Cage's Misconduct (NHL Scorpions #3) (31 page)

BOOK: Cage's Misconduct (NHL Scorpions #3)
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I think he expected me to resist, but I trusted this man with every fiber of my being. I stared him directly in the eyes as I exposed my naked body to him in its entirety and raised my arms up to the headboard. “Tie away, Mr. Booker.”

“You humble me, Karen. Do you know that? I don’t deserve you, but damn if I’m not keeping you for the rest of my life.” He tied me up with so much tenderness, kissing every inch of my arms on the way up, it did feel like making love, with just a twist of dirty. Perfect combination.

He laid himself over me, his cock resting between my thighs. He fit perfectly there. We didn’t speak for a long time while he loved me. At times he kissed my eyelids, my nose, my chin, my neck, and at other times he placed love bites on my breasts, the scars on my abdomen (very gently), my hip bones, and finally at the very center of my being. His lips and his tongue were magical and had me crying out quickly with my first orgasm of the evening. Being the luckiest girl in the world, it was not a one-trick show.

His cock was dripping over me. Anywhere he rubbed up against me I could feel droplets of his precum—on my legs, my stomach, my breasts—yes, he got that close and pulled away when my tongue darted out to taste him. “Cage, please.”

“Shh. I’ll get there.” So I remained quietly moaning as his lips continued to travel over me. When his fingers dipped down to tease my sensitive clit, I cried out. “Relax, sweetheart. Just a little bit longer.”

He laid himself over me and his precum dripped down my thigh. I reveled in the proof of his need for me. My hips involuntarily bucked up into him, finally causing him to suck in his breath. I was beginning to think he wasn’t human.

“Do I need to tie your legs down too, Mrs. Booker?”

“No. What you need to do is fuck your wife,
Mr. Booker
.” I bucked my hips up again, and he rolled me over just far enough to slap my bottom. Holy hell. That felt good. “Do it again.”

I think I broke him, then. He slapped me again. When I moaned good and loud, he entered me. “Ah, Christ. You’re so tight and hot and wet. God I love you, Karen.” I wanted to tell him I loved him too, but words were impossible as his hips thrusted, over and over.

I started tightening around him all too soon. I didn’t want to come again so soon. I wanted it to last all night. “Cage.”

He could hear the frantic plea in my voice. “Let yourself go, sweetheart. We have all night.”

Right before I did, he stiffened and came inside me. I saw stars. Millions of them. Tiny pinpricks of light behind my eyes as pure pleasure rolled through my body in waves. All the while, Cage held me tight, slowly pumping into me until my trembling subsided, whispering words of love. In one word, it was incredible. No, absolute. No, perfection. Actually, there was no singular word.

After we’d made love twice more through the night, I asked him, “So were you right?”

“Probably. But about what?”

That was my Cage. Cocky till the end. “About me being worth the wait. I mean, I know we had that quickie—”

He stopped me from talking with his lips. Always effective.

“Do you even need to ask? Karen, what we have isn’t normal—or maybe it is, I don’t know. What I do know is that we have something special here. We really do. I think we’re going to stand the test of time. Don’t you?”

I was feeling so incredible, I didn’t even have to think of my answer. “I do.”

“That’s the second time in a week you’ve said that to me.”

“I’ll say it again and again if you want me to, Cage. I love you so much.”





House hunting was fun. At least I thought so. Karen was suffering from major sticker shock. Honestly, I wasn’t bragging, but spending two million on a house was not that big
deal to me. I just had to make a call to my broker. And there was plenty more where that came from.

“Cage.” She was whispering so that the real estate agent wouldn’t hear her. “This place is almost two

“I know, but it’s on the beach, and it has a pool with a small yard. What don’t you like?”

“The price tag! Do you know how much the SPCA could do with that kind of money?”

I thought about it for a second. When I talked to my broker, I had him move three point five million dollars to liquid assets, just in case. “Okay, so how about if I donate, I don’t know, five-hundred thousand to the SPCA, too?”

“Jesus. I’m never going to get used to this.”

I pulled her into my arms. She was so great. The perfect wife. Especially for me. We’d had a long talk and she agreed to hold off on looking for a job right away. I knew the Scorpions’ organization could use someone like her to help run their charities. We do a lot of work for disabled kids and other kids with special needs. I thought her background could really help with that. She agreed to try and forget about contributing monetarily to our household for a while, but it wasn’t easy for her.

“Yes, you will. I promise. I’m going to give you all of the financial records. That’ll make you feel better. Then you can take care of it all. You’ll know exactly what we have, and then you can figure out what to spend. I’d be happy if I never had to look at that stuff again.”

“Cage! Wait, you know what? I would love that. That might actually work for me. I’m sort of a control freak.”

“Great, it’s all yours. Now, how about this house?”

“I love it.” She turned to get the agent’s attention. “We’ll take it.”


Things were just about as perfect as things could get. The sellers had accepted our offer on the house, so we just had to wait until closing day for it to be ours. When that day came about month later, I got a call. I didn’t bother answering it as my new bride and I were on the way to our new house to celebrate life.

“I can’t believe it’s ours.”

“Wait! Don’t you step one foot over that threshold.” I scooped my lovely wife up and carried her into our new home. It was about twenty times bigger than my rental cottage was.

“What are we going to do with all of this room, Cage?” It was a six-bedroom, four-bath house with a butler’s pantry and gourmet kitchen. I had no idea what to do with so much house, but we’d find out.

“Fill it with kids? I know you want a bunch, and I’m good with that.”

Her face turned pensive. Not sad exactly, just thoughtful. “You won’t miss having your own children?” I knew Karen still struggled with not being able to bare her own children, but she hid it well.

“Not sure what you mean. Whether our kids come to us a different color, religion, older, younger or whatever else, they’ll most certainly be our kids.”

“You don’t have a preference?”

“Nope. I just want to have a family with you.”

“What would you think of adopting a special-needs child?”

Okay. Stupidly enough, that wasn’t something I’d thought about. “Well, that might scare me a little, but only because I haven’t been around them too much. But you could teach me, couldn’t you?”

Her smile about knocked me to my knees. “I could. And I promise if that’s the way we’re leaning, we can go and interact with them first. They’re very loving, Cage. They just need some extra attention is all.”

My phone went off again. I pulled it out to silence it, but Karen wanted to know who it was.

“It’s my agent. I’ll call him tomorrow.”

“What would he be calling about? It’s July.”

“Well, this is the last year of my contract. Maybe the Scorpions want to extend it.”

“Call him. I’ll go walk around and admire my new house.”

When I got off the phone, I was numb. The Scorpions had traded me. To a fucking team that didn’t even exist yet! Jesus, what would Karen do? Would she go with me? How could I do this to her? She had family here to keep her company when I traveled with the team. For Christ’s sake, we had just closed on our first home!

“Cage? Are you okay?” I kept staring at my phone in disbelief. “Babe, what’s wrong?”

I looked at her, but didn’t speak. I couldn’t lose her now. I just couldn’t.

“Cage you’re scaring me. I thought that was your agent. It isn’t your mom? Or Jaden or Ethan?”

“No. It was my agent.” I plopped down on the floor. Karen had once told me to just rip the Band-Aid off, so I did. “I’ve been traded.”

“Oh my God. Why?”

I looked up at her, needing to see her face. “Because I’m too fucking good. That’s what they said. I’m so fucking good that they got two players and a third round draft pick for me. Fuck.”

“Well, that sounds good.”

I grabbed her and pulled her to me. “I can’t lose you now. I just got you. I’ll quit. I just won’t go.”

She hugged me back. “Whoa, whoa. What are you talking about? Where you go, I go. Do you really think I didn’t know there was a chance of my having to follow you around all of North America? I’m not new to the hockey scene, Cage.”

“God I don’t deserve you.”

She smiled and kissed my head. “You’ve said that once or twice.” She took a deep breath. I could tell she was putting on a brave face for me, and I loved her even more for it. “So, where are we going?”

“Well, we’ll be a lot closer to your mom. Looks like Philly went belly up. They’re moving the team to Atlantic City. I’m now the starting goalie for the A.C. Boardwalk Breakers.”

“Well, okay then. We’ll have a house on each coast.”

I was so relived, it brought tears to my eyes. Yup, again. Badass Booker cries. Karen did that to me. She didn’t like to see me vulnerable though, even though I knew this was scary for her, too. She slipped her hand down my pants and cupped me. “Whisper something sexy to me.”

I knew her game. “I play hockey.”


Stay tuned for a new hockey series on the Atlantic City Boardwalk Breakers!




As I always do, I’d like to thank my beta readers. Without them, I’d have characters on the team that shouldn’t be there and a thirty-year old growing up with that new group from Britain, The Beatles—in 2015. They catch that shit! Believe me. And I thank God they do!

My readers deserve a super huge thank you too, obviously. Without you, who would I write for? Thank you so, so, so much for always wanting more.

Thanks to my mother-in-law who takes the time to edit my stuff for me. Her input is invaluable.

A thank you to my editor also. We had a little hiccup and he took care of it immediately. That speaks volumes about his dedication and integrity.

I also have to thank hot men everywhere. Without so many awesome, sexy men in the world, I’d have nothing to write about. I love men. Love them—especially the one I’ve been married to for over twenty years.

I have to thank Laurie Martin for coming up with Cage’s name. She won a contest way back when I wrote The Enforcer I think it was to name a secondary character who everyone loved so much that I had to give him his own book!

And to Dalton ‘Cage’ Booker—you arrogant, sexy, badass mother fucker. I adore you.


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