Brushing Off the Boss: A Half Moon Bay Novel (Entangled Bliss) (16 page)

Read Brushing Off the Boss: A Half Moon Bay Novel (Entangled Bliss) Online

Authors: Annie Seaton

Tags: #enemies to lovers, #artist, #small town romance, #Mira Lynn Kelly, #opposites attract, #forced proximity, #San Francisco, #Kristan Higgins, #Category Romance

BOOK: Brushing Off the Boss: A Half Moon Bay Novel (Entangled Bliss)
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Chapter Twenty

The week in Milwaukee reaffirmed Sienna’s belief in herself as an artist. She’d wandered around art galleries, taken in a few exhibitions, and learned to relax. She’d stayed in bed late and eaten in a different restaurant every night. But she hadn’t slept. Despite being there to find closure about her family and say good-bye to her mother, her mind had been filled with thoughts of Jack, wondering what he was doing and how he was coping with the gallery.

By Wednesday, when she’d picked up the phone for the tenth time to call, she finally admitted to herself that if he’d have her back, she’d keep working for him. She could accept his casual interest in the gallery. And he had a work ethic, no matter how much he pretended he was laid-back and didn’t care. The argument went back and forth in her head until she sighed and cleared her thoughts. If she didn’t get some sleep, she’d be no good working for anyone.

And he’d said he loved her. That had to count for something.

She was filled with uncertainty, and it didn’t sit well with her. Sienna, who always knew what she wanted and went for it; Sienna, who had been secure and comfortable where she was in life was struggling with the knowledge that she’d finally fallen for someone and fallen hard. If only she could trust that Jack wouldn’t let her down,
too. But she couldn’t let go of that fear.

The half hour she had spent in the small cemetery beside the plaque with her mother’s name on it finally brought her closure. This woman was someone she’d never known. She had no regrets and bore no malice. She’d done her research; there was no other family to look up. Her grandparents were dead and her mother had been an only child. There was nothing for her in Milwaukee apart from a lonely grave.

Back in California was a man who had kissed her and told her to think about that kiss. A man who loved her. She had thought about him constantly, and a feeling of lightness filled her as she came to a decision. Her true family was back at Half Moon Bay. Her heart—she finally admitted to herself—was with a green-eyed Prince Charming in Carmel-by-the-Sea.

Sienna’s flight arrived late Friday night, too late to text Georgie to pick her up, so she stayed in a hotel and called the next morning.

“Can you pick me up and take me to Nebbiton?” Sienna stared out over the bay from her hotel window. It was good to be back on the coast.

“I’ll do better than that. I’ll drive you all the way to Carmel. I’ll be there in an hour.” Georgie disconnected before Sienna could say she’d planned on spending the weekend catching up with Blake and Ana before they moved to New York. It had nothing to do with her nervousness about seeing Jack again.

She checked out and headed down to the restaurant to have a coffee while she waited.

“Blake and Ana are away for the weekend,” Georgie said as she drove past the exit to Nebbiton.

“I’ll spend some time with Renzo and Lucia instead.”

“They’re away, too.”

“Who’s running the restaurant?” Sienna had never known Renzo to take a day off when they were growing up.

“One of the chefs, apparently.” Georgie shrugged.

“Take the next exit. I’ll go and see Thelma and Mitzi.”

“They’re away, too.”

Sienna narrowed her eyes. “They never go away.”

“They are. They got invited to a…party.”

Sienna was curious, but Georgie didn’t say any more for a while, focusing on the road ahead.

“So you had a good trip?” Georgie shot her a glance.

“Yes, went to lots of galleries and had a good break.”

“You look relaxed. So what are your plans now?”

“I’m still not sure.” Sienna didn’t want to share just yet in case things didn’t work out. “Maybe we could find a house to restore?”

Georgie took the exit into Monterey from Highway 1 and Sienna looked across at her.

“Time for a coffee,” Georgie said with a grin.

“It’s only five minutes to my house.” Now that she was almost home, Sienna was keen to get there. “I’ll make you a coffee there. Or better still we can go into Carmel and I can…”

“Can what?”

“Nothing.” She’d been going to say call in at the gallery. “I’m not sure if my car will start. That’s why Jack gave me a ride to the party. She’s been a bit temperamental. “

“A bit like her owner.” Georgie shot her a grin.

“Thanks, sis.” Sienna waited as Georgie found a parking spot. “I guess we’re having coffee here.”

They found a coffee shop that wasn’t too busy across from the wharf, and Sienna examined the art on the walls while they waited for their order and Georgie sent some texts. She was up to something. Sienna knew her all too well.

“Not a new man?” She gestured to the phone.

“What? Ah, no. Just some texts for the…er…store.”

“Just be careful, Georgie. No more Cals, promise?”

“No more
, that’s for sure.” Georgie laughed. “Hurry up, finish your coffee and I’ll drop you at home.”

“We just got here.” Sienna narrowed her eyes. “Please tell me you haven’t done something I’m going to hate.”

done nothing. And that’s all I have to say on the matter. Now come on.” Georgie picked up her phone and purse, and waited for Sienna to finish her coffee.

When she overshot the exit to Forest Lake and Sienna’s cottage, she knew Georgie was up to something. Sienna folded her arms and didn’t say a word.

Georgie drove down Ocean Avenue and turned onto Fifth Avenue.

She parked the car and turned to Sienna. “Have you got your lipstick handy? And fluff up your hair. Someone’s got a little surprise for you.”


“You’ll see. Now stop asking questions, make yourself pretty, and follow me.”

Bemused, and slightly nervous because she knew Jack was involved, she let Georgie lead her along the street until they turned back onto Ocean Avenue and headed toward the Sea View Gallery. The tourists were out in force this morning and a large crowd was gathered outside the gallery looking at the window display. Sienna thought back, trying to remember what she’d put on display before she’d left last week.

A group of white bowls certainly did nothing to get that much attention.

“I like the red one with the dangly leg.” The woman’s voice carried across as they finally cleared the crowd and stood at the door. Sienna looked up and her ears began to buzz. She put her hand up to her chest.

“Oh my God.”

“Don’t you go fainting on me, Sienna.”

Her heart almost stopped as she saw the man who was waiting beside the door. Jack was dressed in a dark suit and white shirt.

Oh God, he is so gorgeous.

The look in his eyes banished the last uncertainty that lingered in Sienna’s mind. He reached out for her and ran the pad of his thumb over her bottom lip just as he had a few days ago.

“Close your mouth and stop gaping, Sienna, so I can kiss you hello.”

She stepped toward him and moved her hand up to his smoothly shaven cheek.

“I missed you.” Jack’s deep green eyes were fixed on hers, and the noise of the street and the chattering tourists faded into the background as he filled her vision.

“Before you kiss me hello I want to tell you what I found.” She kept her voice low and Jack lowered his head closer to hers to listen to her words. “I fought this so much. Not because of you, but because of where I came from. I knew I was falling in love with you and it terrified me. I couldn’t trust those feelings that I could be happy and that it would last.”

Jack’s cheek was against hers and she closed her eyes as she reveled in the feel of his skin against hers.

“But you taught me how to feel happy again, and I know I can trust you. You made me laugh when things were tough even though I didn’t share them with you.” She turned her face, and his lips were almost touching hers.

His warm breath caressed her skin.

“I was going to wait no matter how long it took. I fell in love with you all over again when you glared at me the first night in Crab Louie’s.” Jack’s voice sent a shiver down Sienna’s back and she opened her eyes and tipped her head back to look at him.


“It was the same feeling I had when I saw you the first time a couple of years back. I just didn’t know what it was then. We’re meant to be together. Have I convinced you of that yet or do I have to lock you away in my Prince Charming castle to convince you? I’ll never leave you, Sienna. Trust me?”

“Maybe you’d like to try a little harder to convince me right now?” It was as though they were in a fairy-tale world of their own making. She closed her eyes while Jack held her face gently and his lips finally slid onto hers. Warmth stole over her and spread through her. Only their lips and hands were touching, but a wealth of feeling poured through Sienna when the pressure of Jack’s lips increased on hers. She sank into the pleasure until he murmured against her mouth. “We have to go inside.”

“To the sofa bed in the studio?” She looked up at him and let a saucy grin spread across her face.

“Er…I don’t think it’s quite the right moment for that, but please hold that thought for later.”

Her gaze stayed on him as he took her hand and tucked it in the corner of his arm.

“Follow me.”

Jack led her inside as Georgie held the door open.

The banner stretched across the gallery spelled out
A Visit with Creatures
, with
Sienna Sacchi
written in scrolling letters along the bottom. A table laden with finger food and champagne glasses was along the back of the gallery, and the shelves she could see through the mass of people were filled with her frogs and tiny creatures. Not as many as she’d planned for, but still enough to look good.

A small cheer went up as Sienna paused in the doorway. Jack’s hand was against her back and she reached behind and held it tightly as she looked around. Renzo and Lucia, Thelma and Mitzi, Aldo and Maria, Joe and Magda, and Blake and Ana stood at the front of the large group of people filling the gallery.

“The guest of honor is here.” Renzo stepped forward and kissed her cheek. “I’m very proud of my daughter. Your work is amazing.”

She shook her head, unable to believe what she was seeing. She turned to Jack and grinned again as she took in the uncharacteristic white shirt, and tie and suit trousers. Her heart was thudding and the familiar tremble was back in her legs, and it didn’t have as much to do with the shock of seeing her exhibition set up as much as this sexy man holding her as though he’d never let her go.

“Where’s my Jack gone?” she whispered with a smile.

Joy spread across his face and another small cheer went up as Sienna lifted her arms up around his neck and pressed her lips to his in front of everyone who mattered to her.

“Your Jack’s right here and he’s not going anywhere,” he murmured.

Sienna dropped her head and buried it in his neck for a moment until she regained her composure. When she turned, she caught Georgie giving Jack a thumbs-up gesture.

“So, I guess Georgie spilled the beans and told you all my secrets?” She held his gaze and Jack nodded.

“She did, but that was only part of it. I wanted to have Sienna Sacchi, amazing artist, and her frogs, to be the first exhibition at

“Our gallery?”

“Oh, there’s lots more I have to tell you.” Jack held her hand tightly as she looked around in amazement. Jack—she assumed he’d set up the show—had done a wonderful job of spacing her pieces, and the lighting was incredible. “Everything else can wait except for one thing.”

“What’s that? What else can you possibly have for me?” She gestured around the room. “Apart from all of this.” She let out a small cry as she noticed the large sculpture just inside the foyer. “Oh, you finished. You met your deadline.”

Jack shook his head with a cheeky grin that almost curled her toes. “I finished one. I can’t get too organized. Just one more thing…I have to tell the artist how much I love her again before the guests take all her attention.”

“I love you too.” She stretched up to her toes and kissed him again. “While ever you’re here, Prince Charming, no one else will get more of my attention than you.”

Jack’s eyes widened as he looked over her head, almost lost for words. “Oh my God.”

“You make me so happy.” Sienna smiled up at him. He was always happy and smiling; that was one of the things she loved about him. Now his eyes were alight with pleasure even as he looked over her head.

Yes, I love him.
It was a wonderful feeling that coursed through her veins.

“Oh. My. God,” he said again.

“I love the way nothing ever fazes you,” she said.

“Oh yes it does,” he said. He stared over her shoulder and Sienna followed his gaze.

“Clint Eastwood just walked through the door.
gallery’s hit the big time.”


“Hurry up, Jack.”

“I’m almost ready.” His voice was muffled and Sienna grinned. It sounded like he was still in the bathroom toweling his hair.

She stood at the door of the Fairmont hotel bathroom as she waited for Jack to come out. Three months of sharing the management of the gallery, as well as sharing her house, and her bedroom, with him had taught her some of his quirks.

He hated being late. As much as he denied that he was working and co-managing with her, and that he hated deadlines, Sienna had seen a different side to Jack over the past few months. Scheduling shows and liaising with artists, while she did the day-to-day running of the gallery, he had demonstrated the business skills he’d kept hidden and still wouldn’t admit to having. He’d met his deadline and today they were in San Francisco for the unveiling of his sculptures in the entry of the building in Union Square.

“Jack, your parents are waiting in the foyer. Are you almost ready?”

“I’m coming. Where’s my shirt?”

“I don’t know. It’s your shirt.” Sienna still preserved her prickly side, but Jack saw through it every time. She loved sharing her life with him, and was looking forward to this special day with him.

Finally he appeared in the doorway in casual chinos and a T-shirt.

“You can’t go dressed like that.” She frowned at him and he grinned his sexy grin that always melted her resistance. His hair was mussed and he looked like he was going to the beach, and she said as much.

“It’s my day and I’ll wear what I’m comfortable in.” He tapped her on the behind as they walked toward the door. “I didn’t tell you what to wear to yours, did I?”

“That’s because I didn’t know I was having one.” Sienna stopped and turned to Jack as he reached for the door. She slipped her arms around his waist as she looked up at him.

“Before we go and you get lost in the adoring masses, I want to tell you how much I love you.” She stood on her tiptoes and pressed her lips against his, reveling in the feel of this man she loved so much. “And to wish you an amazing day.” She kissed him again. “That’s for luck.”

“If you keep that up, we are going to be late.” Jack swooped her into his arms and sat down in the fancy antique chair by the door. “But keep going, I think I need more luck.”

Sienna giggled as Jack settled her comfortably in his lap and trailed his lips down the side of her neck.

“You are incorrigible. I didn’t think you wanted to be late,” she said.

“I’m the guest of honor. A few minutes won’t hurt.”

His lips reached hers and Sienna closed her eyes. She’d laughed so much over the past three months. Being with Jack filled her with a joy she’d never experienced before, and he amazed her every day with the ways he could make her laugh. His hands lingered on her skin, and she swallowed a smile as the phone rang on the antique table beside the chair they were perched in. She slipped off his lap and stood in front of him. “Come on, your parents are waiting.”

Jack rose reluctantly and looped his arm around her shoulders as they walked down to the corridor to the elevator.

“Do you think Clint might come?”

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