By the Book (3 page)

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Authors: Ravyn Wilde

BOOK: By the Book
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But noooo!
She rushed right over those gorgeous handfuls. With only the amber light to
bring out her curves, he felt immense frustration when he couldn’t see what
color her nipples were, he desperately wanted to catalog each little nuance of
her lush body.

Groaning, he shifted in his chair as she
smoothed her hand down her stomach and slipped it in between her legs. Out. In.
Again, the movement was too fast for his sanity, as he wanted to savor this

He started panting. And sweating. His cock
twitched and grew with her every stroke, straining against the material of the
loose boxers he’d put on after his last shower.

When Joey looked furtively around, he
imagined she blushed, perhaps a little self-conscious of her actions. He took a
moment to build his own fantasy. A fantasy where he held her in his arms and
told her how he enjoyed watching her pleasure herself. He would reassure her
and then tell her in minute detail what she did to his body when she touched
her pussy for him.

Wrenched out of his fantasy when she moved
to prop her right leg up on one of the lower lava rock shelves built into the
shower, he thanked the Menehune she still faced toward him. He prayed Kauai’s
powerful little spirits wouldn’t let him down. Seconds later he cursed. Even
with the telescope he couldn’t see enough detail, he could only make out vague
seductive hints of what her sweet pussy looked like. Did she shave? Damn, he
couldn’t tell.

Gray repositioned himself several times as
he grew increasingly uncomfortable in his chair when every nerve ending became
stimulated to the breaking point. Each molecule in his body screamed at him to
go to her. To fuck her. Long and hard and—God! He could just imagine the feel
of her underneath him.

He’d never been this excited with just the
sight of a woman pleasuring herself. His body screamed for relief. Hell. He
would have sworn he’d passed the age where he needed to finish himself off like
a randy teenager, but it seemed there was no other choice. An ice bath wouldn’t
help this time.

Careful not to move his eyes away from the
view, not wanting to miss one second of Joey’s pleasure, he let his hands fall
to his shorts and he shifted up and pushed the fabric down to free his
throbbing cock. The turgid length sprang free and grew in size with the light
caress of warm night air against his bare flesh.

Leaning forward, Gray bent his back and
rolled his hips as he used his right hand to firmly grasp his thick shaft. He
imagined Joey’s hands and her mouth—her body working to squeeze him, stroke
him…and he began to slide his hand up and down. He timed the movement to the
hip thrusting and sensual gyrations of Joey-Devine, as he pictured their bodies
entwined…and she pleasured herself in the shower.

Sensations escalated and his need grew
desperate, he wanted to be buried in her body and the one making her scream in
ecstasy while she convulsed around him. It wasn’t enough to fantasize over what
she’d feel like, taste like, if he were in the shower with her. The detailed
vision he created of the two of them fucking beneath the soft, increasing light
of dawn caused his hands to tighten and his stroke to increase.

His engorged cock was painfully erect. He
gripped the shaft tighter and used his other hand to squeeze his aching balls.
Gray panted.
Come on Joey, stimulate your hot pussy for me, let it take you,
baby, so I can go with you
, he whispered to her in his mind. He wanted to
wait for her, come in his hand at the same time he watched her explode under
the shower, but he didn’t know if he could hold out. His body demanded he
increase the pace of his hand. The throbbing crown wept pre-come under his
ministrations and he swirled his juices around, using the fluid as lubrication
while he masturbated.


Joey brought her free hand up to tug on one
of her nipples and she pinched and pulled on it while she imagined Gray’s mouth
on her. Sucking. Licking. Biting. Groaning in ecstasy, she leaned her head back
to enjoy the combined pleasure of the pulsing jet of water surging around her
clit and pushing into her vagina. It felt so good, but the fantasy added so
much more.

In her mind, she could picture Gray’s head
bent to her, sucking at her breast, his hips driving his cock deep within her.
Gasping, she backed off…she didn’t want this to be fast. She wanted the dream
of Gray’s body locked with her in pleasure to last. So she prolonged the
torture, moving the showerhead away from her skin when she got too close to
climaxing, and then back. Faster. Slower. Harder. The water vibrated along her
slick folds, teasingly tapping her tight bud and pushing her to a higher
pinnacle. Over and over the water pulsed and beat against her vagina, but she
imagined the hard thrusting to be Gray’s cock.

Her delay made the orgasm more intense when
it burst over her. The sweet release flashed through her from head to toe. She
ground her teeth together to keep from screaming and to keep her knees from
buckling. Damn! Just thinking about Gray resulted in the best sex she’d ever
experienced. Shaking her head, for a moment she let the sadness overwhelm her.
How very pathetic.

Turning the quickly cooling water off, she
decided it was time to really start her much-needed vacation. She would repeat
her new mantra. Old and well-used it might be, but it fit—today is the first day
of the rest of your life. She intended to live those words.

Totally unaware of Gray’s own eruption up
on the hill, she rinsed herself off and headed inside for a towel.


Gray swore. Shaking his head in bemusement,
he glanced down at his now limp cock. God, what a mess. Not just the come all
over his shorts, but the mess inside his head. Joey had mentioned, when he’d
left her at her place that she’d be here for three weeks. He couldn’t stand it.
As he stood to take his third shower in the last twelve hours, he realized one
thing. It no longer mattered that she was a tourist and only on the island for
a short stay. Tomorrow morning—no, looking out the window he saw the sky
turning pink, scratch that—
morning he would call on his hot little
neighbor and see what he could do about joining her in her next pre-dawn
shower. No more voyeuristic orgasms for Gray Hawk.

Chapter Three


Joey dressed in a simple sundress and
pulled her wild brown mane back into a ponytail. She still hadn’t unpacked,
just sort of scattered things about her room. Unloading her laptop, she carried
it and several of the reference books she’d brought with her for sensual
inspiration out to the table on the lanai. A roof covered the porch completely,
so even if she lost herself in her writing and a tropical storm came up—an
almost a daily occurrence on this side of the island—her books and computer
should be okay.

Going back into the kitchen, she realized
the coffee was still brewing and she grabbed a muffin from yesterday’s
groceries. Settling back to wait, she contemplated where she would start today.
Research. Might as well read some of the books she’d brought with her and see
if she could come up with anything. Chuckling, she thought about the climax
she’d just experienced in the shower. It was a good place to start; maybe today
she’d get somewhere with her writing.

She’d brought three partially written
manuscripts with her. She liked the stories and felt them rich in character
development and plot. But every place she needed the characters to get naked
were the red typewritten words “insert sex here” She’d also developed a brief
outline and hazy idea for a fourth book based in Hawaii. She didn’t want to
waste the scenery and inspiration of such a beautiful place.

She took a deep breath and thought about
what her goals were for this working vacation. She promised herself to not
focus on her inability to feel physical hunger and excitement anymore. Well,
after this morning’s shower that may be a mute point anyway.

She would erase Mike’s irritating voice in
her head and would forget sex had become…place Tab A into Slot B. Uninspiring
to say the least. And she would concentrate on what she wanted. What she
needed. She thought what she needed was a simple change of scenery, but maybe
what she really should look for is a change of man and the courage to forget
the hang-ups her ex-husband left her with. Too bad she’d found the perfect
arousal for her mind while on vacation. She’d never find the nerve in three
short weeks to do more than look.

She didn’t need a therapist to help her see
she suffered from posttraumatic divorce syndrome. Mike’s frequent and ongoing
negative comments about her body, her sex drive and her deviant mind…damaged
her self-esteem.

Mike left her last year for a twenty-something
bimbette tennis player after fifteen years of marriage, after trying very hard
to convince her she was totally inadequate when it came to sex. Inept. Unsexy.
Going down the same road would not be helpful. It didn’t matter anymore that
Mike had been her childhood sweetheart, growing up only a block away from her
parents’ house. They’d been married when she turned eighteen and he was twenty.

Well, now she’d reached thirty-four. She
didn’t look too bad and she knew she was intelligent and could be funny on
occasion. If she wanted to, she could find someone else. If she didn’t believe
her ex-husband when he said she was a frigid bitch. The idea of actually
getting naked with anyone else petrified her.
What if Mike was right?
These thoughts did not make her happy.

Replaying her revenge on the faithless jerk
seemed to be the only thing making her chuckle these days. She was so proud of
herself. Yep, thinking about what she’d done to his custom racquet made her
giggle. Still.

Snickering, she remembered the look on his
face when he came to get his stuff from the house. There was his
nine-hundred-dollar tennis racquet on top of the box, not enough wood left for
a toothpick. Well, she’d paid for the damn thing
the tennis lessons
with the home wrecker. She supposed, to be fair, there hadn’t been much of a
home to wreck. She just didn’t feel like being fair.

Maybe she should send the be-ahtch a tub
of tennis balls in thanks. At least then the poor woman would have something
fun to play with.

Snorting to herself, she turned to
contemplate the manuscripts with over twenty red “insert sex here” notations,
and a suitcase worth of research material. Sex books. She had decided she
needed a little inspiration. Maybe a little education in the fine art of “doing
it”. Since Mike wasn’t that great, she wondered if she was missing something.
She wasn’t going to blame herself for her sex life. He’d started cheating on
her after the first year of their marriage, so any lack rested on his
shoulders. She’d been willing and eager to try new things. He just hadn’t been

She’d spent the last few years feeling like
he was doing her a favor when they had sex. He’d vetoed everything but the
missionary position, and when she attempted to take the lead and initiate sex
or to suggest alternatives and different positions, he made her feel silly.
Laughable. Pathetic. Well, screw him! Joey laughed. Oh no. Never again would
she be

Optimistic and yet struggling to see beyond
her ex-husband’s negative vocalizations, she closed her eyes and ran through a
mental inventory. Joey Anderson was an average woman. With average brown hair,
average brown eyes, average chest and body.
She knew those
words belonged to Mike. It was over and done, she allowed Mike too much airtime
in her head. She would start today and pull herself back every time she thought
of him. She knew, damn it. Knew she was better than average!

In Kauai, she hoped to get back in touch
with her wild child—her alter ego—Devine La Fleur, erotic romance author
extraordinaire. An author who insisted it wasn’t the sex but the story that
sold. Yet the books didn’t feel complete without the sex. A woman who could, at
least in her mind, entice and maybe seduce someone like Gray Hawk and then
transfer the seduction and heat onto paper.

She needed to write sex scenes. Hot sex.
More sex. Creative sex. Or people would stop buying her books. She just didn’t
know if she could do it anymore. Sighing heavily, she turned away from those
thoughts. No way would average Joey Anderson attract someone like Gray Hawk!
She wasn’t really sure what she would do with him if she did, anyway.

She had a suitcase full of sex manuals and
three weeks in Hanalei on the island of Kauai with the mental picture of the
Indian god playing in her head. Hopefully all three would spark her
imagination. Surely she’d get something written during her time on the island.

She found a thermos when she looked through
the kitchen cupboards. Filling it, she carried a fruit plate, a cup and the
thermos of coffee out to the table. Settling in, she picked up the first book.
The title suggested they could teach her to satisfy a man every time and the
premise certainly interested her.

The book lost her in the forward, starting
with the second paragraph.
You have got to be kidding. The
author of the
book felt that the only reason men strayed from their wives, was because those
wives didn’t spend enough time paying attention to their husband’s penis. No
one really believed that, did they? The book went on, full of recriminations
against women and their lack of worship of their husband’s sex organ. She
stopped in dumbfounded disbelief and flipped the book cover over. A woman. A
woman actually wrote this book…obviously an insane woman. Several hours and
swear words later, in a fit of gaping disbelief, she’d read the thing from
cover to cover.

She found herself wishing the author had
been Lorena Bobbitt. At least it would have put an interesting spin on things.
Ms. Bobbit would have done a better job. The ending paragraph, with similar
claptrap about creating a pleasure bond “as long as you both shall live”, made
her scream in frustration and start mentally planning a bonfire. She threw the
book overhand as hard as she could toward the beach—and hit Gray Hawk right smack
in the middle of his chest.


“Oh, hell! What are you doing here?” she

He looked at her in astonishment, wondering
at the look of disgust and anger on her face. Then he bent to pick up the book
from the sand.

“Give me that!” she said as she lunged down
the stairs to grab it away from him.

He moved fast, reaching his hand above his
head and arching his neck, he scanned the title. “Whoa. Interesting reading.”

“It is not. It’s disgusting. Give it back
to me! You are not going to rob me of the pleasure of burning it,” she shouted
as she hopped around him trying to grab hold of the book.

He stopped her fanatical dance by simply
placing one hand on top of her head and straightening his arm, pushing her back
and holding firm. At his rumbling chuckle, she realized she looked ridiculous
wind milling her arms around him and screeching like a lunatic.

“Fine!” Spitting the word out between
clenched teeth, she moved back and crossed her arms over her chest in
irritation. “You can have it.” Spinning on her heels, she stormed up the steps
and slammed into the house, making sure to shut and lock the door behind her.


Joey groaned when she realized she’d locked
him out on the porch with not only
book, but with several other sex
manuals strewn over the patio table. And her laptop was out there with one of
her manuscripts open. She didn’t want to think about him coming to his own
conclusions about why she had all of these sex books on the table. Her face
blazed with embarrassment.
Why me

Opening the door, she stuck her head out.
Gray sat comfortably sprawled in a chair, eating her fruit and drinking her
coffee. Damn the man. He shuffled pages of the book she’d thrown—speed-reading.
Sighing, she croaked out, “You really don’t want to read that.”

He lifted his head, snagged her gaze and
grinned like a small boy caught reading dad’s
. “Oh, yeah I do.
But not for the reasons you seem to think. This is ridiculous. Not that I don’t
want someone paying attention to my penis…but I take exception to what she said
about men being able to stand naked on the porch and a slight wind giving them
an orgasm. It takes a little more than effort.” Not much, he thought as he
watched her. Just the sight of her standing in the doorway flushed and with
hair falling in a wild tangle from her ponytail aroused him.

her face caught fire, but
her mind couldn’t help wondering… “Uh…what are you doing here? Please put that
down.” She worked hard at censoring her lust-crazed thoughts. Gray dressed in
khaki shorts showing strong tan legs, and today he wore a white tee shirt
straining over his upper body. Damn! The man had muscles.

He set the book on the table, his eyes rose
as he quickly scanned the rest of the titles. “
Joy of Sex
The Idiots
Guide to the Kama Sutra

The Art of the Female
? Great reading material,” he said.

She’d give him points. He managed to spit
the titles out with a straight face. “Research material. Go home, Gray.” She
worked at not bolting. Instead she went to close her laptop and started to
gather the books.

“Research? For a book? Are you writing
something non-fiction?”

“I am
not having this
conversation with you. Did you come here for a reason or just to torment me?”
Her supplies were gathered up, and she glanced back at him, ready to go back
into the house.

Gray looked at her. Quietly. Studiously.
When she had been jumping around and screeching at the top of her lungs, she’d
been full of fire. Of life. And had looked spectacular. His body responded
enthusiastically to her nearness and passion. He could come up with some pretty
outrageous fantasies of how she could turn that fire on him. But now, she
looked beaten. Tired. Sad. He didn’t like her looking like this. He shrugged
his shoulders. “I came to see if you wanted to go for a walk,” he said. “It
looks like you need a break. Don’t worry about shoes; we’ll just walk down the
beach. I want to show you something.”

“I don’t want…”

He cut her off. “Just a walk, Joey. I won’t
bite and I won’t pry. And you won’t want to miss this. I’d like for you to see
this very special place; it’s hidden and I’m sure you wouldn’t find it on your

She couldn’t help but be intrigued but she
debated the wisdom of furthering her humiliation. She thought about her
internal promise to herself to be open to new experiences, open to things and
people that would expand her horizons. Devine would go with him. Taking a deep
breath she looked inquiringly at him. “Promise?” she asked softly.

He grinned. “About the biting or the
prying? Yes, I promise, for both. Set your stuff in the house and let’s go. You
don’t need to worry about locking up.”

Jeez, she thought as she turned and went
into the house, his grin should be a registered weapon. Her body sizzled and
tightened in reaction to his lethal smile. Laying her things on the dining room
table, she wavered there for a moment and took a deep breath.
Why was she
doing this?
She sighed. She knew why. Because the book made her mad but it
also made her feel like maybe Mike’s infidelity had been her fault. Right now
she felt more vulnerable than she wanted to. And she didn’t like the feeling.

She wouldn’t have to talk to Gray, wouldn’t
have to tell him anything she didn’t want to. She could just look at his
splendid body and drool. Tease her mind with thoughts of what she’d like to do
to him, with him. She wasn’t starting a relationship and this wasn’t a date so
she didn’t need to get nervous. It was a walk. Easy. Simple. Grinning after her
pep talk, she turned and walked out the door, feeling better already.

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