Read Burning Seduction Online

Authors: Vella Day

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica

Burning Seduction (25 page)

BOOK: Burning Seduction
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Which meant they had squat. “Has the tech department found anything on Bill’s erased computer?” Trent asked.

“Not yet, but they’re working on it.”

He felt like he was swimming in quick sand. “So what’s your plan?” Hartwick would never allow his men to watch the citizens of Rock Hard for long without something happening—not to mention it would cost the town too much money.

“Didn’t you mention that Charlotte is redecorating Samuel’s house?”

Trent didn’t like what Cade was about to suggest. “I did.”

“If I got a warrant to bug John Samuels’s house, do you think Charlotte could slip something in the bedroom and perhaps place another bug in the kitchen?”

His protective anger shot up. “No way. I’m not putting Charlotte in further danger.”

“She’s already going to be inside, so I don’t see how it could makes things worse.”

Cade wasn’t thinking. “It won’t be an issue unless she’s caught. If John is our killer, it could cost Charlotte her life.” This whole case was starting to unravel. “What about Connor and Devon? Have they learned anything?”

“When Devon called in, he said Frank Hamilton had spent last night at the office until about ten. Looks like he’s not your shooter.”

Trent wasn’t ready to jump to that conclusion. “Given where Frank’s office is located, all Devon could do was watch his car. There’s a back entrance to the building. Frank could have hightailed it over to the Steerhouse, waited for me to leave the restaurant, taken the shots, and been back in his office with no one the wiser.”

“Damn, you’re right.”

“What about Richard Delaney?” Connor was supposed to follow Elaine’s brother.

“Connor hasn’t been able to locate the man,” Cade said. “He asked at Richard’s workplace, and they said he was on vacation.”

It was possible Elaine’s brother was lying low, though Trent saw no reason why Richard would want to take him out. He hadn’t been back to question him, so there was no reason for the man to run scared. “What about the casings from the two shots?”

“We retrieved both of them. They came from a 38 caliber, but because we have nothing to compare them to, we have no idea who the shooter was.”

Trent stabbed a hand through his hair. Bill Goddard’s killer was going to get away with murder. Christ. They needed a break. And soon.

Chapter Twenty-Four

harlotte checked her
hair in the mirror, smoothed her hands down her sweater, and then faced Harmon. “Wish me luck.”

She hoped the turquoise top brought out the little bit of green in her blue eyes. Wanting to make undressing easy, she went with a knee length stretchy skirt. The UGG boots were more for warmth than fashion.

“You don’t need any luck,” he said. “Once my brother takes one look at you, he’ll be putty in your hands.”

That was sweet of him to say, but she wasn’t as confident. Trent would most likely be mad, but hopefully she could soften him a little with a few kisses and a lot of well-placed touches.

With the engine running, Harmon stepped out of the car and retrieved her suitcase. He then set it on the front stoop and returned. She slid out and inhaled, her nerves jangling.

“As soon as he answers, I’m taking off. I don’t want to give Trent the chance to send you back.”

“Thank you for everything. I’ll never forget this.” She stood on her tiptoes and placed a light kiss on his cheek. It was too dark to see if he blushed, but from the way he cleared his throat, she’d embarrassed him.

As Harmon slipped back into his seat, Charlotte marched up to the front door of the cabin and knocked. Trent must have been looking out the window, because he opened up within seconds.

As promised, Harmon drove off, and Trent stared at the retreating car. “What’s going on, Charlotte?”

“May I come in?”

Trent picked up her suitcase and motioned her inside. Memories came flooding back of the time they’d spent at the cabin all those months ago. Tomorrow, she’d inspect the front of the house to see if any evidence of the fire remained.

“Can I get you something to drink?” he asked. While he sounded calm, the small tic around his eyes told her otherwise.

“Water is good.” She took off her coat and hooked it over the back of the kitchen chair.

He shook his head. “I wasn’t expecting you.”

He might not be happy she was there, but at least he hadn’t suggested he drive her home right away. “I know, but I was worried about you.”

She could only imagine what he was experiencing—the guilt, the frustration, and the embarrassment of being taken off the case.

“I’m fine.” Trent walked into the kitchen, retrieved a beer and a glass of water.

“You look like shit, you know.” Not really, but he hadn’t shaven, and it seemed as if he’d slept in his clothes. She was merely trying to lighten the mood.

A slight smile lifted his lips. “Believe it or not, I feel worse than I look.” His shoulder sagged as he walked with her over to the sofa. They both sat down and he twisted to face her. “How are you feeling? I’m sorry I didn’t call.”

She waited to see if he’d explain, but he didn’t. “I’m sore, but I’ll heal.”

He nodded. “I need to apologize.”

She’d expected him to say that, but she didn’t want to hear it. “What’s done is done. It was stupid of me to follow you, but I was worried. You know why?” Having secrets between them after all they’d been through wouldn’t do either of them any good.

“Because you care?”

At least he wasn’t oblivious to her feelings. Charlotte set down her water and clasped his hand in hers. “I more than care. It’s probably stupid of me to open my heart because everyone says I should play hard to get, but that’s not who I am. In the beginning, I was drawn to the fact that you were this hot, sexy protector.”

“Charlotte, you don’t understand.” He glanced to the side as if he couldn’t handle the compliment.

She wasn’t going to give him a chance to respond further until after she said her piece. “I do understand. Your job means everything to you, and that’s very commendable, but there will come a time in your life when you need someone to hold and care for you. Perhaps your father didn’t provide the love you expected, and I know your mother was taken from you at an early age, but I want you to know that I love you for who you are, and have no intention of changing you.” She held up her other hand. “Before you go and say that you don’t want to put my life in danger, or that you can’t promise you’ll be there when I need you, I want to tell you that I’ll take what I can get. It’s because you are so noble that I love you. I want to make this work between us.”

Her heart was pounding so fast that she let go of his hand and took a drink to wet her mouth and try to calm her nerves a bit. She certainly didn’t expect him to say he loved her back, but she hoped he’d at least give them a chance.

“I don’t know what to say.”

That might be a first. “You don’t have to say anything. I’d like to spend the night here and not have to worry if you’re drinking yourself to death, or if the person who shot at you and knocked me down is going to come after me.”

Trent cupped her face and his pupils dilated. “You are such a loving and giving person, I don’t deserve you.”

That was the nicest thing anyone had ever said to her. “How about you let me worry about that?” His green eyes shimmered with what she hoped was akin to love—or at least lust.

“I can do that. Would you like me to light a fire?”

She was already burning hot inside with need for him, but a fire would create a nice romantic setting. “I’d love one.”

“I like your outfit, by the way. You look hot.” He winked then stepped over to the small stack of wood. His mood had almost turned cheerful.

“I was hoping you’d appreciate it.”

“Hold that thought. I’ll appreciate it more in a moment.”


He stacked a few pieces inside the fireplace, wadded up some newspaper, and shoved it under the logs then lit it. Once the papers caught, the flames licked the logs. He turned off all but one light in the living room and sat next to her—closer this time. “If you’re going to pursue this crazy notion that you can handle my job, you must realize that I can’t always be around.”

“I know.”

“For my peace of mind, I’ll need to insist you take shooting lessons at least twice a week for a few months. You said you were willing to practice, but I want to be assured that you know how to use a gun should the need arise.”

Excitement sizzled inside her. “Does that mean I can stay around?”

Trent wrapped an arm around her shoulder. “If you’re good and do everything I say, you can.”

“Oh, I can be good.” Doing everything he said was a totally different matter.

“Show me.”

*     *     *

Trent’s head swam.
He never expected Charlotte to drive up to the cabin, nor did he think she’d ever say she loved him. He should have taken her home right away and explained that she could do so much better than a cop, but stubborn Charlotte would never have listened. No woman had told him she loved him since before his mother died. He’d always pushed people away because he feared there was something wrong with him and that he was unlovable.

Now, he realized he’d had it all wrong. Cade seemed happy and able to balance his job with his family. Even his stoic boss said that a man could learn to do both. Trent wanted to take a chance on Charlotte, but he was afraid he’d mess it up.

Somehow, though, he had the sense that no matter how many times he failed, Charlotte would be there to help him up.

At least for tonight, Trent wanted to forget everything about the case. He was with a woman who had turned his life upside down, and who was willing to take him as he was.

“Would you like to sit by the fire?” He wasn’t certain how long they’d actually be sitting, but he thought his idea was a good segue into making love with her.

“It will probably be a little hot. I hope you don’t mind if I kick off my boots.”

“I’m hoping I can convince you to take off more than that.”

A huge grin spread across Charlotte’s face, and his pulse ticked up a notch. “What are you waiting for?” she asked.

He laughed, stood, and then held out his hand. When she grabbed hold, he pulled her to her feet. If he kissed her right now, he might not be able to stop. “Grab a couple of pillows and bring them over to the fireplace.”

He lifted two, and as he stepped near the hearth, he flicked off the remaining light. The flames cast a yellow glow over the entire room, entombing them in romance.

They arranged their pillows side by side, and then she dropped down in front of the fire. Trent took a moment to admire her pretty features, her lush curves, and her gold spun hair. He hoped he could be the man she wanted him to be.

After he removed his shoes, he dropped trou, leaving on his briefs and his shirt. He’d let Charlotte do the final honors.

She looked up at him. “If I’d known that a fireplace made you undress, I would’ve looked for an apartment with one.”

Her openness excited him. Game playing and secrets were a turn off. “It’s being with you that makes me want to be naked.”

He dropped next to her and slowly lifted her sweater over her head. The sight of the purple push-up bra made his cock peek out over the elastic waistband. “I didn’t stand a chance, did I?”

She grinned. “Nope.”

“How about stretching out on these pillows so I can enjoy everything you have to offer?”

“It’s only fair to let you know that I plan to tease you way past your limit.”

“You can try.” He loved how she wasn’t timid when it came to making love. He spread out on the cushions and guided her alongside him.

She flipped onto her side, supported her head with her hand, and dragged a finger down his chest until she banged into his cock. “I’ll more than try. I’ll succeed.”

He believed her. “I guess I’m about to fall into some serious trouble.”

Before Charlotte had the chance to do real damage to his control, he unhooked her bra and dragged down the straps. When her breasts bounced free, his hormones shot to life. Lust, desire, and need soared through him, and as much as he wanted to impale her right there, he wanted to taste her first.

BOOK: Burning Seduction
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