By Force of Arms

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Authors: William C. Dietz

Tags: #Science Fiction, #General, #Fiction, #Adventure, #War Stories, #Military Art and Science, #Genocide

BOOK: By Force of Arms
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By Force of Arms
William C. Dietz
Ace (2000)
Science Fiction, General, Fiction, Adventure, War Stories, Military Art and Science, Genocide

Having stopped a mutiny against Earth's government, General Bill Booly and his troops face an even greater challenge: a battle for the future of every living being in the universe, against a fanatical human and his killer technology.

"Dietz's expertise in matters of mayhem is second to none." --
The Oregonian

About the Author

William C. Dietz grew up in the Seattle area, spent time with the Navy and Marine Corps as a medic, graduated from the University of Washington, lived in Africa for a year, and has traveled to six continents. Dietz has been variously employed as a surgical technician, college instructor, news writer and television producer, and currently serves as Director of Public Relations and Marketing for an international telephone company.



William C. Dietz


Editorial Reviews
Book Description
Having stopped a mutiny against Earth’s government, General Bill Booly and his troops face an even greater challenge: a battle for the future of every living being in the universe, against a fanatical human and his killer technology.
“Dietz’s expertise in matters of mayhem is second to none.”—The Oregonian

Customer Reviews
Avg. Customer Review:

This one Disappoints Dietz fans!
, May 15, 2001



What happended? For those that have followed this series we have always been able to see the Legion do their best work when the pressure is on and the stakes are high. This time I felt dissapointed and let down. My expectations were high and I was really waiting for it to all come together and then a big “poof” All done, go home everyone? Sorry, But, that doesn’t cut it for me. I have read Dietz because he has always delivered, Fast paced action, exceptional technology and a host of great charaters that make the Legion special. They are usually facing a dangerous & seriously competent enemy.

If anything it would seem that this book was an attempt at an easy way out to end the series. It seems that he was rushed and needed a quick ending. The result is a couple of interesting books that had some potential and then a let down.

Buy this book, or I’ll make you, By Force of Arms…
, September 6, 2000



William C. Dietz is a master of military sci-fi. His Legion of the Damned seris is great. Its full of realism, blood & guts, and political twists. If you enjoy sci-fi you should read this book, its excellent. I can’t wait for the next addition!

change of stile , August 21, 2000



The first two books about the legion was very heavy on the cyborgs. I liked the style in which Dietz told the transformation from human to cyborg. Now the last two books have been more political than HC-scfi fi!

Really good addition to the series….But , July 6, 2000



I do believe this was a good addition to this series. But I think that the series has started to stray from the original Legion of the Damned or maybe grow is a better word. More politics, less blood and guts. Never the less, this is a good read for any true fan of military science-fiction.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


An Ace Book I published by arrangement with

the author


Ace massmarket edition I June 2000

All rights reserved.

Copyright (c) 2000 by William C. Dietz.


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ISBN: 044100735X


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