Broken Toy [Suncoast Society] (Siren Publishing Sensations) (34 page)

BOOK: Broken Toy [Suncoast Society] (Siren Publishing Sensations)
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Loren held a couple of index cards and told them to join hands. “We’re gathered together today as honored witnesses to the joining of our friends, William and Gabriella. Not just in marriage, but more than that. As partners, as a Dominant and his submissive, a Daddy and his girl, an Owner and his cherished love, the yin and yang in a dynamic that only they can define, because they are the only two who matter.”

Gabe was a little surprised that he’d asked Loren to use her full name, but realized she shouldn’t have when she saw the playful creases at the outer corners of his eyes.

He would have this done his way.

Loren continued. “There are as many ways to hold a wedding, or a handfasting, or a collaring, as there are people involved in the ceremony. And all that matters at the end of the day is that the people involved are happy and satisfied.

“Gabriella, before you stands a man who, in the eyes of his friends and peers, is worthy, respected, and someone we consider a good guy. Someone who wants to take you in hand, by the hand, under his hand but never under anything less than the full love and devotion of his heart, and with the desire to do the very best he can to love, cherish, and care for you. What say ye?”

She smiled. “I say aye.”

“You need to say what you want, ask for what you desire.”

Okay, Bill had definitely planned this out. She looked him square in the eye despite the tears already threatening to blur her vision. “I want to take this man as my husband, my partner, my Owner, my Dominant.” Her voice hitched. “My Daddy. I want him to own me, to love me, to care for me.”

There were a few sniffles throughout the room, and Gabe even thought Bill’s eyes suddenly looked a little too bright.

“And what do you want to do in return for this?” Loren asked.

“I’ll love him—”

“And squeeze him and name him George,” someone muttered in the audience, causing a ripple of laughter amongst them and even making Gabe giggle.

Loren cocked her head as she glared at the offender. “
, Gilo? Tilly, I thought you said he was gagged?”

Tilly, a scowl on her face, headed across the room. “Someone get me the fucking duct tape,” she darkly muttered.

Loren returned her attention to Gabe. “Sorry, sweetie. Let’s try that again. And what do you want to do in return for this?”

Gabe smiled, fighting the urge to repeat poor Gilo’s line. “I’ll love him, be faithful to him, trust him.” She took a deep breath. “I’ll obey him because I know he’ll only do things in my best interest.”

Bill gently squeezed her hands, his smile seared across her soul.

“William,” Loren said, “before you stands a woman who, in the eyes of her friends and peers, is deserving of the one man who will make her happy. She asks for that man to own her, love her, care for her. Someone who is worthy of that one man, regardless of the label he takes in her life, be it husband, Dominant, Owner, or Daddy.”

Gabe gave Loren credit for remembering what she’d said.

All she herself could do was focus on Bill’s eyes, and how warm his hands felt holding hers.

Loren continued. “She’s willing to love, trust, be faithful, and obey that one man. Are you that man?”

He nodded, his eyes never leaving Gabe’s. “Aye. I am that man.”

“Can you give her what she asks?”

“I can.”

“Will you give her what she asks?”

“I will.”

“Before all those assembled, publicly state your vow, and ask her what you want.”

Bill brought her hands up to his lips and kissed them before holding them against his chest. She felt his pulse thundering, matching her own. It reassured her that he was as nervous as she was.

“I promise to love you, trust you, be faithful to you…” He smiled. “And respect you even as I own you. To care for you. To never let you walk this life alone if I can be at your side. I ask you to please be my wife, my partner, my submissive.” He kissed her hands again. “My sweet girl. My beautiful toy.”

That did it. She did her best to ignore the tears trickling from her eyes.

Loren smiled. “Gabriella, can you give him what he asks?”

“I can.”

“Will you give him what he asks?”

“I will.”

“Gabriella, your ring.”

She hoped Laura had it. Fortunately, she did. Her friend pressed it into her palm with a smile. Gabe turned back to Bill and held it ready.

Loren spoke again. “Rings are usually used to signify the eternity of love. No beginning or end, lasting forever. In our lifestyle, they can mean much more than a pledge of love or fidelity, but also of a trust far deeper than many people ever get to feel in their lives. By accepting this ring, William, you agree to keep this vow you’ve given in front of all who’ve assembled.”

Loren nodded to Gabe and she slipped it on his left ring finger. She didn’t even have time to get a good look at it, although with the tears in her eyes blurring her vision, she could barely see as it was.

“William,” Loren said, “your ring.”

He turned and Rob handed it to him.

“Gabriella, by accepting this ring, you are freely, of your own will, consenting before all those assembled here today to give yourself to this man.” She nodded to Bill, who gently slid the ring on Gabe’s left finger, next to the engagement ring. She’d heard that the wedding band was supposed to go on first, but he’d told her he wanted her to keep her engagement ring on throughout the ceremony.

So she had.

“Before you all, these two have taken vows to each other. Is there any reason these two should not be joined?”

No one spoke. Apparently, Tilly had located the duct tape.

Loren grinned. “This is the part I love the best. By the power vested by the State of Florida, I now pronounce you husband and wife, and whatever else you choose to be together. Owner, kiss your toy. She’s officially yours.”

Everyone began clapping and cheering as Bill grinned and pulled Gabe into his arms before she could blink. Then he crushed her lips with his in a kiss that threatened to have her begging him to fuck her right there in front of everyone.

Good thing the rules prohibit that…

When he finally stood her upright again, she swayed a little on her feet as she tried to get her breath and brains back under control.

Loren hugged her first, whispering in her ear. “Congratulations, sweetie. If he breaks your heart, make sure you have Tilly on speed dial.”

Gabe laughed, but knew deep in heart that would not be necessary. Then Loren hugged Bill. After that, it was a blur of hugs and well wishes. Before they could get sidetracked with the reception part of the festivities, Loren called them and Laura and Rob over to sign the marriage certificate.

Now she’d had a chance to dab at her eyes with a tissue and actually look at their bands. Gold, they were a matching set with delicate Celtic knots engraved around the bands.

He leaned in to whisper in her ear. “I thought knots were appropriate.”

She nodded. “Yes, Daddy. I love them.”

He took her hand and quickly swapped the position of her engagement and wedding rings, kissing her hand after doing it. “I hoped you’d like them.”

She motioned him close so she could whisper in his ear. “If you ever wanted to get me a collar, Daddy, I’d wear it for you.”

“Funny you should mention that.” He smiled. “I was thinking more along the lines for our first anniversary, I want to get you an ankle tattoo. One of those that looks like a bracelet. With my initials worked into it. What would you think about that, sweetheart?”

Her heart raced, pounding.

In a good way. “Only if you go with me to get it done, Daddy.”

“Of course. And I was thinking about getting your initials on the inside of my left wrist.”

That he was willing to do that for her, it totally melted her. “Thank you, Daddy.”

“Want to know why?”

From the evil grin on his face, she knew he wanted her to ask. “Why, Daddy?”

He reached up with his left hand and fisted her hair, gently easing her head back while reaching between her legs with his right hand, easily finding her clit through the fabric of her dress. “Because any time I see it, I want to think exactly about this, the look in your eyes right now, and I’ll be able to make a fist with that hand and picture this.” His finger stroked her clit through the fabric. “And imagine doing this to you.”

She whimpered when he pulled his right hand away and touched his fingers to her lips, which opened automatically for him.

“Such a good girl,” he said as she sucked on his fingers, even though the fabric had kept him from getting her juices on them. “Such a very, very good girl.
good girl.” He smiled.

She whimpered again, knowing she would beg him to spend the rest of her life like this with him if he asked her to, following his commands.

Making him smile

Chapter Thirty


Bill had definitely got her worked up, but a few minutes later, everyone was eating in preparation for getting to the cake. Gabe was glad he had no interest in smashing cake in her face, either, despite Gilo’s plaintive begging while dodging Tilly and her riding crop for them to basically frost each other.

After the reception was over, the playspace was officially declared open, in time for the regular club opening to other members. Gabe thought maybe Bill would want to play with her at the club. It had surprised her when he told her no, that he wanted to reserve that for later, at home.

In private.

It also amped up her need to a fevered pitch. She knew he wouldn’t strip her fully naked there at the club, even though she realized if he asked it of her, she would do it.

But she’d at least thought to get a couple of orgasms while they were at the club.

Nope, he was content to spend the hours talking with their friends, watching others play, his arm draped possessively across her shoulders and his fingers gently stroking her arm.

Shooting her sexy winks every time he caught her eye.

Winks that, had he not confiscated her panties after the ceremony, would have completely soaked them long before he was ready to leave a little before midnight. As it was, she’d excused herself to the bathroom several times to freshen up and clean up, afraid of a puddle forming on the floor between her feet if she didn’t.

He had her totally wet and totally horny.

And from the evil grin on his face, she knew he knew it.

It even shocked her to realize she loved it, the control she willingly gave to him.

The control she knew she
him to have over her in that way.

Nothing should shock me anymore. Not about him or what we’re doing.

In a way, she loved that it did. That there would still be surprises to stumble across.

When they took their leave of everyone and headed home, he opened and held the door of the car for her. As she got in, he smiled. “Make sure to keep your legs spread on the way home.”

There went her heart again, racing like crazy. “Yes, Sir.”

She took great satisfaction knowing that every time she said that to him, especially when in response to an order, it made him hard. Or harder, as the case might be.

He leaned in. “Lift the hem of your dress and keep it there, sweetheart. I want to see your pussy.”

She met his gaze. “Yes, Sir.”

He made her strip in the garage after the door was safely rolled down behind them. He confiscated her dress, grabbed a handful of her hair, and led the way inside. In the living room, he led her around the front of one of the matching chairs for the sofa, a soft, upholstered chair with short wooden legs under it, had her kneel facing backward on it, her breasts hanging over the edge of the back.

“Stay,” he said. He disappeared into the bedroom and returned with the duffel bag full of rope and the Hitachi.

She suspected what was coming, her juices already running down her legs. Her ass and pussy were exposed like this, and her mouth would be at the perfect height to suck him off.

Subspace started fuzzing the edges of her mind, her body already eagerly anticipating whatever it was he had prepared for her.

Sure enough, he began humming as he uncoiled the first rope and started tying her ankles to the legs of the chair, leaving her legs spread, her pussy exposed.

He next walked around the back of the chair, having her position her arms where it was most comfortable for her to brace herself before he began tying them in a modified gauntlet that led down to the other two chair legs.

A quick rope harness, followed by few turns of rope around her back and under the chair kept her from rising up. She could wiggle her ass, but that was about all she could do. She couldn’t pull too far back, and the back of the chair kept her from moving forward.

He stroked her pussy with his hand. “Who owns this?” he softly asked.

“You, Sir.”

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