Calm Before the Storm (26 page)

BOOK: Calm Before the Storm
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Chapter Thirty-Five


Having left the Gilded Lily, Cassi had made
her way stealthily through the empty streets toward Phenex’s palace. She knew
the Eunomi were there now in combat with the Discordants. In the distance she
could hear the sounds of a fierce battle raging, storm in the night air. She
had to make sure Irina was safe. Irina was her charge, had been for the last
fourteen years since Merak found her in the orphanage and brought her home. Not
only that, but Irina was like a sister to her. Cassi had watched her grow up.
They had shared numerous experiences together and a bond that was more
important than Merak’s orders. There was no way she would leave Ophiuchus
without Irina.

Before she had traveled more than a few
streets away from the main square, Cassi was brought to a total standstill by
the now familiar and almost inevitable sight of her nemesis. “Cassiopeia.” The
velvet darkness of his tone stroked her skin, a satin caress. It was always the

“Lord of Thunder,” she replied, not moving.
They stood facing each other in stillness. “Are you going to let me pass?”
Cassi asked eventually, minutes ticking by.

“I…should not,” he replied.

“But…?” she prompted.

“I should not…” he continued, “but I will
let you go…for a price.”

“What price?” The dark warrior raised his
sword. “A piece of you.” Cassi jumped back a step.

“You must be kidding!” Before she could
move again he took a step toward her, and spun her around, pressing her back to
his front.

“But you said you’d let me go!” Cassi began
to move away but his arms clamped around her in a tight grip, his black armor
hard against her skin. “Don’t move.” His voice a soft whisper, hot breath
against her ear sending vibrations across her throat. A cold rush of air sliced
past her head as his blade cut down and the warrior palmed a lock of her hair.
“Go now,” he whispered again, “before it’s too late.” Cassi ran, but couldn’t
help pausing to look back at him before turning down a dark alleyway. What she
saw caused her heart to race.

The dark warrior was staring at the blonde
strands entwining his fingers. He stood there gazing at them a long while
before his head dropped to the silken hair caught in his palm. Although it was
too dark to see exactly what he was doing, Cassi could have sworn that when he
lifted the visor of his helmet and held the blonde tresses in front of his
face, he was breathing in her scent. The warrior stayed that way for a long
moment, then turning on his heel, headed toward the palace and the conflict

Cassi turned and fled, her heart beating
even faster. This encounter with the dark warrior had shaken her up more than
she wanted to admit. Usually their meetings involved some kind of battle.
Smelling her hair! Well that was just gross and led her to believe he was even
more of a freak than she thought. Her musings on the dark warrior almost
distracted from her original purpose, but she suddenly remembered her
destination and instead of heading for the starportal, Cassi doubled back
toward the tunnel exit she knew the Eunomi warriors were using.

She arrived before the start of the Eunomi
retreat and found the contingent on guard waiting for them, commanded by
Antares, an old friend. He raised his eyebrows at her approach.

“Cassiopeia! I was told you were to
rendezvous with us at the starportal.”

“I know but when do I ever do what’s
expected?” she asked smiling. “How’s it going in there?”

“I think, well,” Antares replied. “I just
received word from inside that Merak has both Irina and Tyr, although what
state they are in, I’m not sure.”

“Okay then, I’m going in. Can I get a
couple of blades?”

“Cassi, do you think that’s wise? They
should be exiting soon. There is no reason to expose yourself to unnecessary

“Irina is my responsibility. I have to go.
Here.” She thrust Irina’s pendant to him. “Look after that for me. Make sure
Merak gets it.” Antares supplied her with some weapons and Cassi headed into
the tunnels praying that the battle was going well for the Eunomi.

Making her way quickly through the tunnels,
Cassi entered the great hall just as the Eunomi warriors were beginning to make
inroads. Cassi skirted the edges of the battle, sword in hand, eyes searching
for Irina. Overwhelming relief when she caught a glimpse of her with Borealis.
Cassi realized thankfully that Borealis was leading Irina to the exit point
surrounded by a pair of warriors who were carrying Tyr’s large frame. He didn’t
look to be in good shape, but before she could consider how to get back to
them, her attention was claimed by a roar from the melee in the center of the

Choronzon! In the middle of the storm and
in beast form, which meant that he had an advantage even over the Eunomi
saevici. Choronzon was too big a target for Cassi to ignore. “Cassi!” She
turned to see Borealis at the exit point waving her over. “Come on—time to
leave. We have Irina and Tyr!” He was shouting frantically. She shook her head.

“Soon!” she called turning away, heading
for the middle of the fray.

Cassi paused, momentarily distracted by the
sight of Ziad on the edge of the battle being helped by a female who had one of
his arms around her shoulders and was holding him up by the waist. He was
walking unsteadily as if dazed. Before she could reach him, a dark shape
stepped out of the shadows and grabbed her by the waist, dragging her into the
shadowy corner.

“You should not be here.” Rage vibrated off
his armor, his voice an angry growl. The Lord of Thunder was not amused.
Dammit! She had thought she’d seen the last of him today but at least this time
the situation was one she understood and could control.

“I’m not yours to command.” Cassi struggled
to break his hold. “I’m here for Choronzon.”

“You will not attack him. If you do, you
will die.”

“Is that a threat?”

“It’s the truth.”

“You already have a piece of me, warrior.
How about I take a piece of you this time!” Cassi twisted out of his hold to
face him and launched an attack with her sword, which he deflected with ease.
She gritted her teeth, incensed that he could so easily push her aside, and
pressed forward aggressively, aware that his responses were merely defensive
and that if he wanted to he could crush her without a thought. Such was his
skill and strength. “Fight, damn you!” she screamed.

“I am.” His reply was too cool, too calm and
it incensed Cassi even more. Choronzon was out there within reach and this damn
warrior was holding her back. Her rage intensified. His actions both now and
before, leaving her baffled and confused.

“You tried to kill Bellor!” she shouted at
him, swinging her sword at his head.

“He is not dead.”

“You allowed one of your men to knock me

“So? You are still alive,” he pointed out.

“You. Cut. My. Hair.”

“And you are not bleeding.”

Cassi faltered, her blade clashing with his
across his broad chest. They both went still as the battle continued to rage
around them. “What do you want from me?” she whispered staring up at him.

“I want your life.”

“Why don’t you just kill me then? You’ve
had plenty of chances,”

“I said I want your life, Cassiopeia, not
your death.”

“I don’t understand you.”

A sudden shove forced them apart, a severed
shedu head bouncing off his armor spraying blood all over them. Blood and
Death. Cassi was reminded of all the times she had battled against the
Discordants, this man in particular. The faces of her fallen comrades and
Esseni who had been lost swam into her vision. The anger that had submerged
resurfaced with a vengeance. Cassi took advantage of the distraction swinging
her sword again at his neck.

“Stop!” he bellowed, his voice a roar that
vibrated through her whole body and he lunged at her forcefully, knocking her
to one side. Cassi’s sword connected with his shoulder rather than his neck but
she felt the grinding of bone as her blade sliced into his flesh through the weak
point in his armor. As they hit the wall, falling masonry crashed around them
and she was lucky that his body took the full brunt lying over hers as they
landed heavily on the stone floor.

Cassi dragged herself out from under him,
the force of his weight leaving her breathless. The Lord of Thunder lay still
on the ground, a river of red running from the gash in his shoulder. There were
three arrows in his back. Only chemosh arrowheads could have pierced his
chemosh armour, and who had those? Her eyes searched for the archer but failed
to find one. Most of the fighting was over, the Eunomi rearguard heading for
the exit. She knew she had to go. They would blow the tunnel to block pursuit
and she would be trapped if she remained any longer.

Turning her gaze to the body of the fallen
warrior, she knew she should take his head. She should make sure he was dead. A
strange sensation in her chest, a pang of…respect. Yes, she had almost
respected him for his obvious strength and skill. But he was evil, one of the highest
ranking commanders of her enemy. If she could not have Choronzon who had now
disappeared, then she could at least have him. She lifted her sword.

“Cassi! Come on!” Borealis’ voice was in
her ear, his hands grabbing her arm. “We are the last,” he yelled at her. “We
have to go now!” She gave little resistance, letting him drag her to the exit
tunnel under the covering fire of the remaining warriors. Cassi ran down the
tunnel in a daze hearing the loud explosion behind, cutting them off from any
pursuers and…him. She could not believe she hadn’t taken his head. Her greatest
enemy, helpless at her feet and she had hesitated. She knew she had made a
fatal mistake, one that was certain to come back to haunt her.

As their footsteps pounded through the
tunnel toward the exit, Cassi could hear a loud roar of anger erupting from the
depths of the palace behind them. The sound of it vibrated through her bones,
cascading through the length of the corridor, the rough frenzied growls tearing
ruptures in the night air. Choronzon was not pleased and his minions were
suffering for it. Howls of anguish echoed back, ripping through the darkness of
the tunnel, propelling them forward to the relative calm of the forest and

She blinked from the brightness of the purple-orange
glowing sunrise that met them outside. Borealis was still dragging her as they
made their way to the starportal through the trees. Finally reaching it, Cassi
found Irina still there, refusing to leave until she knew Cassi was safe. Irina
was sitting on the grass her arms cradling Tyr’s head as she spoke soothing
words to ease his pain. Tyr appeared to be in a bad way but Cassi noted from
the rise and fall of his chest that he was still breathing. She heard Tani’s
voice. “See, Irina, I told you Cassi would be fine.”

Irina drew her gaze from Tyr and smiled up
at Cassi, relief evident in her eyes. “Thank god you’re okay,” she said. “I
needed to know you were safe.”

“How is he?” Cassi asked.

“Ziad purged the poison but he’s still
unconscious. We need to get him to the healers on Lyra.”

Just as Cassi was about to go and help
Irina, someone grabbed her from behind, squeezing the breath from her chest.
“Cassi!” It was Antares. He spun her around kissing her on the
lips. “Glad to see you’re safe! You like to live too dangerously!” His brown
eyes twinkled in appreciation. He turned from her to Tani, grabbing her in the
same way.

“Antares!” squealed Tani, outraged. “I know
you’re happy to see me but don’t use it as an excuse to have your wicked way!”

“Oh you know me,” He said. “Any chance I
get to kiss a girl.”

Merak strode up. “Did you retrieve both the
pendants?” Cassi nodded. “Then we need to get them to safety and perform the
ceremony with Tyr and Irina. The Balance demands it.”

The Eunomi were leaving a rear guard in the
forest to delay Choronzon and any shedu that might try to follow. Merak left
final orders with Borealis who was to lead the remaining forces. Cassi knew
that although they were few, her Eunomi brethren were tough and had the
necessary survival skills to ensure their safe return. She found Irina still
holding Tyr close and ushered them through the starportal, thankful that this
time both her charges were still alive and that her duty to The Balance had
been fulfilled. If she thought of the dark warrior at all, it was only in
anticipation of their next encounter, when she would most definitely take his

Chapter Thirty-Six


Tyr was floating. His body in freefall.
Weightless. If this was dying, it was easy. So simple. Just let go. Slide into
the void. Leave the chaos behind. He could feel his bones liquifying, melting.
He wanted the calm. He wanted the peace. His body jerked. Spasmed. Arms
flailing in the empty space. A jolt in his sternum jumpstarting his heart.
Peace…he wanted peace…had to get to…peace. Amber eyes. His brain sparked into
activity. Amber eyes, chocolate curls. A foggy vision intruded on his freefall.
A warm palm against his cheek…heat burning his skin, grounding, solidifying,
reforming, restructuring.

Tyr’s eyes blinked open. Those heavenly
eyes hovering above. “Tyr!” A sob. Lungs inflating. Air surging inward, gasps
of heavy breath. Tyr’s chest heaved and steadied, matching the rhythmic
pounding of his heart, welcoming him back to life. “Tyr!” The voice of peace,
honey dripping into his ears.

“Did I die again?” he managed to croak. His
vision sharpened into focus, Irina’s beautiful face the most gorgeous thing he
had ever seen. She was smiling through the tears that ran down her cheeks.

“Seriously, you need to stop doing that,”
she said.

“I don’t plan on doing it again,” he
rasped, throat thick with the coppery taste of blood. “At least…not for a long

Irina brushed a soft hand across his
forehead, stroking gentle fingers through his black hair. Her face bent
downward as her lips hovered over his. “You promised not to leave me,

Blistering heat as her lips pressed to his.
Tyr’s heart pounded faster. This was what he had lived for. Irina. To be with
her. To be complete.

“Tyr, I love you so much it hurts.” A
whisper in his ear.

“I don’t want you to hurt, little dove.
I’ll just have to kiss it better. Where does it hurt most?” He smiled,
realizing how little time they had had together to just play.

Irina responded to the teasing playfulness
in his tone. “Here.” She pointed to her neck. Tyr’s lips found the place that
made her toes curl with warmth. “Mmmmm.”

“Where now?” he asked, still nuzzling her
throat. She pointed to her ear. Tyr obliged, his tongue licking, nipping her
ear, loving the way she shivered at his touch. “Next,” he demanded. She pressed
her fingers to her lips.

Tyr’s mouth found hers, the taste of her
lips ambrosia on his tongue. She matched the passionate force of his kiss, her
own mouth demanding more as her tongue sought his. Blistering heat building to
an inferno. Irina groaned as Tyr pulled her onto the bed his hands seeking
other places to heal, his new mission in life to ensure Irina was healthy and

“I need you here.” Irina’s hands were
stroking over the rounded curve of her breasts as she leaned over him,
presenting an enticing sight. Tyr redirected the warmth of his mouth, sucking
and rolling a taut nipple through the fabric of her shirt, causing her back to
arch in pleasure. Even through the wetness of the fabric, the taste of the hard
pearl only serving to increase his desire for her.

“More!” Tyr could not refuse her demand,
making sure her neglected breast was given equal attention. “Is it better now?”
he asked blowing hot breath across the swollen peak. More ripples of pleasure.

“But now it hurts here!” Irina moaned,
moving her palm down to rub the area between her legs. “It’s so wet here…” she
gasped, “so wet and ready!”

Needing no more encouragement and with a
growl of pure masculine lust, Tyr lifted her up so that she straddled his
erection. His hands slid up her thigh, pushing aside her skirt, his fingers
stroking along the seam of her panties. Within seconds Tyr nudged past the soft
cotton triangle, lifting her again so that his swollen shaft could rise to meet
the moist heaven beneath the fabric. Irina drew him in, tight muscles
contracting around his hard flesh as he thrust deeper into her welcoming core.
It felt like home.

Tyr breathed a sigh as he stilled, every
nerve vibrating with the electrical current that connected him to Irina. He
gazed up at her in wonder as she gently rocked into him, the teasing friction
shooting sparks of ecstasy the length of his throbbing erection. “God, Irina! I
love you.”

She smiled down at him, reciprocation in
her eyes, her happiness lighting a fire in his heart, her liquid gaze the
tranquil calm before the storm. They moved together in perfect synchronicity
building slowly to a crescendo that saw them orgasm in unison, Tyr’s body
shuddering on a wave of euphoria as Irina expelled his name on a sigh. Replete,
they lay silently together, limbs entangled, hearts entwined in a peaceful
state of bliss. “I can’t believe we just did that and I still have my clothes
on.” Irina laughed as she lay cradled at his side, running her fingers through
his hair.

“I need to address that situation.” Tyr
laughed with her. “I need to get you naked.”

“Well, you’re going to have to wait,” she
teased. “You’re the injured one. I should be kissing your wounds. But I think
you’ve had enough exercise for now.” She drew back too soon. “You still need to
rest,” she said. “The poison nearly killed you and Merak says you need to stay
calm in order to heal.”

Tyr pulled her back to his chest, settling
her head against his heart. “I’m not letting you go,” he said stubbornly. “Stay
here awhile.” He gazed down at her loving how she burrowed into his warmth.
“You look much better,” she whispered. “I’m so grateful to Ziad. He saved your
life by absorbing the poison before it reached your heart.”

“Then I owe him big-time, little dove. Can
you bring him here so I can thank him?” Irina sat up quickly depriving him of
her warmth. He hated the cold air that took her place.

“We don’t know where he is. We lost him
during the battle, although Cassi swears she saw him and that he was still
alive, but he hasn’t come back yet.”

“Well as soon as he does, then.”

Irina hesitated. “That was three days ago,”
she said, chewing her lip. “You’ve been unconscious that long. I was thinking
you would never wake up.” A tear slid down her cheek. He wiped it away with his

“Hey now, no tears. I’m awake now. Tell me
what happened.”

Tyr was surprised to hear Irina’s account
of Jaro’s help. He could only hope his master hadn’t punished him too severely.
The knowledge that Jaro was not the total bastard he had always thought made
him wonder who else he had had misjudged. Then he remembered Alcina. She had
played them all. Merak had been enraged when he’d found out the extent of her
betrayal. And she was still on the loose.

Later that day, they were visited by Cassi
and Tani who were both extremely happy to see Tyr alive, not only for Irina’s
sake but also for his own. While they were giving him further details of what
had happened on Ophiuchus, they were joined by Merak, whose attitude was
visibly warmer toward Tyr now. It seemed that nearly dying was enough evidence
of Tyr’s love for Irina and the one thing guaranteed to ensure Merak’s trust
and respect. Tyr knew that it made Irina happy that the man she considered her
father was now conversing happily with him. Much of the talk was concern over
Ziad. His whereabouts and status were still unknown and Merak seemed grateful
when Tyr offered his services in locating the missing healer.

“Thank you, Tyr,” said Merak. “Antares has
been deployed undercover for that purpose. We need you and Irina for other more
urgent business.” His gray eyes traveled seriously between the two of them.
“Realignment,” he continued. “The Balance is fluctuating and we need to realign
your essences. We hope that realignment of War and Peace will lead to a cascade
of other dualities aligning. We also have Eunomi searching for other potentials
and some, like your friend Luc have already been identified and are being

Tyr stole a glance at Irina. He was
relaxing on the sofa, still recovering from his ordeal, long legs stretched out
across her lap where she was giving him a foot massage. Her eyes captured his,
the heat in her gaze warming his heart. He was hers. She was his. But if they
needed to make it official… “What do we need to do?” said Tyr, speaking for
both of them. Merak seemed relieved.

“There is a short ceremony with witnesses,”
he said, “and then the rest…the rest is up to you.”

“And it means we can throw a party,” said
Tani cheerfully. “Which means, we need to shop!”

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