Cabin Fever (8 page)

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Authors: Alisha Rai

BOOK: Cabin Fever
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She peeled it off him, pleased to see the wound’s edges coming together nicely. The various scratches and bruises were almost nonexistent now, the bump on his head slightly visible. If she didn’t know better, she would have sworn he’d been convalescing for a few weeks.

“What are you thinking?”

“That I’m pretty freakin’ awesome.”

He laughed and tested his arm’s health with a slight rotation. “I’ll second that. Now, scoot, I’m going to see if your awesomeness extends to my being able to walk.”

With a minimum of assistance, he pushed his body off the bed and stood. When he was upright, his chest and legs did all sorts of muscular things that didn’t happen prone. “I need to find you some clothes.”

“It’s so warm in here, I’d think you could walk around naked in the dead of winter and not feel a thing.”

Nice thought. “My mom made sure the cabin was well-insulated.”

He staggered a bit before he straightened and raised a hand to keep Genevieve from helping. The determined expression on his face told her he wanted to try to do this on his own. “I’m okay. Just caught me by surprise. Point me to this shower of yours.”

He walked stiffly and she was sure it wasn’t as easy as he tried to pretend. She led him to the back door and couldn’t resist laying a hand upon his arm when he entered. He didn’t protest the support since he was too busy looking around. “A sunroom? Was this added on to the structure? The front looks older.”

She nodded and looked around the large room with its one wall of glass and comfortable chairs and furnishings facing the light. “Right before I was born. The bathroom too.” She gestured to the wooden door to the right and smiled. “Mom said she didn’t want her baby growing up with an outhouse.”

Alex raised an eyebrow. “I’m sure that’s a sentiment most parents share. This room’s really pretty. If I were you, I’d live out here.”

Genevieve shrugged. “Sometimes I do.” She led him to the bathroom and started the shower. When she turned around, he was leaning against the vanity for support. His boxers were at his feet and she was treated to one hell of a full frontal.

Her face flushed, and he looked amused. “Sorry. You’ve been touching me for days. I didn’t think it was that big of a deal.”

He’d been wearing something all this time though, whether it was boxers or a sheet. Plus, he’d been lying down. A bolt of lust arrowed through her. Genevieve had to fight to keep her eyes from skimming over his rangy legs, taut abs, long, thick…

“Get in the shower.” She ignored his chuckle. Everything reminded her of sex all of a sudden, the showerhead, the mirror above the vanity, his big fingers as he grasped the shower wall for support. As he turned, she received the best present she’d ever gotten—her first look at the world’s finest ass. Hard and carved out of muscle, they were two perfect globes of sexy, droplets of water from the shower dripping down to crest over the brown skin.



His cheeks flexed, and the spell was broken. She looked up to find him grinning at her over his shoulder. “You want to touch?”

No, she wanted to bite. Nom, nom. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Here, let me adjust that nozzle spray for you.” Without getting into the tiny cubicle, she stretched up so the water slicked over his head instead of his abdomen. A bit of the water ran down her arm, but she didn’t care too much.

He made a low utterance of pleasure as the water cascaded over his hair, plastering the short strands to his skull. Genevieve tried to shake off her spell and leave, but he caught her gaze. “Can you help me soap up?”

Argh. Was he trying to come up with ways to drive her mad? However, the suggestion made sense. What if he fell? What if his marvelous ass got just a wittle bit bruised? No, let his ass remain in her hands. “Sure.” She grabbed the bar with such enthusiasm it almost slipped through her fingers.

“Do you want to take your clothes off and come inside so they don’t get wet?” His tone was so innocent, had she not become accustomed to the naughty sparkle in his eyes over the past couple of days, she might have been fooled.

“I’ll manage.” Genevieve set the soap on the vanity, rolled up the sleeves of her shirt and picked up her shampoo bottle. “Let me do your hair first.” Safer.

Or so she thought. The coarse strands were practically begging for her to linger, though she kept her motions brisk while she washed and rinsed his hair.

Once that was done, she worked the soap into a rich lather and started at his shoulders as he braced himself on the shower wall. Had she not been touching him, she would have missed the fine tremors of strain running through his body. Not for the first time, she was impressed by his strength of will.

Just as she had seen his body before, she had certainly touched it as well, but this time felt different. Perhaps it was the slickness of his flesh beneath her palms, or the steam the shower generated, but by the time she had reached his ass, her touch had shifted from caring nurse to exploring lover.

When she knelt outside the small shower stall to wash the backs of his knees, her panties were already well on their way to soaked, her heartbeat accelerated. The water that splashed onto her didn’t matter; she welcomed it as a reminder to keep her head in reality. She finished and took a deep breath, trying to speak past the need in her throat. “Turn around.”

He turned, took one look at her kneeling at his feet and leaned back against the tiled wall. “Get up. Please.”

Her inner temptress emerged to play. Who knew she had this slut living inside of her? Sure, she’d always liked sex, but she thought she’d repressed that side of her over the past few years, that she was satisfied with her dirty books and battery-operated boyfriends. Apparently not. “I haven’t done this side yet. You were the one who wanted to be clean.”

His jaw clenched, and Genevieve acknowledged that it was Alex who brought about this change in her personality. She’d never quite been the focus of so much male want before—it was a heady feeling.

You’re the only woman here. Of course he’s latched on to you.
Genevieve ignored the cynical whisper. So what if this was an extraordinary reaction brought about by extraordinary circumstances? They were both consenting adults.

She finished washing the muscles of his thighs. His cock had hardened to full readiness, curving upward from a dark nest of curls. She grasped it with slick hands and soaped it up, gratified at the near whimper that emerged from his lips.

Genevieve lifted his cock slightly to wash his balls, and he shifted to accommodate her. “God yes.”

Not even pretending to wash him anymore, she gently rolled his balls in her palm.

“Just like that…squeeze. Yes. Christ, Genevieve.”

She released her hold to encircle his penis the way he had taught her. He grabbed hold of her hand before she could stroke him more than twice. “No. The next time I come, it’s going to be inside of you.”

She looked up at him, her body humming. “Are you well enough?” Because if he wasn’t, then she was going to have to jack him off. That’s how desperate she was to have her hands on him.

His expression was a flattering mix of elation and relief. “Hell yes. Come on.”

She laughed as he tried to leave the shower. “Since you’re in here, let me wash the rest of you.” Without bothering to tease either of them, she soaped up his upper torso, careful to avoid getting too much soap near his injuries. Unable to resist, she leaned in for a quick lick of his small brown nipple, uncaring that the water splashed on her hair. He hissed.

She turned off the water and handed him a towel, not trusting herself to touch him. He dried himself off with rough motions and then wrapped the towel around his waist.

“Sit on the toilet seat and let me wrap up your shoulder again.”

Once she was done wrapping a fresh covering, she dug under her cabinet to remove a blue box. When she looked at Alex, his expression was chagrined. “You know, I never even thought about protection.”

The unopened box of condoms had been taunting her for the past few days in the back of her mind. “I’m on the pill, too, but you know.”

“I thought it had been a while for you.” His tone said it all. Why did she need either of those things if she was way up here in the middle of nowhere and had no intention of having sex?

“It has.” She hesitated, and decided to be truthful. “I’m not stupid—I’m a woman living by myself. The birth control is my way of defending myself in case…anything happens. As for the condoms, I guess if someone’s bent on forcing me, I can’t do much about making them wear one. But it makes me feel safer.”

His body had gone rigid while she spoke, his eyes blazing. “I can’t believe you have to worry about that.”

“Hey, I don’t worry over it, but I’m a realist.” Damn, she’d gone and killed the mood. She had the feeling that despite his tough job, Alex was a bit of an idealist. They’d both been knocked around, but he still seemed to believe the best of people.

He stood, his legs still wobbly enough that she had to brace him. He kissed the top of her head. “There’s no force here.”

“No. None at all.”

“Grab the box.”

“The box?” She’d been planning on one or two. Her lower body practically danced a jig in delight.

His slow smile was sex on a stick. “I’m optimistic.”

When they emerged from the bathroom he stopped her before she could lead them to the front room. Genevieve followed his gaze to the overstuffed couch. “Here.”

“There’s a bed…”

“No. I want to see you framed by the snow.” Uncaring of matters of modesty, he flung his towel aside and walked away to settle on the sofa. He sat down with a sigh. “I’m afraid you’re going to have to be on top. I’ll make it up to you later, I swear.”

Like that would be a hardship. The way she was feeling right now, he just needed to sit there, and she’d be happy. She touched the bottom of her shirt. Without bothering to think about it too hard for fear she would lose her nerve, Genevieve whipped the cotton over her head and dropped it on the floor next to her. She unbuttoned her jeans and hesitated, those pesky nerves starting to whimper in distress. Though the snow made the day dreary, plenty of light lit the room. She’d always been a bit shy about her body.

Alex didn’t seem to notice her hesitation, his eyes wide and fixed on her breasts in the heavy-duty utilitarian bra. She wished for the satin and lace she used to wear, but she’d gotten rid of all of those luxuries when she’d come back home. Her version of a hair shirt, so to speak. She had plenty of those.

When Alex reached out a shaking hand, she pushed those thoughts out of her head. “Are you feeling okay? You don’t look too steady.”

He gave a short laugh. “I’m shaking with lust, not illness. Get over here.”

She stood in front of him. He scraped his nail over one of her nipples. Immediately, it and its companion responded, the nipples making obvious points against the bra. He grinned. “They like me.”

“Surprise,” she said dryly, and he laughed, then sobered.

“Are you okay with this?”

She hadn’t been, but the way he looked at her breasts with such clear need had calmed her unease a bit. He wasn’t eyeing her belly pooch or other imperfections with disgust.

All the same, everything had moved at such warp speed, she didn’t know if she could handle being naked with him just yet.

Misunderstanding her hesitation, Alex removed his hand, his face wiped clean of expression. “I’m not rushing you. Put your clothes back on.”

Her body was ready to howl in sadness at that idea. “It’s fine.” Refusing to think about it anymore, she pushed her jeans over her hips and let them fall to the floor. Genevieve kicked them to the side.

His eyes were so big, Genevieve could see the whites all around his pupils. She could feel the touch of his gaze everywhere, up and down her legs, between her thighs, on her belly, her breasts. When he finally met her gaze, he spoke. “I adore your body. I worship it. I want to sink into it and never come up for air. Can you turn around and bend over for me?”

Whatever doubts she had vanished. She gave him a wicked grin. “Only if you’re good.”

“I can be as good as you want me to be. Why don’t you take off that bra? It looks very uncomfortable.”

Driven to please both of them, she obeyed. When she slipped her bra down her arms he licked his full lips in appreciation. As her panties hit the floor, his gaze traveled south. “You’re so pretty. Come here.”

She ripped open the box she’d tossed on the side table. Withdrawing a foil packet, she walked toward him, growing more confident with every step she took, despite the various jiggling she knew was going on. When she was within his arm’s reach, he eased her forward with his hands on her hips. “I think these breasts were made for me. Look at these pretty nipples. They’re so long.”

She looked down. When erect, her nipples were rather long. It had always been a bit of an embarrassment. “Can’t help it.”

“I don’t want you to. I love them. Are they sensitive? Do you like it when I do this?” He scraped his pinky nail against the tip.

Nice, but she needed more and arched toward him. He took his cue beautifully and captured her nipple between his thumb and forefinger, pinching until Genevieve gave a low, long moan of acceptance to spur him on.

“Will you like my mouth more?” He plumped her flesh higher and bent to draw the hard tip into his mouth. She panted as he sucked and laved it with his tongue, and gasped when he bit down gently.

“Alex, I really don’t need any more foreplay.”

He lifted his head and studied the nipples flushed red, hardened to tight little points. “God, angel, you’re so sensitive. I could play with these forever.” His forefinger nudged one nipple, and his eyes darkened as it instantly hardened and lengthened some more.

She straddled his lap so they were face to face. Though she knew no one was in her backyard, she felt mildly exposed from behind thanks to the glass wall the couch faced. However, it was worth it for the erotic thrill she knew he got from seeing her, as he had put it, framed by snow. He surveyed her briefly and then buried his face in her neck, biting and sucking the flesh while his hand quested down her body. She could feel every callus on his palm as he rubbed circles into the softly rounded flesh of her stomach.

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