Camellia (26 page)

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Authors: Diane T. Ashley

BOOK: Camellia
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Silence enveloped them. Camellia wondered about her own family. The reports from Natchez were encouraging … as encouraging as possible considering they were in the hands of the enemy. Since the town had surrendered without a fight, most homes were safe. No casualties, no injuries. While a part of her wished the city council had not given up so easily, she was relieved at the lack of bloodshed.

Shouts from outside drew her attention to the window. Crewmen ran back and forth, pointing at something in the river.

She pushed her chair back and stood, aware that both Thad and Jane had done the same. “What’s happened?”

“I have no idea.” Thad strode to the door and opened it.

Camellia and Jane stood immediately behind him, both trying to hear what was being said.

Someone was in the river.

“We have to help the poor soul.” She tried to push past Thad.

“Wait, Camellia.” Thad put a hand on her arm. “This could be a ruse to draw passengers out where they can be picked off by sharpshooters in the woods.”

Her heart faltered, but then she frowned. “If that’s the case, it seems they would have picked off a few of the crewmen already.” Pulling her arm free of his grip, Camellia stepped to the edge of the boat. What she saw made her stomach heave. A gray uniform was draped across a large tree trunk floating in the water. The poor soldier’s head hung down, hiding his face, but she would recognize those distinctive auburn curls anywhere. She ran to one of the crewmen who had a boat hook in his hand. “Please help him. I know that man.”

“What?” Thad had followed her outside.

“Yes.” She pointed at the form as it drew even with the boat. “That’s Jonah Thornton.”

The captain shouted an order to halt the boat while the crewman snagged Jonah’s sleeve.

Camellia winced as they dragged his limp body aboard. Was he dead? Her heart stopped beating at the thought. He couldn’t be dead. Half-forgotten prayers surfaced as the men laid him on his back. Jonah’s face was as white as fish scales, and his eyelids remained closed. Was he breathing?

Ignoring her hoops, Camellia dropped to the deck next to him and took Jonah’s cold hand in her own. “Bring me some blankets.” She put her head against his chest and listened, not daring to draw a breath for fear of missing some evidence of life.

Dimly, slowly, his heartbeat sounded. He was alive.

“Thank You, God,” she whispered as someone spread a blanket over him.

“What’s wrong with him?” Jane stood next to her. “Is he dead?”

Camellia shook her head. She didn’t see any evidence of a gunshot wound. “His heart’s beating.”

Thad pulled her up and took her place on the deck, sliding his arms under Jonah’s shoulders. “Someone take his legs. Let’s get this man to a bed.”

Camellia and Jane followed him, their hands linked.

“What on earth is Jonah doing here?” Jane’s question echoed her own. “And why is he in uniform? I thought he wasn’t the fighting type.”

If he had decided to join the army, he certainly wouldn’t have joined the Confederacy. Not when his convictions had led him to spy on his friends and neighbors. He was a traitor. His uniform was more likely a disguise to allow him to infiltrate new areas and send vital information to the Union. She should be glad he was wounded. In fact, she ought to be hoping for his demise. But though Camellia considered herself a patriot, she could not go that far.

Thad carried Jonah into a room reserved for passengers. “You girls stay out here.”

Camellia opened her mouth to argue, but seeing the look on Thad’s face, she remained silent.

“Trust me. I’ll take care of your friend and let you know how he’s doing.” He kicked the door closed.

Jane pulled on Camellia’s hand. “Let’s go back upstairs. Maybe we can learn more about what’s going on while Thad sees to Jonah.”

They climbed the stairs to the main deck. Only a handful of passengers had joined them on this trip. They stood in a cluster at the bow of the boat, whispering and pointing at something in the water. Did someone else need to be rescued?

Camellia stepped to the rail, relieved when she saw that a small fishing boat had pulled up alongside the packet. “What’s going on?”

“There’s been a huge battle at Memphis.” A man with a large mustache pulled off his spectacles and wiped them with a handkerchief before continuing. “The Confederate navy was scuttled in little more than an hour.”

Jane gasped, and Camellia felt like crying. Their hope for a safe harbor had been snatched from them once again. What would they do now?

Chapter Twenty-four

o doctor traveled with them, so nursing their half-drowned passenger fell to Jane and Camellia. As the men discussed the next move to be taken, the two friends cleaned the scrapes and scratches on Jonah’s face and limbs. After an hour or so, Camellia sent Jane to find out what was going on while she stayed behind to watch over Jonah.

He was so still she could hardly believe he was still alive. Yet she could see the faint rise and fall of his chest under the bedcovers. If he would simply open his eyes and smile at her. Her anger and frustration faded away as she sat next to his bed and watched him breathe. She wanted him to wake up, if only so she could turn him over to Thad.

That would serve Jonah right. While she might be able to admire him for standing up for his principles and joining the wrong side of the war, she could not understand how he could reconcile those same principles to the lies he’d told his family and friends while he spied on them. She could only conclude he had no principles at all. So why did she want him to awaken so desperately?

The door opened, and Jane entered. “They’ve decided to remain here for the rest of the day and await further news.”

Camellia wondered what they hoped to hear. Did they think the original report of complete defeat was wrong? The fishermen had seemed to her to have very detailed information about the battle just north of Memphis, including the number and names of the Union ironclads.

“How’s our patient?”

“Much the same.” Camellia dipped her cloth in a bowl beside the bed and wrung it out before placing it on Jonah’s forehead again. “He still won’t awaken.”

“Don’t worry.” Jane hugged her before slipping into the chair on the opposite side of Jonah’s bed. “He’s strong. I’m sure he’ll pull through.”

“I hope you’re right.”

Silence invaded the room. As the day wore on, Camellia prayed. She tried to bargain with God, but she could not think of anything to offer Him equal to Jonah’s life.

Jane cleared her throat. “You should get something to eat.”

“I’m fine.” The growl of her stomach belied her words, but Camellia ignored the sound. “Why don’t you take a break?”

The door opened, and Thad’s shoulders filled the space. “Is he any better?”

“He’s no worse,” Jane answered for both of them.

“Perhaps in his mind he’s still in the belly of the whale.”

Camellia looked up at Thad’s words. “Like Jonah in the Bible?”

Thad nodded. “Jonah of Nineveh spent three days and three nights there. Maybe your friend is frightened of waking up and finding himself swallowed alive. Maybe he’ll wake up in a few days all rested and ready to return to the fighting.”

Her heart took wing, and Camellia sent a grateful smile toward Thad. “I hope you’re right.”

He held out a hand to her. “I’m sure that’s all it is. We found no sign of a serious injury. Jonah Thornton is just showing us how stubborn he is.”

Camellia allowed him to pull her up.

“I think it’s time you took a break.”

“I’m fine.”

“I know that very well, Miss Camellia Anderson.” He smiled down at her. “Few women would expend so much energy over an unresponsive soldier. You’re a shining example of patience and hope. But even though you are very fine indeed, I believe you should come with me now for a walk around the deck. Jane will let us know if Jonah’s situation changes.”

Allowing herself to be pulled out of the room was a little like departing from her family when she left to attend finishing school. But she knew Thad was right. She had been stooped over Jonah’s bed for hours. With one last glance at his pale face, she turned and left on Thad’s arm. As she walked, the knots and kinks in her back, arms, and chest began to loosen. “Have you any more news?”

“Yes, and it’s not good.”

Camellia felt her worries descend once more. “What will we do? Where can we go that is safe?”

“The captain has an idea about that.” He patted the hand resting on his arm. “Are you familiar with Jacksonport in Arkansas?”

She shook her head. “Where is it?”

“It’s on the White River. We’ll overnight here and return south tomorrow to the place where the White River empties into the Mississippi. As soon as we leave the main course of the river, I think we’ll be safer. Although we’ll have to take our time and make sure the Yankees haven’t gotten ahead of us once more, it should be an uneventful voyage. And the advantage is that the passengers can disembark there. I can join the forces in Jacksonport and return to my duties knowing you and Jane are safe.”

Camellia nodded. Perhaps Jacksonport boasted a doctor who would know how to treat Jonah’s injuries.

As though he could read her mind, Thad sent a keen glance in her direction. “I know you and Jane are not experienced nurses, but I appreciate your efforts with Mr. Thornton. Who knows? One day I may be the unconscious soldier in need of care.” He raised her hand to his lips and pressed a warm kiss on it. “I would like to think it might come from someone as lovely and caring as you.”

Blushing, Camellia looked away. If only Thad realized what kind of man Jonah really was, he’d probably throw him back into the river. But she couldn’t tell him what she knew about Jonah. The information she was hiding from Thad was like a wall between them. A wall she wasn’t sure she wanted to breach.

The little packet crept around the curves in the river, sliding down its length like a snake, taking to the bayous whenever other boats were spotted.

Camellia kept watch over Jonah, but he remained unchanged. This morning Jane had brought her sewing basket with her and was even now busily plying her needle. Wishing for something to divert her own attention, Camellia decided to go look for writing paper and a pen. She could send word to her family of her whereabouts so they wouldn’t worry.

“I’ll be back in a few moments.” She spoke in a normal voice. Perhaps they were being too quiet in the room since they wanted Jonah to awaken.

Jane nodded.

Camellia walked down the passageway of the small boat and decided to take a turn on the lower deck to breathe some fresh air. The river here was so wide it looked like a long lake. Oak, walnut, sweet gum, and magnolia trees shaded the banks, their wide trunks making a convenient cover for their boat. Of course, they also provided excellent hiding places for ambushes. Even though the day was warm, her thoughts made the skin on her arms prickle.

“We’re about to reach the mouth of the White River.” Thad’s deep voice made her jump. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.”

A giggle threatened to escape, but Camellia managed to choke it down. “It wasn’t your fault. It’s just so quiet. I was thinking about soldiers hiding in the woods with their rifles trained on us.” She leaned against the rail and tried to see past the wall of hardwoods.

Thad moved closer, his arm brushing hers.

A tingle that had nothing to do with warfare spread from her fingers upward, and Camellia caught her breath. Was she actually beginning to feel something truly romantic for Thad?

If he noticed, he said nothing.

They stood that way for several minutes, neither speaking, as the river widened even further. The riverboat turned westward and poured steam into its engines to break free of the Mississippi’s powerful current. After several moments, the water narrowed, the trees closing in on either side of them.

A crewman appeared with a sounding weight and began taking readings, calling out the depths in a distinct voice so the captain could avoid shallows and sandbars. From having watched her own father on Lily’s steamship, Camellia knew this captain would also be keeping an eye out for snags formed by fallen trees and floating debris.

The thrash of the paddle wheel faded into the background as the sounds of the swamp surrounded them. The plop of alligators and snakes falling into the water as they fled for safer bayous. The caw of birds warning their brethren of approaching danger. The scream of a large cat, either a panther or a bobcat. The swamp was a place of darkness, danger, and mystery.

Camellia moved a tiny bit closer to Thad for security, her heart thundering. She didn’t like swamps.

Thad slid an arm around her and pulled her close. His presence was warm and reassuring. His closeness calmed her heart and allowed her to breathe more easily.

She let her head fall onto his shoulder, so tired from her vigil at Jonah’s bedside that she didn’t give a thought to the impropriety of her action. Or what signal she was sending to Thad.

His hand under her chin should have been a warning. When Camellia looked up to see what he needed, she realized what was happening. Thad’s gaze scalded her, setting off a warning in her head. But it was too late for her to fight now. Besides, wasn’t this what she wanted? Thad was an honorable man. Kissing her would be tantamount to a betrothal. She would become Mrs. Thad Watkins, perhaps before they even returned to the waters of the Mississippi.

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