Bryn Morrow (8 page)

Read Bryn Morrow Online

Authors: Mike Cooley

Tags: #Paranormal Romance

BOOK: Bryn Morrow
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“Because you’re special. And beautiful.” He sipped the tea while watching her lips. “You realize you appeared to me right after I died in the explosion at Chernobyl?”

“I do. I seem to be drawn to catastrophes.” She poured sugar into her tea from a jar and stirred it.

“I have a few questions for you, if you don’t mind.” He slid his chair closer and placed his left hand on her right. It was all Celeste could do not to flinch and jerk her hand away.

“Sure. Ask away.”

“How many vampires have you seen?”

“Bryn says you’re not vampires.”

“A meaningless distinction.” Simon waved a hand dismissively. “You’ve seen at least two of us.”

“Why do you want to know?” She met his eyes and suppressed a shudder.

“I’m lonely for my own kind.” He leaned close enough to smell her neck.

“I’m dreaming when I see you. I don’t always remember everything. But I think I’ve only seen you and Bryn.” Chills ran up her spine and she leaned away from him.

“There have to be more of us,” said Simon. His lips brushed her neck, and he bared his silver teeth. He slipped one hand down to her thigh.

She pulled away. “You hurt two of my friends.”

“They attacked me. I merely defended myself. I could have killed them, but I didn’t. Let’s go inside, shall we?” He stood and pulled her to her feet, holding her in an iron grip.

“I would rather stay out here,” she said, an edge of panic creeping into her voice.

“Don’t worry, Celeste. I won’t hurt you. I love you.”

Where is Bryn
, thought Celeste?
Did I dial the wrong number? Did he leave me?

He opened the door to her house and led her in. He opened doors in the hallway until he found stairs leading down into the basement, then he pushed her through the doorway and followed her down, flicking the light switch on with a finger.

“This is much better. I can get to know you without interruption now.” He touched her ass, and she stumbled down the last two steps.

“Bryn is going to rip your heart out if you hurt me.” She tried to keep her voice even and calm, but panic was rising in her throat.

“If you don’t fight me, you won’t get hurt. I just need to know some things.” He followed her to the bottom of the stairs and grabbed her arms. “I’m far stronger than any human. You can’t get away. If you scream, I’ll snap your neck.”

“I’ll answer your questions; you don’t have to hurt me.” She confronted him with a defiant stare.

He grabbed an orange extension cord, wrapped it around her wrists, and threw it over a beam in the ceiling, pulling her up by the arms until she was standing on her toes.

“Oh, God. Bryn is going to kill you.” She struggled against the cord but couldn’t free herself.

“I’m the only god here.” He laughed and ripped her T-shirt down the middle, revealing her breasts, which were barely contained by a white silk bra.

“I said I would answer your questions.”

“I don’t want your answers, Celeste. I want you.” Simon grabbed the center of her bra and pulled. It ripped, and he flung it across the room. “You are as lovely as virgin blood.”

“Don’t fucking touch me!” She yanked hard but the beam held.

“Just a little bite, dear.” He leaned down and sucked on her nipples, then bit down. She screamed.

“Oh, your blood is exquisite. It’s ambrosia.” He looked up at her and licked the blood off his lips. His teeth were stained red; blood ran down her breasts. “I need more.” He lowered his mouth and sucked on her wounds while pushing against her.

“Get off me, you animal!” she screamed.

He yanked her pants down. “Soon….”

Chapter 27

Bryn was driving back from Corwin on County Road 12 when his phone rang. He was still weak and his skin was as dry as parchment. It was Celeste. He answered but there was no response. All he heard were muffled voices before she hung up.

She wouldn’t call unless she was in trouble
, he thought. He pushed down on the gas pedal and held the wheel with both hands. The yellow dashes on the road blurred and the speedometer read ninety. His heart lurched in his chest, although he knew such a feeling was impossible.

Ten minutes later, he skidded to a stop in front of Celeste’s house on the corner of Argent and Lake. There were lights on in the dining room. A pitcher of iced tea was on the glass table on the porch, along with two glasses, half-full.

He knocked on the front door, but there was no answer. “Celeste! Are you in there? It’s Bryn!”

He waited, but there was no response. He tried the door and found it unlocked, so he let himself in. He walked through the kitchen warily and then into the living room. There was no sign of her. Everything looked normal.


“Oh, God, Bryn!” Her distant voice called out.

“Where are you?” He crouched and scanned the hallway, his hands clenched into fists.


He opened doors in the hallway until he reached the second one on the left and saw a wooden flight of stairs leading down. There was a light at the bottom. “Where’s Simon?”

“I don’t know,” she sobbed. “Help me.”

He ran down the stairs two at a time until he reached the bottom. Celeste hung from a wooden beam that ran the length of the basement, her arms tied over her head. Her pants had been pulled down and her black shirt was ripped open. She was braless, her breasts covered with bite marks and blood.

He roared, “I’m going to fucking kill that son of a bitch!”

“Let me down.” She shuddered and tears ran down her face.

He grabbed the extension cord and ripped it in half, then lowered her carefully to the carpet. “I’m so sorry, Celeste. I should have been here sooner. I was in Corwin, checking on Tommy. How long has Simon been gone?”

“Not long. He might still be in the house.” She cried and wrapped her arms around Bryn’s neck when he leaned down.

“Did he rape you?”

“He bit me and drank my blood.” She choked. “He didn’t have time to finish. I think he heard you drive up.”

“Stay here. Lock yourself in. I’m going to find him and make sure he never hurts you again.” His eyes were fire.

“Search the house before you leave. Make sure he’s not still here.” She wiped her face with the backs of her hands, then sat down, hugged her knees to her chest and cried softly, rocking back and forth.

“I will.”

He backed away from her, hands clenched, and searched every corner of the basement while she watched. “He’s not down here.”

She nodded, stood, and pulled her pants back up. Her tears mixed with the blood on her breasts. “I’m okay.” She pulled her ripped shirt closed.

Bryn nodded, gave her a tender hug—trying not to press against her injuries—and kissed her. He let her go and climbed the stairs. “Don’t come up until I say it’s clear.”

She swallowed her fear and nodded.

Chapter 28

“Deb? Where am I?” Tommy blinked his eyes against the brightness and then shut them.

“Tommy!” She lurched forward in her chair, knocking the empty water pitcher off the desk. It bounced across the floor, demonstrating why they used plastic instead of glass. “You woke up!”

“Yeah, wow, that’s loud. My head hurts.” He raised a hand, and she took it in hers.

“Sorry,” she whispered. “You’ve been in a coma for two days. I thought I’d lost you.”

“Oh, babe. You know I wouldn’t leave you.” He blinked some more, letting his eyes adjust to the overhead fluorescents. He tried to remember where he was and what had happened. The room was spinning slowly, and he felt like his brain was wrapped in cotton and pain.

She leaned over and kissed him. “Do you remember anything?”

“Not much. Jason was giving that Russian dude, Simon, a piece of his mind, and then—”

“He hurt Jason and you ran into him with your truck,” she finished. “Crazy fool.”

“So I killed Simon?” His eyes showed confusion. The memories kept darting away from him like minnows in a pond.

“Actually, he killed your truck. Jason said he walked away without a scratch.” She smiled and pushed her face against Tommy’s, sliding her hand under his neck and giving him a hug.

“How’s Jason?”

“He’s okay. Broken hand and leg. Celeste took him home yesterday. Hold on. I need to call Celeste.” She pulled out her cellphone and dialed.

Tommy looked around the room with a dazed expression. He raised his hands and looked at them, then over at the softly beeping monitor screen.

“Celeste? What’s wrong? Slow down. Oh, fuck.” Debra’s eyes got big. “I just wanted to let you know Tommy woke up.”

“What’s wrong?” Tommy tried to sit up and groaned.

Debra flipped her phone shut. “Simon attacked Celeste. Bryn came to help her, and now he’s out looking for Simon.”



“Is Celeste okay?”

“She’s shook up. She won’t say what happened. She told me to stay here and take care of you.” She brushed his hair out of his face, then soaked a washcloth in cool water at the sink and placed it on his forehead.

“Thanks, babe. I’m so glad you’re here. My head really hurts.”

“Hell, yeah. You bashed it on the inside of your windshield when you hit Simon.”

“Fucking vampire.” Tommy started laughing, and then raised his hands to his temples in pain. “How long until we can do it?”

“Same old Tommy.” She laughed, grinned, lifted her shirt and flashed her titties at him.

Tommy smiled. His eyes were glassy from the meds.

“They didn’t say. You rest. I’ll call the nurse and get you something to eat.”

Chapter 29

Simon was waiting for him on top of Trium Rock. He grinned down at Bryn. “It’s about time.”

“I’ll kill you for what you did to Celeste!” Bryn leapt to the top of the black monolith and hit Simon in the chest with both fists. Simon flew through the air, knocking the top off a pine tree and then crashed to the ground.

“Just a little harmless fun. I had to taste her.” Simon got up from the ground and dusted himself off.

Bryn dropped off the rock and landed next to it, absorbing the impact with his knees. The rest under the lake had restored his energy. He felt strong. “You’re mad. What do you want with me? Why are you searching for other latents?”

“No one wants to be alone,” said Simon. “I simply want to be with my own kind, not hiding among the weak. And I want that formula, so I can walk in the sun.”

“I will not unleash you among the day walkers.” Bryn reached out with both hands and dragged Simon across the ground by sheer force of will. Simon back pedaled, but Bryn was too strong. When he was close enough, Bryn wrapped his hands around Simon’s throat and squeezed. “This is it for you.”

“Oh, really?” said Simon through gritted teeth. He reached out with his mind toward the trees, and a pair of branches shot across the ground and leapt into his hands. He ducked down and swung the tree limbs, hitting Bryn on both sides of his head before he could move out of the way. Bryn’s grip on Simon’s neck loosened and Bryn dropped to the ground, dazed.

Simon crouched over Bryn. “Celeste will be mine. And you… will be dead.”

Bryn lashed out with his fists, hitting Simon in the face. Then he kicked with both feet, sending him flying into the trees. Wood cracked and branches shook. Birds squawked and flew into the air. Bryn got to his feet, hands clenched at his sides and the vision of Celeste bitten and bleeding filled his mind.

Simon dropped out of a tree behind Bryn and reached out with his hand. A rusty pipe slithered through the underbrush and shot up into the air. Simon grabbed it and hit Bryn. The pipe clanged and bent around his head. Bryn grabbed the pipe and flung it away. His sight flickered like bats flying across the moon. He staggered and dropped to one knee.

“It’s a shame, really. We could have ruled the world together.” Simon reached out and the pipe sprang back into his hands. Bryn raised his fists to ward off the blow, but Simon was too fast. He lunged forward with the pipe and speared Bryn through the chest with it.

Darkness enveloped Bryn. His soul screamed Celeste’s name.

Bryn blinked and opened his eyes. There was pain in his chest and head. His arms were at his sides, and he was standing with his back to the black stone rock named Trium. Iron chains were wrapped around him, holding him against the monolith from his shoulders to his ankles. He flexed his arms; the chains creaked but held. Bryn looked down and saw a circular wound on his chest. It was closing over. His shirt was ripped and torn. The edges were coated with his dark blood, which was more purple than red.

“If you try to break these chains, the girl dies.” Simon stepped in front of Bryn. “But, if you stay here and accept your fate, I will let her live.”

“Why would I believe you?” He couldn’t see his watch, but from the position of the stars, he knew dawn was not far away.

“It doesn’t matter to me what you believe.” Simon turned and looked at the eastern horizon. “Your polymer won’t save you for long. And now I have the formula.” Simon waved the notepad filled with experimental data he had stolen from Bryn’s van, then held up the keys he had taken from Bryn’s pocket.

“Why do you want her? She’s nothing to you.” Bryn struggled against his shackles, but they wouldn’t break. He was tied too tightly to get leverage against them.

“But she is everything to you.” Simon turned and began walking east, toward the lake. The sun would be up in less than an hour.

Chapter 30

Celeste sat up in bed, her heart racing. Something was wrong. She could feel it. Dawn was breaking. She ran out the front door of her house and looked toward the place where she had first seen him—the rock.

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