Brothers in Arms (14 page)

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Authors: Kendall McKenna

Tags: #gay romance, military

BOOK: Brothers in Arms
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“After Sergeant Roner’s team clears the building, locates and secures the remaining hostiles,” the captain said. “I’ve got another team bringing your fellow agents to this location so you can all get your investigation wrapped up.”

“If the reports of who and what’s in there are true, we most certainly will,” she replied with a sharp nod.

“Sons of bitches,” Hoegerl growled with a shake of his head.

Another Humvee rolled up in front of them, and the remainder of the FBI agents stepped out.

“Thank you for all of your help, Gunnery Sergeant Carver,” Milagros said. Jonah gave her a quick nod as the Feds turned to enter the building with their Marine escort.

“Great work, Jonah,” Hoegerl said again, giving Jonah’s arm a quick slap. “Now, go escort Captain Reynolds back to firm base.”

“Sir, I should help secure the building—” Jonah began, but Hoegerl cut him off.

“Gunnery Sergeant. Your work here is done. We’ve got it. Getting your VIP back to base completes your mission. You were also in a vehicle struck by an RPG. I want you to get checked out.” Hoegerl tipped his head in Kellan’s general direction. “Go.”

Kellan glanced up, and his gaze locked with Jonah’s. He looked as tired as Jonah suddenly felt. Bruises were blooming on his features. There were dark circles of exhaustion beneath his eyes that Jonah hadn’t seen since they had stood together in Baghdad, listening to late-night sniper fire. His shoulders slumped and his movements were slow, as if he were submerged. He still managed to lift one corner of his mouth in a smile.

“Aye aye, sir,” Jonah said with a nod, and stepped away from the building and toward where Kellan waited for him.

They were quickly hustled into the back of a Humvee for the ride to firm base. The drive was painfully quiet. The two Marines in the front seats hardly spoke. Kellan leaned heavily against the door of the vehicle. Jonah didn’t speak at all.

“Thank you, Jonah.” Kellan’s voice was barely audible above the roar of the Humvee’s diesel engine and the wind through the open windows.

Turning to look at him, Jonah could see shock was setting in.

“You’re welcome, Kellan.”

They arrived back at firm base without incident. Pauling bullied Kellan into one of the back rooms of the manor house. The light was best in here and the corpsman insisted on treating Kellan’s injuries more thoroughly.

Jonah was ready to drop where he stood. He needed food—even a nasty MRE—and a good, long sleep. But he couldn’t leave Kellan’s side until he was sure the man was squared away completely.

Lucena and Yarwood arrived from the site of the RPG attack, head wounds obvious. Pauling suddenly had more pressing injuries to see to, and he declared Kellan fit enough to eat, sleep, and get himself on a plane back to the States.

“If you’re all right, sir, I’ve got some things to see to,” Jonah said.

“Can I have a moment of your time, Jonah?” Kellan asked. He gave a cautious glance behind Jonah at the people clear across the room from where they stood.

“I let us drift apart after I left the Corps; after that memorable night at my house.” Kellan’s voice was just above a whisper. “I used every excuse, from our ranks and DADT to what seemed like your indifference, to convince myself I shouldn’t reach out to you.” Kellan shifted closer and stared hard into Jonah’s eyes. “It might all go to hell, but I’d rather try and have it go to hell than to not have the balls to man up at all.”

Jonah was surprised. His blood roared like rough surf in his ears. “Indifferent?” Jonah’s brain latched on to the one absurd thing in Kellan’s entire explanation. “I was never indifferent, Kellan.
but indifferent.”

“Glad to hear it.” Kellan relaxed visibly. “Go get some rest, Gunnery Sergeant. We’ll talk again when we’re both stateside.” He nodded once sharply and gave Jonah’s shoulder a brief but strong, squeeze.


Jonah exited the airplane, Kellan beside him. In his carry-on was a set of orders that would have him stuck in DC for the time being. He preferred California, but his duty was here, for the foreseeable future. And so was Kellan, for that matter.

At baggage claim, Jonah expected Kellan to shake his hand and say something about seeing him in the next few days when the FBI, CIA, and the Attorney General’s Office all began the debriefings of those involved in the investigation.

That wasn’t what Kellan did, though. Instead, he climbed into the cab along with Jonah. When they arrived at the hotel where Jonah would be staying—courtesy of Uncle Sam—Kellan exited the cab.

“Don’t you live locally?” Jonah asked.

“Virginia, actually,” Kellan replied. They were halfway across the lobby when Kellan sat down in a heavily stuffed wingback chair. “You go check in. I’ll wait for you here.”

Jonah was confused as hell, but he was also pretty damn tired. He imagined Kellan would explain himself when he was ready.

After he’d checked in and collected his key card, confusion had him standing stock-still as Kellan started to lead him toward the bank of elevators.

“What’s going on, Kellan?” Jonah asked, bringing Kellan up short. “You’re driving distance from home. Why are you here?”

Kellan crossed to him, and Jonah realized it was so he could keep his voice low and private. “I said I didn’t want to lose touch again when we got the hell out of Iraq. You agreed. Have you changed your mind?”

Jonah knew his mouth was hanging open slightly, but he couldn’t seem to get it to close. His blood was rushing loudly in his ears. “No,” he finally managed to say. “I meant it.”

“Good. I had a very close call over there. I realized life is short and we don’t always get second chances. I would regret it if something happened and I hadn’t followed you up to your room.”

Jonah understood. His mouth went dry as he realized just what Kellan was saying. He felt a sudden rush of blood shift to his cock and realized they’d better get upstairs quickly.

They said little when they were in the elevator. Kellan watched Jonah openly. Jonah watched Kellan surreptitiously, as if he would disappear any moment.

Jonah wasn’t sure what to expect once they were inside his room. He held the door for Kellan and slid all the security locks into place once they were both inside. He took a deep, fortifying breath and turned to face Kellan.

He had no time to think before Kellan was in his arms and pressed tightly against him. The kiss was sloppy and off-center. Awkwardly, Kellan shifted until the angle was better. Jonah couldn’t help but huff a laugh against Kellan’s lips.

He felt Kellan’s questing tongue against the seam of his lips, and Jonah opened his mouth and wrapped his arms around Kellan’s back. He closed his eyes and moaned as Kellan’s tongue swept in and chased after his own.

Jonah pressed his hips against Kellan’s when he felt a hardness against his thigh. Kellan ground shamelessly against him, and Jonah wanted to tear at their clothes until they were both bare and he could rub their cocks together.

Kellan must have had the same idea, because he was suddenly tearing at both of their flies. His chuckle sounded embarrassed when his fingers fumbled and he struggled to get himself out of his clothes.

“Need some help?” Jonah asked, his voice breathless to his own ears.

“Fuck,” Kellan sighed in frustration. “I was gonna be all smooth, get us both off quick to take the edge off.”

Jonah sucked in a sharp breath at the feel of Kellan’s cock sliding against his own. It was unrelenting hardness beneath smooth skin, and he couldn’t remember ever feeling anything like it. Jonah looked down. Kellan’s hand wrapped around them both, stroking in counterpoint to the movement of his hips. Jonah admired Kellan’s long, elegant fingers.

“Ah, shit,” Jonah whispered when his balls began to rise toward his body. He wanted to last longer. He wanted to draw it out like he had their first time.

“Yeah, that’s it, that’s what I want,” Kellan said, pressing his lips against Jonah’s again. Apparently he wasn’t going to let Jonah drag it out this time. He was a man on a mission.

Jonah’s orgasm flashed through him like a flame. His cock pulsed. He knew he was going to stain Kellan’s jeans with his come, but he didn’t care. Kellan gasped, and Jonah felt a splash of come land on his cock but knew his own uniform would hold up against the stains.

Kellan really had him fucked up if he was worrying about come stains on clothing. Especially since it was Kellan—finally—who’d dragged the orgasm out of him.

Jonah’s knees grew weak, and he breathed like he’d just sprinted three miles. Kellan pressed against him, leaning heavily and pinning him to the door. It felt like Kellan was as out of breath as Jonah.

“Shower, sleep, take it slower when we wake up,” Kellan finally said. “Sound like a plan?”

“Lead the way,” Jonah replied, knowing Kellan would understand what he
say, as well.

They stripped out of their come-stained clothes on their way to the bathroom. In the doorway, Kellan abruptly turned back to face Jonah.

“When I said I didn’t want to lose you again, you do realize I meant forever, right?” Kellan seemed unsure and apprehensive as he asked the question. Jonah wasn’t used to seeing him that way.

“I understood that to be our agreement, yes,” Jonah answered carefully and stepped closer so he could feel the heat of Kellan’s body.

“I know you’re going to have to report back to Camp Pendleton eventually.” Kellan wrapped an arm around Jonah. “This time, we’ll have a proper good-bye. We’ll work something out about the geography.”

Jonah stared hard at Kellan, stunned at his words. This was for real. Kellan was for real.

“Getting a transfer to another base will take some time…” Jonah started to say.

Kellan silenced him with an understanding nod of his head. “We’ll work it out,” he said emphatically.

Kellan turned and headed into the shower. Jonah followed, just as he probably always would.


Kendall McKenna’s first work of fiction was written at the worldly age of nine, and was a transformative work that expanded on the story told in a popular song of the time.

She tried her hand at vampire and cowboy fiction, winning high school poetry and short story contests along the way. It wasn’t until she discovered the world of m/m erotic fiction and found her stride with cops, Marines and muscle cars, that she felt inspired to share her stories with readers who enjoy the same things.

Putting herself through college by working in a newly-created HIV testing clinic in her local Department of Health, introduced Kendall to the gay and lesbian community. Understanding and empathy has made her a lifetime advocate of GLBT issues.

A brief bout of unemployment gave Kendall the time and focus she needed to finally produce a novel worth submitting for publication. Her first novel, Brothers In Arms, introduced the world to her authentic military stories and characters.

Kendall was born and raised in Southern California, where she still lives and works. A non-conventional relationship has kept her happy for the last decade. Her four dogs enjoy it when she writes, as she sits still long enough for them to curl up around her.

You can find Kendall on the internet at:



Twitter: @kendallmckenna

Email: [email protected]


The author acknowledges the trademark status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

ARES Protective Services: ARES Protective Services

Beretta: Fabbrica d’Armi Pietro Beretta S.p.A.

Humvee: AM General

Ka-Bar: KA-BAR Knives, Inc.

Kevlar: E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company

Leatherman: Leatherman Tool Group, Inc.

Range Rover: Range Rover

Skittles: Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company


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