Can't Let Go (40 page)

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Authors: Michelle Lynn

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College, #Can't Let Go

BOOK: Can't Let Go
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MY MIND STARTED racing as soon as she said she was ready. Everything I’ve been waiting for with her is finally becoming reality. Prior to this point, every time I brought it up, she would shrug her shoulders or tell me we’ll talk about it later. The problem is we don’t have the funds or the time to plan some elaborate wedding like Brady and Sadie. But it needs to be special, and I don’t want to stress her out. She’s in the middle of her senior year while taking care of three kids and doesn’t need more on her plate.

So the next day when I get to work, I text my sidekick, who currently has her hands full as well. After a quick text, my phone rings, and I’m instructed I need to come over immediately. Cutting out a little early for lunch, I arrive at The Bishops’. Before I can knock on the door, Jessa opens it and ushers me in.

She puts her clasped hands next to her head and points to the pack 'n play in the corner. Obviously, their new bundle of joy is asleep. Jessa looks like hell on wheels, not that I would tell her that. Her brown strands are stuck up in all different directions and she’s wearing a grey t-shirt that can’t camouflage the amount of stains on it. Lastly, a pair of pajama pants that look likes she slept in them for the past week.

“Don’t judge, you of all people should know what it’s like having kids,” she comments once we get into the kitchen.

“I’m not judging. You look beautiful as always.” I kiss her on the cheek and she pushes me away. Our friendship may have changed when the loves of our lives entered, but it’s still just as strong as ever.

“Liar, but I’ll take it.” She sits down and presses me for information on what my plans are and things like, did I have the ring. Just as I’m going to try to get her advice, Baby Bishop wakes up, and Jessa’s head falls to the table.

I stand up and retreat to the room to grab the little one. She calms once in my arms. Just as I’m about to escape the room, I see a white image in a plastic bag peeking out from the hall closet. I don’t think much of it, until Jessa runs over, shoving it in the closet and slamming the door.

“Dramatic,” I comment, scrunching my forehead. “I really don’t think Brady would care if I saw Sadie’s dress.”

“It’s not Sadie’s,” slips out and then covers her mouth. “Shit!” She covers her mouth again. “I keep swearing around the baby,” she slumps her shoulders.

“I doubt she understands you. If it’s not Sadie’s, whose—” I stop myself realizing exactly whose dress is in the closet. Then her words ‘Whenever you’re ready, I’m there’ ring in my ears. “She bought a dress?” I ask.

Jessa bites her lip and nods. “Please, don’t say anything. You aren’t supposed to know. She doesn’t want to pressure you into proposing—” she rambles.

“This is fucking fantastic,” I reply, and Jessa gasps, pointing to the baby. “Relax, Jessa, she doesn’t understand what I’m saying.”

Then my whole plan links together, but there are a few arrangements I need to make sure I can swing first. I leave an exhausted Jessa with the promise that we’ll go shopping tomorrow.



TWO WEEKS LATER, we’re on the way to my parents. Kailey sits there, looking at the green hills passing us by while the kids are sleeping in the back. We’re smart enough to plan the times of arrival and departure to their nap times. Chloe’s becoming a little harder to get to fall asleep, but she eventually knocked out while watching some new Disney show on the DVD player.

I grab Kailey’s hand and bring it up to my lips. “I love you,” I say, and she smiles back at me.

“I love you, too.”

The fact that if all goes right, in less than forty-hours she’ll be Mrs. Trey Michaels thrills me more than I ever thought it could. When I think about how once upon a time I didn’t believe in marriage, I shake my head in disbelief. I guess they’re right when they say you can meet the one person who makes you question everything in your life. Kailey’s done that for me, and I hope I’ve done that for her.

“What are you thinking about over there?” she asks, staring over at me.

“How lucky I am,” I remark, and she laughs.

“Oh, always the sweet talker.”

“Only to you,” I profess truthfully.

We pull up to my parents’, and they’re both at the back doors before we can get out. I press the button, and the doors slide open. My mom grabs Drew and my dad picks up Tara while Chloe wakes up and gets herself out, taking my dad’s hand.

“Nice to see you, too,” I call out to the five of them walking into the house.

“Hi, Trey. Hi, Kailey.” They wave to us, opening their front door.

Kailey and I grab the bags, laughing on our way in. “How about we sneak to the tree house tonight?” I whisper in her ear and a flush rises up her neck.

“Do you think your parents would mind?” she questions, and I stare directly at her.

“I think they’d prefer it,” I joke and my eyes lingering on her.

“Well then, I’d love to.” She seductively licks her lips and bites her bottom one, knowing exactly what that does to me.

“Be careful, two can play that game,” I remind her.

“You know I’m always game.” She starts walking faster to the door.

“You do remember that I always catch you,” I call out, and she turns around.

“Catch me now.” She drops her bags and jumps into my arms. My own bags fall to the cement driveway, and my hands grab her ass immediately. “What is it about your parents’ house that has me not being able to keep my hands off you?” she asks right before my mouth smashes against hers. I’m not sure my body will win the fight until we make it to the tree house, because with three kids in the house, it isn’t often she can scream my name when I make her come.

After too short of a kiss, I pull back. “I don’t know, but I might have to move us all here.” I kiss her again, and she sneaks her tongue into my mouth. I’m not about to deny her, so I mingle mine with hers and her hands find the back of my hairline. Since I’ve grown it out a little, she loves tugging at the strands a little now.

Eventually, we make our way into the house and place the bags in the designated rooms. We have dinner with my parents while Kailey’s giving baths, I give my mom the last of the directions in regards to what needs to be prepared for tomorrow.

“Oh, it’s so romantic. I’m so happy for you,” my mom fawns over me, hugging and kissing my cheek.

“Okay, they’re all bathed and ready for their songs and bed time story.” Kailey comes in and notices my moms face. “Elena, what’s the matter? Why are you crying?” She rushes over to her side and places her hand on my mom’s shoulder.

“Nothing, Kailey. Trey was telling me a story about the kids. You know these menopause hormones have my emotions everywhere,” she lies.

“Oh, I’ve heard about that and the hormone replacements—” Kailey begins to chime in.

“And that’s my cue to leave,” I say, walking out of the room.

My dad and I read a few stories, and I sing lullabies. Although Chloe has her own, the others wanted ones of their own too. Tara and Drew prefer the typical twinkle, twinkle little star and traditional lullabies, but I’m working on finding songs that fit them as well.

When I make my way downstairs, I grab the duffle bag my mom packed me, double checking the ring is tucked inside the zipped pocket. Swinging it over my shoulders, I go in search of my girl. She’s talking with my mom when I step into the kitchen. The sight of them laughing and carrying on makes my heart swell that much more for her.

“You ready?” I call out, and Kailey immediately stands up.

“Yep,” she says, smiling widely and then turns to my mom. “Are you sure you don’t mind?” she asks.

“Not at all. You guys go have fun. We’ll be fine.” She ushers us out. My parents come up to Western all the time, and we come out here pretty often, so the kids are comfortable with them, and since Chloe’s nightmares have been subsiding there shouldn’t be any problems.

“I’ll have my phone—”

“GO!” My mom motions for us to leave.

I enter the garage code and head over to the key box. “Green Monster?” I ask her.

“My favorite.” She hops on the back.

We make the ride to the tree house with Kailey’s body pressed against mine while her fingers roam up my shirt. I may have made it in record time with the eagerness of having her naked in my arms and me being buried inside of her.

We climb the stairs, groping and grabbing each other while sneaking kisses at each landing. Once we get inside, I lay down the blanket, but see someone has been here before me. There are rose petals strewn across the wooden floor with two candle sticks ready to be lit next to a dish containing an assortment of small cakes and strawberries. There’s a sign taped to a switch. It reads ‘Turn on here’, so I flip the switch and hundreds of twinkle lights shine throughout the tree house.

“Trey!” she exclaims while placing her hand over her chest.

“It wasn’t me,” I admit. I didn’t ask anyone to do this, but it’s going to make this that much better!

She rushes over and sits down perusing the different cakes while I fumble around in the bag. “Oh my God, this strawberry one is so good,” she mumbles as cake crumbs fall from her mouth, but she catches them in her hand.

She looks adorable, and I can’t wait anymore. I don’t want to waste our night with the pit of my stomach in knots. I want to know she’s agreed to be mine, so we can lazily lie on this blanket, making love all night while feeding each other cake and strawberries. So, without much thought, I pull the ring out from the box and hold it tight in my hand.

Walking over, I take a seat next to her, and she feeds me part of the strawberry one. “Um … that is good. Did you try the others?” I attempt to distract her. She turns back to the plate and her head bobs back and forth, trying to decide on which one to try next. Using one hand, I turn her face toward me and distract her with a long, hard kiss while I prop the ring in one of the cakes. My heart races with excitement for what I’m about to do.

“Mmmm, you taste delicious. Maybe I should pick the next one.” We both look down at the selection of cakes, but one stands out now.

“How about that one?” I say, and her shaking hand picks up the diamond solitaire settled in white gold. She turns toward me and wetness glosses over her green gems of eyes.

“Kailey, please take me as your husband. I can promise you I’ll never give up trying to give you anything your heart desires. I know I’ll never stop loving you. You said whenever I was ready, I’m ready. What do you say, let’s take the next step in our happily ever after?” I take the ring from her hand and place it at the tip of her left ring finger.

She nods as tears fall down her cheeks. “Yes,” she whispers, and I slide the ring onto her finger.

“Thank you for trusting me with your heart,” I say, cupping her cheeks with my hands. I wipe the tears from her eyes with my thumbs, excited to take this next step with her.“Thank you for accepting it,” she stutters and more tears escape.

“I never had a choice. It’s only meant for me, just took me a while to find it.”

“I love you, Trey,” she whispers.

“I love you the very soon-to-be Mrs. Trey Michaels.” I end the talking because I need her now.

We kiss and soon clothes are being taken off. I make love to my soon-to-be wife numerous times, cherishing her body and trying to convey how much it means to me that she’s trusting me with her future.



THE NEXT MORNING, I let Kailey sleep a little while I text instructions to everyone under the sun. I glance at the plate of cakes, noticing all the strawberry ones are gone. Popping a vanilla one in my mouth, my fingers continue to type away. Today has to be a surprise, otherwise this was all for naught.

Kailey stirs, and I shove my phone in my bag, finding my way over to her. Kissing her forehead, I cozy up next her, and she nuzzles into me. “Good morning, beautiful,” I say, and she kisses my cheek.

“Good morning, handsome,” she groggily responds. “I really hope your parents can help us with the kids today because you wore me out last night.” She wraps her arms around me, and the warmth spreads from our naked bodies.

“Oh, I’m sure you’ll have some relaxation time today,” I slyly say. “So, I have another question for you,” I say while my fingers gently move up and down her arm.

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