Broker, Trader, Lawyer, Spy (33 page)

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mug shot invented by, 36

Pinkerton Agency begun, 34–35

Sauganash Hotel counterfeiters, 32–33

Pinkerton, Allan, II, 59

Pinkerton, Joan, 31, 34

Pinkerton, Robert, 56–59

Pinkerton, Robert (younger), 59

Pinkerton, William, 56–59

Pinkerton Agency, 33–59, 58n

agent hanged as spy, 40, 47–48, 48n

Anti-Pinkerton Act, 58

buys Intertel, 110–11

Civil War and, 42–48

Dashiell Hammett and, 39n

early clients of, 35–36

ethical standards, xi–xii, 38–39, 56

female detectives, 38, 41, 45, 46, 58n

founding of, 34–35

as global, 59

Homestead massacre and, 56–57

Lincoln assassination attempt and, 40, 44–46, 46n

logo, 35

Maroney case, 40–42

Molly Maguires and, 48–55

rail travel and, 38

sold to Securitas AB, 59, 170

technology used by, 36–37

union-busting, xii, 39n, 56–58

U.S. Department of Justice outsourcing to, 36, 62

Pinkerton Story, The
(Horan and Swiggert), 49

Pirelli Tires, 168

Pittman, Bob, 280

Platt, Jack, 274–77

Political espionage, 124–25

Cold War, 261

London as spy center, 221–22, 228, 233–34

Washington D.C. and, 281–82

Political intelligence firms, 247–49

Posner, Victor, 120–21

Powell, Lord Charles, 16

Prescience LLC, 23, 24

Princess Hotel, Acapulco, 107

Princeton Club, New York City, 253, 259

Private investigators (private eyes), xii, 70–83, 283.
See also
Broady, John; Corporate espionage; Kroll, Jules; Lipset, Hal; Peloquin, Robert

Allan Pinkerton, 31–59

directory for, 112–14

divorce work, 70–71

economic bust of 2009 and, 134

female detectives, 38, 41

government clients, xiii, 43–48

Johann Benöhr, 261–64

military background of, 74–76

Pinkerton logo and, 35

private sector clients, xiii rise of, 62–63

Science Security Associates, 151–52, 151n

skills of, 113

Terry Lenzner, 124–25, 282

Private Sector, The
(O’Toole), 93, 151n

Proudfoot Reports, 78, 79

Pryor, Sam, 65

Purves, Sir William, 269

Putin, Vladimir, 3, 254, 276


Randazzo, Marisa, 250

RCA Corporation, 214

Reagan, Nancy, 15

Reagan, Ronald, 15, 280

Rebozo, Charles G. “Bebe,” 94n

Refaeli, Bar, 240–41

Refaeli, Tzipi, 240–41

Reiman, Leonid, 3, 5, 5n

Resorts International, 93, 111

Reynolds, Mike, 269, 272

Ridgeway, James, 167

Robert A. Maheu and Associates, 95, 97n

Rockefeller and Company, 20

Rogers, Ed, 16, 22–23

Roosevelt, Theodore, 35n, 62

Roselli, Johnny, 95–97, 97n

Roth, Jim, 194–95

Rothschild, Jacob, 24

Rothschild, Lionel, 25

Rothschild, Mayer Amschel, 25

Rothschild, Nathan, 25

Rothschild, Nathaniel, 24–27

Rothschild, Nathan Mayer, II, 25

Rozelle, Pete, 90, 91

Rozhetskin, Leonid, 3n

Rucker, Edward, 34

Ruh, Carl, 68

Rumsfeld, Donald, 140

Rusal, 26


corporate intelligence business, 2–9, 274–80

intelligence firms with ties to, 254–55

Kroll asset search for, 126, 127–29

, 276–77

mafia of, 7, 276–77

Mars, Inc. and, 158, 158n

Vasilenko spy case, 274–77

veteran KGB and military officers in private-sector investigation, x–xi, 8, 11, 254, 274–77, 280

Ryan, Leo, 82n


Sabotage, insider, 250

SAC Capital Partners, 179–80

St. Joseph Lead Company, 69n

Saint Michaels, Maryland, 153–58, 245–46

Sanford, Edward, 40

Sanger, Tom, 52

Sapone, Mary Lou, 168

Sauganash Hotel, 33, 33n

Schlecker drug stores, 262

Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 116

Schlickenrieder, Manfred, 272–74

Schmidt, Michael, 202

Schmidt, Sue, 283

Schuette, Keith, 22–23

Schwarzkopf, Gen. H. Norman, 215

Science Security Associates, Inc., 151–52, 151n, 160–61

Scotland Yard, 105

Securitas AB, 59

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 178–79, 205, 263, 264

spy registry proposed, 285

veterans in private-sector investigation, 283

Shannon, Warren, 68

Sharon Steel Corporation, 119–20

Shaw, Emma, 233–40

Shaw, Eric, 249–50, 251

Shell Oil, 270, 274

Shimon, Joseph, 64, 65, 66–67, 67n

Shorting (stock), 177, 195

Sidetrack Saloon, Easton, Maryland, 143

Sign of the Dove restaurant, New York, 126

Simon, James M., Jr., 217

Simpson, Glenn, 283

Skilling, Jeff, 271–72

Slager, David, 26

Slimp, Ron, 266, 266n

Smith, John and Baroness, 270

Smith Barney, 174

SNS Global, LLC, 283

Solarz, Stephen, 125–26

Solomon Smith Barney, 122

Sophie, Michael, 176

Southwest Airlines, 188–91

Special Boat Service (SBC), 4, 7

Spectrum OSO Asia, 134

Spot Image, 205

Spy of the Rebellion, The
(Pinkerton), 39n

Spy satellites, 201–19

commodities trading and, 208–12

companies spying on themselves, 212–13

cost to clients, 213

DigitalGlobe, 204–5

effectiveness of, 206–7, 213

first photo ever taken, 206

foreign owners, 205, 211

French, 205, 214

GeoEye, 201–13

government constraints on private sector, 215–17, 216n

government licensing, 203, 214

history of commercial use, 213–17

ImageSat, 217–19

insurance companies and, 212

Landsat program, 213–14

lifespan of satellites, 202

overlap between government and corporate intelligence technology, 205–6, 213–17

photo analysis and battle damage assessment training, 212

Spot Image, 205

Squibb, 69

Stanford, Allen, 134–35

Starr, Jeffrey, 191–92

Stegemann, Edward, 151–52, 161, 169

Strehle, John, 244

Strikers, Communists, Tramps, and Detectives
(Pinkerton), 39n

Stroz Friedberg, 249

Suicide Cult, The
(Javers), 82n

Surveillance, 221–41.
See also
Audio surveillance, bugging, and wiretaps

army training of operatives, 75–76, 221, 223, 224, 225, 235

by Beckett Brown, 140, 151–52, 153–58, 163–66

cost to client, 222, 226

counter-surveillance, 231–32

electronic sweeping services, 235–36

Emma Shaw and, 233–40

failures of, 228–29

justification of expense, 232–33

legality of, 227–28

microwave-transmission cameras, 236

Nick No-Name, 221–33

non-business uses, 240–41

pre-employment surveillance, 225

spy satellites, 201–19

techniques, 156–57, 163–64, 229–31, 233, 237–38

typical case, 226–27, 238

Swigart, Richard, 151–52

Swiggert, Howard, 49


Tactical behavior assessment (TBA), 173–99, 189n.
See also
Business Intelligence Advisors (BIA)

Allan Pinkerton and, 187–88

cost to client, 179, 192, 196

shorting a stock by using, 177, 195

telltale indicators, 175, 176, 181–85, 189–90, 196

training in, 184–85

Takriti, Barzan al-, 127–28

TD International (TDI), 254, 266–69, 282

CIA ties, 266, 268–69

“Project Voss,” 266–67


eavesdropping equipment, 63–74

journalism and, 36

n laser microphone, 227

microwave-transmission cameras, 236

mug shot invented, 36

privacy issues and, 283–84

rail travel and Pinkertons, 38

spy satellites, 207, 207n, 213

telegraph used by Pinkertons, 36–37

Telephone taps.
Audio surveillance, bugging, and wiretaps

Thatcher, Margaret, 16

Thiel, George H., 59

Thiel Detective Service Agency, 59

Thirty Years a Detective
(Pinkerton), 39, 39n

Thomas, Bully Bill, 52

Threat Assessment Resources International, 250

Total Intelligence Solutions, 282–83

Trading Places
(film), 209

Trans World Airlines, 65, 65n, 94

, 112–14, 112n

Trident Group, 255, 277–80, 282

Trifonov, Alexander, 280

Triple Canopy, 58

Trump, Donald, 111


Udall, Lee, 116

United Arab Emirates, 265, 268

U.S. Army, 74–76, 221, 223, 224, 225, 235

U.S. Congress

All-American Flag Lines Bill, 64–65

Anti-Pinkerton Act, 58

bugging of members, 64, 66

Land Remote Sensing Policy Act, 214

wiretapping concerns, 72–73

U.S. Department of Agriculture, 208–9, 209n, 210, 211

U.S. Department of Defense (DOD), 205–6

U.S. Department of Justice, 61–62

FBI formed, 62

Foreign Agents Registration Unit, 265–66

intelligence contractors and, 36, 61

Intertel founded by veterans of, 85

Mafia investigations, 86, 89–91

veterans in private-sector investigation, 85, 131

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 138–39, 145–50, 153

USG Corporation, 246–47

US PIRG, 148, 152

U.S. Secret Service, 61

Beckett Brown International and, 142

Counter Assault Team, 156

National Threat Assessment Center, 250

veterans in private-sector investigation, x, 140, 143, 144, 155–56, 250

U.S. State Department, 15, 102, 255, 256, 258, 260

U.S. Supreme Court, bugging of, 63–64

U.S. Treasury, 128

UTStarcom, 173–79


Vanity Fair
, 134

Van Praag, Lucas, 192

Vasilenko, Gennady, 274–77

Veracity Worldwide, 253–59, 260

CIA and, 253, 255–56, 258–59

Verbatim Advisory Group, 243–46

Verma, Shailu, 210, 211, 212

Vietnam War, 98

Vinogradov, Alexander, 280


Wal-Mart, 141, 168, 206, 212–13

Ward, Tim, 155–56, 161, 167

Warne, Kate, 41–42, 41n, 46

Washington, D.C., 281–82

Washington Analysis, 247, 248

Watergate break-in, 91n, 102, 109, 118, 151n

Webster, Timothy, 40, 45, 47–48, 48n

Webster, William, 4, 16

Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of, 25

Western Union, 35

Whetstone, Hank, 149, 163–66

Whetstone Candy, 145, 149, 162–66

White, John, 42

White and Case, 259

Wicher, Joseph, 55

William Burns International Detective Agency, 59

Williams, D. C., 36–38

Williams, Edward Bennett, 102

Willis Inspace, 204n

Woodward, Bob, 118, 189n

Woolston-Smith, James, 151n

Workplace shootings, 250–51

WorldView, Inc., 215

Wright, Laura, 188


Xinhua Finance, 248

Xinhua News Agency, 248


Yeltsin, Boris, 127–29, 276, 280

Yost, Benjamin, 52, 54

Yukos, 279–80


Zelmanowitz, Gerald (aka Paul Maris), 76–81

Ziff, William, Jr., 188

Ziff Brothers Investments, 188–91

About the Author

is a correspondent for Politico, where he covers the Obama White House and the economy. Earlier in his career, he was a Washington correspondent for
Business Week
magazine and an on-air correspondent for CNBC. In 2006, he received an investigative reporting award from the Medill School of Journalism for a story exposing how convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff had secretly paid columnists to write favorable stories about his clients. Javers appears frequently on CNN, FOX News Channel, MSNBC, CNBC, and BBC. He is a graduate of Colgate University, and lives in Silver Spring, Maryland, with his wife, Maureen, and two children.

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