Callaghan Brothers Guide: The Official Guide to the Callaghan Brothers Series

BOOK: Callaghan Brothers Guide: The Official Guide to the Callaghan Brothers Series
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The Official Callaghan Brothers Guide

Abbie Zanders

Published by Abbie Zanders, 2015.

This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


First edition. June 8, 2015.

Copyright © 2015 Abbie Zanders.

Written by Abbie Zanders.

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

A Guide to the Callaghan Brothers Series

Books 1 thru 8

Table of Contents

Welcome to Pine Ridge!

The Books

The Characters

The Callaghan Family Tree


The Callaghan Crest

The Callaghan Vehicles

The Virgin Slayer

An Interview with the Callaghans

Thank You!

About the Author

Also by Abbie Zanders

Welcome to Pine Ridge!

f you’re looking at this Guide, then chances are you are familiar with my Callaghan Brothers series.  First, let me say THANK YOU, from the bottom of my heart.  Seriously.  When I started jotting down ideas years ago, I had no intention of ever publishing them.  And once I did finally gather enough courage to do so, I never,
, dreamed they would be received so well.


hy a Callaghan Brothers Guide?

While each new book in the series was written as a stand-alone, it also included information from previous releases, as well as gave new insights into familiar characters.  Over time, the family grew, new characters were introduced, and sometimes it was hard to keep everything straight, especially the timing of things.  I found I had to keep notes so I wouldn’t contradict what I’d already written – what happened when, who did what, what they drove, etc.  It proved very useful to me, so I thought it might be for readers as well.


hat’s in the Callaghan Brothers Guide?

  • A list of the books (in order) with blurbs and excerpts
  • The characters and super-short bios of each
  • A family tree
  • A timeline (no big spoilers if you haven’t read the whole series)
  • Miscellaneous info on things like the Callaghan crest, their cars, stuff like that
  • The super-secret recipe for Brian McCain’s Virgin Slayer
  • A special interview with the boys
The Books
#1 Dangerous Secrets: Jake and Taryn’s Story

Two secret pasts... one passionate love story.

Taryn Malone is stranded, broke, and desperate for help. But even if the sexy bartender she's been eyeing offers her a job for the evening... even if he seduces her with his impossibly intense blue eyes... even if every fiber of her heart tells her to stay with him... she can't.

Because Taryn Malone doesn't exist.

Jake Callaghan has been running the family's Irish pub for years now. When he sees Taryn standing out alone in the rain, he does what he's been trained to do as a SEAL - he rescues her. It has nothing to do with her full, firm curves, or her loose, golden-blonde hair, or the way she brushes against him that sends lightning bolts through his body. It's just the right thing to do.


But both Taryn and Jake are hiding secrets from each other.
Dangerous secrets.
  And neither one of them knows just how dangerous it can be to fall in love...



The closer Jake got to her, the stranger he felt.  He likened it to an electrical current flowing through his body, which, unfortunately, he had experienced.  Comparatively speaking, this instance was much more pleasant.

Who had eyes like that?
  Layered, like a custom paint job.  If he had to guess, he’d say her eyes were purplish with a couple of clear coats of smoky gray on top, the exact hue of the sky moments before a summer thunderstorm.  It had to be a trick of the lights, though, because no one could actually have eyes like that.  Thankfully, there was no trace of the haunted look he’d seen earlier, making him think he might have imagined it.

“What was that last order?” he asked, locking his blue gaze with hers.

“Excuse me?”

“The last order I took.  What was it?”  He fixed her with a level gaze. 

“Oh, come on, Jake,” began Ian, but Jake ignored him. 

The woman took a breath.  He knew, because his eyes were drawn to the subtle rise and fall of the nicely-endowed chest peeking through that jacket. 

“Two pints of Killian, one Irish coffee, a Baileys and cream no ice, and two fingers of Grey Goose with a splash of lime.” 

The corners of Jake’s mouth twitched. “What’s the secret to pulling a good draft?”

She appeared to consider his question for a moment, then leaned forward.  Jake mimicked the movement, putting his ear within inches of her lips.  Even with all the noise, Jake had no trouble hearing her low, quiet-toned answer.  “Giving it just the right amount of head.”

The twitch became a full-fledged grin. 

It was a crazy idea.  Jake didn’t tolerate just anybody behind his bar.  But he was desperate.  Plus, for some strange reason, he liked the idea of having her back with him instead of out in the rowdy crowd.  Quite a few of the men were already looking at her as if she was a tasty snack.  He rationalized the impulse by telling himself he wasn’t doing it for her or even him, for that matter; having someone like that behind the bar was simply good for business. 

“Right,” he said.  “You’re hired.  Get your ass back here.”

#2 First and Only: Ian and Lexi’s Story

You never forget your first love.

Lexi O’Connell has secretly been in love with Ian Callaghan for more than ten years.  So when he turns those sexy crystal blue eyes her way, she doesn’t have a hope of resisting, even if she knows it is only for one night.

Even if it will break her heart.  Because while she would know him anywhere, he doesn’t even recognize her.

Ian Callaghan is mischievous, playful, and irresistible to women.  When he sets his sights on the attractive young woman who has been staring at him, he doesn’t think twice about seducing her.

It wasn’t supposed to be more than one night.  And falling in love with her was definitely not part of the plan.

A few days is all Ian needs to know that Lexi is
The One
.  His
.  His soul mate.  And he doesn’t understand how she can just walk away.

But what Ian doesn’t understand might just kill her.



Ian’s eyes burned a bright, glowing blue with an intensity that she felt all the way down to her toes.  His unknotted tie hung loosely around his neck, the top few buttons of his dress shirt already undone.  She stifled a little whimper as he slid the belt from his slacks smoothly, running the leather through his hands suggestively. 

Oh, God.
  She knew what was coming.  She had practically begged him for it.

Come here

“No,” she squeaked, barely louder than a whisper.  Ian walked slowly toward her, a massive wall of pure male, his eyes never wavering, his gait predatory.  Lexi stepped backward until the wall prevented any further retreat.  He stopped mere inches from her, pressing his hands to the wall, his much larger body becoming a cage around hers without physically touching her. 

But this was Ian.  His very presence surrounded her, enveloped her, stroked her more masterfully than anyone else’s hands ever could.  What the hell had she been thinking, believing that she could ever handle this and emerge unscathed?  Each moment in his arms, each night spent sharing a bed with him only reinforced the fact that she was in way over her head.

“Have a change of heart, did you?” he breathed, the delicious scent of his hot breath causing her to lick her lips.


“Liar,” he scolded gently.  “Don’t be afraid of me, Lexi.”  He brushed a lock of hair away from her face.  “I could never hurt you.”

Lexi swallowed down the lump in her throat.  Didn’t he know that he had already destroyed her?

With infinite slowness, Ian lowered his head those scant few inches, hovering just above her lips.  “Tell me no, Lexi, and I’ll find some way to stop, I swear it.”

But she couldn’t tell him no.  Not now, not ever.  As terrified as she was, she would never deny him anything.  When several long moments ticked by in silence, Ian groaned and touched his lips to hers.  And she was forever lost.  Her hands snaked up around his neck, and Ian lifted her to him, carrying her to the bed.

#3 House Calls:  Michael and Maggie’s Story

Maggie Flynn has always been a good girl.  She leads a simple life and believes in helping others.  Under normal circumstances, she would never even consider performing the dance of the seven veils at a bachelor party.  But when her best friend begs for help and waves the promise of much-needed cash in her face, Maggie reluctantly agrees to step outside of her comfort zone and relax her lofty standards a little.

BOOK: Callaghan Brothers Guide: The Official Guide to the Callaghan Brothers Series
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