Burned (8 page)

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Authors: Kaylea Cross

Tags: #Titanium Security#3

BOOK: Burned
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Sean snorted. “Damn right.” Over his dead body was she going anywhere unescorted right now. He did feel a little better that Alex didn’t seem concerned that she was in danger though. The man might be a hard-ass agency guy now but there was no way he’d put any of his people in harm’s way without warning them first. “What about the interviews? Any leads so far?”

Alex shook his head and leaned back in his chair with a sigh. “Everything we’ve checked out so far has hit a dead end. We’ve interviewed the most likely suspects already but we’ve still got a ways to go. Lot of people to go through here, you know?”

Yeah, Sean did know, and he also knew it was unlikely they’d uncover the mole before the cell tried to act. That kind of intensive investigation running records and everything else on this scale would take time. “One other thing about Zahra. Last night when I showed up to her place she panicked when she saw me holding my SIG. Did someone hold her at gunpoint? Was she shot?” Because those were the only reasons he could think of for such a strong, instinctive reaction to merely seeing a firearm. He thought of her limp, felt sick with helpless rage at the thought of someone deliberately harming her, let alone at the visual of a bullet tearing into her vulnerable flesh.

Something moved in Alex’s eyes but it was gone too quickly for Sean to figure out what it was. “You know I can’t discuss her personal details. Let me just say that she had a tough upbringing and then went through hell. Most people in her position would never have recovered from what she went through. Yet Zahra did. I know this award means more to her than she’ll ever admit to anyone, and I think it’s important that she goes to this dinner to receive it. She’s earned it and I want her to have that recognition for herself. She placed her confidence in me when I recruited her long before the interview process and I can’t betray that, so if she opens up about the rest to you in time, that’s her call, not mine. But the fact that she’s willing to attend this thing tomorrow night is because you’ll be with her. That should tell you everything you need to know for now.”

Sean mulled all that over before responding. “All right.” He couldn’t deny that it filled him with a fierce pride to realize that Zahra did trust him, maybe more than anyone, except Alex.

“She’s a good girl who deserves a hell of a lot better than what life’s dished out to her so far.” A smile softened Alex’s face, made those pale eyes less frigid and Sean could see how fond he was of Zahra. “All the shit going on here right now has dredged up a lot of baggage for her. I’d consider it a personal favor it you’d make sure she enjoys herself tomorrow night.”

Sean knew Alex could tell he had strong feelings for her, and he seemed to approve of that. He relaxed his stance. Show her a good time? He’d love nothing more. “I will.”




Amir was only three hours into his eight hour shift when he got the call to contact his handler from the designated safe zone. It took him off guard because they would only get in touch with him if something important had happened. Since he had no passengers at the moment he immediately made his way to a highway on-ramp and drove out to BWI. When he was safely in position of the dead zone he called the number he’d been given.

The same contact as the first time answered in Urdu and got straight to the point. “We’ve confirmed the op for tomorrow night.”

A surge of excitement rushed through him. “Where?”

“Zahra Gill will be attending the Baltimore Four Seasons event at seven o’clock tomorrow evening.”

“Are you sure? The last I heard it was only a possibility.”

“We have verified this morning that she has confirmed she’ll be attending.”

“Alone?” He couldn’t believe that someone so smart would be so stupid in light of recent events.

“Perhaps, though it’s likely she may have someone else accompany her. Her RSVP was marked for two people.”

“A bodyguard?”

“We don’t know, but it doesn’t matter. Do you have a plan in place?”

He’d been toying with a few ideas but if she had someone with her it would be more difficult to isolate her. If her guest was actually a trained bodyguard—possibly one of the Titanium Security members—then this assignment had just become very dangerous indeed. “I’ll be ready. Do you have any other instructions?”

“Just that if any other members of the team are with her, take them out too.”

“I will.”

“Malik is growing very impatient with the situation. He wants the targets taken out immediately, no more waiting. We’re handing you this assignment on a silver platter. You understand what will happen if you fail tomorrow night?”

Amir’s grip tightened on the steering wheel. “I’ll complete this mission,” he said forcefully, trying to ignore the spurt of fear that shot through his veins. Malik Hassani was a merciless taskmaster. People who crossed or failed him had a way of disappearing and winding up dead, or suffering such unspeakable torture that they wished they were dead. Amir knew he was locked in now. By agreeing to take on this assignment he’d also bartered his life in the process.

“Contact us as soon as it’s taken care of.”

“I will.” Because if, Allah forbid, he botched the job tomorrow night, he knew he’d never be able to run fast or far enough to escape Hassani’s reach, even from half a world away.


Chapter Seven

Sean released Zahra’s elbow and put a guiding hand low on her back as they entered the crowded Four Seasons ballroom. His palm settled against the small of her back and the feel of the warm, firm flesh beneath that silky black dress sent the blood rushing to his groin. At the touch she glanced up at him through her lashes with those hazel green eyes and gave him a smile that was far too sweet for what he’d been thinking about on the drive here.

Things like what she had on underneath that dress, what her skin would feel like beneath his hands if he peeled that clingy fabric away, the way she’d taste and the sounds she’d make if he pushed her legs apart and put his mouth to her.

Sean forced his eyes away from the tempting glimpse of cleavage he could see from his taller vantage point that allowed him to look down into the bodice of her dress, and swept his gaze around the room. Much as he wanted to keep staring at her, he was here to ensure she was safe and enjoyed herself. He’d make sure of both.

He barely noticed the hitch in her stride as they headed for their table near the windows overlooking the inner harbor, and doubted anyone else would either. Especially if they were male. No red-blooded man in the room would be noticing her gait right now. They’d be too focused on her shapely ass and flat stomach once they peeled their eyes off the enticing curve of her breasts.

Noticing several men checking her out, he tightened his hand against her lower back possessively. The knee length gown she wore covered her entire back yet even with its modest neckline, on her it still managed to be sexy. She wore her long black hair twisted up in a sleek coil with a few loose tendrils framing her heart-shaped face that softened her angular features. The delicate scent of her perfume trailed up to tease him. He wanted to take her some place private and press her against a wall as he fisted his hands in her hair and ate her up.

Oblivious of his thoughts, she glanced up at him with those clear eyes and gave a wry smile. “I guess I have to stop being an introvert for a while until dinner’s served, huh?”

“Probably a good idea.” If she was nervous about coming here she hid it well. Other than the way she kept glancing around the room, she gave no outward sign that anything was worrying her. Nothing had tripped his inner radar on the way here and while he’d continue to keep an eye on what was happening in the room, it was time to enact the next phase of this operation.

He slid his hand around her waist and squeezed, noting the subtle way she stiffened. “One thing, though.”

“What?” She tilted her head back to see his face, her tone holding a note of suspicion.

“Just to keep our story straight, how long have we been dating?”

She blinked at him in surprise. “Does it matter?”

“Yeah, it matters. I want to make it convincing. Are we new, with lots of sparks? Or are we long haulers and well into our comfort zones?”

A hint of amusement sparkled in her eyes, and he suddenly very much wanted to hear her laugh. Really laugh. “Very new. Lots of sparks.”

Fine by him, and not a hardship acting the part with her. Sparks it was.

She eased away from his hold and put a discreet distance between them. “Should we mingle now?”

“By all means.” He snagged her hand and threaded his fingers through hers, charmed when she shot him an uncertain glance. If that little public gesture was enough to rattle her, he couldn’t wait to see how she’d react when he started turning up the heat. Maybe he hadn’t been looking forward to sitting through this dinner initially, but things were about to get interesting. This evening was going to be memorable, that was for sure.

He accompanied her to their table while she introduced herself, admiring her poise and how easily she was able to engage strangers in conversation despite being outside of her comfort zone. This kind of forced, stuffy socializing was something he’d never been good at either, but he could handle it for a few hours. He would put his true talents to use soon enough, he thought, hiding a smile as he pictured what her reaction would be.

He stayed right beside her through all the handshaking and required social graces. In between scanning the room for possible threats he answered direct questions from several people but didn’t say any more than he had to. After a couple times, people left him out of the conversation altogether, which was better because then he could do his job more easily.

When he heard her stomach growl during a lull in the conversation, Sean took it as their cue for a break. She’d been working at the office with Claire all day and he knew what a workhorse she was so he doubted she’d eaten for hours. She was probably starving. He slid his arm around her waist, hugging her into his side. “Let’s get you something to eat, sweetness.”

Zahra looked up at him in surprise at the endearment, but didn’t argue.

He made himself smile at the group around the table, though it probably didn’t look very friendly. “Excuse us.” Without another word he pulled her away toward a waiter with a silver tray full of appetizers.

“I’m not really very hungry,” she protested.

“Yeah you are. You’re just too nervous to realize it.”

She frowned at him. “I’m not nervous.”

Sure you’re not.
He snagged a couple napkins from the waiter and examined the tray. “Do you like spanakopita?”

“It’s okay,” she answered distractedly, glancing around the room.

“You don’t need to keep doing that,” he said, low enough that only she could hear him. “I promise you I’ve got it covered. Everything’s fine.”

When she looked back at him he brought the bite-sized piece of stuffed phyllo dough to her mouth.

Her eyes widened and her lips parted slightly in surprise. He took advantage of the opportunity to slide the pastry between her lips. When she tentatively accepted the morsel and tried to pull her head back, he followed with his hand, forcing her to close her lips around his index finger. Her cheeks turned a pretty shade of pink, but she didn’t protest, accepting the bite and sucking gently as he withdrew.

The soft parting stroke of her tongue against his fingertip sent a rush of blood to his groin. His dick pressed painfully against his zipper as he watched her chew. Shit. Now all he could think about was seeing that mouth wrapped around him while she knelt before him and he tangled his hands in that thick, shiny black hair to hold her in place.

She chewed for a moment, a slight frown wrinkling her forehead as she swallowed. “What are you doing?” she whispered.

Getting way too fucking turned on.
“Taking care of you. My instructions were to make sure you’re safe, happy and well fed. I intend to fulfill my duty.”

“I can feed myself, thanks.” Her lashes dropped as she lowered her gaze to his chest and reached for the rest of the appetizers he held.

He pulled the napkin out of reach. “Now what fun would that be?”

Her eyes flicked up to his, full of wariness.

“Want another one?” he asked.

She considered him a moment. “I think maybe you misunderstood what the arrangement was supposed to be.”

He lifted another bite of spanakopita and offered it to her. “I don’t think so. You wanted sparks. Let’s make some.”

She held his stare for a moment, her resolve clear. “Fine. As long as you know it’s for show.”

“Absolutely.” That didn’t mean he couldn’t enjoy the hell out of seducing her for the next few hours. “Now be a good girl and let me feed you.” He brought the flaky pastry to her lips, brushing gently against that tempting lower curve and took pleasure in the way her eyes darkened with sudden sexual awareness before she masked it. Too late, sweetheart, he thought with a smile. She appeared cool and reserved on the surface, but he knew better and was willing to bet she was a powder keg inside.

Those cool green-tinted eyes stared up into his defiantly as she accepted the bite of food. Sean smothered a grin and fed her a few more mouthfuls. She might be annoyed right now, but she couldn’t deny she felt better with something in her stomach. And she definitely wasn’t looking over her shoulder anymore. She was too busy staring holes in him. As long as she wasn’t worried anymore, he didn’t mind. He for damned sure liked distracting her this way.

“I’ve had enough,” she said when he reached for another piece. “Aren’t you going to eat?”

“If you feed me.”

An impish smile on her lips, she accepted the challenge and took another pastry from a passing tray then lifted it toward him. Sean caught her wrist and held it, staring straight into her eyes as he bent his head and gently, slowly closed his mouth around the morsel in her fingers. Her quiet intake of breath, the way her pupils expanded, made his heart pound. Keeping hold of her delicate wrist, he licked the flakes of pastry from her skin before releasing her.

She was staring at his mouth now as if she couldn’t look away, her hand frozen in his grip. That delectable flush was spreading down her throat to her upper chest and Sean was dying to see if she’d turn that color all over beneath his hands and mouth.

As though coming out of a trance, she blinked and withdrew her hand, dropping her gaze as she took a slow breath. “Okay, I think that’s enough sparks for the evening.”

Oh, not even close, sweetness.

She grabbed a napkin and wiped her hands, still avoiding his gaze. Flustered and aroused and so beautiful it made him ache. “They’re going to serve dinner soon.”

 “Okay. I’ll let you go, then.” His eyes snagged on a tray of chocolate dipped fruit sitting on the table beside them. “Right after you have one last treat.”




Deep in the shadows of the Four Seasons parking lot, Amir shut off the ignition and tugged the brim of his hat down lower on his forehead. He’d shaved off his beard and put on his reading glasses for good measure but it drove him nuts that he had to sit out here in plain view of anyone who passed by until the dinner was over. Even he wasn’t brave enough to storm into the ballroom and start shooting. He had decided on this one course of action and now he had to follow through with it, even if things were far more complicated now.

Zahra definitely had a bodyguard with her. One of those Titanium guys, though from his earlier vantage point he couldn’t tell if it was Hunter Phillips or Sean Dunphy when the man had escorted her through the front lobby doors a few minutes ago. Not that it mattered whether it was Phillips or Dunphy; they both had elite military training and if Amir wasn’t extremely careful tonight he might not survive the operation. He also hadn’t seen where they’d parked or what vehicle they’d arrived in. Had they taken a cab, or had someone dropped them off maybe?

His heart rate was elevated and his palms damp as he watched other hotel guests come and go. The sky was turning from purple to blue and the overhead lights around the lot cast long shadows everywhere. Cries from the seagulls near the water’s edge sounded faintly over the roar of his pulse in his ears. His fully loaded pistol lay tucked beneath his seat. He’d already checked it three times, no sense in doing it again no matter how nervous he was being in this stolen pickup for the next hour or two. This spot gave him the ideal view of the front entrance and hopefully he’d be able to see which vehicle they got into once they left the hotel. With all the people around he couldn’t afford to kill them here.

But once they came out and he spotted their vehicle, their minutes left on earth were numbered. His best chance was killing them before they got mobile. Exhaling a ragged breath, he scrubbed a hand over his face and settled in for the agonizing wait.




Why was he doing this to her?

Zahra held back a sigh as she watched Sean select a ripe red berry from the tray. The grinding in her stomach had lessened, so she was thankful he’d insisted she eat something. His method, however, was turning her on to the point that she could hardly breathe. It was hard enough for her to be here with all these eyes on her, but having to maintain her vigilance while playing along with Sean was proving too much for her. She didn’t like being taunted with what she couldn’t have. She knew that as soon as the task force was finished Sean would leave. Flings might have been her thing in the past, but not now, and never with him.

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