Caden's Dilemma (Indiscreet #6) (12 page)

BOOK: Caden's Dilemma (Indiscreet #6)
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“This is temporary housing for me. Bear owns the property and rented it to my brother-in-law for Danny. When Gary came out he moved Danny to his house. That left this property vacant. I sublet from Gary until I can find my own place.”

Caden opened the door to the house and both men went inside. Caden turned on the light in the mudroom, wondering how Masato would see the house.

Masato looked around. “Sir, this is beautifully done.”

“My brother put in the basics. The furniture came with the place. It’s brand new. Gary intended for Danny to stay here for at least six months until he changed his mind and took Danny home instead. Their interview with Joe Menendez was big news. I saw the whole thing on the commercial flight home from Germany.”

“Yes,” Masato said, “I remember that it caused a great deal of excitement at the club.”

Caden changed the subject. “I have some nice things in storage. When I came home last, I rented a furnished apartment so Danny would have a place to stay and furniture when I left. I kept my own things in storage so he could move without a problem if he found a Dom and wanted to do so. As a matter of fact, I want to borrow Bear’s RAM so I can move my French wingback chairs to my office at Indiscreet.” Caden put his keys down on the kitchen counter while Masato looked at the living room, dining nook and kitchen.

“It’s pretty basic.” Caden was embarrassed. Caden removed his outerwear then helped Masato out of his coat, scarf and gloves. Masato took off his hat and stuck it in his pocket. He looked handsome with his hair all mussed.

“It meets your needs, albeit temporarily,” Masato said. “May I sit down, Sir?”

“Yes, but I warn you. You won’t be sitting long. I intend to ravish you tonight. We’ll have to get up early though. I need to be at work by nine and I’ll have to take you home.” Masato’s face blanched white. “Is something wrong?” Caden came over sat down and put his arm around his beautiful man

§ § §

Johnny began to panic. When he went home with Caden, he didn’t even think of the ramifications the morning would bring. “Sir, I think I told Brian I’d see him in the morning at the club. Would you mind taking me there?” Johnny knew Brian and Jim met in the kitchen everyday at ten. He’d ask Brian if Junior would drive him home. He couldn’t let Caden see where he lived yet.

“Oh yes, I forgot, the infamous sub club. I thought you met on Mondays?”

“Uh…we do. But we made plans to go shopping.” Johnny hoped Caden would forgive him the white lie. He wanted Caden to get to know him better before he sprung owning Adroit Systems and his obvious wealth on him.

“As a matter of fact, would you mind if I used my phone to call Brian and tell him I’ll meet him at the club, before it gets too late to call?”

“Bear made no mention of a shopping trip. Is Junior driving?” Caden looked a bit upset. “It would displease me if you didn’t let me take you home, unless Junior was driving. I know that Junior’s taken several defensive driving courses given by a former FBI instructor. It’s too icy outside to take chances.”

“If it pleases you, Sir, I’ll call Brian to make sure.”
How am I going to get him out of the room to make the call? Hopefully, Brian will guess what I’m doing and play along.

“Hello, Brian, this is Masato.” Johnny nervously fingered the back of his phone case.

“You’re at Caden’s.”

“How did you know?”

“That’s the only reason you would call at nine.”

“Too true. Caden offered to take me to the club in the morning so we can still go shopping. Is Junior going to drive? Would he mind taking me home afterward?” Johnny hoped that Brian would catch on. He stopped himself from pacing the floor by sitting on the plaid sofa.

“Sure, but only if Jim and I get to see your house. I’m curious. I think I’ll call Danny and Greg. Jamie will be here.”

“Uh, okay.”

“It will look more natural if we all go. We can say we’re going out to lunch and then to Quakerbridge Mall.”

“Sounds good to me.” Johnny breathed a sigh of relief. Now he wouldn’t be telling Caden a lie. He had a suspicion that Caden wouldn’t tolerate lies, but with Brian’s compliance, he hadn’t lied to Caden about anything yet. He hung up just as Caden came down the hall from the bedroom.

“Do you want your lasagna now?” Caden picked up the white box he’d carried in from the car and put on the kitchen table.

“No, Sir. I’m full from what we ate earlier. I try to watch my weight. Sitting at a computer all day doesn’t allow you the exercise necessary to maintain your body.” Caden put the white box in the fridge.

He grabbed Johnny’s hand and pulled him up from the sofa. “Come with me. I’d like to make love to you.”

“Yes, Sir, oh yes.”

Caden lifted Johnny into his arms. Johnny was surprised that Caden insisted on carrying him to the bedroom. He was no lightweight but he lost all rational thought as Caden started kissing his neck.

Once they got into the bedroom, Caden placed Johnny on the bed and started to undress him.

He took off Johnny’s Doc Martens and his socks. “I’m glad to see you wear sensible shoes for this weather.”

“They keep my feet warm. Like Brian, I’m not too fond of the cold. On the other hand, I love this area and don’t want to leave, so I suck it up and dress for the weather.”

Caden nodded his head in apparent approval. He sat Johnny up and lifted the black cashmere sweater over his head. “Stand up.”

Caden lifted him from under his arms. Johnny stood while Caden undid his belt and the fastening and zipper to his slacks. They fell to the floor. “Step away from them. I’ll fold them so they won’t crease.”

“Okay,” Johnny said. Caden folded the slacks over a suit hanger and stuck them in the closet.

Caden attacked the buttons of his shirt which he removed swiftly. Johnny was left standing in his boxers. Caden pulled the boxers to the floor, kneeling to take them out from under his feet. On his way back up, he kissed Johnny’s cock which immediately sprang to attention.

“It’s cold.” Caden folded over the bed covers and said, “Get in. The comforter is down, it will be warm in a minute.”

Caden undressed. Johnny held his breath. There was a large scar on Caden’s shoulder. “How did you get that, Sir?” Johnny asked, not able to bear the thought of Caden hurt.

“Shrapnel in Afghanistan, almost lost the use of the shoulder.” Caden turned over and pointed to a small scar on his thigh. “A sniper bullet from Iraq. Anything else you want to know about?” Caden teased. He joined Johnny in bed. Johnny kissed Caden’s scars with great care, running his fingers over the puckered skin.

Caden pulled him into his arms and placed his hand on the back of Johnny’s head, moving it so that their lips touched. Caden gave him gentle kisses. He kissed Johnny on the side of his mouth and laved the crease until Johnny opened for him.

His tongue slipped in between Johnny’s lips. Johnny could feel the heat of Caden’s body. He placed his hand on the larger man’s chest. Johnny felt the rhythm of Caden’s heart. Caden deepened the kiss, his tongue swirling inside Johnny’s mouth.

It seemed that Caden was as reluctant as Johnny to end the kiss because by the time Caden let his mouth loose, Johnny was out of breath. Caden’s kisses went deeper. It was as if he was trying to claim Johnny with his mouth alone.

Johnny shivered.

“Are you cold?” Caden pulled Johnny closer to share his body heat.

“No, not cold, just excited.” Johnny admitted this with reluctance. He didn’t want Caden to know how much he cared, especially if Caden rejected him because of the money.

“I like you excited.” Caden kissed Johnny’s cheek and moved his tongue and teeth to Johnny’s earlobe. He bit down in a gentle fashion. Johnny no longer shivered, he shook with desire.

“You want me.” Caden smiled.

“Yes, I do Sir, so very much,” Johnny acknowledged.

Caden answered him with trailing kisses down his neck and shoulder. “I’m glad because I want you too.”

Caden moved to Johnny’s nubs. He pinched one with his thumb and forefinger until it turned bright red, then sucked it into his mouth. His mouth traveled over to the second nub. This time Johnny felt the bite of his teeth followed by a swipe of his tongue.

“So hot, Sir, need you,” Johnny begged.

Caden’s mouth again caught Johnny’s and they kissed and sucked for what seemed like hours. Caden made love to his mouth. There was no other way to describe it. As Caden’s mouth broke away, Johnny murmured, “More, Sir, please.”

Caden used his tongue to trace the firm line of Johnny’s pecs. Johnny was proud of his body and rightly so. He worked long and hard to overcome the picture of the skinny, pimpled nerd, with glasses and braces. He had washboard abs and a very tight ass. There was no way anyone could ever accuse Masato of being twink-like or flabby even though he worked at a desk. Every aspect of his countenance looked masculine.

Caden moved his mouth between Johnny’s legs and began to lick the juncture of his thigh and groin. It was one of his hot spots. Johnny wanted to move Caden’s head to his cock but knew instinctively that it would be the wrong thing to do with this Dom.

Caden trailed kisses down Johnny’s leg and drew circles behind Johnny’s knee with his tongue. He proceeded to Johnny’s other knee and repeated the action. Johnny went wild, almost jumping off the bed.

“Slow down, baby. The night is still young and I’ve wanted to do sinful things to your body for a very long time.” Caden came up again to kiss his lips which enabled Johnny to cool down.

Johnny sighed with resignation. He would have to wait to come until Caden decided he could. Caden laughed almost as if he could hear Johnny’s thoughts.

Caden whispered, “Yes, we’re going to play at my pace, not yours. By the time I’m finished with you tonight, you’ll be begging me to come.”

Caden took his mouth away from Johnny’s lips and traveled down his arm. When he reached Johnny’s hand, he took his fingers one by one into his mouth and sucked them. Picking himself up on his forearms he opened the drawer of the nightstand and took out lube and condoms. Johnny thought he was going to get relief from the pressure in his cock. His orgasm was imminent.

But Caden didn’t put on the condom. Instead he kept torturing Johnny with his mouth and hands until Johnny was a bundle of nerve endings. Caden rolled on his side and started making lazy circles around Johnny’s navel. He dipped his tongue inside then followed the smattering of hair down to Johnny’s cock.

Here, the hair was also sparse and well trimmed. Johnny wondered if Caden would like it if he waxed or shaved. He had no hair on his chest due to his Asian heritage.

Before his brain had time to pursue that thought, Johnny felt Caden’s tongue at the tip of his cock and his brain turned to mush. Caden stuck his tongue into the slit and lapped up Johnny’s precum which had already pooled on his navel.

He moved his mouth around the rim, worrying the sensitive spot underneath the head. “You can’t come without permission,” Caden told him as he took his mouth away from Johnny’s cock to swallow his balls. Caden tongued each one in turn and then licked right up the middle, landing again on the hot spot under the rim.

Caden moved his tongue around the ridge in a lazy manner. Then suddenly, he opened his mouth and swallowed Johnny whole. Johnny near jumped off the bed.

“Shush…baby, calm down. I’m going to start to open you up. Is it all right to penetrate you?”

“Please, Sir. I want you inside me, so bad.” Johnny followed that statement by pushing his pelvis toward Caden in an attempt to show him how much he needed this.

“Wait a minute, baby.” Caden got up and disappeared into the master bath. Johnny watched as he brought out two towels. He lifted Johnny’s hips and pulled a pillow out from the top of the bed and put it and a towel beneath Johnny’s ass. He set the second towel nearby.

Johhny heard the snick as Caden opened the cap of the lube. Caden’s finger played around Johnny’s hole and Johnny felt the cold gel of the lube that coated his fingers. Caden had worked up a sweat and Johnny saw a light smattering of perspiration on his brow. He loved the way Caden smelled, clean sweat and the special smell of tilled earth that was Caden’s own.

Caden lubed his fingers and circled the entrance to Johnny’s hole. Caden began to rub Johnny’s muscle, stretching it until one finger could slide in comfortably. Johnny felt him crook the digit and hit his prostate. Johnny had to thump his cock not to come.

“None of that, for tonight your body is mine and you can’t touch it without permission. You only get one warning. If you need to, use your safe words.”

Johnny managed to eke out a “Yes, Sir.” He felt Caden move around his rim and enter his hole with two fingers. When Johnny sucked Caden earlier, he noticed the girth of the man’s shaft. He was no virgin but he wondered if he could take that much cock without pain. He would find out soon enough.

He was aware when Caden inserted the third finger and stretched the sphincter muscle even further. Caden adjusted Johnny’s ass on the towel-covered pillow and wiped his hand on the second towel. He opened the condom and rolled it down his shaft, lining it up with Johnny’s hole.

Caden started to push and Johnny felt a slight burn. The muscle popped and Caden’s cockhead was inside his channel. “Nod when you feel comfortable enough for me to continue.” Caden neither withdrew nor pushed inside waiting for Johnny to adjust.

Johnny cried out. “Please, Sir, I need you so much.”

Caden pushed all the way inside. “Do you feel me, baby? Tell me how my cock feels inside your hole.”

“Hot, Sir, you feel huge, yet I am not experiencing any pain. Can I ask you to move, please?” Caden began to push further in until his balls met Johnny’s ass.

“You took all of me, baby. Good boy.” Caden pulled back them slammed inside again.

Caden began to move in earnest. “Tell me when you’re close,” he told Johnny.

Johnny met Caden’s every thrust. Caden felt perfect inside him, like Caden’s cock was formed to fill Johnny’s hole. Caden thrust and thrust again. Johnny was conscious of Caden’s balls continuously slamming the cheeks of his ass.

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