Brushing Off the Boss: A Half Moon Bay Novel (Entangled Bliss) (3 page)

Read Brushing Off the Boss: A Half Moon Bay Novel (Entangled Bliss) Online

Authors: Annie Seaton

Tags: #enemies to lovers, #artist, #small town romance, #Mira Lynn Kelly, #opposites attract, #forced proximity, #San Francisco, #Kristan Higgins, #Category Romance

BOOK: Brushing Off the Boss: A Half Moon Bay Novel (Entangled Bliss)
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“But you brought me coffee?” He grinned at her.

“In your dreams.” A smile edged the corner of her mouth.

Jack dropped his hands and shook his head in confusion. “So what are you doing here?”

He stepped back to give her some space, taking care to avoid the puddle of coffee on the floor around them.

Sienna looked him up and down, her expression serious. “I manage the gallery. Or at least I did. It depends on what the
”—emphasis on the word, and she lifted her chin—“wants to do now that he has a sudden interest in the place.”

“You’re my manager? You’re going to be working for
? Are you serious? Why didn’t you tell me that last night?” Jack narrowed his eyes and grabbed her hand. “So what are you doing here on a Sunday? The gallery is closed.”

“So which of your twenty questions will I answer first?” Sienna tipped her head to the side and she regarded him steadily. “Don’t make assumptions about me. I’m more than a shop assistant. I manage everything about the gallery, and I work here in the studio. And I was in the middle of purchasing the place.” Sienna pulled her hand away and flicked a graceful hand around the studio. “This is—or was—my studio. I’ve always been an artist even when I worked for the hardware store. Oh, and yes…we are closed Sundays.”

He stared back; she really was in a snit this morning. “I’m sorry. I seem to have made more than one wrong assumption.” Jack ran his hand through his hair ”Didn’t you know I own the place? Ah”—realization dawned—“that’s what was wrong with you at dinner last night.”

“I only found out last night. I’d emailed my lawyer to take up the option to buy and I was waiting to hear back. No one told me you owned it and were coming back. Ana told me when you arrived.”

“That explains why you were so cold to me last night.” Jack pulled out his best killer smile, but it didn’t seem to work. Sienna stood next to the door, her arms folded and her beautiful face darkened by the same scowl she’d worn last night.

“There’s obviously been a mix-up. I’m sorry.” Jack shrugged. There wasn’t a lot more he could do.

“Obviously,” she said.

“Look, can we start again?” Jack held out his hand, but Sienna ignored it. He had no idea what she was thinking. The serious face in front of him was nothing like the sweet one that had filled his mind as he’d gone to sleep last night. Then her words filtered through to his sluggish brain. “What sort of artist?”

“Later.” Sienna turned on her heel and waved her hand as she headed to the door. “Have a shower or whatever. I’ll clean up that coffee, and then you can tell me your plans for the place.”

The door closed behind her with a loud
and Jack shook his head, totally bemused.

An artist?
And she said she’d been going to buy the gallery. Something was amiss. He walked back to the sofa and sat down. He ran a hand across his eyes, trying to dispel the feeling that things had gone awry, before he grabbed a towel from his bag and headed for a shower. Maybe it’d clear his head a bit. When it was a more reasonable hour on the East Coast, he’d make some calls and find out where the screw-up had happened.

There was no sign of Sienna when he went through the kitchen on the way to the small bathroom. Jack stood beneath the water, turning the temperature to cool, trying to wake up. If she was using the studio here, there were going to have to be changes. He needed this studio for his work, and his deadline meant he needed it as soon as his pieces and tools arrived.

have some talking and sorting out to do.

As soon as she heard the shower running, Sienna grabbed an old rag from the storeroom and hurried back into the studio to wipe up the coffee on the floor before going back out to the gallery.

She groaned. She’d seen the big road bike parked beneath the tree up the street before she drove her car around the corner to the small parking lot at the back of the gallery, but hadn’t given a thought to it being Jack’s. She’d planned to work on the next batch of frogs for her show all day, and now her plans had been thrown into disarray with his arrival. Her show was only three weekends away, and managing the gallery took up most of her time. Now Jack would slow her down even more. Meeting with him, showing him around and seeing exactly what he wanted her role to be—if indeed she still had a job, let alone an exhibition—was going to take up time. Assuming he would come by when the shop was open had been stupid. He
the gallery owner. He could come in any time he liked. And it looked like he was planning on staying here, too.

Of course he’d come in on the weekend.

She just hadn’t expected him to be here this morning. All she could hope was that bunking here was a temporary arrangement, because it would interfere with her preparation for her exhibition until she could find another studio to work in. She looked around with a sigh. It had taken her an entire week to move her equipment and pieces from Mountain View, and she wasn’t looking forward to moving it all again. And the kilns downstairs were perfect for her work.

Why would a businessman from New York even want to own an art gallery in northern California? Products, he’d said!

She tried to remember what Ana had told her about Jack when he’d come down for Faith’s christening last year. All she could remember was that he didn’t work in the same company Blake had, and that he had a reputation for liking a good time.

Because his family was loaded.

Last year at the christening, they’d indulged in a bit of flirting at Ana’s cottage, but he’d left before dinner. And she hadn’t seen him again until he’d walked into Crab Louie’s last night.

He’d looked good then, and he looked even better this morning. His hair was rumpled, and the dark stubble on his jaw tempted her fingers. She’d dropped her gaze to a muscled bare chest and refused to acknowledge the little flip low in her belly. Closing her eyes, Sienna recalled the cheeky grin on his face as he’d zipped his jeans over the black boxers she saw before looking away. She remembered the first time she’d seen him up in Nebbiton a couple of years back. She’d told Ana two guys who
like Navy SEALS were in the store, and sent Georgie a text message about sex on legs or something.

Well, he certainly was that, and she was going to have to forget it until she found out what his intentions were for the gallery. Her exhibition was booked and all the flyers were about to go up all over town. Carmel-by-the-Sea was ready for her show.

I have to be ready, too.

Chapter Three

Giovanni’s Caf
was the best eatery in the area; Sienna was a regular customer. She had an appointment with them tomorrow to go over catering for her launch.

“Just a black coffee, thanks, Sophie.”

Sienna glanced up at the waitress who stood between them, waiting for Jack to finish looking at the menu. Once he’d come out of the bathroom, showered, and dressed in jeans and a T-shirt, she led him down Ocean Avenue to the Court of the Fountains on Mission Street. Now Sophie was ogling Jack and the broad shoulders beneath his T-shirt. Sienna tried to ignore the tight shirt molded to his shoulders and chest, and the way his hair flopped onto his forehead when he’d wandered out to the gallery after his shower. The smell of the citrus aftershave that wafted over her when he stood beside her when she’d locked the front door of the gallery hadn’t helped, either.

Jack is my boss. This is a professional relationship

“Pancakes, bacon, and fried eggs.” He grinned up at Sophie, and Sienna could swear the girl was turning to jelly as she took the order. He was so happy and carefree, as though he didn’t have a worry in the world.

Okay, so he’s easy on the eye. I’ll admit that. And he’s got a sexy voice.

“Coffee?” Sophie held his gaze and he nodded before he glanced at Sienna.

“You’re not eating?” he asked.

“No, just coffee for me.” She glanced down at her watch and frowned. Her stomach was in knots—there was no way she could eat until she knew what was going to happen. “As soon as our meeting is done, I need to get back to the studio. I have a lot of work planned for today.”

Jack nodded, and the waitress headed to the kitchen. Sienna followed his gaze as he looked around the small courtyard. There were only two other customers there so early in the day. Old wooden wine casks from Napa Valley were scattered among the tables and on either side of the doors, filled with the last of the summer flowers. Asters, zinnias, and dahlias spilled over the edges of the wooden tubs in a profusion of colors. The paving was weathered and covered with moss in the shaded corners.

The low rumble of Jack’s sexy voice drew her attention back from the flowers and to her current problem. “This is a pretty town. I like the village atmosphere,” he said. “And there are a lot of galleries in the shopping area. I didn’t know there were so many down here.”

So he didn’t know much about the place.

“What made you decide to buy the gallery?” Her voice was short, and Sienna studied him while she waited for him to answer.

Jack put his elbows on the table and linked his fingers beneath his chin. “Promise not to laugh?”

“Not until I hear what you have to say.”

“I’m a movie fanatic. I bought the gallery because so many movie stars live here.”

“What? You’re hoping to meet them?” Sienna felt her mouth drop open. She closed it and reached for the coffee Sophie put on the table.

“No, I was just joking. I’ve always been interested in art, so I decided to buy a gallery and host exhibitions. Carmel-by-the-Sea seemed as good a place as any. A wealthy, retired clientele who are looking to build up their art collections live here.” He stared into the distance and Sienna sensed there was more to the story. She wasn’t going to press him. It wasn’t his past she was interested in; it was

“I saw Sea View Gallery in one of the art magazines I subscribe to.”

“So you bought it, had it managed, and then you decided to sell it a couple of months ago? And then you changed your mind again.” Sienna frowned. It sounded as though Jack didn’t know what he wanted. Her entire future was at stake because a flirty playboy with time on his hands and money to burn bought a gallery he didn’t even seem much interested in. “And now you’re going to take it over?”

Buy. Sell. Keep. Move in.
Why would he do that? It was the bottom line that mattered. All
choices were affecting

Jack leaned back casually and put his hands behind his head, turning his face up to the sunshine that had begun to bathe the courtyard. “I thought I’d be in New York for good after my dad got sick, but, well…here I am.” The corded muscles in his neck and his toned biceps didn’t look they belonged to a businessman, but more like the Navy SEAL she’d first mistaken him for. Now Sienna stared at him, waiting for him to keep talking and spill his plans for the gallery.

“Look, there’s been a mix-up. I’m sorry. I’ll have to call Dad’s secretary. I told her to take the gallery off the market when I—”

She waited for Jack to continue, but he cut off his sentence. After a couple of minutes of silence, she couldn’t wait any longer. “We need to sort out what’s happened and you need to tell me what you are going to do.”

Jack nodded. “We do. And soon.”

“How about now? I have to make plans.” Sienna fought her rising temper. “Perhaps I was a bit hasty making plans before the sale was final. I have my first exhibition opening in three weeks. I had no idea you would change your mind. In fact, remember, I didn’t even know it was you selling to me.”

“Would that have made a difference if you had?” Jack narrowed his eyes.

“Why would it? I barely know you.” Sienna waved her hand dismissively. “I haven’t given you another thought since you took my number.”


She had, and she still remembered how disappointed she’d been when he left Faith’s christening early, and then never called her. Despite what she’d said to Georgie, there was still a place in her life for going out with men and having a good time. Just because she didn’t want the commitment-and-wedding deal like Georgie didn’t mean she was going to live a nun’s life. She’d just been too busy to go out, building up the gallery’s business and her reputation as an artist. And now Jack had to turn up and own the blasted gallery. Too complicated.

“Until last night I thought the contract of sale would go ahead. I’ve made plans, and, yes, maybe I was a bit premature, but I’m not known for being patient.” Sienna put her cup down and folded her arms across her chest. “If I had known this was going to happen I would have stayed at Mountain View Gallery.”

“So you haven’t been at my gallery for very long?”

Sienna shook her head and gritted her teeth.
gallery. God, he didn’t even know what was happening before he waltzed in to take over. Was he serious about the business? She couldn’t work for someone with such a casual attitude. Sienna needed to be organized, and everything she did was planned ahead.

“I’ve only been there a couple of months. My…your…gallery had been closed for a few months after the other manager left town. You didn’t even know that?” She tried to keep her voice even. No point upsetting him although she’d probably done that already.

Jack shrugged and a frown wrinkled his brow. For the first time he seemed a little uncomfortable. “No…no, I’m sorry, but I had no idea. I have a lot of business interests that Dad’s company looks after for me. Maybe I should have paid more attention.” He leaned back as Sophie put a plate overflowing with food in front of him. It seemed as though the discomfort she had glimpsed a moment ago disappeared. “Looks great, thanks.”

Sienna sat back and watched Jack dig into the meal, as she weighed the pros and cons of what her choices were. Her stomach grumbled, and he grinned at her as the heat warmed her neck.

“You should eat something. You’re too thin.”

Now her temper really began to boil. “I eat plenty. I’m petite, not thin.”

“So what did you have for breakfast?”

She pointed to her coffee.

Jack sighed and used his fork to lift a pancake and a slice of bacon onto the small plate that held his toast. He slid it over to her. “Eat. We have a lot of talking to do.”

“Thank you.” Sienna nibbled at the edge of the pancake and stared at him. “So start.”

“Start what?”

God, he was so laid-back. She spoke through her teeth with forced restraint. “Start talking.”

He grinned and kept eating without saying a word, until his plate was clear. “That was great.” Finally he picked up the napkin and wiped his mouth. “Okay, so tell me what
plans are.”

“You’re the owner. You tell me.” Sienna kept her voice patient and held his gaze.

did have plans?” Jack’s green eyes crinkled when he smiled, and her stomach did a little flip.

and not enough coffee.

She caught Sophie’s eye when the waitress walked past and pointed to her empty cup.

“Well, yes, I did. Like I said, I like to know what’s ahead and I plan for it. This has thrown me a curveball, and I need to rethink where I am…and where I’ll go.”

“Maybe you don’t have to go anywhere.” Jack leaned forward and propped his elbows on the table as he held her gaze.

“So I need to know…are you going to be hands-on, or are you going to be an owner who only comes in occasionally?”

Jack stared back at her, and his eyes were full of mirth. “Definitely not hands-on, not in the gallery anyway.”

The subtext in his words was clear by the grin on his face. Despite the pleasant shiver that ran down Sienna’s back, she gritted her teeth to hold back a rude retort. He was trying to push her buttons. Why did he take it off the market if he didn’t want to work in it?

“So you’ll support any exhibitions I’ve already booked, including mine?”


God, the man was casual.

“Yes, I told you before. I’m an artist. I’m planning my first show at the end of the month.” She spoke slowly as she stared at him. “And I have advertised it, so I need to know right away if I need to find another gallery, seeing as I won’t have my own now.”

Jack returned her stare. “You’re a bit out of sorts this morning.”

Finally she was getting through to him.

“This is me. I like to be organized.” She forced a smile to her face, and it was at odds with the temper she was barely hanging on to. “I need to know what you’re going to do. It might be hard for someone as…for someone like you to understand, but this is my livelihood.” She couldn’t help herself and her temper finally spilled over. “Anyone who buys a gallery because movie stars live in town, and then leaves it in the hands of a manager who leaves and he doesn’t even know it sits there all closed up—”

“Whoa…right there.” Jack held his hand up. “You’ve got yourself all worked up. Look, I’m sorry the sale fell through, but I have my reasons. And what do you mean by someone like me?”

She pursed her lips, arms still folded. “Nothing.” She’d been forthright enough already. “Okay, my plans…if you are happy for the first exhibition—mine—to go ahead, I need three things to happen.”

“Okay. Tell me.”

“One. Do you need a manager, someone to do the day-to-day gallery stuff?”

He held her gaze and nodded without speaking.

“Two, can I still hold my exhibition in the gallery the week I’ve advertised?”

“Yes.” He nodded again as relief flooded through Sienna. Now his arms were folded across his chest. “And three?”

So far, so good.

This was the one she really needed him to agree to. There was no way Sienna could move her stuff to another studio and have her pieces ready in time. And there was no formal agreement in her employment contract for the manager to use the studio. She swallowed and her fingers bit into the skin on her arms.

“Three, can I keep using the studio?”


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