Cadence Reflection (Wheels & Hogs Book 2)

BOOK: Cadence Reflection (Wheels & Hogs Book 2)
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Cover designed by Margreet Asselbergs


Rebel Edit & Design


Wheels & Hogs Series

his series is a continuation from each of the prior books. There will not be major cliffhangers at the end of each book, there might be parts of each story that are either unresolved or unanswered so please be aware of this.

It is suggested that you follow the order of the series and read each book in specific order.



Mature Audience 18+

Contains Adult Language & Sexual Situations

Table of Contents

Title Page





Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34

Chapter 35

Connect with The Author


Copyright @ 2014 D. M. Earl

Published by D. M. Earl

ISBN 13: 978-1495127861

ISBN 10: 0692281350

ll rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in any part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or any other means, now or hereafter invented including photocopying, recording, information storage and retrieval systems-except in the case of brief quotations embodied in the critical article or reviews-without permission in writing from the author.  This book may not be resold or redistributed without the express consent of the author.

For any questions or comments please email the author directly at
[email protected]

This book is a work of fiction. All characters, events and places portrayed in this book are products of the author’s imagination and are either fictitious or are used fictitiously.  Any similarity to real persons, living or deceased is purely coincidental and not intentional.

This book contains sexual encounters, consensual and non-consensual and graphic language that some readers may find objectionable.  It contains graphic material that is not suitable for anyone under the age of 18.


here are so many people I need to thank for this time around.  Never realized how many people it took for a book to come to life, so to speak, and then to complete said story. 

To my Beta’s who have taken time to not only read but also assist me in making this the best Book 2 it could be.  Without these ladies this project would never be completed.

To my girl Patti, who has been involved and had my back since I started this crazy ride.  You have always been a major support in my life, keeping me grounded and stable.  Your love of books in general allows me to utilize all the different genres you have read.  Your honesty, bluntness and straightforward attitude is refreshing. Your constant checking in gave me the push I needed at times when I was ready to take a long break.  I am so happy to have you with me on this journey.

My sister-in-law Tammy who has taken such a vested interest in my new journey in life.  Thank you for listening to me endlessly, curbing my insecurities with sound advice and going outside of your comfort zone to not only read through my books, but to give constructive criticism with an open mind. I appreciate you always making time for a crazy, insecure and neurotic author, and more importantly, a sista no matter what.

Sam-You never fail to amaze me with your eye for detail and the ability to really see the story even if it isn’t there when you first get it.  Appreciate your honesty, directness and skill to see past the draft to what the finish work will be.  This story is what it is because you have the guts to be honest. No words can express how much I appreciate you being a part of my team.  With you, each of my books are better for it.

Lena thank you for stepping in, going through the Novella to get the back-story and making sure Cadence storyline flowed smoothly is greatly appreciated.  Your eye for detail and your honesty is exactly what makes an awesome Beta.

To all ARC’s who took time out of their own busy lives to read Cadence’s story and give his book, and me, a chance to prove ourselves.  This wasn’t an easy subject to write about so I give you my sincere gratitude for having such open minds and hearts, and accepting the storyline.  Your dedication to reading lightens my heart.  Thank you isn’t enough, but believe me, it comes from my soul. 

To all the Bloggers who have helped get my name out. I don’t want to forget anyone, but if I do, please know that I appreciate your dedication to all Authors and their books. We all would be nothing without all of you.  Here are some that have been wonderful to a new Indie Author: My Love of Books, Booky Ramblings NeuroticMom, Blushing Divas Book, Book Sluts, Book Bellas, Book Pimpers, Madam Hooks Book Blog, Love Between the Sheets & Twin Sisters Rockin’. And here are some of the awesome women behind the Blogs: Michelle Waite Cox, Dana Hook, Fran Owen, Susan Whitaker, Itara Sosa, Angel Dust, Lisa Walker.  This is to name just a few and I know that I have missed so many more.  Personally, without these Bloggers and their social sites I never would have gotten my Author name out there. I personally thank each and every one of you.  I am a new Indie Author because of you.

Bonnie Trujillo, for all of your artistic help on teasers and such. Your talent is BAD girl.

Shout out to all the authors who have been so wonderful and helpful to someone new in the Indie world. These ladies have been some of my favorite authors, and now to be able to say I actually “know” them is mind blowing.  For some it was a kind word, but for others it was phone calls to give direction. Others whose posts made me laugh or cry.  Writing a book and putting yourself out there is not an easy thing to do, so to acknowledge a few of the many: AC Bextor, Jaci J, Nina Levine, Chelle Bliss, Kat T Masen, Skye Turner.  You ladies have shown a new author that you can write kick-ass books and maintain your integrity, dignity and commitment to your readers. I not only admire that, but also try to use that as my guide each and every day.

Margreet Asselbergs, my Cover Designer/Artist @ Rebel Edit & Design.  You truly amazed me with your ability to listen and absorb my ideas without laughing, but giving direction so the cover that ended up on the book is not only smokin’ hot, but exactly what I wanted. Never have you said NO to me in this short time of working together, regardless of how many times I went back and changed/added something. My indecisiveness never bothered you at all. You are responsible for not only my cover work of art, but also my banner on Facebook, assisting with swag items, etc.  I am lucky to have found you and even luckier that you took me in.  No words can express my sincere gratitude.

Dana Hook, Editor extraordinaire from Rebel Edit & Design.  I am speechless.  Not only did you take on an inexperienced and new author, but brought her under your wing.  Your ability to know what should be on each page and how readers will interpret the story is amazing.  You have more heart and soul than anyone I have recently met in this business.  You take your job seriously and bump heads while telling it like it is.  There were times when you told me things I didn’t want to hear (cover) but after I took time to think it over, you were right.  You always have had my best interest at heart and that is what I want in my editor.  Being brutally honest with no ill intention and patience to know when to push and when to wait.  Taking time to talk to me on the phone and going over my intention for the book helped me in knowing that my baby was also your step baby.  Dana, thank you for everything, including for being my editor, therapist when I needed a boost, and all around great person. There are no words of gratitude that would let you know how much I appreciate the amount of time you dedicated to this book. Looking forward to the next book already with ya.


This book is dedicated to two very special men in my life, my husband and my lil brother.

o the man who has helped me find myself then proven time and time again that he believes in me, my husband and Best Friend, Chuck.  Baby, you are the light that brings me from my own darkness.  You allow me to run but you pull me back when I need it. You’re always there to pick up the pieces no matter what, no questions asked. You are the reason my life is now complete as you are my other half.  You are the only man I trust 100%.  I love you, trust you, and need you more every day of my life.

To my little brother and closest friend whom I love unconditionally, I dedicate this book to you. We have been through hell and back and survived.  Knowing you were there made it easier to get through.  Your strength, tender heart and humor over the years are what I love the most about you.  Know how proud I am of you always.  You were there when no one else was and supported me when I couldn’t do it for myself.  I am always here for you and will always have your back. I love you, Chet.

Finally, to our two “four legged kids” Buddy & Chloe who we lost recently.  We hope you are rolling in the grass, enjoying the sun shining on you and enjoying each day after your final journey over the Rainbow Bridge.  Mommy & Daddy love you and miss with all of our hearts.

Table Of Contents




Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 

Chapter 3 

Chapter 4 

Chapter 5 

Chapter 6 

Chapter 7 

Chapter 8 

Chapter 9 

Chapter 10 

Chapter 11 

Chapter 12 

Chapter 13 

Chapter 14 

Chapter 15 

Chapter 16 

Chapter 17 

Chapter 18 

Chapter 19 

Chapter 20 

Chapter 21 

Chapter 22 

Chapter 23 

Chapter 24 

Chapter 25 

Chapter 26 

Chapter 27 

Chapter 28 

Chapter 29 

Chapter 30 

Chapter 31 

Chapter 32 

Chapter 33 

Chapter 34 

Chapter 35 

Chapter 1

s the nightmare begins, my body reacts. I start to tremble while grinding my teeth, moaning and whimpering as if I’m in pain because in my nightmare I am in pain – so much pain.  I reach up to cover my ears from the sounds and screams that exist only in the memory of my abusive past. It feels like HE is right here, punishing me yet again as I scream out in agony – 

Feeling hands on my arms I wake up immediately, shoving them off and moving away. 

“Baby, you ok? You were screaming and I didn’t know what to do.

Trying to clear my head, I glance over to the voice speaking to me. Fuck. Another goddamn nightmare and I’m not alone. Who in the fuck did I bring home from the bar?  I let my eyes focus on her hot, tanned body... and I see that it’s Brandy. I needed someone who could go a few rounds with me tonight, thinking I’d be exhausted enough to sleep. Sex, and lots of it, is usually enough to wear me out and keep my nightmares at bay, but that’s not the case tonight. 

“I think I may have had a bad dream.  Can you be a doll and grab me a beer from the kitchen?”

She shakes her head and leaves the room as I head to the bathroom, immediately reaching for the pills Doc prescribed for me when my dreams get out of control.

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