Burning Rivalry (Trevor's Harem #2) (7 page)

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Authors: Aubrey Parker

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: Burning Rivalry (Trevor's Harem #2)
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Daniel slips from his chair. There’s space under the counter where the laptop is sitting, and Daniel crawls into it. I try pinching my legs together, but I’m so turned on, it rubs vital things and gives me a thrill. Daniel sees it and seizes the distraction, spreading me open. He pushes my skirt up. I won’t lift my ass to make things easier, but don’t feel compelled to keep stopping him, either.

“She’s just a friend.”

“She says she’s been trying to find you but can’t.”

“I’ll call her,” I lie. But I’ll need to contact her somehow. Some way. Even if Daniel has to do it, answering emails as if he were me. Because the one thing that can’t happen is Jenny letting the Linda cat out of its bag. Brandon will help if that happens, and that’s exactly the problem. He’ll help too directly, and surely make things worse. The limbo I’ve been in before today is far, far better than that.

“Oh. Okay. She said something about needing money.”

“Jenny always needs money,” I say, trying to laugh as if Jenny’s a lovable mooch. But it’s a hard act to pull off, because now Daniel is pulling my panties back aside and sliding a finger inside me.

“What about you?” Brandon asks.

I shiver. Daniel’s added a second finger, and I don’t want him to stop.

“What?” Brandon asks. “What’s wrong?”

I have a thousand answers:
I’ve been taken to some pervert’s compound in the Rockies. If I don’t start fucking strangers, I think I’ll be punished. They say I can leave, but I haven’t managed to, and am stopped whenever I try to go. I might know too much. About Trevor Stone, about his company, Eros, about the kinds of things they’re up to. I need help, Brandon, but I’m finding myself unable to ask.

Daniel moves his hands to the bottom of my dress and shoves while lifting me off the seat. A moment later, he has my panties by the sides and is pulling them down, peeling them away from my skin, releasing what feels like a bomb on the verge of detonation. This time, he doesn’t have to pick me up. I lift myself just enough, and my panties curl away from my wet slit like a banana’s skin. I watch Daniel between my legs, seeing his fingers return to where I need them most. Spreading me open with his thumbs. Rolling his fingers across my clit, making me shiver.

I need to get off this Skype call.

“Noth … nothing.” Shit. I’m starting to feel like I’m going to come. And when I look down, Daniel is smiling. He spreads my folds some more, showing me a bit of pink. Then he lowers his face to me and I feel the warm roughness of his tongue on me, flicking my clit, slipping shallowly into my pussy to taste me.


“Tell him,” Daniel whispers up at me. But the son of a bitch, his lips are so close that his words vibrate against my skin, giving me tremors. “Tell him where you are and why you came.”

“Look,” I manage to say over waves of intense pleasure as Daniel’s tongue runs up my sex from bottom to shivering top. “I’m going to … I’m gone for a while.” And though I try to stop it, a sigh escapes my lips.

And my mind screams,
Tell him where you are, at least!

“Okay. Is it for work or something?”

And my mind says,
Nobody knows where you are, and this your only chance!

“No, it’s … ” Shit.
Fuck shit fuck!
I feel every muscle from my stomach down wanting to clench. Daniel’s hooked a finger back inside me, pressing into a spot I didn’t know was there. His tongue is ticking back and forth across the hood of my clit like a metronome gathering speed. I can barely tell one sensation from the next. It’s all pressure and tension begging for a burning release.

Tell him!

But I can’t. Because if I tell Brandon where I am, I’ll have to tell him why and how.

I wasn’t abducted.

I went willingly.

I fucked a guy at a club, then blew him in his limo. The same guy who’s between my legs right now, making me come, who finger-fucked me while I watched two other strangers getting it on.

So yes, Brandon, come save me. Come save your dirty little slut of a sister.

“It’s not business,” Daniel says as he rubs my pussy. “It’s pleasure.”

“It’s just a vacation.”

“When will you be back?” Brandon looks puzzled. I understand. This call was out of the blue, and we never Skype. I don’t really have a point and haven’t asked anything he’d expect me to ask, because frankly I’m too far gone to care. I’m not really answering his questions. I’m jumping, fidgety, out of breath.

And oh, holy fuck, I’m coming. I’m coming, and there’s nothing I can do to stop it.

I lash out with one hand, spinning the laptop so it’s facing the nondescript wall. Daniel’s tongue shoves me over the edge and I practically crack my head into the counter as the orgasm curls me into a twitching ball. I bite my fingers to keep from yelling out, but the waves just go on and on and on and I never want it to end. I can hear Brandon calling my name, worried, but I can’t give him any attention. My eyes are closed, my pussy is on fire, and I’m somewhere else.

With my eyes still closed, I feel Daniel set the laptop in my hands.

Then he’s behind the screen while I slouch down, half sitting, half on my back. Unzipping his jeans and pushing them down. Around the laptop, I see his fat, hard cock bob free, its tip already wet. He tugs me to the chair’s edge, again jostling the computer in my hands. Then he’s pushing my legs farther open as the last of my orgasm trills away, pushing his hot length into my clenching pussy, giving it something to grip.

“What the fuck is going on,

The screen bouncing as Daniel starts to thrust. My breathing harder and harder to control.

“I’m fine,” I say. “I’ll call when I … get back.”

I manage to hit the disconnect button before I come again, practically tossing the computer to the counter as I reach behind Daniel’s ass and pull his cock inside me to the hilt. I come all over it as he moves slowly. When I’m finished, Daniel turns me over like a doll and slams into my pussy from behind until I feel him grip my bare ass and fill me with seed, collapsing on top of me as his breathing recedes, his lips kissing my neck.

“You have to get back before someone misses you,” Daniel says, his cock still tumescent inside me. “But remember, don’t touch anyone. You’re



I leave the room with Daniel at my back, but don’t turn to see him. I’m not sure what just happened. Or more accurately, I know exactly what happened, and don’t know how to feel about it. If I look back and he’s watching me go, that means one thing. If I turn back and he’s at work, tending to monitors and taking the behavioral notes I assume he’s supposed to be taking, that’s something else. Erin sending me here means something. Daniel with Erin before me … well, that could mean something as well.

I put it out of my mind. There are games being played here, but not the big obvious ones we’ve been led to suspect. Or at least, that’s the case for me. For Bridget — the odd girl out who shouldn’t even be here.

I’d planned to stay until the first elimination. Make myself a bunch of money that I can then turn around and use in one way or another: to bail Linda out yet again if she earns a fresh beating, or bail myself out in the meantime so that, somewhere down the road, I’ll be in a better position to offer even more help. I’m split on that, too. I’ve scrimped and made do all my life. Now, I have a shot at buying my way into something real. With luck and some artful dodging, I might be able to walk out of here with enough to get a better place, buy my equipment, put a down payment on a studio where I can produce voice talent, beyond my own. Live the dream.

But that’s where I start looping, second-guessing everything, my mind stuck on repeat.

Am I really thinking of spending this money on myself? With my mother in such dire straits?

Well, why the fuck not? I got into this to help Linda, and sent her my first payment — which, at the time, I thought was pretty much
of it. If I’m going to do this thing I find so morally reprehensible, why shouldn’t
, not just someone else — a person who, let’s be honest — has been absent for my entire life?

But then, do I really find this place so morally reprehensible?
Separately, am I being held against my will, even if that restraint is subtle, without chains and bondage?

I just had my chance to tell Brandon where I am and request a rescue.

But I didn’t, because if I had, I’d have to admit all I’ve already done.

And I didn’t tell him because Daniel’s tongue was on my clit. His cock was inside me. I don’t want to like it. Or him. But even now, he’s fixed in my mind. The taste of his lips won’t leave me.

Maybe I’m a martyr, making the best of a bad situation because I must in order to help the people I love, with all of my other options exhausted.

Or maybe I’m selfish. Maybe I’m here because I want Daniel to fuck me again and again and again, to use me like a toy, and I want the money I’m earning from this otherworldly ecstasy all for myself.

I enter the front room, and Kylie catches my eye.

Then Logan is in the opposite doorway, drawing all eyes but her. She’s still looking at me. I can see the accusation. Where have I been? I feel exposed. Daniel’s come is still wet between my legs. I feel it with every step. I’m sure right now that Kylie can see it, can see right through me.

She turns toward Logan, who announces a switch.

I follow at the group’s rear. The Ones pass us, and I catch a glance from Jessica. It’s full of meaning, but I can’t totally glean it. She’s figured something out and is trying to let me know, like a car in an eastbound lane flashing headlights to alert westbound drivers of a cop checking speeds. I stop a beat, but Jessica is pushed along by the people behind her, with Tony at the rear. And there’s a hand in mine, Erin’s, pulling me on for my own good. I got in trouble before, and now I’ve stayed back too long “in the bathroom.” People are going to catch on to me, and then it’ll all be over.

But it’s not Erin who’s taken my hand. It’s Kylie.

“We got off on the wrong foot,” she says.

I watch her. Unsure what to say.

“Let’s be honest,” Kylie says. “Eventually, we’re all going to be kicked out but one. In the end, someone’s going to win it all, and it will be me. Not you.”

“I don’t want to win.”

“I know you don’t. So I got to figuring. Who’s better to have on my side? Someone who wants to win everything, or someone who doesn’t? Someone who’s happy to come in second place, or someone who wants the crown?”

I haven’t heard anything about a crown. I’m not sure if she’s just speaking metaphorically, or truly deluded that the number one pick here becomes a literal modern queen.

“I see you,” she says as we walk. “I see you working the Daniel angle.”

“I’m not — ”

“Don’t deny it. I’m not stupid. I know you were supposed to be kicked out but weren’t. I know you’re not as nervous as you should be, for someone who needs money and just lost a lot of it. So I’m thinking maybe Daniel likes you, too.”

Erin looks back at me. So does Kat, the tiny angry Russian. Both of them eye me, then Kylie. We’re the two tallest girls in this group, and compared to Erin and Kat, we must seem like titans.

“You and me,” Kylie says. “We team up. We take it all the way.”

I’m tempted for a half second. But then I pull my hand away.

“I don’t think so.”

“Don’t be stupid. You need me. This isn’t just about Daniel. Trevor’s the billionaire. Trevor’s the one who makes the final decision. And so far, you haven’t so much as spoken to him.”

That makes me look at Erin again. I can’t talk to her from here, especially with Kylie between us, but I really want to ask a question: How much have I missed while playing hermit in my room? Was there a cocktail hour? A meet and greet I didn’t know about, possibly running its course while I was tossed out and chastised?

I watch her as we walk, and realize she’s ugly. And by that, I mean she’s one of the most gorgeous women I’ve ever seen. The kind whose body, face, and bearing make the rest of us feel woefully inadequate. And she’d be obviously stunning if she just sat in place, conversed, smiled and nodded. But Kylie sneers, the moment she opens her mouth. Rancor fills her model’s eyes when cast at anyone beyond her own reflection. Even when she looks at Ivy, who seems to be sliding into place as her BFF, I see competition. Kylie is one of those people who can’t relax and
. She’s always looking to be
. The zero-sum written all over her sculpted body turns her into a troll, though I’ve seen the men salivating to gobble her up nonetheless.

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