Cailín (Lass) (Anam Céile Chronicles) (2 page)

BOOK: Cailín (Lass) (Anam Céile Chronicles)
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assured, you may confide in me,” he expresses to it through his eyes, never
ceasing contact, as he effortlessly scales the massive mountain range. 

He senses
the creature imploring him, “So lost, lonely and frightened I be.  In meself I
do not feel safe any longer.  In the prison of me own skin, I do not wish to continue

He knows
there is a destiny in his being summoned here, to this creature so distressed,
urgently in need of his guidance and companionship to prevail over its present

Yet, as
he draws ever nearer, again panic arises in the creature, its wild eyes piercing
his like a shrill scream.  It surges to and fro, feeling ensnared on the rim of
this jagged peak. 

The monk,
not dissuaded by this abrupt behaviour, humbly moves forward with a calm so
pure it warms the air surrounding him.  Instead, he induces the creature to
reestablish eye contact with him.  Once more they connect, its eyes softening. 
The creature’s panic assuages, and is slowly replaced with hope.

As the
creature is entranced by the heartening effect of his eyes, it senses a kinship
to his soul.  In that moment, it grasps the knowledge their existence shares
the same rare, though mystifying, origins. 

with the promise of understanding so desperately needed, its anxious prancing
stills.  Now, merely a few steps apart, the monk smiles sincerely. 

creature comprehends his intention is honourable.

full awareness he has only to lift his arm for contact to be made, the creature
hurriedly considers whether it will tolerate such an interaction.  Directly, it
determines his sympathetic touch will not only be admissible; moreover, an
intense craving for this connection instantaneously manifests deep within its
soul.  Observing the contemplations of the creature, the monk still raises his
arm lightly, to reassuringly convey his offer of support.

creature feels the dense anticipation in the meagre space between them as his
fingers extend closer to its flesh.  It longs to stretch forth its muzzle to
meet them, yet for all its hunger, there still subsists a fearful

In the
seeming eternity of seconds later, the long-awaited encounter transpires.  His
fingers finally contact the sleek coat of the creature.  It eagerly presses its
nose into the heat of his palm, letting its eyes fall closed in contentment,
its breath eases as his hand gently folds over its bristly muzzle.

I know
you are weary, but come, I will show you the path.

vulnerable creature opens its eyes to gaze deeply into his, in which it sees a
new safe haven.  And in this very moment of surrendering its woes to him, the
creature’s form astonishingly dissolves, transfiguring into a young woman. 

Not in
the least stunned by this phenomenon, the monk swiftly moves to clutch her
before she crumples to the hard ground beneath.  She drops into the shelter of
his arms, melting limply against his body.

And as
this so they remain for some time, for the monk earnestly recognises her acute
necessity to simply be held close without inquisition. 

patiently awaiting the prompt indicating her readiness to be released, he finds
himself examining her.  Initially, it is her distress at the crushing heaviness
of emotions she bears that is so prominent.  He senses she has long been in
need of a true confidante and guide; he feels honoured for the privilege of
being potentially chosen to be this to her.

he unexpectedly feels himself becoming mesmerized by her inimitable beauty. 
All his senses immerse in her presence as he strives to grasp the splendour of
it all. 

her petite head are buoyant ringlets of fiery red.  The sun striking upon her,
they shine brilliantly, like the radiance of a halo upon an angel.  He marvels
at the lushness of it, the cascade of curls stream past her shoulders, tumbling
down her back and the grand finale where they provocatively brush her hips.  Never
has he seen so many locks on a woman, and of such vibrant a shade!  As his arms
are draped about her, he allows his fingers to weave through its lustrous
softness.  His nostrils are bathed in the floriated fragrance emanating from it,
intoxicating him.

his hands travel through her gorgeous mass of tresses, coming to rest upon her
back.  They commence to leisurely glide over it, feeling the smoothness of her
supple skin; glowing skin seeming to exemplify purity with its shade of
alabaster.  In his many years, he has not beheld any such vision as she,
especially the striking contrast of tints emphasised between her crimson hair
and pearl white skin.  It is an inexpressible revelation to the eyes that holds
them in awe for an indefinite moment.

hands wander further down her back.  The downfall of his will originates in the
valley below her ribcage.  The slenderness of her waist seductively leads him
to the outward curve of her hips. 

seizing control of him, the hands roam unrestrained to discover the firmness of
her buttocks, as both hands fondle their voluptuous flesh.  Like a shooting
star, a new sensation rapidly builds in him, traveling from his hands directly
to his loins.  Feeling the enticement grow, he closes his eyes, reveling in the
unfamiliar sensation now swiftly enveloping him.

To his
surprise, his ear is indulged to a long sigh of seeming feminine desire.  He
quickly tries to retrieve himself, remembering his lifetime of devotions to God
and renunciations of all pleasures of the flesh, of which— up until now— he has
not had to brace himself against the influence of its lure. 

he places his hands upon each of her delicate arms and disengages himself from
the scorching heat of her increasingly desirable form.

only serves to exacerbate his troubles, as he is now beset with the full view
of her frontal nudity, highlighted by ample milky breasts crowned with pale
rosy nipples.  While at the same time he pains to contain his hands from
reaching forth to caress their fullness, contrarily he likewise fancies taking
them into his mouth to suckle. 

he forces his eyes down.  Nonetheless, they are further lured by the scene of
her slim, yet delicately rounded abdomen which leads to a beckoning mound of
scarlet fluff, forming an immaculate triangle of enticement, at the uppermost
of her creamy thighs.  

head reels in the ambush of this unaccustomed lust.  Straining against the
fierce ache in his loins, he counters with the convictions of his soul.  He
attempts to steady himself, taking in a purposeful inhalation.  

What is
intended to control his dominating physical demands, rather to his vexation,
surges his newfound carnal appetite; for as he inhales deeply, her scent
permeates him, and his sudden yearning to taste her dominates his mind. 

She is
an angel of lust sent to rouse temptations and test the dedication of any good
man drawn to her path!

eyes resolutely close in a dwindling effort to ward off her beguiling erotic
magnetism.  In their place his ears are teased by the sound of her whimpering
at the parting of their bodies.  Compelling his mind to think rationally, he persuades
himself that she merely whimpers from the chill of exposure.  He quickly
removes his
and drapes her in the dark cloth, praying to be
dismissed of the enchantment of her tantalizing figure.

lifts her eyes to look upon him.  Only now, for the first time does he gaze
into her female eyes, finding himself instantaneously spellbound by their
cosmic alluring quality that undeniably is her most stunning feature: the
luminous topaz of her irises, which seem to reflect the gleam of her hair. 
Unfathomably, the prevailing impact of her striking eyes overshadows the
striking curves of her luscious body. 

eyes .
. .
 So hauntingly unforgettable . . .

to break free of the trance of those eyes, he urges himself to scan the rest of
her face.  Her remarkable eyes, the glittering stars amidst her immaculately
molded facial outline; placed below delicately arched chestnut eyebrows, and
set atop high, well-defined cheekbones. 

in the centre of her exquisite face, a delightfully childlike nose, with ginger
freckles sprinkled across. 

contrasting the innocence of it, below her sinfully delectable mouth, offering up
its succulent pink lips.  He knows he must call forth all of his strength to
stand face to face with her and not permit his consuming desire for her to
infringe upon the vital role he has been chosen to fulfill.

Yet again,
he is befalling enrapture— fantasizing what his primal instincts are directing
him to do with each part of her.  He feels his resolve deteriorating as he
glimpses her moist tongue as it deliberately glides along her bottom lip. 

away from her inviting mouth, once again he meets her smouldering eyes, only to
be engrossed with the obvious desire burning in them.  Urging to fling his will
to the cold wind, he draws her against him, reveling in the pleasurable torture
of absorbing the sweltering heat of her body into the throbbing ache at the
root of his groin.

As it
pleads for release, her profuse imploring moan triggers his awareness of the
peril of this looming situation.  At once, he recollects alarming legends of female
beings such as she entering their centenary
an extraordinarily rare stint of fertility wherein they are precariously
uncontrollable, entirely abandoned to their all-consuming need to copulate
heedless of the often fatal consequences to those whom they encounter. 

then, he feels her ravenous hands roving the skin of his bared body.  Agonizingly,
he asserts dominance over his raging carnal demands, knowing he cannot be ensnarled
in her hex which would assuredly bring his demise, in one way or another.

to distance his body from hers once again, this time she stands not motionless;
rather she skirmishes at the parting, aggressively thrusting herself forward to
clasp at his visible, engorged organ. 

struggles to hoist her up as she battles to grasp at his flesh.  He heaves her
form above his, her arms flailing violently in the air.  Briskly he descends
down the serrated ridge. 

accelerating the fierceness of her carnal lust, she expels a scream.  Her body
wildly writhing above his head emits with it her pheromones, once more enticing
his senses.  Its ever growing potency so excruciatingly lovely when he samples
her essence upon inhaling her scent into his throat.

aware of the urgency of these tempting circumstances, he calls upon his seldom
required unearthly speed at the foot of the ridge to reach their destination
precipitously.  A Tibetan fox scatters to hide behind a snow drift, startled by
the undistinguishable blaze disturbing the landscape. 

reflects upon the situation at hand amusingly, his excessively rapid movement
through space having nil effect on her plagued thrashing female form. 

strains to maintain focus on that which he knows he must do to contain the
dangerous condition of this creature compelled by her rampant instincts from
the already disturbed nearby village.  On this oddly still day, a gathering of inhabitants
from the nearby village gape in bewilderment at a pole of prayer flags
unexpectedly whipping vigourously in the wind.

overhead, a Griffon vulture squawks its protest at the sudden blurring of its
perusing the terrain below. 

long, and still yet, after what seems an unbearable length of time, he arrives
at an isolated place he has never had cause to visit prior to this moment, but
which has been foretold by those who have come before him. 

the modest stone cave there, he comes upon a long-ago erected dungeon, its sole
function to confine these perilous lust-crazed beings for the duration of their

So that
he may free a hand to wrench open the solid iron door, he has no choice but to
lower her from where he has held her at bay.  As he struggles to hold her tight
to him, her animalistic cravings tersely seize control, and she molests him with
her forceful hands and mauls his bare male neck and chest with her gnashing
sharp teeth, tearing open his flesh.

last, he makes progress on the heavy door, and hastily throws her inside,
quickly pulling it secure again.  Immediately she heaves herself at the
unyielding door, shrieking in anguish as she rips the
from her,
seeking to unshackle her steaming flesh from its suppression.  Staggered by the
savageness of her behaviour, he stumbles back and efforts to regulate his
discipline, raising his hand to feel the consequences of her teeth upon his
flesh for those mere seconds.

in his existence had he imagined he would ever be in the presence of a vexed
female creature lashing at the prospect of copulating with
!  Though
he understands he cannot under any circumstance indulge her— nor regrettably,
he— to such wicked penchants, he cannot avoid humouring at the stimulating

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