Burning Attraction

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Authors: Ashley Beale

BOOK: Burning Attraction
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A Novel

By Ashley Beale





















Ashley Beale, 2013.

This publication is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other appli
cable international, federal, state and local laws, and all rights are reserved, including resale rights. You are not permitted to give or sell this book to anyone else. Any trademarks, product names, service marks, or named features are assumed to be the property of their respective owners, and are used only for reference. All rights are reserved.

This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to any person, living or dead, any place, events or occurrences, is purely coincidental. The characters and st
ory lines are created from the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.


Published by Ashley Beale




























Dedicated to all my family, friends, and fans. I'd be nothing without any of you.

A Special dedication to Br
ittney & Kaylee- you are my world.









































Chapter 1: First Day

Chapter 2: We Meet Again

Chapter 3: Underground

Chapter 4: Official

Chapter 5: Mistakes

Chapter 6: Tell All

Chapter 7: Halloween Party

Chapter 8: Dirty Little Secret

Chapter 9: Surprises

Chapter 10: Decisions

Chapter 11: Thanksgiving

Chapter 12: Secrets Out

Chapter 13: Apologies

Chapter 14: Bliss

Chapter 15: It
’s My Party, I'll Cry If I Want To

Chapter 16: Hangovers

Chapter 17: Consequences

Chapter 18: Getting Out of the House

Chapter 19: Graduation Party

Chapter 20: Goodbyes Aren't Forever

Chapter 21: I'll Be Back... I'll Be Waiting
























Summer of 2006

"Cassie, hurry up, the party has already started!" My mom yells to me from outside the bathroom door. I have never worn makeup before, my dad told me I'm not allowed to until I'm sixteen. But my mom proclaimed I could since it was for a special occasion, yet being only twelve years old, I'm clueless. I've poked myself in the eye multiple times with this stupid goopy stuff that goes on your eyelashes, but I wanted to put it on because it always makes my mom’s eyes look perfect!

I'm trying not to cry, I just want to be as beautiful as possible for Avery. He is leaving for Washington tomorrow. We're leaving shortly for his going away party, and this is the last change he will see me. I've been begging him since I found out he was moving, to come back to California when he is an adult, so that we can get married and live happily ever after. I know it probably will never happen, my mom keeps telling me I'm dreaming too wild, but I can still beg him. He says he promises he will.

"Mom, I need help," I finally admit. She opens the door and smiles at me. Without a word, she comes over and applies my makeup. I have no idea what she is doing, but her soft hands work like magic on my face, and just a few minutes later she is done. I gasp when I look at myself in the mirror, I look just like my mom, only years younger. She is beautiful, so to look like her makes me pretty excited.

She smiles at me with wet eyes, like she may cry or something. "You're beautiful Cassie. Now let's get going, or you won’t get a chance to tell Avery goodbye."

When we arrive at the party I search and search for Avery but he is nowhere in sight. I find my best friend, Aubrey, and ask her if she has seen him. She says he hasn't come outside yet, he was throwing some kind of fit with his parents. See, Avery and I have been friends since we were five, which is when our dads started working together at a law firm. This resulting in all four of our parents being inseparable, until now of course. I've only ever thought of him as a best friend, until the beginning of summer when he kissed me for the very first time. We were sitting out by my pool one day, then out of nowhere, he came over and pushed his lips against mine. He told me I was beautiful and that he always loved me.

It was the only kiss I've ever had, he never kissed me after that. But it was the very next day that his parents mentioned them moving to Washington. He gave me a ring he purchased at Wal-Mart and said that he was going to marry me one day. It's far-fetched, and my mom says we're too young to know better, but I swear I love him too. That is why I want to see him right now, while I'm beautiful, so he can remember me. He can remember his promise and come back to me after he graduates high school.

"I think I'm going to go find him," I tell Aubrey. She rolls her eyes but doesn't say anything. Aubrey and I have been the best of friends since we were in diapers. Her dad passed away when she was an infant, so my parents helped her mom out a lot. I always felt really bad for her, I don't know what I would do growing up without a father. But her mom re-married two years ago, so she has a step dad and step sister named Stella. Stella is a year older than us and very mean. My mom says it's because she is jealous, but I think it's because she is a spoiled brat!

I walk inside to the Manning's house and see Mrs. Manning outside of Avery's door. "Hi Mrs. Manning," I tell Avery's mom.

She smiles at me, "hi dear." Then she knocks on Avery's door, "Avery sweetheart, Cassandra is here."

The door creaks open and Avery looks at his mom before looking at me. "Hi Cassie." He looks me up and down, and it causes my cheeks to blush a little bit. I think he likes my makeup. "You look real nice."

I don't think I've ever smiled so big. "Thanks Avery! You coming to join the rest of us?"

He bites on his lip and squishes his eyebrows together, then looks at his mom. "I guess so," he mumbles out. He is acting strange, but I don't question it. "Hold on." He pops back into his bedroom and comes back out a minute later with a present, handing it to me. I wasn't expecting a present, especially since he is the one leaving.

"What is it?" I ask him, shaking the little square gift wrapped in pink paper.

He smiles at me wide, "open it Angel." He has called me
since we were seven. I've always secretly loved being called that by him, but would never admit it!

I open the box and squeal with excitement. It's a silver necklace with a pink and blue angel pendant hanging from it. I take it out of the box and put it on immediately, and it matches my pretty blue dress perfectly. "I love it!" I exclaim when it's on, then hop up into Avery's arms. He is only three inches taller than me, but it feels like a whole foot.

Avery whispers in my ear, "your mom says you dream too wild, but I like that about you. Keep dreaming wild, Angel, and I'll see you in a few more years." He kisses my ear, and it causes a weird feeling in my belly. I pull back and stare up at his dark green eyes, smiling from ear to ear. My cheeks are going to hurt tomorrow from all the smiling I'm doing today, but that is okay with me.

We go outside and continue the party. There are a lot of people here, but I stay with Avery for most of it, and Aubrey follows alongside me as well. When it reaches supper time I'm sad, because I know this is when the party has to end. The Manning's have to finish packing their things into the U-Haul truck so they can leave in the morning.

Avery grabs my hand and brings me around the house. When our parents are out of sight he kisses me one more time on the lips. They tingle as he pulls away. "I love you Cassandra McKnight, I'll see you in a few years."

I bite down on my smile, while I stare up at him. I hear my mom calling my name, so we can't talk much but I manage to say, "I love you too Avery Manning. I'll miss you." Then I leave without another word. I'm counting down the days until high school is all done with!















Chapter 1: First Day

Fall of 2012

The stupid alarm clock awakes me from the best dream I've had in ages. I was in the Bahamas, marrying Channing Tatum, and we were about to celebrate our honeymoon. Since I know that will never happen in real life, I'm sad when I have to open my eyes and face reality. Today is the first day of collage at the University of San Diego, but thank goodness my best friend, and roommate, Aubrey, shares my first class with me this morning. It is the only one we have together this year, but that is probably because we aren't sharing the same major. I'm going for Criminal Justice and she is going for Fashion Design.

I get out of bed and make my way the shower. I can hear Aubrey's music blasting in her bedroom. She is the early riser, I'm the night owl. We're opposite is so many ways imaginable, it is sort of shocking we've remained friends all these years, with only a few catty fights throughout high school. After my shower I get dressed in my typical blue jeans, yellow tee shirt and matching sandals. I brush my straight brown hair out, fix my bangs so they sway perfectly to the left, and apply a little bit of lip gloss. I'm not one for dressing up nicely, that is all on Aubrey.

After filling both our stomachs up on coffee and bagels, we decide we're ready to head out, and ride to school together. I hate driving, but I have the better car, so I let Aubrey drive us both there.

When she parks the car I look next to us, and there is the sexiest man I've ever laid eyes on. He is probably six feet tall, dirty blonde hair that is purposely messed into perfection, dark blue eyes, and oh boy is he muscular. He looks like a possible surfer and I'm turned on immediately. It's my favorite part of living in San Diego, I get to look at surfers where ever I go, but this man, whoa, he is perfection.

I smile my brightest smile at him and he winks back at me, but doesn't say anything. I get out of the car and follow Aubrey inside the school. The campus is large and you can get lost easily, so we did three tours over the last two weeks, that way we knew exactly where to go. First class goes by just fine, as well as the second and third. Everything is just syllabi, getting to know the professor, and getting to know your classes. At least there hasn't been any homework assigned, yet.

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