections toward you can be trying at times.”

pulled him into the shower. “Maxim’s affections are irrelevant. I’m married to
you, and I’m carrying your child.” I grabbed the soap and worked a lather into
my hands so I could wash his shoulders and chest.

tension eased from his shoulders. I knelt in front of him so I could wash his
legs. His eyes darkened when I reached between his legs. “Kristine,” he pleaded

pulled him deep inside my mouth. Around and around my tongue swirled while I
clenched his hardened shaft. His fingers curled against the wall. I knew he
needed this. He needed to know I desired him above all others, especially in this
place where Maxim wielded so much power.

yelped when Rafael lifted me by my armpits and pinned me against the cold tile.
I wrapped my legs around his hips. “I want you… only you,” I whispered.

lips collided with mine. He pressed just inside of me. “I need you. I need
every part of you.” He lavished me with his tongue. My neck, my breasts, my
mouth… he was everywhere at once.

thrust, pulled back, and thrust again.

held fast as the water pelted us. “Don’t stop.”

finger slid to that unthinkable place. My breath caught when he claimed this
part of me. He’d never… no one had ever… claimed this part of me. My vision
blurred as pleasure pulsed between my legs.

stole my objection with a kiss. His tongue thrust, his finger thrust, everything
thrust at once.
Pure ecstasy
pebbled my breasts. Rafael plundered every
crevice while I clung to him. We spun higher, wound tighter, until my head fell
back against the wall. Rafael suckled my breasts, forcing me over the edge. We
exploded violently… pulsed relentlessly… as one.

toes gradually touched the ground.

washed my hair while our breathing slowed. “Thank you.”

offered him a wry smile. “That should make dinner a bit more bearable.”

laughed. “I should think so. If not, I’ll request a ‘do over.’”

lathered his hair. “I’d like a ‘do over’ either way, immediately following

pressed the entire length of his body against mine. “Maybe we should skip

trembled with anticipation.

rinsed, toweled, and dressed quickly. “I don’t know what to do about these,” I
complained when I stepped out of the bathroom.

eyes widened. We’d dressed separately, so this was his first glimpse of the
dress. “I have a few ideas,” he murmured, then shook his head. “You can’t wear
that dress.”

blew out an exasperated breath. I hadn’t a clue what one wore to dinner inside
a presidential residence. After conferring briefly, the girls and I had decided
Maxim’s celebratory dinner required an evening dress. We’d packed multiple
dresses to cover our bases, but this was the only other evening dress I’d
packed besides the one I’d chosen for the ball. “This dress wouldn’t look so
bad if these weren’t spilling out.” I tried smooshing my breasts.

just makes it worse,” Rafael choked.

midnight blue gown was elegant enough, but it was cut low in the front. My
breasts, which appeared to have grown yet another cup size, were spilling out. The
built in bra was forcing a generous amount of cleavage. I glared at Rafael
accusingly. “Your son did this to me.”

laughed. His thumbs tickled my nipples into hard peaks while his tongue traced
the cleavage. “Remind me to thank him later.”

not even remotely helpful.” I rubbed my nipples back into submission while I
backed away.

tugged me back against his chest. “Maxim’s eyes will be all over you either
way. Now, let’s get this dinner out of the way so I can unwrap my son’s gifts.”
A wicked smile played on his lips.

terrible,” I teased him. Still, my body hummed with anticipation.

knocked on Jase’s door. A pained expression claimed Jase’s face when he saw my
dress. Kadyn just laughed. We collected Cenia, Roger, and Shae before meeting
the rest of our friends downstairs.

smile slid from my face when I realized everyone had a drink in his hand. This
was Simferopol all over again. There were sure to be toasts, and I knew Maxim
would notice if I wasn’t drinking. He’d take offense unless I offered a viable

met us at the base of the stairs. “You look exquisite,
. Please,
won’t you join me?” He whisked me right out from under Rafael’s arm with nary a
thought about how Rafael might respond.

shot Rafael an apologetic look. “I… I’m not up for drinking alcohol this
evening. I’m afraid my stomach hasn’t recovered from the flight.”

forced his eyes from my bodice. “Will cranberry juice and Sprite suffice?”

I nodded. “That sounds perfect.”

requested the drink from a nearby waiter. A number of waiters were milling
about with appetizers and drinks. He led me into the formal living room. “Prime
Minister Azarov and his wife are here. They are anxious to see you.”

fingers clenched Maxim’s arm. My heart was pounding. Hard. Prime Minister
Azarov offered me a job in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs after meeting me at
a charity event last year. Maxim and I joined the Prime Minister and his wife
for the symphony, shortly before the SVR abducted me. The SVR had used me in
the worst possible way, forcing the former President and the Prime Minister to
sign a treaty allowing Russia’s Black Sea Fleet to remain in Sevastopol in
order to secure my release.

eyes softened when he saw how scared I was. He pulled me close while gently caressing
my back. “Mykola and Lyudmyla have been worried for you. They have been praying
for you for months. Mykola wishes to thank you for all that you have done, and
they both want to ensure you are truly okay.”

blinked back tears.

released me when the waiter arrived with my drink. He leveled Rafael with a
single glance before testing the drink himself. He handed me the glass.

Lyudmyla exclaimed. She kissed both cheeks before pulling me into a warm
embrace. “Your courage and strength humble me. I am so sorry…”

Minister Azarov promptly cut her off. “
Milaya moya
, I am certain Ms.
Stone would prefer to discuss more pleasant things.” He wiped his wife’s
lipstick away before gently kissing my cheek. “Thank you for helping us secure
the pipeline and the defense shield.” He waved dismissively toward the rest of
the guests. “And they thought it was your beauty that inspired me to offer you
that job. We showed them, didn’t we?” He winked.

who is this exquisite creature you hold in your arms?” a distinguished looking
gentleman with glasses demanded.

Minister Azarov laughed. “This is the woman who encouraged Maxim to steal your
job so he could secure the presidency.” His eyes sparkled with mischief. “Ms.
Stone, I don’t believe you two have met. This is Ukraine’s Minister of Foreign Affairs,
Leonid Kozhara.”

sucked in a breath. “Minister Kozhara, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean…” I glanced
at Maxim worriedly. “Well, maybe I did mean…” My cheeks heated as words failed

laughter warmed the room. He tucked me protectively under his arm. “Do not
. Leonid agrees that was a brilliant move. I doubt
Secretary Gates or USAID would have negotiated with me if I hadn’t been
representing the Ukrainian government in some formal capacity.”

dawned in Minister Kozhara’s eyes. “Ms. Stone, I should have recognized you,
but alas those photographs did not do you justice. You are the young woman who
stole my country’s heart in that media storm last year.” He gently kissed my
hand. “As well you should have. We owe you a debt of gratitude.”

threatened once more. “I… I just hope it helps. I’ve been so worried about how Russia
might respond.”

defense shield will limit Putin’s options,” Prime Minister Azarov assured me.

caught sight of Kadyn. “Please, allow me to introduce you to my friend, Kadyn.
He’s the one who convinced Secretary Gates to meet with Maxim.”

broke away from Maxim so I could retrieve him. I linked my arm in Kadyn’s while
I steered him toward the group. “Kadyn, I’d like you to meet Prime Minister Azarov,
his wife, Lyudmyla, and Ukraine’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Leonid Kozhara.
This is my friend, Kadyn Rand. He’s the director of new technologies for U.S.
Customs and Border Protection.”

men shook hands. A lengthy conversation ensued about Ukraine’s eastern border.
I tried my best to follow the conversation, but I was worried about neglecting
Rafael. He should be standing beside me, as my fiancé, not blending into the
woodwork like my security detail.

intercepted me on our way into the dining room. He planted a quick kiss on my
cheek. “Kristine, thank you… for everything. We are so pleased you are here.
Should you require a cup of coffee…” He grinned boyishly.

smiled my first genuine smile of the evening. “Thank you, Lev. It’s good to see
you again. Congratulations, and thank you for helping Maxim secure the
presidency. I understand that was no small feat.”

blushed, unaccustomed to compliments.

eyes narrowed when I saw Konstantin talking to Shae. I stepped forward,
intending to join them, but Maxim angled me toward the head of the table.

would like you to remain by my side.” He offered me the chair to his right.

Minister Azarov and his wife claimed the chairs to Maxim’s left. Minister
Kozhara and the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada, Ukraine’s parliament, sat next
to them. Two Supreme Court justices and three women I had yet to meet joined
them. Lev, Konstantin, and Shae rounded out that side of the table. Kadyn sat
at the end, opposite Maxim, so he could remain close to Shae. Rafael claimed
the seat next to me. The rest of our friends filled the remaining seats.

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