CALLEY (RIBUS 7 Book 3) (33 page)

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Chelan’s eyes went wide with terror. “Please, Jim, no!” She threw her head back and tried once more to writhe out from under him.

“I’ll show you how dogs do it, you bitch,” he raged. “And they don’t care where they stick it!” Jim positioned himself over her, his chest heaving.

And then it came: powerful bangs on the door. “Chelan!”

“Jason!” she screamed.

Jim’s head snapped back. “Shit!”

Chelan twisted once more and scrambled out from under the stunned man. “Jason!” she cried, and she lunged for the door.

But Jim grabbed her and flung her down the stairs into the living room. Then he looked wild-eyed at the door. “Get out of here, Jason. This is none of your affair!” he shouted.

“Open the door, Jim!”

Chelan cleared her hair from her eyes and then dashed to the kitchen.

Her flight caught Jim’s eye and he started for her. “Go home, Jason,” he shouted over his shoulder. “This is none of your business!”

Chelan jerked open a kitchen drawer. Through her tattered hair, she found the butcher’s knife. She adjusted it deftly in her hand, calling on all of her years of training. Though it was not a throwing knife, it would do.

She rounded the counter just as Jim came through the living room. Chelan aimed and let fly. The blade skimmed his shoulder and sank into the living room wall behind him. Jim skidded to a halt, his eyes wide. He dropped to one knee. “Fuck, Chelan,” he gasped.

“You stay down, or the next one will be dead center,” she said, and she reached over the counter and grabbed a second knife.

Suddenly, there was a large bang and a tremendous crack. Both looked up just in time to see Jason crash through the door, his eyes wild.

Jim jumped to his feet and started for Chelan. She drew a bead and began her throw.

Jason launched himself forward, flying through the air and tackling Jim. “No!” he shouted as he thudded into the man. “He’s not worth it, Chelan!” And they hurtled to the floor.

Chelan held the knife tightly and edged around the periphery of the living room to the foyer. The two men struggled, and then Jason turned Jim over and struck him hard in the jaw once, stunning him. Jim moaned and then lay still, passing instantly into unconsciousness.

Jason sprang to his feet, his chest heaving, his eyes burning with a savagery that took Chelan’s breath away. He stared at her until she was forced to look away. Then, bit by bit, the whole ugly incident slammed into her. Her breath started to come in sporadic sobs, and she began to crumble. The knife clattered to the floor.

Jason traversed the living room in a single bound, catching her and steadying her. Then he knelt down and drew her into his lap. He brushed the hair from her ashen face. “Chelan,” he called softly.

Chelan looked up at him but she was unable to speak. Her mouth was dry and the words would not come. Her eyes began to drift away in search of her assailant.

Jason shook her gently. “Chelan. Look at me.”

Chelan tried to focus back on him. Then a shiver went through her. Images of the past began to close in on her and she clutched at him, burying her face in his chest and trying to press as close to him as she could.

Jason felt his stomach knot. He held her for a long time, waiting for her to calm. When she had stilled, he drew her back and looked down into her somber eyes. His voice was a hoarse whisper. “Did he hurt you?”

A single tremor went through her again, and Jason hugged her tighter. He glanced at her legs, his eyes panning over the red marks between her slender thighs. He sucked in a slow, deep breath in an attempt to regain some control. Then he looked back at her. “Chelan. Did he hurt you?”

Chelan shook her head once.

Jason rocked her softly and laid his head upon hers. “Do you need to see a doctor?” he asked as gently as he could.

Chelan stiffened. “No. No doctors.”

Jason stroked her quaking back. Then he closed his eyes tight, barely able to contain his rage. “Chelan,” he said in a strained whisper, “did he enter you?”

She shook her head again but her nails bit into his neck so hard that he knew she had marked him. He exhaled sharply. He looked back to her thighs, her delicate legs clenched solidly together. Then he reached out and gathered her clothing. He drew the material over her, covering her. “Shhh,” he whispered, his gentle rocking resuming. “Do you want to press charges?”

Chelan suddenly pushed away from him, grabbing her clothes and clutching them tightly to her. “No. No police,” she uttered almost frantically.

Jason reached for her arms, carefully avoiding her bruises. He held her firmly. “You can’t let him get away with this, Chelan.”

“No! Please, Jason. Just take me away from here. Take me to Will's.”

Jason wanted to protest her decision about the police, but the look in her eyes riveted him to the spot. “Okay,” he whispered. “But I don’t want you to be alone right now. I think you should come to my place, just until we get this sorted. Is that okay? I won’t force you, but I really don’t want you to be by yourself.”

Chelan stared at him. Then she glanced at Jim’s prostrate body. What if he came after her? Jim had money, power, and infinite resources. Suddenly, she needed Jason in the worst way. She simply nodded.

Jason felt some of his tension drain. “Can you get dressed?”

Chelan nodded again.

“Okay. I need you to get dressed and then get your things.”

“Okay. Uh… but I have my things together already.”

“Good.” Jason stood and then reached down for her hand. He helped her to her feet, steadying her as she found her balance.

Chelan took a moment to straighten, her head swimming. Swiftly, she cleared her thoughts. She nodded to him and he released her, reluctantly.

Jason took a couple of steps back from her, poised to catch her if she teetered, but she remained stable. Then he picked the knife up from the floor and strode down into the living room. There he yanked the butcher’s knife out of the wall and returned them to the drawer. He walked over to Jim’s limp body, looming over him. “Your days are numbered,” he rumbled through clenched teeth.

Chelan dressed quickly and then moved to her things by the destroyed door. She went through her possessions one last time, making sure she had only what she needed.

Then Jason helped her with her jacket and picked up the pack. Taking her by the arm, he guided her out through the debris. Near the elevator she looked up at him. “He’ll come after me,” she croaked.

Jason's eyes narrowed. “He’ll have to go through me first.”


The trip to his apartment only took about thirty minutes, and moments after they arrived he escorted her inside. Chelan felt suddenly weak, but Jason steadied her and led her down a short hall to the living room. Chelan slumped into the couch. Jason put her pack down and watched her carefully while he peeled off his jacket. Then he sat down beside her and touched her white cheek. “How about some water or maybe some tea?”

Chelan finally looked over to him. “Water would be nice.”

Jason rounded the corner to the kitchen and ran some water. Then he sat down in front of her on the coffee table. She closed her eyes momentarily as she sipped at the drink.

Jason's jaw tightened. “What happened, Chelan?”

Chelan shook her head slowly.

Jason looked down. Then he touched her knee and gave it a gentle squeeze. “You can come to me when you want to talk. I won’t pry.”

“Thank you,” she whispered.

Jason disappeared for a moment and then returned with a pillow. “Here—you should get comfortable and rest.”

Chelan nodded and put her glass down.

Jason pointed to a room to the side. “I’ll be in there working on the computer. If you need me for anything, just call.”

Chelan smiled and then lay down, thankful for all his help, and completely at ease for the first time in months. Somehow she knew she was safe with him.


She drifted in and out of light sleep and some time later roused herself fully. She looked around the sparsely decorated room. There was a couch and a chair, one end table, and the coffee table. The furniture was nice but plain. There were no pillows, no pictures or mirrors, and no TV.
Quite a change from Jim’s
, she thought.

Chelan finally glanced down at her hands as they lay lightly on her stomach. Half of her stay on Earth was complete, and now more than ever she wanted to go home to Iceanea. She had fantasized about reuniting with her family, all of them. But from day one, her initial dream had been shattered. However, the inclusion of Marion into her confidence and her reunion with Will had been more than she had ever hoped for. As a result, things had been going wonderfully, but now this.

She did not know Jason well, and she wished neither to confide in him nor to intrude upon him. Though she felt protected from Jim with him, she needed to be on her own.

Suddenly, her thoughts shifted and she squirmed uncomfortably. She actually did need to see a doctor. Who knew what Jim had infected her with? And suddenly, she became angry. She had made a momentous blunder, and now, quite conceivably, she could pay with her life. And that was not the worst of it. She had also put Fremma in jeopardy. He had taken her to Earth against Korba’s initial wishes. If she became ill or died, Fremma’s life would hang by a thread.

She held her head and groaned. And what about pregnancy? She sat up suddenly as panic invaded her to the core. She had her little white pills, but regardless, she needed to see a doctor ASAP. But where would she even begin to look? A hospital, maybe? She glanced toward the den. “Jason?” she called.

He appeared instantly. Then he sat on the table in front of her. Chelan began to fidget. Jason took her hands in his, his eyes encouraging her on.

“I do need to see a doctor after all,” she stated quietly. “It’s the holidays, and I don’t know where to go for sure. I’m not at all familiar with Chicago.”

“Don’t you worry. I’ll make an appointment right away,” he said, and he jumped to his feet. A few moments later he returned. “I got you in today, if that’s okay?”

Chelan nodded. “You know your way around, I see.”

Jason smiled. “Lots of sports injuries over the years.”


Within moments, Jason and Chelan were off to a private clinic. Her exam didn’t take long, and soon they were back at the apartment. Chelan stepped through the door and then peered up at Jason. “Thank you, especially for making the appointment with a woman.”

Jason smiled. “I figured she would be a good choice.”

Chelan returned to the couch and sat down. Suddenly, she needed to purge her demons. She looked at him as he sat. “I was such a fool,” she blurted. “I had too much to drink last night and I ended up in bed with him.” She struggled to catch her breath. “I… I tried to get him to stop but… I couldn’t seem to function. “

Jason hung his head.

“And now,” Chelan continued, “the doctor says I have to wait a few days to see if he infected me with anything. And I have to wait at least two weeks for a pregnancy test…” She sighed. “And it will take three to six months for antibodies to show up if I’ve been infected with HIV. It’s going to be pure agony waiting all that time to hear back.”

Jason moved beside her and hugged her close. “It will all be okay,” he soothed. “We’ll work through it together.” He rubbed her shoulders for a long time. “Do you want to tell me what happened this morning?”

Chelan stared at the floor. “I was so angry at the way he had treated me last night. He had taken advantage of the situation. So I decided to tell him what I thought. I didn’t want to leave without him knowing that what he did was beyond wrong. So I told him that he hadn’t made love to me. I told him that making love was mutual, and that he had—” Her eyes flickered to Jason’s, and she cringed, unable to repeat her exact words. “I told him he had used me like a dog.”

She wrung her hands. “He blew up. He told me that we had made love, and that he would show me what it was like to get—” Chelan stumbled. “He had me on my stomach.” She took several deep breaths in a desperate attempt to complete her story. “He tried to… He was going to…”

Jason shook his head. “Shhh,” he soothed. “No more.” And he gathered her even closer. “It was not your fault,” he whispered. “He plied you with alcohol. He knew what he was doing. He didn’t want you to be an equal partner. He wanted to control you.”

“But, in essence, I let him.”

“No, Chelan. He should have never capitalized on your vulnerability. I suspect he planned it.”

“I should have never taken a single sip.”

Jason frowned. “I think he didn’t have only the evening planned. I would venture that it was more than the alcohol that got you.”

Chelan became still. “What do you mean?”

Jason looked down into her dark eyes. “You said you wanted to stop him but that you couldn’t.”

Chelan searched her fragmented memory, but it was murky.

Jason continued. “If you were able, you would have fought him off.”

Chelan squinted. “I remember trying to move, but I couldn’t. At one point I told him to stop—at least I tried to. But it’s all so hazy. You think he drugged me with more than alcohol?”

“I think so.”

Chelan gasped. “I never thought of that. Wow. I would never have expected that from a man like Jim. He has always gotten every woman he has ever wanted. Why would he even
a drug like that?”

“Because he wanted
, one way or another. Jim always gets what he wants.”

“Oh, man! And then on top of it all, this morning, I provoked him.”

Jason shook his head. “You spoke the truth, Chelan. He should have stopped. Hell, he should never have started. And even if we could look past all his manipulations, if he had any respect for you last night, he would have used protection. But nothing said could justify what he tried to do to you this morning. He was out of control.”

Chelan closed her eyes. “One hell of a Christmas,” she muttered to herself. Then suddenly she pushed away from him. “I thought you were in Montana with your family.”

He smiled. “I was for Christmas Day, but then I came back to catch up on some work.”

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