CALLEY (RIBUS 7 Book 3) (5 page)

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Chelan winced. “The Empire may be doomed with you at the helm.”

Korba hugged her tighter. “No, I suspect I shall learn.”

She laughed. “Hopefully before you lay waste to both friend and foe.”

“Yes, well, there may be some collateral damage during the acquisition phase of patience. I suspect the learning curve is going to be rather steep.”

“You will need to decompress regularly.”

He peered down at her, the soft invitation in her voice not lost on him. “What do you have in mind, my Lady?”

Chelan looked about. “Are we alone?”

“Completely,” came his deep, sensual reply.

Chelan took a step back, her hands holding his tightly. “I want you, my Lord,” she whispered seductively. Chelan watched the blue flame ignite within his eyes, and she released him, backing up in silent overture. Then she entered the en suite and dropped her shroud.

Korba followed, casting his weapons and uniform aside. Chelan slithered from her clothes and then eased into the massive hot tub, its liquid warmth flowing over her and feeding her desire. She watched as her man approached with lethal grace, his hard body a picture of masculine potency. Seven feet of spectacular fighting form poised for action, 290 pounds of raw sexual heat primed for release… and all of it zeroed in on her.

Korba entered the water, instantly grabbing her soft, voluptuous body to him, his quarry realized.

Chelan bit into the side of his neck. “I want you inside me, now.”

“Patience, my Lady,” he countered as he nuzzled her slender throat.

But Chelan did not want to wait, and she knew exactly how to push her Warlord to his frenzied limit. She reached down and ran her hands along his steel shaft, listening to his breathing take off. She took his mouth aggressively and pressed her breasts to his chest. She ran her fingers over all his erogenous zones, fondling his heavy balls and squeezing them hard. A basal growl erupted from his chest as he moved to respond, but Chelan sprang from him, leaping from the pool.

“Chelan!” he shouted, his eyes glazing as he tracked her retreat.

Chelan did not stop. Instead she sprinted from the en suite toward the giant bed. But before she reached her destination, Korba seized her. She shrieked with delight as he intercepted her, and she pushed herself vigorously away from his grip.

Korba clenched his teeth, her slippery body writhing in his powerful grasp, her ready scent propelling him to delirium. “Chelan!” he rumbled. “Don’t struggle.”

Chelan squirmed out of his clutches and dove onto the bed, but he was on her instantly, the animal unleashed. He pushed her face down into the blankets, his free hand grabbing both of hers and pinning them behind her back. She fought with all her might, but it was futile. Suddenly, her eyes opened wide as she felt his knees press between her thighs, spreading her legs wide. Then, just as suddenly, his hands released her arms and he yanked her hips up to him, his thick, rigid member piercing her swollen folds with unhindered ease.

Chelan gasped and clutched the pillows to her face, her knees barely touching the bed. His thrusts were hard, his forceful entries nearly knocking the wind from her lungs.

Korba fought to control the feral tempest within him. He looked down at the small being into whom he sank his shaft, his maleness impaling her time and time again. She had lit the fuse within him, but he banked the violence that threatened. Tangled emotions leached from him as higher-ordered thoughts rallied. She was not his prey. She was his woman, her full feminine curves his weakness.

Finally, he allowed her to take some of her weight on her knees as his hands smoothed over her satin white buttocks. Then he watched as the fragile being beneath him ceased all her fruitless struggles, her last efforts to dislodge him ineffectual.

Breathless, Chelan finally sank to the bed, drawing him down onto her. Suddenly, his motions became less frenzied, and his hands traversed under her to her breasts. Korba hunched over her, his fingers kneading her sensitive nipples, his tongue and teeth tantalizing her sweet neck.

Then he withdrew from her milky depths and flipped her onto her back. Chelan looked up into his wildcat eyes, his drenched ebony hair cascading over his powerful shoulders.

He entered her again, his penetrations less urgent, his breathing less labored. His hand stroked down her vulnerable neck and over her heaving breasts. “God, woman, you live dangerously.”

Chelan smiled coyly. “I asked you to come inside me. I got what I wanted.”

Korba finally smiled back, his eyes regaining their normal crystal blue luster. “You are going to get hurt some day, Chelan. You should not play on my instincts.”

Chelan reached up and pressed her fingers to his lips. “Shut up and make love to me, or I shall run away again.”

Korba grinned. His fingers trailed up her satin sides, over the mounds of her breasts, and along the sensitive undersides of her arms. Then he drew her arms above her head, one hand locking both her wrists to the bed. With his free arm, he reached down and hooked her leg under her knee. He drew her leg up high, pinning it just to the side of her chest, her flexibility making the movement effortless.

He stared down into her eyes as he entered her ever so slowly, over and over again, stroking her tight inner well. Then he leaned forward and kissed her long, hard, and deep.

Chelan was in heaven, floating in a sea of sensation. She wanted to touch him, but he had her immobilized for his taking. His tongue was deep in her mouth, his penis deep in her body, and his presence deep within her soul. She was beyond in love.

He released her mouth and looked down at her as he freed her hands. “Don’t move,” he ordered in a baritone rumble.

Chelan whimpered as she watched him pull out of her, his thick penis dripping with her cream, pulsing with need yet to be fulfilled. Then he rose over her momentarily, snagging her other leg and raising it to her chest like the other. He moved to his knees before her, his hands tracing up her thighs, spreading them wider and pressing them apart.

Korba looked down at her soft folds, red and swollen with desire, her nectar beckoning to him, her sexual scent drugging him. He leaned over and kissed the back of her thigh, his tongue trailing softly down her flesh. Just as he reached her femininity, he stopped… and closed his eyes, inhaling her beauty. Then, with his lips, he kissed her clit once, with a feathered touch.

Chelan cried out, her body straining toward him, aching to be filled. “I want you inside,” she pleaded. But he denied her.

He rose over her again, still holding her legs, and softly kissed her other thigh, tracing down her flesh once again, and then he kissed her as he had done before.

Chelan was panting. Her body was taut with a need so primal her muscles strained to the point of pain. She wanted to reach down and grab him by the hair, wrenching him up to her, but he had ordered her not to move, and she could only clench her fists in the bedding while he continued his sweet torture.

Korba looked once again at the delicacy splayed before him and his mouth watered. He ran his tongue over one of her outer lips, then took it in his mouth, savoring her soft flesh.

Chelan’s eyes watered. She swore that if she contracted her pelvic muscles just once, she would come, but she wanted to experience all that he was willing to give, and so she tried desperately to relax.

Korba licked her other lip, sucking on it gently before releasing it. Then he closed his eyes and grappled for control, his penis so distended it throbbed. He gritted his teeth in restraint, chaining his desire to spring up and plunge into her so deep and hard it would kill them both.

Taming his dangerous thoughts, he leaned in once again and ran his tongue up her inner folds, tasting her sweet honey as it flowed into his mouth. She cried out again in response, nearly severing what small thread of dominion he had left over the tangible beast within. Then his tongue found her hard clit, and he sucked her deep within his mouth.

Chelan lost it. “Oh my god!” she cried as she came so hard she lost her breath. He continued to suckle her as his tongue feathered over her trapped flesh, wringing out orgasm after orgasm. Finally she disobeyed, and her hands flew to his head, her fingers tangling within his ebony mane. But her touch did little to distract him from his feast, and he continued to take her.

When she finally let go of him and collapsed back in exhaustion, he released her clit, but he was not done. He moved lower on her, seeking her now overflowing depths, and there he lingered, drinking all that she gave until she could give no more. Only then did he release her legs.

Korba rose onto his knees and watched as she let her legs down and clamped her thighs tight, aftershocks still taking her. He smiled as he wiped his mouth once, the sight of his thoroughly sated woman pleasing him beyond words.

Chelan moaned, the spasms of pleasure only now beginning to abate to a reasonable level. Then she looked up at him. “You nearly killed me…” she whispered.

He chuckled. “Your punishment for running.”

Chelan nodded weakly. Then her eyes travelled down his chest to his corded abdominals, where his erection pulsed. A fresh wave of desire crested over her as she watched him reach for himself, his hand peeling back his delicious foreskin and revealing his swollen head. He was so beautifully distended his glans was purple, and Chelan felt her body ignite all over. “I want you in my mouth,” she uttered as she began to rise. But he shook his head once.

“I want to take you hard. There will be no quarter given once I begin. You simply choose the position.”

Chelan studied him as if she had never seen him before. His muscles were strung so tightly it looked as though he could explode, and she knew that was the release he sought. He was a powder keg ready to detonate, and she would be his flame.

In an instant, she flipped onto her stomach and attempted to get her feet under her, but his hand shot out and grabbed an ankle, dragging her to him. He had warned her not to run, but she wanted him to prey on her, to cleave into her, and to possess her completely. She wanted the raw male animal to impale her and release his pent-up need deep within her. She wanted to experience all his brute force, and she got exactly what she wished for.

Korba was nearly beyond reason, the buildup to this final act having rendered him hair-trigger sensitive, and her attempt to flee once again set him off. He yanked her to him and spread her thighs wide. Then he surged over her, his hips driving hard, and he speared into her, taking her to her core. One hand by her shoulder supported most of his weight; the other encircled the back of her neck, pinning her to her bed as he began his forceful thrusts, his penis knifing into her again and again, relentlessly.

Chelan gasped, her body rocked by his penetrations, but it all felt so good. She tilted her bottom up so that he could drive deeper still, his organ touching her womb, his heavy balls hitting her clit in the most wondrous of ways. But when he hunched over her, his teeth raking her back, he released a feral growl from deep within his chest, and she came instantly, her internal muscles clamping down on him with all her force.

Korba threw his head back in response, sending his thick blue-black mane flying, and he released, his powerful orgasm turning his hard body to stone. He drove into her several more times, and each time he came with just that much more intensity.

Chelan buried her face in the sheets… clenching him harder still, the feel of his pulsing penis so deep within her that it brought tears of joy to her eyes. His undulating testicles flowed over her distended flesh as he ground against her, ringing yet another orgasm out of her. Then she felt him sag down on her, his forehead on her back, his hot breath coming in spasms.

Finally, he released his fullness, and ever so gently slipped from her depths. Then he rolled to his back and reached for her, cradling her head on his chest as his arms surrounded her. The fire within him had been quenched by her wet silk, at least for now.

They took some time to get their breathing in check and then Chelan rose up and looked down into his azure eyes. “That was perfect, my Lord.”

Korba shook his head slowly. “I told you not to run,” he uttered, his voice low and cautionary.

Chelan grinned. “You may punish me that way for my insubordination any time, Sire.”

Korba’s lip quirked. “I can tell you are not going to heed my warnings. I may have to punish you thoroughly, and often.”

Chelan settled down onto his chest. “I look forward to your discipline, my Lord. I suspect you will have to mete it out almost daily.”

Korba laughed, his voice a soft baritone. “Consider it so decreed. But in the future, I shall have to refine and lengthen my session of torture over your sweet body so that you are no longer able to attempt escape.”

“Oh, come on. I rather suspect you enjoyed doling out my punishment, my Lord. Would you actually prefer if I did not attempt to release the predator within you?”

Korba peered at her. “I will repeat: you do risk injury every time you do that.”

Chelan threw him a sly grin as she moved down his body. He watched her as she nestled between his legs and raised his soft organ to her lips. “Tell me ‘no’ now,” she said, “and I will never run again.”

Korba let his head thud back as she sucked him into his mouth. “Hell, woman, you will be the death of me.”

“Was that a ‘no’?” she teased.

Korba shook his head. “You are free to run as often as you wish.”

Chelan took as much of him into her mouth as she could and sucked him hard. Then she pulled back on him and heard him groan, his flesh beginning to pulse once again. “Perfect,” she purred. “You are mine, totally and completely—mind, body, and soul.”


Evening light came all too soon, and Korba stared up at the ceiling. Chelan shifted lightly in his arms and he looked down at his woman. He had to oversee a critical perimeter check, but he was unwilling to leave the sleeping beauty just yet.

Chelan stirred again and then peeked up at him through her rumpled hair. Pulling herself up onto his body, she sagged down on him and closed her eyes. “I am so tired,” she muttered.

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